Revanisko [ >>>Sith Lord<<< ]
Angielski - > Prezentacja
Po pierwsze - nie napisałem tego w tym wątku ( ponieważ nie pasował tytuł
Mama jutro przedstawić 3 min wykład na temat - jak technologia zmieni nasze życie w ciągu najbliższych 20 lat.
Jeśli jacyś obeznani forumowicze mogli by sprawdzić i pokazać co gorsze błędy byłbym bardzo wdzięczny :]
Every one know's that the technology is evolving realy fast , but i will try to present how in my personal opinion it will change our lives in next 20 year's. There are three main aspect of this issue - the transport - the education and the work. First of all i would like to tell you how future will change our education. I think that the learning proces will be muth easyer the it is now. Maybe it will base on transfering informations direcly(bezposrednio nie wiem jak sie pisze) to our brains. Who know's? But i am shure that it will be muth faster then now. The next thing is the transport. We need to face the truth we need to discover new way to transport becouse now xx(z powodu) trafic the sometimes walking is faster then driveing. I think that the solution of this problem is travel thrue subspace it based on transporting matery(materie?) to other places in few second's. The last but not least issue what i am going to talk about is work. In my opinion there will be no such work like digging the ditches(kopanie rowów?) for humans in future. That kind of stuff will be perform by mashines. Human work will be restrict to invent new programs, mashines and way's to rest. In conclusion i am very optimistic about near future it will be muth better.
Nie bijcie :]
Glob3r [ Tots units fem força ]
Every one know's (everyone knows) that the technology is evolving realy fast , but i will try to present how in my personal opinion it will change our lives (live) in next 20 year's (years). There are three main aspect (aspects)of this issue - the transport - the education and the work (wydaje mi się, że powinno być bez "the" w tych trzech przypadkach)). First of all i would like to tell you how future will change our education. I think that the learning proces will be muth easyer the it is now (Tutaj mi cos nie pasuje)). Maybe it will base on transfering informations direcly(bezposrednio nie wiem jak sie pisze) to our brains. Who know's (knows)? But i am shure that it will be muth faster then now. The next thing is the transport. We need to face the truth we need to discover new way to transport becouse (because now xx(z powodu) trafic the sometimes walking is faster then driveing. I think that the solution of this problem is travel thrue subspace it based on transporting matery(materie?) to other places in few second's (seconds). The last but not least issue what i am going to talk about is work. In my opinion there will be no such work like digging the ditches(kopanie rowów?) for humans in future. That kind of stuff will be perform by mashines. Human work will be restrict to invent new programs, mashines and way's to rest. In conclusion i am very optimistic about near future it will be muth better.
Ogónie to parę błędów jest. Nie jestem pewny co do wszystkich, niech ktos to jeszcze zweryfiukje :)
Pogrubienie - tak jak IMO powinno być.
Revanisko [ >>>Sith Lord<<< ]
Everyone knows that the technology is evolving realy fast , but i will try to present how in my personal opinion it will change our live in next 20 years. There are three main aspect of this issue - transport - education and work. First of all i would like to tell you how future will change our education. I think that the learning proces will be muth easyer then it is now. Maybe it will base on transfering informations direcly(bezposrednio nie wiem jak sie pisze) to our brains. Who know's? But i am shure that it will be muth faster then now. The next thing is the transport. We need to face the truth we need to discover new way to transport becouse now becouse (????) trafic the sometimes walking is faster then driveing. I think that the solution of this problem is travel thrue subspace it based on transporting matery(materie?) to other places in few seconds. The last but not least issue what i am going to talk about is work. In my opinion there will be no such work like digging the ditches(kopanie rowów?) for humans in future. That kind of stuff will be perform by mashines. Human work will be restrict to invent new programs, mashines and way's to rest. In conclusion i am very optimistic about near future it will be muth better.
