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Wszystkie kody do gry Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.


Lemur95 [ Legionista ]

Wszystkie kody do gry Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

To są chyba wszystkie kody na przedmioty do tej gry.

Table of Contents:
I. Version History & Introduction
II. Enabling Cheats
III. Code List & Explanation
IV. "giveitem" Code List
IVa. Implants/Utility
IVb. Masks/Sensors
IVc. Hands (Gauntlets)
IVd. Arm Bands/Special Weapons (Droids)
IVe. Body/Plating
IVf. Belts/Shields
IVg. Melee Weapons
IVh. Ranged Weapons
IVi. Lightsabers & Crystals
IVj. Medical/Repair
IVk. Mines & Grenades
IVl. Stimulants/Utilities
IVm. Upgrades
IVn. Miscellaneous
Part I: Version History & Introduction

Version History:
V0.5(11/29/03) - First Release. Majority of codes and information.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (SW:KOTOR) is an RPG for the XBOX and
PC. It takes place 4,000 years before the Original Star Wars Trilogy movie
timeline, and is focused on the war between the Republic and the Sith, led by
Darth Malak. In the PC version of SW:KOTOR, you can use an ingame cheat console
to add, modify, or get more information about a wide variety of data in the
game. If you are looking for a specific code, use your browser's Find function,
which is usually accessed by pressing Control+F or Command+F on your keyboard.
Alternatively, you can find this in most browsers in the Edit menu at the top
of the screen.

NOTE: When you use cheats, the text "CHEATS USED" will appear over your file's
picture in the load and save game menus. To remove this, you will need a hex
editor. I suggest using Hex Workshop ( for a trial version).
Then, you need to go to offset 112 (0x00000070) and change the value from 0100
to 0000. This will remove the cheats used text, but it will reappear after the
next time you use cheats.

Part II: Enabling Cheats

Before you can use codes in SW:KOTOR, you must first enable them. Open notepad
or any other plain text editor (Textpad, Wordpad, BBEdit, etc.), and open the
file "swkotor.ini" in your SW:KOTOR folder (by default C:\Program
Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR). In this file you will see sections with titles in
brackets ([title]). Go to the [Game Options] section, and add the line
under the last setting (Disable Movies=0 by default). Then save the file and
close your program. Cheats are now enabled! To use cheats ingame, hit the tilde
key (~) on your keyboard (usually to the left of the 1 key), and a greater than
character (>) will appear in the top-left corner of the screen. Then just type
one of the codes with the proper syntax and enjoy!

Part III: Code List & Explanations
Replace x with a number:

Code Effect
addarkside x add x amount of dark side points
addlevel x add x levels
addlightside x add x amount of light side points
addexp x add x amount of experience points
dancedancemalak Skip fighting of final battle (Against Malak)
infiniteuses All limited use items (medpacs, grenades, stims, etc.) do
not expire
turbo Characters move three times normal speed
givecredits x Add x amount of credits to total credits
givecomspikes Gives 100 Computer Spikes.
givemed Gives 100 Advanced Medpacs
giverepair Gives 100 Repair Parts.
givesitharmor Gives Sith Armor (needed on Taris to access Lower City)
invulnerability God mode (NOTE: Not tested, no information known)
heal Heals characters
restartminigame Restarts current mini-game (Pazaak, Swoop Racing, etc.)
revealmap Reveals the entire map (Press M)
setconstitution x Sets Consitution Attribute Level
setdexterity x Sets Dexterity Attribute Level
setcharisma x Sets Charisma Attribute Level
setintelligence x Sets Intilligence Attribute Level
setstrength x Sets Strength Attribute Level
setwisdom x Sets Wisdom Attribute Level
setawareness x Sets Awareness Skill Level
setcomputeruse x Sets Computer Use Skill Level
setdemolitions x Sets Demolitions Skill Level
setpersuade x Sets Persuade Skill Level
setrepair x Sets Repair Skill Level
setsecurity x Sets Security Skill Level
setstealth x Sets Stealth Skill Level
settreatinjury x Sets Treat Injury Skill Level
warp x Warps/Transports you to the map with ID x
whereami Displays current location (mapID, x,y,z)

Part IV: "giveitem" Code List
To recieve one of the many items in SW:KOTOR, you can use the "giveitem" cheat
command. Use the following code:

giveitem *item_resref*

*item_resref* is to be replaced by the resref (the game's internal ID name) of
the item you wish to recieve. Listed below are the resrefs for all of the items
in the game.

