ElvenArcher [ Centurion ]
Narysować siebie :)
Zna ktoś jakieś programy do rysowania twarzy ? Skąd można takie ściągnąć ?
MaciekJ [ Pretorianin ]
Takiego czegoś chyba nie ma ale można spróbować w Paincie ;)
eeve [ Patrycjószka ]
najbardziej niezawodne są jednak: blok, lusterko i olowek ;)
correy [ Pretorianin ]
kurde zrobiliby jakis taki progtramik
Mazzop [ spamer ]
A od czego masz notatnik :)) \||||||||/ | o| o | | \_/ | -------- i juz po klopocie:)))))))))
correy [ Pretorianin ]
no problem ja wygladam tak: ad8888888888888888ba, ad88888888888888888888888a, a88888\"8888888888888888888888, ,8888"\ \ \"P88888888888888888888b, d88 \ \ `""P88888888888888888, ,8888b ""88888888888888, d8P''' ,aa, ""888888888b 888bbdd888888ba, ,I "88888888, 8888888888888888ba8" ,88888888b ,888888888888888888b, ,8888888888 (88888888888888888888, ,88888888888, d888888888888888888888, ,8 "8888888b 88888888888888888888888 .;8'""" (888888 8888888888888I"8888888P ,8" ,aaa, 888888 888888888888I:8888888" ,8" 'b8d' (88888 (8888888888I'888888P' ,8) \ 88888 88888888I" 8888P' ,8") \ 88888 8888888I' 888" ,8" ( ) 88888 (8888I" "88, ,8" 'M-M' ,8888P 888I' "P8 ,8" ____ ,88888) (88I' ",8" M""""""M ,888888' ,8I" ,8( "aaaa" ,8888888 ,8I' ,888a ,8888888) ,8I' ,888888, ,888888888 ,8I' ,8888888'`-===-'888888888' ,8I' ,8888888" 88888888" 8I' ,8" 88 "888888P 8I ,8' 88 `P888" 8I ,8I 88 "8ba,. (8, ,8P' 88 88""8bma,. 8I ,8P' 88, "8b ""P8ma, (8, ,8d" `88, "8b `"8a 8I ,8dP ,8X8, "8b. :8b (8 ,8dP' ,I ,8XXX8, `88, 8) 8, 8dP' ,I ,8XxxxX8, I, 8X8, ,8 8I 8P' ,I ,8XxxxxxX8, I, `8X88,I8 I8, " ,I ,8XxxxxxxxX8b, I, 8XXX88I, `8I I' ,8XxxxxxxxxxxxXX8 I 8XXxxXX8, 8I (8 ,8XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8 I 8XxxxxxXX8, ,8I I[ ,8XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8 8 8XxxxxxxxX8, d8I, I[ 8XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8b 8 (8XxxxxxxxxX8, 888I `8,8XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8 8, ,8XxxxxxxxxxxX8 8888, "88XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8)8I .8XxxxxxxxxxxxX8 ,8888I 88XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8 `8, ,8XxxxxxxxxxxxX8" d88888 `8XXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8' `8,,8XxxxxxxxxxxxX8" 888888I `8XXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8' "88XxxxxxxxxxxxX8" 88888888bbaaaa88XXxxxxxxxxxxXX8) )8XXxxxxxxxxXX8" 8888888I, ``""""""8888888888888888aaaaa8888XxxxxXX8" (8888888I, . ```"""""88888P" 88888888I, ,8I 8, I8" """88888I, ,8I' "I8, ;8" `8I, ,8I' `I8, 8) `8I, ,8I' I8 :8' `8I, ,8I' I8 :8 `8I ,8I' `8 (8 8I ,8I' 8 (8; 8I ,8" I 88, .8I ,8' 8"8, (PI '8 ,8,`8, .88' ,@@ .a8X8,`8, (88 @@@ ,a8XX888,`8, (888 @@' ,d8XX8" "b `8, .8888, a8XXX8" "a `8, .888X88 ,d8XX8I" 9, `8, .88:8XX8, a8XxX8I' `8 `8, .88' 8XxX8a ,ad8XxX8I' ,8 `8, d8' 8XxxxX8ba, ,ad8XxxX8I" 8 , `8, (8I 8XxxxxxX888888888XxxxX8I" 8 II `8 8I' "8XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8I' (8 8) 8; (8I 8XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8" (8 8) 8I 8P' (8XxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8I' 8, (8 :8 (8' 8XxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8' `8, 8 8 8I `8XxxxxxxxxxxxX8' `8,8 ;8 8' `8XxxxxxxxxxX8' `8I ,8' 8 `8XxxxxxxxX8' 8' ,8' 8 `8XxxxxxX8' 8 ,8' 8 `8XxxxX8' d' 8' 8 `8XxxX8 8 8' 8 "8X8' "8" 8, `88 8 8I ,8' d) `8, d8 ,8 (b 8' ,8' 8, dP ,8' (b 8' ,8' 8, d8 ,8' (b 8' ,8' 8, a8 ,8' (b 8' ,8' 8, ,8 ,8' (b 8' ,8' 8, ,8 ,8' (b 8' ,8' 8, d8 ,8' (b ,8' ,8' 8,,I8 ,8' I8I8' ,8' `I8I ,8' I8' ,8' "8 ,8' (8 ,8' 8I ,8' (b, 8, ,8) `8I "88 ,8i8, (b, ,8"8") `8I ,8 8) 8 8 8I 8I " 8 8 (b 8I 8 8 `8 (8, b 8, 8 8) "b"8, 8 8( "b"8 8 "I "b8, 8 `8) 8 I8 8 (8 8, 8, Ib 8) (8 I8 8 I8 8 I8 8, I8 Ib 8I (8 (8' 8 I8 8, 8I Ib (8' (8 I8 `8 8I 8 (8' 8, I8 Ib 8I (8 8' 8, (8 Ib I8 (8 8I (8 8I 8, 8' (b (8 8, I8 I8 I8 (8 I8 8 I8, 8 8 8, 8, 8 8' ,I8 "8" ,8"8, "b ,8' `8 8 ,8' 8 8, ,8' (a "b ,8' `8 (b I8/ 8 8, I8-/ 8 `8, (8/-/ 8 `8, 8I/-/ ,8 `8 `8I/--,I8 \-8) `8I,,d8I \-\8) "bdI"8, \-\I8 `8, \-\I8' `8,,--\I8' `Ib,,I8' `I8I'
correy [ Pretorianin ]
moze teraz wyjdzie zobaczymy ad8888888888888888ba, ad88888888888888888888888a, a88888\"8888888888888888888888, ,8888"\ \ \"P88888888888888888888b, d88 \ \ `""P88888888888888888, ,8888b ""88888888888888, d8P''' ,aa, ""888888888b 888bbdd888888ba, ,I "88888888, 8888888888888888ba8" ,88888888b ,888888888888888888b, ,8888888888 (88888888888888888888, ,88888888888, d888888888888888888888, ,8 "8888888b 88888888888888888888888 .;8'""" (888888 8888888888888I"8888888P ,8" ,aaa, 888888 888888888888I:8888888" ,8" 'b8d' (88888 (8888888888I'888888P' ,8) \ 88888 88888888I" 8888P' ,8") \ 88888 8888888I' 888" ,8" ( ) 88888 (8888I" "88, ,8" 'M-M' ,8888P 888I' "P8 ,8" ____ ,88888) (88I' ",8" M""""""M ,888888' ,8I" ,8( "aaaa" ,8888888 ,8I' ,888a ,8888888) ,8I' ,888888, ,888888888 ,8I' ,8888888'`-===-'888888888' ,8I' ,8888888" 88888888" 8I' ,8" 88 "888888P 8I ,8' 88 `P888" 8I ,8I 88 "8ba,. (8, ,8P' 88 88""8bma,. 