JaSiEk1996 [ Too Tough To Die ]
P³ytoteka Rocka i Metalu [cz.10]
W tym w¹tku g³osujemy na najlepsz¹ p³ytê Rockow¹ b¹dŸ metalow¹
1. P³yta mo¿e byæ zarówno wykonawcy polskiego jak i zagranicznego
2. Na liœcie mog¹ znajdowaæ siê maksymalnie dwie p³yty tego samego wykonawcy.
3. Nie dodajemy p³yty, która ju¿ wygra³a.
4. Nie dodajemy sk³adanek ,kompilacji oraz singli
5. Zbieramy 8 propozycji wed³ug wzoru : wykonawca - tytu³ (Rok) [Nick], minimalnie dwa linki do piosenek z p³yty i ok³adkê.
6. Ka¿dy mo¿e dodaæ tylko jedn¹ propozycjê.
7. Po dodaniu 8 propozycji rozpoczyna siê g³osowanie.
8. Nie mo¿na g³osowaæ na p³ytê, któr¹ sami dodaliœmy
9. Ka¿dy g³osuje na 3 najlepsze dla niego p³yty daj¹c najlepszej +3,drugiej +2, i ostatniej +1
10. G³osowanie trwa 24 godziny.
11. Po 10 czêœciach tworzona jest Edycja Specjalna w ,której g³osujemy na 10 poprzednich zwyciêzców
Cz.1 - Slayer - Reign In Blood (1986) [mefsybil]
Cz.2 - Megadeth - Rust in Peace (1990) [JaSiEk1996]
Cz.3 - Dio - Holy Diver (1983) [szymonmac]
Cz.4 - Rainbow - Rising (1976) [pawcyk3]
Cz.5 - Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms (1985) [szarzasty]
Cz.6 - Iron Maiden - The Number of the Beast (1982) [mefsybil]
Cz.7 - Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin IV (1971) [synoth]
Cz.8 - Guns N' Roses - Appetite for Destruction (1987) [JaSiEk1996]
Cz.9 - Testament - Low (1994) [szymonmac]
Poprzednia Czêœæ:
Igierr [ Im God Of Rock ]
1. Acid Drinkers - Infernal Connection (1994) [szarzasty]
2. Metallica - Kill 'Em All (1983) [Igierr]
mefsybil [ Legend ]
Zag³ada! \m/
1. Acid Drinkers - Infernal Connection (1994) [szarzasty]
2. Marduk - Plague Angel (2004) [mefsybil]
Steel Inferno
szymonmac [ Legend ]
1. Acid Drinkers - Infernal Connection (1994) [szarzasty]
2. Metallica - Kill 'Em All (1983) [Igierr]
3. Marduk - Plague Angel (2004) [mefsybil]
4. Black Sabbath - Mob Rules (1981) [szymonmac]
[ed] A, tak literówka :P
pawcyk3 [ Prawie jak Steven Seagal ]
1. Acid Drinkers - Infernal Connection (1994) [szarzasty]
2. Metallica - Kill 'Em All (1983) [Igierr]
3. Marduk - Plague Angel (2004) [mefsybil]
4. Blach Sabbath - Mob Rules (1981) [szymonmac]
5. Kyuss - Welcome to Sky Valley (1994) [pawcyk3]
kresj [ Pretorianin ]
1. Acid Drinkers - Infernal Connection (1994) [szarzasty]
2. Metallica - Kill 'Em All (1983) [Igierr]
3. Marduk - Plague Angel (2004) [mefsybil]
4. Black Sabbath - Mob Rules (1981) [szymonmac]
5. Kyuss - Welcome to Sky Valley (1994) [pawcyk3]
6. Aerosmith - Toys in the Attic (1975) [kresj]
pawcyk3 [ Prawie jak Steven Seagal ]
synoth [ Disposable Hero ]
1. Acid Drinkers - Infernal Connection (1994) [szarzasty]
2. Metallica - Kill 'Em All (1983) [Igierr]
3. Marduk - Plague Angel (2004) [mefsybil]
4. Black Sabbath - Mob Rules (1981) [szymonmac]
5. Kyuss - Welcome to Sky Valley (1994) [pawcyk3]
6. Aerosmith - Toys in the Attic (1975) [kresj]
7. Rise Against - The Sufferer & The Witness (2006) [synoth]
Prayer Of The Refugee
Ready To Fall
Under The Knife
pawcyk3 [ Prawie jak Steven Seagal ]
Kolejny up.
