Duto2 [ Konsul ]
Prośba o sprawdzenie "listu"-angielski.
My name is Łukasz. My surname is Jankowski. J am 13 years old. J am a student. J am from Poland. My favourite place is Trzcianka. My mum is called Edyta. My dad is called Krzysztof. J am 1 metre 72. J like listen to music. Every day helping dad at work in the garden. Our country were afraid of communism. J learned Polish in a private teacher. How are you? Who is your favourite singer? Who is your favourite actor? Excuse me for the quality of cards, I do not have another, also sorry for errors, J learn English from the recently.
Bardzo bym prosił o poprawienie błędów, z góry dziękuję.
Zbieżność osób i nazwisk jest przypadkowa, za ewentualne podobieństwa przepraszam.
Duto2 [ Konsul ]
Heretyk [ Generaďż˝ ]
Every day helping dad at work in the garden
Według mnie powinno być: I help my dad at work in the garden every day.
Chodzi o Present Simple.
Our country were afraid of communism.
Our country was afraid of comunnism.
It was... were jest do liczby mnogiej.
Excuse me for the quality of cards
Im sorry of...
J learn English from the recently
I learn English for few months/weeks
@d@m [ ]
I like listen to music -> I like listening to music.
Excuse me for the quality of cards, I do not have another, also sorry for errors. -> others - innych. Przed 'also' nie ma przecinka. Poza tym blad w jakim znaczeniu?
error, inaccuracy, slip, howler, misprint, typo
These are all words for a word, figure or fact that is not said, written down or typed correctly.
mistake a word or figure that is not said or written down correctly: It's a common mistake among learners of English. spelling mistakes
error (rather formal) a word, figure, etc. that is not said or written down correctly: There are too many errors in your work.
Error is a more formal way of saying mistake.
inaccuracy (rather formal) a piece of information that is not exactly correct: The article is full of inaccuracies.
slip a small mistake, usually made by being careless or not paying attention
howler (informal, especially BrE) a stupid mistake, especially in what sb says or writes: The report is full of howlers.
A howler is usually an embarrassing mistake which shows that the person who made it does not know sth that they really should know.
misprint a small mistake in a printed text
typo (informal) a small mistake in a typed or printed text.
Typo is mostly used by people whose work involves checking printed material before it is made into a book, magazine, etc.
a(n) mistake / error / inaccuracy / slip / howler / misprint / typo in sth
a common mistake / error / typo
a spelling / grammatical mistake / error
to make a(n) mistake / error / slip / howler / typo
to contain / be full of mistakes / errors / inaccuracies / howlers / misprints / typos
to correct the mistakes / errors / inaccuracies / misprints / typos
J learn English from the recently. -> I started learning English recently (jesli chodzilo o: 'zaczalem sie niedawno uczyc j. angielskiego).
Duto2 [ Konsul ]
Chodziło o błąd w sensie językowym.
Heretyk [ Generaďż˝ ]
Nie patrz na moje ostatnie zdanie. Powinno brzmieć: I have learned english for few months, ale tego czasu raczej jeszcze nie miałeś.
No i "I'm sorry for" a nie "I'm sorry of".
iNfiNity! [ NSX ]
Mała rada na przyszłość:
Spróbuj tworzyć trochę dłuższe zdania. Przeczytałem ostatnio artykuł o badaniu przeprowadzonym przez amerykańskich lingwistów; jego celem było sprawdzenie średniej ilości słów w zdaniu. Badacze testowali artykuły ukazujące się w prasie, internecie etc.
Wg ich rezultatów, średnia liczba słów w angielskim zdaniu wynosi 18, podczas gdy u Ciebie jest to 6.
Skutecznym sposobem na rozbudowę swoich zdań jest użycie 'conjunctions', czyli tzw. łączników. Podstawowym pakietem jest "BOYFANS", czyli
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