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Odnaleziony wrak samolotu Fossetta.


John 55 [ Konsul ]

Odnaleziony wrak samolotu Fossetta.

Dokumenty też, ale samego multimilionera już nie.
No i pewnie go już nie znajdą bo ostatni co go widzieli żywego lub martwego to pewnie kojoty.


graf_0 [ Nożownik ]

Jeżeli nie ma ciała, to trzeba założyć że żyje.
Może miał długi i chciał się ukryć? :)


Bramkarz [ brak abonamentu ]

Uwielbiam ten głuchy telefon agencji prasowych:

Search teams looking for millionaire adventurer Steve Fossett may have found the wreckage of the plane he was flying when he disappeared more than a year ago.

Steve Fossett, disappeared after a solo flight in 2007.

The Madera County, California, Sheriff's Department said the wreckage was spotted Wednesday during an aerial search of the area where a hiker had discovered identification with the missing aviator's name.

According to The Associated Press, Preston Morrow said he found three identification cards with Fossett's name and about $1000 in cash Monday tangled in a bush just west of the town of Mammoth Lakes.

Erica Stuart, a spokesman for the sheriff's department, said a ground crew will be dispatched to make a definite determination on the wreckage. The sheriff is expected to reveal more information on Thursday.

"We're not certain that it belongs to Steve Fossett, but it certainly has his name on the ID," said Mammoth Lakes, California, Police Chief Randy Schienle.


Beaverus [ Bounty Hunter ]

Pewnie siedzi w Las Vegas ;p

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