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J. angielski - proszę o pomoc.


Lozano23 [ Pretorianin ]

J. angielski - proszę o pomoc.

Mam przepisać poniższe zdania tak, by wyrażały to samo. (mam wykorzystać słowa w nawiasach).
Nie wiem nawet, co to za "część" angielskiego - strona bierna?
Podaje swoje "typy" - poprawcie mnie jeśli jest źle.

1. The police gave him the information. (was)
He .... the police.

He was given the information by the police.

2. People think he is living in London now. (thought)
He .... in London now.

He's being thought living in London now.

3. I need someone to check these reports before I send them. (get)
I need .... before I send them out.

I need get these reports been checked before I send them out.

4. I don't like it when my boss tells me I must work at the weekend. (being)
I don't like .... at the weekend by my boss.

I don't like being forced to work at the weekend by my boss.

5. People say he was a brilliant actor. (been)
He .... a brilliant actor.

He's been known as a brilliant actor.

6. Nobody knows where she lives. (not)
It ... where she lives.

It's not known where she lives.

7. They made me feel very stupid. (was)
I .... very stupid.

I was made to feel very stupid.

8. A team of experts are examining the damage. (is)
The damage .... a team of experts.

The damage is being examined by a team of experts.

9. It's time the hardresser cut your hair. (cut)
It's .... .

It's time you have to cut your hair.

10. They are repairing her car. (is)
She .... .

She is haveing her car being repaired by them.

Dziękuję za sprawdzenie i poprawki :)
W niektórych to na pewno zaszalałem głupotą :)


Łysy Samson [ Bass operator ]

W większości błędnie (o ile nie wszędzie), ale nie mam siły na poprawianie tego.


Lozano23 [ Pretorianin ]

To jest strona bierna czy po prostu zmienianie na "czuja"?

Bo trochę mi to bierną zalatuje.


Bullzeye_NEO [ Happy Camper ]

Bierna. Te co dobrze są to zostawiam.

2. He is thought to be living in London now.

3. I need to get these reports checked before I send them out.

4. I don't like being told to work at the weekend by my boss.

6. It is not known where she lives.

9. It's time you have your hair cut by the hairdresser.

10. She is having her car repaired by them.

Głowy sobie uciąć nie dam, że to poprawnie bo gramatyką angielską się już parę dobrych lat nie zajmowałem.

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