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Krótkie zadanie na angielskii:)


Kasha_Krk [ Konsul ]

Krótkie zadanie na angielskii:)

Napisze mi ktoś zadanie o mojej niedzieli na 100 słów, proszęęę:* ? U mnie słabo z angielskim i boję się co z tego wyjdzie.. ;)


bushmen1989 [ Pretorianin ]

to dostaniesz banie i dobrze Ci to zrobi bo się nie uczysz a siedzisz na forum z bandą napalonych 30-latków.


blazerx [ ]

Napisz, ze stalas pod kosciolem zbierajac na koncert.


Matt [ I Am The Night ]

Patrzac na tytul, z polskim tez niespecjalnie Ci wychodzi.

Sluchaj - 100 slow to jest jakies 8 krotkich zdan. Napisz je po polsku, przetlumacz tak jak umiesz (sama - translatora kazdy pozna), potem daj to na forum a my obadamy co i jak.


Gromb [ P12 ]

o...o...o... to co pisze Matt nie inaczej.


Cliffton [ Generaďż˝ ]

Dokładnie - napisz sama po angielsku a my to poprawimy. Zresztą jak chcesz się nauczyć języka... (dobra, sam chodziłem w końcu do szkoły i wiem jak to jest :D)


Zielona Żabka [ dementia praecox ]

coś o niedzieli? ;)

Sunday is the day of the week between Saturday and Monday. In the Jewish law it is the first day of the Hebrew calendar week. In many Christian traditions it is the Christian Sabbath, which replaced the Jewish Shabbat. Sunday is considered the first day of the week in many countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia, although today some countries regard Sunday as the seventh day of the civil week.

Sunday is considered a non-working day in many countries of the world, and are part of "the weekend". Countries predominantly influenced by Jewish or Islamic religions have Friday or Saturday as a weekly non-working day instead.

The Gregorian calendar repeats every 400 years, and no century starts on a Sunday. The Jewish New Year never falls on a Sunday. Any month beginning on a Sunday will contain a Friday the 13th.


Szymon (zbanowany dudka) [ Generaďż˝ ]


wystarczyłby link Żabko :)


ronn [ moralizator ]

I like sunday. Sunday is awesome! Way better than Tuesday, or even Friday. Sunday kicks Ass! Monday sucks! Tuesday Blows! Therefore I like Sunday!

<3 Sunday


garettt [ Konsul ]

Sunday is the day of the week between Saturday and Monday and In the Jewish law it is the first day of the Hebrew calendar week when In many Christian traditions it is the Christian Sabbath, which replaced the Jewish Shabbat and sunday is considered the first day of the week in many countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia, although today some countries regard Sunday as the seventh day of the civil week and
although sunday is considered a non-working day in many countries of the world, and are part of "the weekend", countries predominantly influenced by Jewish or Islamic religions have Friday or Saturday as a weekly non-working day instead and the Gregorian calendar repeats every 400 years, and no century starts on a Sunday but The Jewish New Year never falls on a Sunday and any month beginning on a Sunday will contain a Friday the 13th.

Nie dziękuj.


ronn [ moralizator ]

garet troche chujowo opisal, wcale nie uzadadnil dlaczego niedziela jest taka wyjatkowa. a te nieliczne argumenty, na ktorych probowal to uzasadnic sa dosyc powierzchowne i stereotypowe (typu chodzenie do kosciola)


kamil1153 [ Generaďż˝ ]

Sunday is fun because I like it:) And the next day is Monday, which would not suffer: /


garettt [ Konsul ]

Ronn ale moje ma przynajmniej więcej niż 100 słów i jest jednym zdaniem! :DD W sumie to można twoje napisać 10 razy i będzie spoko też ;D. Co do MONDAY SUCKS to się zgodzę.


Kasha_Krk [ Konsul ]

mojej niedzieli- jak spędzam niedziele.


Zielona Żabka [ dementia praecox ]

aa to trzeba było tak od razu ;)

A perfect Sunday for me involves an early start. I meet up with a few mates and grab a burger to line the stomach. Then we all go to Church. The Church is a wonderful old warehouse that every Sunday gets ram packed with homies for what can only be described as a drinking session of biblical proportions.
For days like this, it's always wise to book the following Monday off school. Mondays are not very nice at the best of times and after a day out at 'The Church', you may wish your head was dead.

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