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Command & Conquer-problem...


ciaszkopt [ Legionista ]

Command & Conquer-problem...

Jakis czas temu wpadla w moje rece owa gra. Kampanie ukonczylem jedynie strona GDI. Prowadzac Braterstwo NOD zatrzymalem sie na misji 6. W misji tej mamy do dyspozycji niewielki oddzial, ktorym mamy przebic sie przez obrone wroga i dotrzec do jego bazy. W momecie kiedy docieramy do bazy, mamy kilka mocno uszkodzonych jednostek, ktore zostaja zniszczone przez jej obrone. Po mimo wielu prob nie udalo mi sie zniszczyc ani przejsc obrony wroga. Byc moze podchodze do tego od zlej strony ? Byc moze w momencie dotarcia do bazy mam za malo jednostek ? W kazdym badz razie po mimo wielu prob nie moge ukonczyc misji. Prosze o wskazowki jak zakonczyc misje badz tez o jekies tipsy.


Kade [ Senator ]

Pod tym linkiem jest poradnik: Powodzenia


ciaszkopt [ Legionista ]

Przepraszam, ale zapomnialem napisac ze chodzi mi o klasyke, o pierwsego commanda jaki sie ukazal tego z 95 r. ;) Dziekuje za dobre checi.


Kade [ Senator ]

Spoko:) Ale teraz niepomogę bo niewiem:)


ciaszkopt [ Legionista ]

Watpie by ktos pamietal szosta misje skoro kilka lat temu gral w C&C :) Byc moze ktos wie gdzie znajduja sie solucje do tej gry ???


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

numer misji ? napisz lepiej dokladnie nazwe lokacji/kraju w ktorym sie toczy ta misja, a wtedy pomyslimy ;)


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

albo inaczej - skoro grasz w C&C, to angielski powinienes w jakims stopniu znac, wiec masz tu to: (chyba wszystkie mozliwe kombinacje tej misji) [12-2-6ea] Nod Mission 6ea, Ivory Coast ------------------------------------------ Objective: GDI has imported a Nuclear Detonator in an attempt to sway a few local political leaders. Penetrate the base and steal the detonator. A chopper will be sent to meet you at a designated landing zone. Look for the landing flare once you have stolen the device. I had the light section (the one with the recon bike) attack the sandbags of the base and create openings. My cycle blow a gap in the fencing, ran it through, and made it pick up the nuke. I boogied to the pickup site by going south and following the ridge. *12-2-6eb* Nod Mission 6eb, Benin ------------------------------------ Objective: Same as previous This is another run-into-the-base-and-dash-out mission. Do just that. Run into the base, and dash out when you've touched the crate. [12-2-6ec] Nod Mission 6ec, Nigeria --------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous Ray Van Dolson ([email protected]) One of my friends found an interesting solution by capturing the enemy's refinery with the harvester inside. He then used the tough harvester to grab the detonator without being easily destroyed. Brian Hassink ([email protected]) After a few initial failures, have figured out how to win it. Of these missions, mission 6 has been the hardest so far (I finished it with just one remaining unit who almost died because I had to force him across the Tiberium field to reach the helicopter). It took several tries, but I managed to cross the bridge and arrive at the northeast corner of the map with most of my units (leaving the Engineers back in the southeast corner). I now took this surviving group and walked them along the ridge at the top of the map to the northwest corner, and then south. I then opened fire on the GDI buildings with the Bazooka men. This cause the AI to send its men out of the base and up along the way I came in. As his men came in, I ran my tanks up and down squishing them. This was far more effective than trying to take them out with gun and tank fire. Eventually you'll bleed off most of his men and you can move your group back around to the base entrance. Use the tanks to take out the towers (and place a man where they used to stand or the AI will usually replace them). You'll now have to clean up any residual units in the base and can also bring up the Engineers. Take over any GDI buildings you want, or simply grab the crate and head for the helicopter.


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

PS. O ile pamietam, to mi sie trafila 6ea, ale to juz bylo taaaaaak dawno ;)


ciaszkopt [ Legionista ]

a.i.n... --> Dzieki serdeczne. Prawde mowiac stracilem nadzieje, ze ktos mi pomoze. Save zrobilem sobie przed koncem 5 misji, tak wiec mam mozliwosc wybrania dowolnej lokacji misji 6. To prawda angielski znam w stopniu podstawowym, i dzieki opisom dostarczonym prze Ciebie z pewnoscia sobie poradze. Jeszcze raz dzieki :)

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