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polak111 [ LOXXII ]

Proszę o sprawdzenie

Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie mojej recenzji w języku angielskim:

Pride and Prejudice is the film which describe love and social life of the five sisters. This work is based on the book's Jane Austen which has got the same title as the film . It is melodrama. The film is directed by Joe Wright. The main hero is Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet and Matthew Macfadyen as Mr Darcy.
Action happens in England in 18th century. Mrs Bennet and her musband have got five daughters. Their names are: Elizabeth, Jane, Lydia, Kitty and Mary. The mother wants that they marry with likeable, handsome and rich men. However, sociable life of daughters aren't easy, straight and wind hands down. In finnaly Jane and Lydia marry but Elizabeth doesn't find a man of dreams. She interested in Mr Darcy but she is shy and she doesn't like show feelings to him.
The film isn't special interesting and moving for me. Plot is really boring and predictable. There aren't turns of action which can resuscitate spectators. However, actors play very well. It appeal to me. The actors can show how people lived in 18th century in England. They look very realistic. In my opinion, music is original and it fits to subject of the film. Scenery is excellent. Delightful landscapes and image of old, english buildings take one's breath away. Dialogues are really well – written. The heros speak specific but clear language.
I think the film is the good production but it isn't the best. Work of Joe Wright is the pleasant novel about love to watching. This is the film which you can watch in rainy, cloudy, winter evening to kill time.

To moja pierwsza recenzja w tym języku. Byłbym bardzo wdzięczny, aby ktoś napisał konkretne błędy jakie zrobiłem, a nie walnął "tyle błędów, że nie ma co sprawdzać eot".

I zastanawiam się jak to skrócić, bo wyszedłem poza limit z 27 wyrazami.


Azerko [ +5 Goli ]

musband ?? a nie husband : P?


polak111 [ LOXXII ]

Powinno być husband, literówka ;).


Nimreh [ Pretorianin ]

tyle błędów, że nie ma co sprawdzać eot


Marcinwin [ Konsul ]

dużo bledów .. trzeba je poprawić.

i laseczke tez mozna.


Kaileena [ Empress of Time ]

''Pride and Prejudice'' is the film which describes love and social life of five sisters. It is based on the book of Jane Austen which has got the same title as the film. This melodrama is directed by Joe Wright. The main heroes are Keira Knightley (Elizabeth Bennet) and Matthew Macfadyen (Mr Darcy).
Action happens in England in 18th century. Mrs Bennet and her husband have got five daughters: Elizabeth, Jane, Lydia, Kitty and Mary. The mother wants them to marry likeable, handsome and rich men. However, sociable life of daughters isn't easy, straight and wind hands down. Finaly Jane and Lydia become married but Elizabeth doesn't find a man of her dreams. Although Mr Dancy attracts her, she is too shy to show her feelings towards him.
In my opinion, the film isn't very interesting and moving as well. Plot is really boring and predictable. There are no turns of action which can resuscitate spectators. Nevertheless, actors play very well, what appeals to me. The film realistically reflects 18th century life in England. In my opinion, music is original and it fits to the subject of the film. Also, scenery is excellent - delightful landscapes and image of old, english buildings are breathtaking, indeed. Dialogues are really well–written. All heroes speak specific but clear language.
I think the film is the a good production but it isn't the best, at all. The work of Joe Wright is the pleasant novel about love, which can be watched in rainy, cloudy, winter evenings to kill time.

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