NOTE: If an item is listed with multiple resref values, it means that each one
is slightly different (usually upgraded versions). Also, some of these
"upgraded" versions have high feat requirements, so it is generally best to
take the first one of that item in the list and upgrade it at a workbench.

IVa. Implants/Utility:

Implant Class 1:
g_i_implant101 - Cardio Package
g_i_implant102 - Response Package
g_i_implant103 - Memory Package

Implant Class 2:
g_i_implant201 - Biotech Package
g_i_implant202 - Retinal Combat Implant
g_i_implant203 - Nerve Enhancement Package
g_i_implant204 - The Party Selection Screen Available

Implant Class 3:
g_i_implant301 - Bavakar Cardio Package
g_i_implant302 - Bavakar Reflex Enhancement Package
g_i_implant303 - Bavakar Memory Chip
g_i_implant304 - Bio-Antidote Package
g_i_implant305 - Cardio Power System
g_i_implant306 - Gordulan Reaction System
g_i_implant307 - Navaradon Regenerator
g_i_implant308 - Sith Regenerator
g_i_implant309 - Beemon Package
g_i_implant310 - Cyber Reaction System
g1_i_implant301 - Advanced Senseory Implant
g1_i_implant302 - Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Implant
g1_i_implant303 - Advanced Combat Implant
g1_i_implant304 - Advanced Alacrity

Droid Utility Items:
g_i_drdcomspk001 - Computer Probe
g_i_drdcomspk002 - Universal Computer Interface
g_i_drdcomspk003 - Advanced Computer Tool
g1_i_drdcomspk01 - Advanced Droid Interface
g_i_drdsecspk001 - Security Interface Tool
g_i_drdsecspk002 - Security Domination Interface
g_i_drdsecspk003 - Security Decryption Interface

IVb. Masks/Sensors:

g_i_mask01 - Light-scan Visor
g_i_mask02 - Motion Detection Goggles
g_i_mask03 - Bothan Perception Visor
g_i_mask04 - Verpine Ocular Enhancer
g_i_mask05 - Bothan Sensory Visor
g_i_mask06 - Vacuum Mask
g_i_mask07 - Sonic Nullifiers
g_i_mask08 - Aural Amplifier
g_i_mask09 - Advanced Aural Amplifier
g_i_mask10 - Neural Band
g_i_mask11 - Verpine Headband
g_i_mask12 - Breath Mask
g_i_mask13 - Teta's Royal Band
g_i_mask14 - Sith Mask
g_i_mask15 - Stabilizer Mask
g_i_mask16 - Interface Band
g_i_mask17 - Demolitions Sensor
g_i_mask18 - Combat Sensor
g_i_mask19 - Stealth Field Enhancer
g_i_mask20 - Stealth Field Reinforcement
g_i_mask21 - Interface Visor
g_i_mask22 - Circlet of Saresh
g_i_mask23 - Pistol Targeting Optics
g_i_mask24 - Heavy Targeting Optics
g1_i_mask01 - Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Mask
g1_i_mask02 - Medical Interface Visor
g1_i_mask03 - Advanced Agent Interface
kor38b_mask - Tulak Hord's Mask
geno_visor - GenoHaradan Visor

g_i_drdmtnsen001 - Droid Motion Sensors Type 1
g_i_drdmtnsen002 - Droid Motion Sensors Type 2
g_i_drdmtnsen003 - Droid Motion Sensors Type 3
g_i_drdsncsen001 - Droid Sonic Sensors Type 1
g_i_drdsncsen002 - Droid Sonic Sensors Type 2
g_i_drdsncsen003 - Droid Sonic Sensors Type 3
g_i_drdsrcscp001 - Droid Search Scope Type 1
g_i_drdsrcscp002 - Droid Search Scope Type 2
g_i_drdsrcscp003 - Droid Search Scope Type 3
g_i_drdtrgcom001 - Basic Targeting Computer
g_i_drdtrgcom002 - Advanced Targeting Computer
g_i_drdtrgcom003 - Superior Targeting Computer
g_i_drdtrgcom004 - Sensor Probe
g_i_drdtrgcom005 - Verpine Demolitions Probe
g_i_drdtrgcom006 - Bothan Demolitions Probe