JaSiEk1996 [ Too Tough To Die ]
10 czêœæ, a tak wolno :)
1. Acid Drinkers - Infernal Connection (1994) [szarzasty]
2. Metallica - Kill 'Em All (1983) [Igierr]
3. Marduk - Plague Angel (2004) [mefsybil]
4. Black Sabbath - Mob Rules (1981) [szymonmac]
5. Kyuss - Welcome to Sky Valley (1994) [pawcyk3]
6. Aerosmith - Toys in the Attic (1975) [kresj]
7. Rise Against - The Sufferer & The Witness (2006) [synoth]
Prayer Of The Refugee
Ready To Fall
Under The Knife
8. Judas Priest - Painkiller (1990) [JaSiEk1996]
szymonmac [ Legend ]
5. Kyuss - Welcome to Sky Valley (1994) [pawcyk3] +3
2. Metallica - Kill 'Em All (1983) [Igierr] +2
8. Judas Priest - Painkiller (1990) [JaSiEk1996] +1
JaSiEk1996 [ Too Tough To Die ]
5. Kyuss - Welcome to Sky Valley (1994) [pawcyk3] +3
6. Aerosmith - Toys in the Attic (1975) [kresj] +2
3. Marduk - Plague Angel (2004) [mefsybil] +1
Khameir [ 5150 ]
2. Metallica - Kill 'Em All (1983) [Igierr] +3
7. Rise Against - The Sufferer & The Witness (2006) [synoth] +2
6. Aerosmith - Toys in the Attic (1975) [kresj] +1
synoth [ Disposable Hero ]
2. Metallica - Kill 'Em All (1983) [Igierr] +3
4. Black Sabbath - Mob Rules (1981) [szymonmac] +2
6. Aerosmith - Toys in the Attic (1975) [kresj] +1
pawcyk3 [ Prawie jak Steven Seagal ]
4. Black Sabbath - Mob Rules (1981) [szymonmac] +3
8. Judas Priest - Painkiller (1990) [JaSiEk1996] +2
2. Metallica - Kill 'Em All (1983) [Igierr] +1
szarzasty [ Mork ]
4. Black Sabbath - Mob Rules (1981) [szymonmac] +3
8. Judas Priest - Painkiller (1990) [JaSiEk1996] +2
2. Metallica - Kill 'Em All (1983) [Igierr] +1
K4B4N0s [ Filthy One ]
2. Metallica - Kill 'Em All (1983) [Igierr] +3
1. Acid Drinkers - Infernal Connection (1994) [szarzasty] +2
7. Rise Against - The Sufferer & The Witness (2006) [synoth] +1
rKlonos [ Prince Of Darkness ]
8. Judas Priest - Painkiller (1990) [JaSiEk1996] +3
2. Metallica - Kill 'Em All (1983) [Igierr] +2
7. Rise Against - The Sufferer & The Witness (2006) [synoth] +1
Playboy95 [ Master of Puppets ]
2. Metallica - Kill 'Em All (1983) [Igierr] +3
4. Black Sabbath - Mob Rules (1981) [szymonmac] +2
1. Acid Drinkers - Infernal Connection (1994) [szarzasty] +1
mefsybil [ Legend ]
5. Kyuss - Welcome to Sky Valley (1994) [pawcyk3] +3
1. Acid Drinkers - Infernal Connection (1994) [szarzasty] +2
2. Metallica - Kill 'Em All (1983) [Igierr] +1
kresj [ Pretorianin ]
2. Metallica - Kill 'Em All (1983) [Igierr] +3
5. Kyuss - Welcome to Sky Valley (1994) [pawcyk3] +2
8. Judas Priest - Painkiller (1990) [JaSiEk1996] +1
JaSiEk1996 [ Too Tough To Die ]
Koniec, wygrywa p³yta Kill 'Em All, nowa specjalna: https://forumarchiwum.gry-online.pl/S043archiwum.asp?ID=9906504&N=1