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Warhammer 40K DoW Soulstorm PATCH!


Piotr44 [ Generaďż˝ ]

Warhammer 40K DoW Soulstorm PATCH!

Właśnie wyczytałem, iż w końcu po wielu miesiącach pojawił się długo oczekiwany patch do "DoW:Soulstorm", tak szczerze mówiąc to już myślałem ze szybciej doczekamy się DoW2 niż patcha do biednego SS. Wielu fanów DoW wyrażało opinie że Relic ma w pupie graczy i patch'a w ogóle nie będzie, a tu taka niespodzianka.

Pod spodem link do informacji co poprawia łatka i skąd ją ściągnąć:


Caine [ Książę Amberu ]

For the Emperor! I jeszcze Soulstorm w cenie pozostałych części (czyli 20zł)


Caine [ Książę Amberu ]

lista zmian rozpoznana... no i kura nie doczekałem się nerfu Nekronów


Piotr44 [ Generaďż˝ ]

Jeszcze tak mała uwaga, obecnie najłatwiej pobrać łatkę poprzez "in-game update system", ale widzę że dość szybko pojawiają się kolejne "mirrory" łatka zajmuje około 130mb.

Bezpośredni link do patcha:


Pod spodem jeszcze w ramach zabawnej ciekawostki, historyjka napisana przez naszego rodaka wystepującego pod nickiem "Atritas", a związana z tematem:-)

"Glory To The Relic Imperium - The Arrival Of The Soulstorm Patch

A story by Atritas.

It was a grim time indeed on the planet of Dawn of War: Soulstorm. The Tyranid Hive Fleet Bugs was in progress of defiling and reaping the planet of all biomass that it still possesed, led not by one, not by two, but by four Hive Tyrants by the names of DE Eldar Observer Soul Powers Bug, Eldar Harlequin's Dance of Death Resource-Resetting Bug, Illusory Necron Monolith Becoming Real Bug and the most fearsome of them all, towering above all the others, bloodthristy, ruthless and to this day unbeatable - The Sob Holy Icon Resource Bug. Hordes and swarms of lesser Tyranids of the Bug Hive Fleet surrounded them in what seemed an endless tide of adversaries.

Against them, day upon day upon bloody day, fought the Imperial Guard PDF of the planet. It was composed of many regiments, but indeed each of them was weary after the battles of years past, most notably in the defence of planet Dawn of War: Dark Crusade from the nigh-indestructible Necrons. Most notable and most numerous were the 1st and 2nd regiments of the RelicForums Guard, battle-hardened and stalwart warriors they were, as well as the Dowsanc Raiders, many of which were mighty Kasrkin instead of lowly Guardsmen. The PDF fought bravely against superior numbers for five months of carnage against the Tyranid invasion, but although deeply entrenched they had to periodically pull back because of the sheer numbers and ferocity of their adversaries. Finally voices of revolt began to rise among the PDF, echoing through their ranks. The men were too tired, their situation too hopeless and despite the efforts of near-legendary Commisars like Weavern, Slow_Runner, Starblade and Grabnutz the urge to withdraw to the Ragequit Starport and leave the planet was stronger with every day. Individual squads left their regiments and headed for the starport, which combined with the never-ceasing attacks of the Tyranids thinned the forces of the DoW:SS PDF significantly week by week.

Finally, after five months of bloodshed, the Command Squad of the RelicForums Guard orded their men to retreat to the starport, all other regiments followed. With renewed strenght the men marched to the solitary starport, reaching it in only a few days. Their pace was understandable - without their entrenched guns that made the Tyranids go back for at least a few hours daily, the aliens were in hot pursuit, determined to claim this planet and consume it once and for all. The Imperial Guard fortunately reached the starport with about one day to spare, and so the great exodus was about to begin.

And then the unthinkable, the unimaginable happened.

As they reached the starport they saw a Space Marine Battle Barge hovering above it. From the heavens, drop-pod after drop-pod, in a rain of steel which lasted for quite a few minutes, descended the warriors of the Relic Patch Legion. Clad in armor of orange, yellow and black, the forces of the Space Marines momentarily filled the entire starport with their military might. It seemed like half the Imperial army was there: Dreadnoughts, Predators, Land Raiders (indeed, there were four of them), swarms of Landspeeders, what seemed like hundreds of Space Marines, dozens of Terminators, even the mighty Grey Knights, every Space Marine army unit that the men knew (and some at which they stared at in awe at the first time) stood before them.

Four figures stood before the Relic Legion - a Librarian by the name of Fennec, a Chaplain known as Thunder, a Canoness of the Sisters of Battle named Buggo -many of the Imperial Guard knew that name, mentioning it gave comfort to the men, she was the figure of an ever-loving, ever-caring mother and helped them during the battle of Dark Crusade - and finally, dwarfing every other Marine in the Legion, stood the powerful Force Commander known to all only as The Patch. He resembled a Primarch, an aura of soft, warm light surrounded him, his face seemed almost gentle when he looked upon the worn out soldiers of the DoW:SS PDF despite the many battles he undoubtedly fought.

- People of the Imperium! - he shouted, and his deep voice echoed amongst the ranks of the Imperial Guard, silencing them immediately. - I know that you have fought bravely for the last months, ever-faithful to your God-Emperor and never giving up ground without making the filth of the Bug Hive Fleet pay for it dearly. I want you to know now that we are finally here, the Relic Patch Legion is here to deliver His wrath unto our enemy and eradicate the alien scum on this planet once and for all time!