IVc. Hands (Gauntlets):

g_i_gauntlet01 - Strength Gauntlet
g_i_gauntlet02 - Eriadu Strength Gauntlets
g_i_gauntlet03 - Sith Power Gauntlets
g_i_gauntlet04 - Stabilizer Gauntlets
g_i_gauntlet05 - Bothan Machinist Gloves
g_i_gauntlet06 - Verpine Bond Gauntlets
g_i_gauntlet07 - Dominator Gauntlets
g_i_gauntlet08 - Karaken Gauntlets
g_i_gauntlet09 - Infilitrator Gloves
g1_i_gauntlet01 - Advanced Stabilizer Gloves
kor38a_gauntlet - Marko Ragnos' Gauntlets
geno_gloves - GenoHaradan Power Gloves
tar03_brejikglove - Brejik's Gloves

IVd. Arm Bands/Special Weapons:

Shields (for non-droid characters):
g_i_frarmbnds01 - Energy Shield
g_i_frarmbnds02 - Sith Energy Shield
g_i_frarmbnds03 - Arkanian Energy Shield
g_i_frarmbnds04 - Echani Shield
g_i_frarmbnds05 - Mandalorian Melee Shield
g_i_frarmbnds06 - Mandalorian Power Shield
g_i_frarmbnds07 - Echani Dueling Shield
g_i_frarmbnds08 - Yusanis' Dueling Shield
g_i_frarmbnds09 - Verpine Prototype Shield

Special Weapons:
g_i_drdutldev001 - Stun Ray
g_i_drdutldev002 - Advanced Stun Ray
g_i_drdutldev003 - Shield Disruptor
g_i_drdutldev004 - Advanced Shield Disruptor
g_i_drdutldev005 - Oil Slick
g_i_drdutldev006 - Flame Thrower
g_i_drdutldev007 - Advanced Flame Thrower
g_i_drdutldev008 - Carbonite Projector
g_i_drdutldev009 - Carbonite Projector Mark II
g_i_drdutldev010 - Gravity Generator
g_i_drdutldev011 - Advanced Gravity Generator
g1_i_drdshld001 - Baragwin Droid Shield
g1_i_drdutldev01 - Baragwin Flame Thrower
g1_i_drdutldev02 - Baragwin Stun Ray
g1_i_drdutldev03 - Baragwin Shield Disruptor

Arm Bands:
tar03_brejikband - Brejik's Arm Band

IVe. Body/Plating:

g_a_clothes01 - Clothing
g_a_clothes02 - Clothing Variant 2
g_a_clothes03 - Clothing Variant 3
g_a_clothes04 - Clothing Variant 4
g_a_clothes05 - Clothing Variant 5
g_a_clothes06 - Clothing Variant 6
g_a_clothes07 - Clothing Variant 1
g_a_clothes08 - Clothing Variant 7
g_a_clothes09 - Clothing Variant 8

Jedi Robes:
g_a_jedirobe01 - Jedi Robe (Brown)
g_a_jedirobe02 - Dark Jedi Robe (Grey)
g_a_jedirobe03 - Jedi Robe (Red)
g_a_jedirobe04 - Jedi Robe (Blue)
g_a_jedirobe05 - Dark Jedi Robe (Blue)
g_a_jedirobe06 - Qel-Droma Robes

Jedi Knight Robes:
g_a_kghtrobe01 - Jedi Knight Robe (Brown)
g_a_kghtrobe02 - Dark Jedi Knight Robe (Grey)
g_a_kghtrobe03 - Jedi Knight Robe (Red)
g_a_kghtrobe04 - Jedi Knight Robe (Blue)
g_a_kghtrobe05 - Dark Jedi Knight Robe (Blue)

Jedi Master Robes:
g_a_mstrrobe01 - Jedi Master Robe (Brown)
g_a_mstrrobe02 - Dark Jedi Master Robe (Black)
g_a_mstrrobe03 - Jedi Master Robe (Red)
g_a_mstrrobe04 - Jedi Master Robe (Blue)
g_a_mstrrobe05 - Dark Jedi Master Robe (Blue)
g_a_mstrrobe06 - Darth Revan's Robes (Dark side only)
g_a_mstrrobe07 - Star Forge Robes (Light Side Only)

