Black Cock [ Legionista ]
Joł, oceńcie tekst po angielsku.
The film "Sense and Sensibility" is about the history of Dashwood sisters, who after the death father have to share your house with his half-brother and his mother. Mrs. Fanny turns out to be very domineering and she doesn’t want to provide assistance Dashwood family.Elain falls in love with Fanny-brother Edward. The situation at home it is getting critical, and the widow and her daughters are moving out to his cousin. There, the second of the sisters falls in love with Willoughbim. Their adventure are very interesting. I liked this film because of time in which it was submitted. Characterization attracts the attention and favor, also In film we have a wonderful landscapes. I recommend this film for people, who like british literature.
proszę o poprawę błedów. dziękuję pozdrawiam
black cock
bebzoon™ [ Pretorianin ]
drogi czarny fiucie, jak one mogą dzielić mój dom ?
Black Cock [ Legionista ]
Witam, jeżeli widzi pan błąd to proszę poprawić, będę wdzięczny :)
Wiil.i.aM [ P! ]
@down -> Poprawił. Mi się czytać nie chciało :D
Aen [ Anesthetize ]
The film "Sense and Sensibility" is about the history of Dashwood sisters, who, after the death of their father, have to share the house with their half-brother and his mother. Mrs. Fanny turns out to be very dominating and she doesn’t want to provide assistance towards Dashwood family.Elain falls in love with Fanny's brother Edward. The situation at home is getting critical, and the widow and her daughters have to move out to their cousin's place. There, the second of the sisters falls in love with Willoughbim. Their adventures are very interesting. I liked this film because of the time in which it was submitted. Characterization attracts attention. In this film we have wonderful landscapes. I recommend this film for people, who like british literature.
Nie znam tego filmu (Duma i uprzedzenie? W takim razie nie pamiętam), nie wiem więc czyje są bracia, siostry, wujkowie i ciotki, wszędzie wstawione jest że tych sióstr.
Pan P. [ 022 ]
Aen --> Duma i Uprzedzenie to Pride and Prejudice. :-)