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Patapon 2 - mały problem


Mercury Meltdown [ Pretorianin ]

Patapon 2 - mały problem

Mam Problem!

Nie wiem jak przejść poziom "shining star and black star" mam 2 podejrzenia:
1-toripon , ale nie moge zdobyć fanga do sabary yaripon
2-don chaka song
3-coś innego

jak to pierwsze do gdzie sie dostaje tego fanga do sabary yaripon na mapie ewolucji
jak to drugie to gdzie sie to k*** odblokowuje?
jak to trzecie to co

please help


Hellmaker [ Nadputkownik Bimbrojadek ]

-Mission 19: Shiny Star and Black Star
Tink Canyon is an old battlefield where a spirit of a hero sleeps
Above the land where brave Patapons were buried
A shiny star beautifully shined the night sky

There is no fight in this mission, so just go ahead and play it. Be sure to
bring Yumipons.

You'll see a purple pine cone at the top of the tower. Shoot it down using
ranged weapons and Shiny Star Hoshipon will come out.

It will move a bit forward and say "Do you want to hear a story?" "I'll give
you something good." At this point, do not move but stay still and wait until
Hoshipon drops the item. Do not go after the Kachings if you want the item.

Hoshipon will drop the Black Star item, and Black will appear. After a small
joke (Hoshipon calls Black a fake and Black says he is a black Hoshipon, not a
fake) Hoshipon will run away and Black will chase after it. March forward,
pick up the Black Star item and finish the stage.


Mercury Meltdown [ Pretorianin ]

Ktoś mi to powie po polsku? nie znam anglika!


Mercury Meltdown [ Pretorianin ]

Coś mi walą o yumiponach a ja wiem jak sie rozwala brame.tylko hoshipon mi ucieka.zniknie z oczu i kurna mission failed.please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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mam toripony , a one jak są przed hoshiponem to dark star sie nie coś daje? pomocy!!!!
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