Armor Class 4:
g_a_class4001 - Combat Suit
g_a_class4002 - Zabrak Combat Suit
g_a_class4003 - Echani Light Armor
g_a_class4004 - Cinnagar Weave Armor
g_a_class4005 - Massassi Ceremonial Armor
g_a_class4006 - Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor
g_a_class4007 - Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor (Defense 7)
g_a_class4008 - Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor (Defense 7, Immunity:
g_a_class4009 - Echani Fiber Armor
geno_armor - GenoHaradan Mesh Armor

Armor Class 5:
g_a_class5001 - Heavy Combat Suit
g_a_class5002 - Bonadan Alloy Heavy Suit
g_a_class5003 - Zabrak Battle Armor
g_a_class5004 - Zabrak Field Armor
g_a_class5005 - Reinforced Fiber Armor
g_a_class5006 - Ulic Qel Droma's Mesh Suit
g_a_class5007 - Eriadu Prototype Armor (Defense 6)
g_a_class5008 - Eriadu Prototype Armor (Defense 9)
g_a_class5009 - Eriadu Prototype Armor (Defense 9, 30 sv Cold, Immunity:
g_a_class5010 - Republic Mod Armor
g1_a_class5001 - Light Exoskeleton
g1_a_class5002 - Baragwin Shadow Armor

Armor Class 6:
g_a_class6001 - Military Suit
g_a_class6002 - Echani Battle Armor
g_a_class6003 - Cinnagar War Suit
g_a_class6004 - Verpine Fiber Mesh
g_a_class6005 - Arkanian Bond Armor
g_a_class6006 - Exar Kun's Light Battle Suit
g_a_class6007 - Davik's War Suit (Defense
g_a_class6008 - Davik's War Suit (Defense 10)
g_a_class6009 - Davik's War Suit (Defense 10, 20 vs Cold/Fire, Immunity:
g1_a_class6001 - Environmental Bastion Armor

Armor Class 7:
g_a_class7001 - Light Battle Armor
g_a_class7002 - Bronzium Light Battle Armor
g_a_class7003 - Powered Light Battle Armor
g_a_class7004 - Krath Heavy Armor
g_a_class7005 - Krath Holy Battle Suit
g_a_class7006 - Jamoh Hogra's Battle Armor

Armor Class 8:
g_a_class8001 - Battle Armor
g_a_class8002 - Powered Battle Armor
g_a_class8003 - Cinnagar Plate Armor
g_a_class8004 - Mandalorian Armor
g_a_class8005 - Calo Nord's Armor
g_a_class8006 - Calo Nord's Armor
g_a_class8007 - Calo Nord's Armor
g_a_class8008 - blank
g_a_class8009 - Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh
g1_a_class8001 - Heavy Exoskeleton

Armor Class 9:
g_a_class9001 - Heavy Battle Armor
g_a_class9002 - Durasteel Heavy Armor
g_a_class9003 - Mandalorian Battle Armor
g_a_class9004 - Mandalorian Heavy Armor
g_a_class9005 - Jurgan Kalta's Power Suit
g_a_class9006 - Jurgan Kalta's Power Suit (Defense 13)
g_a_class9007 - Jurgan Kalta's Power Suit (Defense 13, 30 vs Cold/Fire,
Immunity: Mind-affecting)
g_a_class9009 - Cassus Fett's Armor
g_a_class9010 - Mandalorian Assault Armor
g_a_class9011 - Cassus Fett's Amor (special)

Droid Plating:
g_i_drdhvplat001 - Droid Heavy Plating Type 1
g_i_drdhvplat002 - Droid Heavy Plating Type 2
g_i_drdhvplat003 - Droid Heavy Plating Type 3
g_i_drdltplat001 - Droid Light Plating Type 1
g_i_drdltplat002 - Droid Light Plating Type 2
g_i_drdltplat003 - Droid Light Plating Type 3
g_i_drdmdplat001 - Droid Medium Plating Type 1
g_i_drdmdplat002 - Droid Medium Plating Type 2
g_i_drdmdplat003 - Droid Medium Plating Type 3
g1_i_drdhvplat01 - Composite Heavy Plating

