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Kontroler Guitar Hero


Niko Bellic [ Pretorianin ]

Kontroler Guitar Hero

Czy kontroler do Guitar Hero (gitarkę) z PS2 można podłączyć do kompa? Bo na mojego kompa gra by nie weszła, jednak na ps2 owszem.- ale we FoF'ie (coś jak GH, ale można sobie ściągnąć setki, jak nie tysiące piosenek, co na ps2 jest oczywiście niemożliwe) mógłbym sobie ewentualnie zagrać owym kontrolerem po wyciśnięciu wszystkiego z GH. :)

z góry dzięki za szybką odpowiedź.


.STG. [ Pretorianin ]

Przepraszam za offtopic, ale ten FoF to płatny? I jak się wgrywa tam piosenki? Czym się steruje?


Niko Bellic [ Pretorianin ]

FoF- coś jak Guitar Hero ale zdecydowanie uboższą szatą graficzną i bez opcji kariery. Gramy różne piosenki pobijając własne rekordy. (pozory mylą- ciekawe i bardzo grywalne imho)

Standardowe sterowanie to F'y od F1 do F5 + enter (do "bicia"). Bardzo fajna sprawa.

Tu masz wątek seryjny-

teraz ja mam do Ciebie pytanie- twoja ksywka pochodzi od skrótu od miasta, czy poprostu ją wymyśliłeś?


.STG. [ Pretorianin ]

Że myślisz o Starogardzie? :P Nie niee, z kujaw jestem. Ksywka pochodzi od marabinu szturmowego StG44, nazywanego też MP44 :)

Dzięki za informację.

A tak swoją drogą, dlaczego GH3 na PC jest tak sprzętożerne?


Niko Bellic [ Pretorianin ]

Ale jednak o Starogardzie słyszałeś. :)

A GH3 jest tak sprzętożerne, gdyż twórcy za bardzo się nie trudzili nad optymalizacją. ;P Olali trochę pc'towców, a sama gra z kontrolerem kosztuje 200 zł.


Niko Bellic [ Pretorianin ]



Jim Raynor [ Staring at the Sun ]

Z tego co wiem, kumpel jeździ na jednej kierownicy na kompie i ps2. Więc może z gitarą też nie będzie problemu.. :)


Niko Bellic [ Pretorianin ]


Odpowiedź zależy od tego, czy kupię na ps2, czy peceta... A wolałbym na to pierwsze z wiadomych powodów.

raynor-> Pewnie kierownica z dwoma końcówkami kabla- kompatybilna z PC i PS2, brat ma takiego game-pada. Ale mi chodzi konkretnie o gitarkę-kontroler.


Niko Bellic [ Pretorianin ]

Ostatni raz upuję wątek. Najwyżej zapytam bezpośrednio kogoś, kto ma wersję na ps2 z tego, bądź innego forum.


s1ntex [ Generaďż˝ ]


Important: make sure you plug the f***in thing in lol (let it install and register or whatever first)
For this you will need a ps2 – usb converter (if you dont have one.. google it)

Simply download this config file and replace the one in your guitar star directory with it.
Just remember to back up your files first... And make sure you edit the new config according to your setup.

Download here: (thanks to mental preouts even though i accidently deleted his thread lol)

Or if this setupd did not work.. please try the below

PS2 Black and Red SG Controller (thanks to wizrad for this super job)

*Note: This setup is for Users who are NOT using the Super Dual Box Pro or the Super Joy Box 3 Pro USB Adaptor. This is for ppl who have different USB adaptors and need to utilize Joy2key to be able to use the Black and Red SG Guitar Hero Controllers. Whammy will NOT work on the guitar with this setup due to a limitation of the USB adaptor, but you can set the whammy up to use a key on the keyboard in the Game input settings.

1. Install any drivers needed for the PS2-USB adaptor.

2. Plug in the Adaptor and then the Guitar.

3. Navigate on your computer to Start/Control Panel/Game Controllers. In the window that opens, highlight your newly installed adaptor and click properties. Press each button on your guitar and note what buttons activate in the game controller panel. ( I.E. Green fret button activates button 6 in the button test window as seen below). Make sure to write these down as you will need them later to configure Joy2Key.

Guitar Button / Game Controller Panel Result

Star Power / Tilt Guitar = Button 5, Select Button = Button 9
Start / Button 10
Strum Down / X Axis Down
Strum Up / X Axis Up
Green Fret / Button 6
Red Fret / Button 2
Yellow Fret / Button 1
Blue Fret / Button 3
Orange Fret / Button 4

* Again, Whammy will not work as some adpators will not recognize it.

4. Open the game and navigate to Options/Input/Player 1. Set the Controller option to Keyboard with the following settings:

Keyboard Settings

Starpower = Spacebar Key
Start = Escape Key
Strum Down = Down Arrow Key
Strum Up = Up Arrow Key
Fret 1 = F1 Key
Fret 2 = F2 Key
Fret 3 = F3 Key
Fret 4 = F4 Key
Fret 5 = F5 Key
Whammy = Backspace Key (can only be used with keyboard)

Scroll to the bottom of the input page and save your settings.

5. Navigate to the Joy2Key website and download Joy2Key. Unzip it to

a folder and click the .exe file.

6. With Joy2Key open, Highlight the name in the left window and rename your configuration to whatever you like, or create a new settings file. In the right window, we want to find the buttons in the list that we got from step 3, so that we can emulate the guitar button presses to the keyboard keys. So for Starpower, find and double click Button 5 in the list and a new window will open. At the top of this window, Click the "Keyboard" tab, and in the very top text box on the left, highlight the word "disabled" and press the spacebar. Now click the "OK" button to go back to the main list. This has now assigned button 5 of the Guitar (the tilting action) to the keyboard Spacebar, which will activate Starpower. Now assign button 9 in Joy2Key as the spacebar also (the select button on the guitar). Continue on with the rest of the buttons to configure Joy2Key.

7. Once finished assigning buttons in Joy2Key, DO NOT close it, but minimize it. You must have Joy2Key running in order for it to work. Open Guitar Star, and you should be able to play with your PS2 Guitar Hero SG.

For those that want the lazy man's way, Below is the Joy2Key config file. Just place it in the same folder as the Joy2Key .exe.

Below is my Config.xml page that should be setup with the keyboard buttons assigned. Just replace your existing Config.xml page in your Guitar Star directory. Don't forget to change any other settings to your prefence at the top of the page.


if that doesnt work try this:

wizrad, your tutorial is perfect, except for one thing... If you want the whammy bar to work (I guarantee this will work with PS2 guitar and Super Dual Box Pro adapter), you have to, in the joystick properties, do this:

"Click the Controller Mode button from the bottom left corner and change Direction Buttons Mode to Auto and Controller Mode to Analog".

And in JoyToStick you have to do this:

"From the right side select Preferences tab and choose Use POV Switches".

And the new keys are (in JoyToStick):

UP = Whammy
POV1:UP = Strum up
POV1:DOWN = Strum down
Button1 = Yellow fret
Button2 = Red fret
Button3 = Blue fret
Button4 = Orange fret
Button5 = Tilt
Button6 = Green fret
Button9 = Start
Button10 = Select

Also, drivers for those who can't find them:

Win 98/Me/2000/XP:


Niko Bellic [ Pretorianin ]

thx, kupuję wobec tego na ps2 :D

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