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Pytanie do historykow/znawcow esejow (po ang.)


Mat3iz [ Konsul ]

Pytanie do historykow/znawcow esejow (po ang.)

Witam, mam do napisania esej z historii o takim temacie: "Why did the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand cause a European war, not merely a war between Austria and Serbia?"
Jest on dla mnie wazny, bowiem bedzie stanowil spora czesc mojej oceny na polrocze. Napisalem czesc wstepu do niego (to dzielo bedzie mialo 2,5k slow:)), tylko wlasnie zastanawiam sie, czy eseje z historii roznia sie od innych (z innych przedmiotow), jak napisac wstep? Stworzylem takie cos (nie czepiac sie bledow jak co, pozniej se popoprawiam :P)

The European War, and more precisely First World War, started in 1914 and ended in 1918. Millions of soldiers and civils died during that war, and many millions more were wounded. Over 60 million soldiers were mobilized in order to fight.
Many historians think that the war would have started even without the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and if it’s true? Most of people probably would say “yes” and other people could say “no”, we can’t really say how the things would go on without the assassination, unless someone’s a prophet. Personally, I am in the first group of people, who say “yes”. However, there were many other problems and events which annoyed each of country and led to the war together with the assassination. Basically, this is exactly what I will write about in this essay. I’ll try to make it clear, what other problems did exist in these years, and possibly why did they lead to the war.

To be continued :P

Prosilbym o potwierdzenie, czy taki styl pytajacy etc. jest wlasciwy w esejach z historii. Rowniez prosilbym o jakies porady, w jakim stylu by to efektywnie wygladalo. Nauczyciela nie moge sie zapytac, a kumple sami nie wiedza. Wiec moze tutaj ktos moglby mi pomoc. Wielkie dzieki.


Mat3iz [ Konsul ]

Nikt sie nie orientuje ?:/

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