IVf. Belts/Shields:

g_i_belt001 - Cardio Regulator
g_i_belt002 - Verpine Cardio Regulator
g_i_belt003 - Adrenaline Amplifier
g_i_belt004 - Advanced Adrenaline Amplifier
g_i_belt005 - Nerve Amplifying Belt
g_i_belt006 - Sound Dampening Stealth Unit
g_i_belt007 - Advanced Stealth Unit
g_i_belt008 - Eriadu Stealth Unit
g_i_belt009 - Calrissian's Utility Belt
g_i_belt010 - Stealth Field Generator
g_i_belt011 - Adrenaline Stimulator
g_i_belt012 - CNS Strength Enhancer
g_i_belt013 - Electrical Capacitance Charge
g_i_belt014 - Thermal Shield Generator
g1_i_belt001 - Baragwin Stealth Unit
geno_stealth - GenoHaradan Stealth Unit
tar03_brejikbelt - Brejik's Belt

Shields (droid characters):
g_i_drdshld001 - Energy Shield Level 1
g_i_drdshld002 - Energy Shield Level 2
g_i_drdshld003 - Energy Shield Level 3
g_i_drdshld005 - Environment Shield Level 1
g_i_drdshld006 - Environment Shield Level 2
g_i_drdshld007 - Environment Shield Level 3

IVg. Melee Weapons

Long Swords:
g_w_lngswrd01 - Long Sword
g_w_lngswrd02 - Krath War Blade
g_w_lngswrd03 - Naga Sadow's Poison Blade

Double-Bladed Swords:
g_w_dblswrd001 - Double-Bladed Sword
g_w_dblswrd002 - Echani Ritual Brand
g_w_dblswrd003 - Krath Double Sword
g_w_dblswrd005 - Ajunta Pall's Blade

Short Swords:
g_w_shortswrd01 - Short Sword
g_w_shortswrd02 - Massassi Brand
g_w_shortswrd03 - Teta's Blade

Vibro Swords:
g_w_vbroswrd01 - VibroSword
g_w_vbroswrd02 - Krath Dire Sword
g_w_vbroswrd03 - Sith Tremor Sword
g_w_vbroswrd04 - Echani Foil
g_w_vbroswrd05 - Bacca's Ceremonial Blade
g_w_vbroswrd06 - Bacca's Ceremonial Blade
g_w_vbroswrd07 - Bacca's Ceremonial Blade
g_w_vbroswrd08 - Bacca's Ceremonial Blade
g1_w_vbroswrd01 - Baragwin Assault Blade
geno_blade - GenoHaradan Poison Blade

Vibro Double-Swords:
g_w_vbrdblswd01 - Vibro Double-Blade
g_w_vbrdblswd02 - Sith War Sword
g_w_vbrdblswd03 - Echani Double-Brand
g_w_vbrdblswd04 - Yusanis' Brand
g_w_vbrdblswd05 - Yusanis' Brand
g_w_vbrdblswd06 - Yusanis' Brand
g_w_vbrdblswd07 - Yusanis' Brand

Vibroblades (Short Vibro Swords):
g_w_vbroshort01 - Vibroblade
g_w_vbroshort02 - Krath Blood Blade
g_w_vbroshort03 - Echani Vibroblade
g_w_vbroshort04 - Sanasiki's Blade
g_w_vbroshort05 - Sanasiki's Blade
g_w_vbroshort06 - Sanasiki's Blade
g_w_vbroshort07 - Sanasiki's Blade
g_w_vbroshort08 - Mission's Vibroblade
g_w_vbroshort09 - Prototype Vibroblade

g_w_qtrstaff01 - Quarterstaff
g_w_qtrstaff02 - Massassi Battle Staff
g_w_qtrstaff03 - Raito's Gaderffii

Stun Batons:
g_w_stunbaton01 - Stun Baton
g_w_stunbaton02 - Botahn Stun Stick
g_w_stunbaton03 - Bothan Chuka
g_w_stunbaton04 - Rakatan Battle Wand
g_w_stunbaton05 - Rakatan Battle Wand
g_w_stunbaton06 - Rakatan Battle Wand
g_w_stunbaton07 - Rakatan Battle Wand