pare oczywistych dzieki and more ;d
bardziej szukajcie błedów w sensie niż w zapisie - będę to przedstawiał ustnie
Misio-Jedi [ Legend ]
Every one knows that the technology is evolving realy fast , but i will try to present how in my personal opinion it will change our live in the next 20 years. There are three main aspects of this issue - the transport - the education and the work. First of all i would like to tell you how future will change our education. I think that the learning proces will be much easyer than it is now. Maybe it will be based on transfering informations information jest tylko w liczbie pojedynczej direcly to our brains. Who knows? But i am shure that it will be happening much faster then it is now. The next thing is the transport. We need to face the truth we need to discover new way of transport becouse now due to heavy trafic walking is often faster than driving . I think that the solution to this problem might be the travel via the subspace as it is based on transporting the material from one place to another in a few second's. The last but not least issue what i am going to talk about is work. In my opinion there will be no need for such work as excavation for humans in the future. That kind of stuff will be performed by themashines. Human work will be restricted to inventing new programs, mashines and ways of leisure. In conclusion I am very optimistic about near thefuture as it is going to be muth better than the present.
moim zdaniem.
Ale jakims wielkim ekspertem nie jestem.
SanthiX [ Almost Saint ]
Everyone knows that the technology is evolving really fast , but i will try to present how in my personal opinion it will change our live in next 20 years. There are three main aspects of this issue - the transport - the education and the work. First of all i would like to tell you how future will change our education. I think that the learning process will be much easier than it is now. Maybe it will be based on transferring informations directly to our brains. Who knows? But i am sure that it will be much faster than now. The next thing is the transport. We need to face the truth, we need to discover new ways of transport. Now because of traffic sometimes walking is faster than driving. I think that the solution of this problem is travelling through subspace it based on transporting matery(materie?) to other places in few second's. (Myślę, że rozwiązaniem tego problemu jest podróżowanie przez (???) - napisałbyś to po polsku? :P ) The last but not least issue which i am going to talk about is work. In my opinion there will be no such work like digging the ditches(kopanie rowów?) for people in future. That kind of work will be perform by machines. People's work will be restrict to inventing new programs, machines and ways of resting. In conclusion i am very optimistic about near future. It will be much better than now.
Najlepiej byłoby, jakbyś napisał to po polsku, łatwiej byłoby to przetłumaczyć.
No i ta prezętacja... :P
Volk [ Senator ]
Widze, ze nie wykorzystales mojego zdania i wyszedl Ci potworek.
Revanisko [ >>>Sith Lord<<< ]
wykorzystalem ale nie w calosci :P
sekret_mnicha [ the_collector ]
Wyłapałem parę rzeczy jeszcze:
Everyone knows that the technology is evolving really fast , but i will try to present how in my personal opinion it will change our LIVES albo LIFE in next 20 years. There are three main aspects of this issue - [nie używamy w takich przypadkach THE] transport, [ciach!] education and [ciach!] work. First of all i would like to tell you how future will change our education. I think that [ciach!] learning process will be much easier than it is now. Maybe it will be based on transferring information (liczba pojedyńcza) directly into our brains. Who knows? But i am sure that it will be much faster than now. The next thing is [ciach!] transport. We need to face the truth, we need to discover new ways of transport. Now because of traffic sometimes walking is faster than driving. I think that the solution of this problem is traveling through subspace which is based on transporting matter in mere seconds (jeśli dobrze zrozumiałem, o co chodzi :). The last but not least issue which i am going to talk about is work. In my opinion there will be no such work like digging [ciach!] ditches for people in future. That kind of work will be performed by machines. People's work will be restricted (lepiej "limited") to inventing new programs, machines and ways of resting. In conclusion i am very optimistic about near future. It will be much better than now.
Revanisko [ >>>Sith Lord<<< ]
which is based on transporting matter in mere seconds. ni kumam :P
Revanisko [ >>>Sith Lord<<< ]
end edita ;s
a tak ogolnie jak to czytacie - ma to jakis sens :P?