pasterka [ Paranoid Android ]
Gdzie jest Water Stone w Silverze??
staryu mi nie chce ewoluowac:((, mam znalezc water stone, szukalam na route 25 i nic:(( jestem juz w kanto
czy tych glownych kolesiow mazna pare razy pokonywac, bo calkiem niezle doswiadczernie z tego wychodzi:))
Piotrasq [ Seledynowy Słonik ]
A co to za gra ?
Piotrasq [ Seledynowy Słonik ]
Dopiero teraz zauważyłem kategorię wątku :) Już mnie tu nie ma...
pasterka [ Paranoid Android ]
Pokemony Silver:)))
pasterka [ Paranoid Android ]
buuuu, nikt nie umie/nie chce mi pomoc???
pasterka [ Paranoid Android ]
upierdliwie bede to podnosic, bo moja staryu ledwo juz nadaza za reszta pokow:))
Siostra [ Centurion ]
Michal ma troche naklejek z Pokemonami, chcesz sie z nim powymieniac ?
Kane [ Beautiful St-Ranger ]
Anek [ Generaďż˝ ]
pozwole sobie zacytowac fragment solve'a z gamefaqs (link ponizej).
SIDE QUEST: In Bill's house is someone house-sitting, who's been reading
about Pokemon. He wants to see Lickitung, so bring him one to get an Ever-
Stone, which prevents evolution. After that, he'll want to see other
Pokemon, in riddle form. The answers are below.
"The one with leaves coming out of its head."-Oddish. You'll get a Leaf
Either "The one with many tails" or "The one with big jaws." This varies
depending on your version, but it's either Vulpix or Growlithe. For this,
you get a Fire Stone.
"The one with the multi-colored core, that's shaped like a star."-Staryu.
Your reward is a Water Stone.
"The really popular one, before it evolves."-Baby Pokemon Pichu. Collect
a Thunder Stone for your efforts.