Misc. War Weapons:
g_w_waraxe001 - Gamorrean BattleAxe
g_w_warblade001 - Wookie Warblade

IVh. Ranged Weapons:

Blaster Pistols:
g_w_blstrpstl001 - Blaster Pistol
g_w_blstrpstl002 - Mandalorian Blaster
g_w_blstrpstl003 - Arkanian Pistol
g_w_blstrpstl004 - Zabrak Blaster Pistol
g_w_blstrpstl005 - Bendak's Blaster
g_w_blstrpstl006 - Bendak's Blaster
g_w_blstrpstl007 - Bendak's Blaster
g_w_blstrpstl008 - Bendak's Blaster
g_w_blstrpstl009 - Bendak's Blaster
g_w_blstrpstl010 - Carth's Blaster
g_w_blstrpstl020 - Insta-Kill Pistol
geno_blaster - GenoHaradan Blaster

Hold-Out Blasters:
g_w_hldoblstr01 - Hold Out Blaster
g_w_hldoblstr02 - Bothan Quick Draw
g_w_hldoblstr03 - Sith Assassin Pistol
g_w_hldoblstr04 - Bothan Needler

Heavy blasters:
g_w_hvyblstr01 - Heavy blaster
g_w_hvyblstr02 - Arkainian heavy pistol
g_w_hvyblstr03 - Zabrak Testal Mark III
g_w_hvyblstr04 - Mandalorian Heavy pistol
g_w_hvyblstr05 - Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol
g_w_hvyblstr06 - Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol
g_w_hvyblstr07 - Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol
g_w_hvyblstr08 - Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol
g_w_hvyblstr09 - Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol

Blaster Carbines:
g_w_blstrcrbn001 - Blaster Carbine
g_w_blstrcrbn002 - Sith Assault Gun
g_w_blstrcrbn003 - Cinnagar Carbine
g_w_blstrcrbn004 - Jurgan Kalta's Carbine
g_w_blstrcrbn005 - Jamoh Hogra's Carbine
g_w_blstrcrbn006 - Jamoh Hogra's Carbine
g_w_blstrcrbn007 - Jamoh Hogra's Carbine
g_w_blstrcrbn008 - Jamoh Hogra's Carbine
g_w_blstrcrbn009 - Jamoh Hogra's Carbine

g_w_bowcstr001 - Bowcaster
g_w_bowcstr002 - Chuundar's Bowcaster
g_w_bowcstr003 - Zaalbar's Bowcaster

Blaster Rifles:
g_w_blstrrfl001 - Blaster Rifle
g_w_blstrrfl002 - Sith Sniper Rifle
g_w_blstrrfl003 - Mandalorian assault Rifle
g_w_blstrrfl004 - Zabrak Battle Cannon
g_w_blstrrfl005 - Jurgan Kulta Assault Rifle
g_w_blstrrfl006 - Jurgan Kulta Assault Rifle
g_w_blstrrfl007 - Jurgan Kulta Assault Rifle
g_w_blstrrfl008 - Jurgan Kulta Assault Rifle
g_w_blstrrfl009 - Jurgan Kulta Assault Rifle

Repeating Blasters:
g_w_rptnblstr01 - Light Repeating Blaster
g_w_rptnblstr02 - Medium Repeating Blaster
g_w_rptnblstr03 - Blaster Cannon
g1_w_rptnblstr01 - Baragwin Assault Gun

Heavy Repeating Blasters:
g_w_hvrptbltr002 - Ordo's Repeating Blaster
g_w_hvrptbltr01 - Heavy Repeating Blaster
g_w_hvrptbltr02 - Mandalorian Heavy Repeater
g1_w_hvrptbltr - Baragwin Heavy Repeating Blaster

Ion Blasters:
g_w_ionblstr01 - Ion Blaster
g_w_ionblstr02 - Verpine Prototype Ion Blaster

Ion Rifles:
g_w_ionrfl01 - Ion Rifle
g_w_ionrfl02 - Bothan Droid disruptor
g_w_ionrfl03 - Verpine Droid disruptor
g1_w_ionrfl01 - Baragwin Ion X