He raised his arm, in which he held a Deamonhammer, forged of gold and adamantium, sparkling with power and energy.

- Behold the Hammer of Bugfixing, Guardsmen! With it, with the power of our Legion and thanks to your sacrifice, Soulstorm Planetary Defence Force, we can finally cleanse this planet of the Tyranids, purge the alien infestation and kill the Bug Hive Fleet here and now! Come, men! The time of your vengeance is at hand!

And with a single command: "Charge!" from the lips of The Patch, the Relic Patch Legion has begun the counter-attack. The PDF followed, inspired by this fearless leader enormously. It didn't take long for them to meet their adversaries, lead by the four Hive Tyrants in the front guard. The warriors didn't need a signal to attack, The Patch charged towards the foe and so did everyone else, his authority was that strong. The four Relic heroes and the fearsome Tyrants clashed in battle, as did the lesser aliens and men.

A chaotic, heated battle ensued. The alien scum was numerous and powerful, but the Space Marines would not falter in the face of even such enemies. On the contrary, they fought more fiercely and bravely than ever before, finally finding a worthy adversary.

The leaders of the Relic Patch Legion fought with a courage and cold resolve impressive even by Space Marine standards. The Tyrants that earlier annihilated entire squads of Guardsmen in seconds now struggled to land a blow on the skilled and powerful heroes of the Imperium of Man, while not able to dodge or endure their blows themselves. The mighty Bugs started to fall one by one. First the Canoness Buggo put an end to the Eldar Harlequin's Dance of Death Resource-Resetting Bug, the beasts carcass was quickly consumed by purifying flame of her Brazier of Holy Fire. Immediately after that fell the Illusory Necron Monolith Becoming Real by the hand of the Librarian Fennec, a powerful psionic wave dismembered it and a hundred lesser Tyranids around him. A few moments later Thunder the Chaplain put an end to the DE Eldar Observer Soul Powers Bug with a swift strike through it's hideous face, almost completely ripping it off with his Crozius Arcanum.

The last to fall was of course the Sob Holy Icon Resource Bug. The Patch itself fought with it. Each blow on either side was brutal, merciless and lightning-fast. It seemed for a moment that the alien and the Force Commander will fight for eternity until The Patch finally delivered a powerful upwards strike right into the beast's, how should it be described, nether regions. The Tyrant flew up into the air and then with a powerful slam returned to the ground on it's back. The Patch without hestitation jumped up high and with one final strike of the Hammer of Bugfixing ended the vile creatures' life.

The battle between the leaders decided the war between the armies. As soon as the Space Marines and Guardsmen saw the leaders of their foes die, they started to fight with an almost impossible fierceness, while the alien swarm started to fall into a state of disarray and panic. It was a glorious massacre, a symphony of death and destruction of the Tyranid horde, truly a manifest of His righteous wrath! The time of revenge came at last for the soldiers of the Soulstorm PDF, the emotions they felt as the Tyranids were annihilated by hundreds and thousands can only be described as joy and relief.

The battle lasted long into the night. At the dawn of the next day it was all over, the Bug Hive Fleet has been beaten both on the planet's surface and in the space around it. The men of the RelicForums Guard could finally rest, for the Patch has come."


Caine [ Książę Amberu ]

o, nie ma nic o konflikcie między armiami Imperium.


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Przeciez to kpina. Support DoWa lezy i jeczy. Do DC byly 2 (?) patche a do SS wyszedl az jeden, przy tak razacych bledach.


Caine [ Książę Amberu ]

cała para poszła w dwójkę


Piotr44 [ Generaďż˝ ]

Caine--> Na pewno większe siły przeznaczono na tworzenie DoW2, niż poprawianie SS, ale SS był robiony przez "Iron Lore" które upadło, nie przez Relic. Tak właściwie to Relic nie miał żadnego "obowiązku" poprawiać cudzej partaniny, a to że znaleźli ludzi i środki to tylko się chwali. Równie dobrze mogli powiedzieć "nie nasza gra, nie nasz problem". IMHO Relic stanął na wysokości zadania i chwała im za to.


Gromb [ P12 ]

Równie dobrze mogli powiedzieć "nie nasza gra, nie nasz problem". IMHO Relic stanął na wysokości zadania i chwała im za to

to w ich interesie lezy dbanie o tytuł, zwłaszcza, że pracują nad DoW2, a tu ciągnie się smrodek za SS. nie wiem czy inne studio mozna traktowac, jak podwykonawcę, ale co by było gdyby na przykład Synergistic Software skopało Diablo Hellfire


Caine [ Książę Amberu ]

piotr44: nie wiedziałem że studio od SS upadło. to stawia sprawę w innym świetle, brawa dla Relic.


Piotr44 [ Generaďż˝ ]

Szczerze mówiąc, to nie sądzę żeby była liczna grupa osób która nie kupiłaby DoW2, tylko dlatego że nie dostali Patcha do SS. Tak czy siak, Patcha do SS się doczekaliśmy. Szkoda tylko że nie zlikwidowano zabezpieczeń, ostatecznie kto miał kupić SS to kupił, a kto miał ukraść to już ukradł. Osobiście uważam że patch do SS jest naprawdę porządny, tylko zabezpieczenia przestały spełniać już swoją rolę, której nota bene nigdy tak naprawdę nie spełniły, a teraz są zbędną przeszkadzajką dla uczciwych nabywców SS, bo wiadomo że piraci z tym nigdy problemów nie mieli:-(

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