Disruptor Pistols:
g_w_dsrptpstl001 - Disruptor Pistol
g_w_dsrptpstl002 - Mandalorian Ripper

Disruptor Rifles:
g_w_dsrptrfl001 - Disruptor Rifle
g_w_dsrptrfl002 - Zabrak Disruptor Rifle
g1_w_dsrptrfl001 - Baragwin Disruptor-X Weapon

Sonic Pistols:
g_w_sonicpstl01 - Sonic Pistol
g_w_sonicpstl02 - Bothan Shrieker

Sonic Rifles:
g_w_sonicrfl01 - Sonic Rifle
g_w_sonicrfl02 - Bothan Discord Gun
g_w_sonicrfl03 - Arkanian Sonic Rifle

IVi. Lightsabers & Crystals:

g_w_lghtsbr01 - Blue Lightsaber
g_w_lghtsbr02 - Red Lightsaber
g_w_lghtsbr03 - Green Lightsaber
g_w_lghtsbr04 - Yellow Lightsaber
g_w_lghtsbr05 - Violet Lightsaber
g_w_lghtsbr06 - Malak's Lightsaber
g1_w_lghtsbr01 - Lightsaber w/ Heart of the Guardian Crystal
g1_w_lghtsbr02 - Lightsaber w/ Mantle of the Force Crystal

Short Lightsabers:
g_w_shortsbr01 - Blue Short Lightsaber
g_w_shortsbr02 - Red Short Lightsaber
g_w_shortsbr03 - Green Short Lightsaber
g_w_shortsbr04 - Yellow Short Lightsaber
g_w_shortsbr05 - Violet Short Lightsaber
g1_w_shortsbr01 - Short Lightsaber w/ Heart of the Guardian Crystal
g1_w_shortsbr02 - Short Lightsaber w/ Mantle of the Force Crystal

Double-Bladed Lightsabers:
g_w_dblsbr001 - Blue Double-Bladed Lightsaber
g_w_dblsbr002 - Red Double-Bladed Lightsaber
g_w_dblsbr003 - Green Double-Bladed Lightsaber
g_w_dblsbr004 - Yellow Double-Bladed Lightsaber
g_w_dblsbr005 - Violet Double-Bladed Lightsaber
g_w_dblsbr006 - Bastila's Double-Bladed Lightsaber (Yellow)
g1_w_dblsbr001 - Double-Bladed Lightsaber w/ Heart of the Guardian Crystal
g1_w_dblsbr002 - Double-Bladed Lightsaber w/ Mantle of the Force Crystal

Lightsaber Crystals:
g_w_sbrcrstl01 - Rubat Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl02 - Damind Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl03 - Eralam Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl04 - Sapith Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl05 - Nextor Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl06 - Opila Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl07 - Jenruax Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl08 - Phond Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl09 - Luxum Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl10 - Firkrann Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl11 - Bondar Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl12 - Sigal Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl13 - Upari Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl14 - Blue Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl15 - Yellow Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl16 - Green Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl17 - Violet Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl18 - Red Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl19 - Solari Crystal
g1_w_sbrcrstl20 - Heart of the Gaurdian
g1_w_sbrcrstl21 - Mantle of the Force
tat18_dragonprl - Krayt Dragon Pearl
kas25_wookcrysta - Rough-cut Upari Amulet

IVj. Medical/Repair:

Medical Items (Non-droid characters):
g_i_medeqpmnt01 - Medpac
g_i_medeqpmnt02 - Advanced Medpac
g_i_medeqpmnt03 - Life Support Pack
g_i_medeqpmnt04 - Antidote Kit
g_i_medeqpmnt05 - Antibiotic Kit
g_i_medeqpmnt06 - Advanced Medpac
g_i_medeqpmnt07 - Life Support Pack
g_i_medeqpmnt08 - Squad Recovery Stim

Droid Items:
g_i_drdrepeqp001 - Repair Kit
g_i_drdrepeqp002 - Advanced Repair Kit
g_i_drdrepeqp003 - Construction Kit

IVk. Mines & Grenades:

g_i_trapkit001 - Minor Flash Mine
g_i_trapkit002 - Average Flash Mine
g_i_trapkit003 - Deadly Flash Mine
g_i_trapkit004 - Minor Frag Mine
g_i_trapkit005 - Average Frag Mine
g_i_trapkit006 - Deadly Frag Mine
g_i_trapkit007 - Minor Plasma Mine
g_i_trapkit008 - Average Plasma Mine
g_i_trapkit009 - Deadly Plasma Mine
g_i_trapkit010 - Minor Gas Mine
g_i_trapkit011 - Average Gas Mine
g_i_trapkit012 - Deadly Gas Mine

g_w_adhsvgren001 - Adhesive Grenade
g_w_cryobgren001 - CryoBan Grenade
g_w_firegren001 - Plasma Grenade
g_w_fraggren01 - Frag Grenade
g_w_iongren01 - Ion Grenade
g_w_poisngren01 - Poison Grenade
g_w_sonicgren01 - Sonic Grenade
g_w_stungren01 - Concussion Grenade
g_w_thermldet01 - Thermal Detonator

IVl. Stimulants/Utilities:
g_i_adrnaline001 - Adrenal Strength
g_i_adrnaline002 - Adrenal Alacrity
g_i_adrnaline003 - Adrenal Stamina
g_i_adrnaline004 - Hyper-Adrenal Strength
g_i_adrnaline005 - Hyper-Adrenal Alacrity
g_i_adrnaline006 - Hyper-Adrenal Stamina
g_i_cmbtshot001 - Battle Stimulant
g_i_cmbtshot002 - Hyper-battle Stimulant
g_i_cmbtshot003 - Echani Battle Stimulant

g_i_parts01 - Parts
g_i_progspike01 - Computer Spike
g_i_secspike01 - Security Spike
g_i_secspike02 - Security Spike Tunneler

IVm. Upgrades:

Upgrade items:
g_i_upgrade001 - Scope
g_i_upgrade002 - Improved Energy Cell
g_i_upgrade003 - Beam Splitter
g_i_upgrade004 - Hair Trigger
g_i_upgrade005 - Armour Reinforcement
g_i_upgrade006 - Mesh Underlay
g_i_upgrade007 - Vibration Cell
g_i_upgrade008 - Durasteel Bonding Alloy
g_i_upgrade009 - Energy Projector

IVn. Pazaak:

Pazaak Decks:
g_i_pazdeck - Pazaak Deck
g_i_pazsidebd001 - Pazaak Side Deck
Pazaak Cards:
g_i_pazcard_001 - Pazaak Card +1
g_i_pazcard_002 - Pazaak Card +2
g_i_pazcard_003 - Pazaak Card +3
g_i_pazcard_004 - Pazaak Card +4
g_i_pazcard_005 - Pazaak Card +5
g_i_pazcard_006 - Pazaak Card +6
g_i_pazcard_007 - Pazaak Card -1
g_i_pazcard_008 - Pazaak Card -2
g_i_pazcard_009 - Pazaak Card -3
g_i_pazcard_010 - Pazaak Card -4
g_i_pazcard_011 - Pazaak Card -5
g_i_pazcard_012 - Pazaak Card -6
g_i_pazcard_013 - Pazaak Card +/-1
g_i_pazcard_014 - Pazaak Card +/-2
g_i_pazcard_015 - Pazaak Card +/-3
g_i_pazcard_016 - Pazaak Card +/-4
g_i_pazcard_017 - Pazaak Card +/-5
g_i_pazcard_018 - Pazaak Card +/-6

IVo. Miscellaneous:

g_i_credits001 - 5 credit stack
g_i_credits002 - 10 credit stack
g_i_credits003 - 25 credit stack
g_i_credits004 - 50 credit stack
g_i_credits005 - 100 credit stack
g_i_credits006 - 200 credit stack
g_i_credits007 - 300 credit stack
g_i_credits008 - 400 credit stack
g_i_credits009 - 500 credit stack
g_i_credits010 - 1000 credit stack
g_i_credits011 - 2000 credit stack
g_i_credits012 - 3000 credit stack
g_i_credits013 - 4000 credit stack
g_i_credits014 - 5000 credit stack

Miscellaneous Items:
g_i_gizkapois001 - Gizka Poison
tat17_sandperdis - Sand People Clothing
ptar_sitharmor - Sith Armor


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