8I ,8P' 88, "8b ""P8ma, (8, ,8d" `88, "8b `"8a 8I ,8dP ,8X8, "8b. :8b (8 ,8dP' ,I ,8XXX8, `88, 8) 8, 8dP' ,I ,8XxxxX8, I, 8X8, ,8 8I 8P' ,I ,8XxxxxxX8, I, `8X88,I8 I8, " ,I ,8XxxxxxxxX8b, I, 8XXX88I, `8I I' ,8XxxxxxxxxxxxXX8 I 8XXxxXX8, 8I (8 ,8XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8 I 8XxxxxxXX8, ,8I I[ ,8XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8 8 8XxxxxxxxX8, d8I, I[ 8XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8b 8 (8XxxxxxxxxX8, 888I `8,8XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8 8, ,8XxxxxxxxxxxX8 8888, "88XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8)8I .8XxxxxxxxxxxxX8 ,8888I 88XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8 `8, ,8XxxxxxxxxxxxX8" d88888 `8XXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8' `8,,8XxxxxxxxxxxxX8" 888888I `8XXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8' "88XxxxxxxxxxxxX8" 88888888bbaaaa88XXxxxxxxxxxxXX8) )8XXxxxxxxxxXX8" 8888888I, ``""""""8888888888888888aaaaa8888XxxxxXX8" (8888888I, . ```"""""88888P" 88888888I, ,8I 8, I8" """88888I, ,8I' "I8, ;8" `8I, ,8I' `I8, 8) `8I, ,8I' I8 :8' `8I, ,8I' I8 :8 `8I ,8I' `8 (8 8I ,8I' 8 (8; 8I ,8" I 88, .8I ,8' 8"8, (PI '8 ,8,`8, .88' ,@@ .a8X8,`8, (88 @@@ ,a8XX888,`8, (888 @@' ,d8XX8" "b `8, .8888, a8XXX8" "a `8, .888X88 ,d8XX8I" 9, `8, .88:8XX8, a8XxX8I' `8 `8, .88' 8XxX8a ,ad8XxX8I' ,8 `8, d8' 8XxxxX8ba, ,ad8XxxX8I" 8 , `8, (8I 8XxxxxxX888888888XxxxX8I" 8 II `8 8I' "8XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8I' (8 8) 8; (8I 8XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8" (8 8) 8I 8P' (8XxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8I' 8, (8 :8 (8' 8XxxxxxxxxxxxxxX8' `8, 8 8 8I `8XxxxxxxxxxxxX8' `8,8 ;8 8' `8XxxxxxxxxxX8' `8I ,8' 8 `8XxxxxxxxX8' 8' ,8' 8 `8XxxxxxX8' 8 ,8' 8 `8XxxxX8' d' 8' 8 `8XxxX8 8 8' 8 "8X8' "8" 8, `88 8 8I ,8' d) `8, d8 ,8 (b 8' ,8' 8, dP ,8' (b 8' ,8' 8, d8 ,8' (b 8' ,8' 8, a8 ,8' (b 8' ,8' 8, ,8 ,8' (b 8' ,8' 8, ,8 ,8' (b 8' ,8' 8, d8 ,8' (b ,8' ,8' 8,,I8 ,8' I8I8' ,8' `I8I ,8' I8' ,8' "8 ,8' (8 ,8' 8I ,8' (b, 8, ,8) `8I "88 ,8i8, (b, ,8"8") `8I ,8 8) 8 8 8I 8I " 8 8 (b 8I 8 8 `8 (8, b 8, 8 8) "b"8, 8 8( "b"8 8 "I "b8, 8 `8) 8 I8 8 (8 8, 8, Ib 8) (8 I8 8 I8 8 I8 8, I8 Ib 8I (8 (8' 8 I8 8, 8I Ib (8' (8 I8 `8 8I 8 (8' 8, I8 Ib 8I (8 8' 8, (8 Ib I8 (8 8I (8 8I 8, 8' (b (8 8, I8 I8 I8 (8 I8 8 I8, 8 8 8, 8, 8 8' ,I8 "8" ,8"8, "b ,8' `8 8 ,8' 8 8, ,8' (a "b ,8' `8 (b I8/ 8 8, I8-/ 8 `8, (8/-/ 8 `8, 8I/-/ ,8 `8 `8I/--,I8 \-8) `8I,,d8I \-\8) "bdI"8, \-\I8 `8, \-\I8' `8,,--\I8' `Ib,,I8' `I8I'
correy [ Pretorianin ]
niestety a napraede fajnie to wyglada
beeper [ Centurion ]
zskenauj swoje zdjecie, kilka filtroow w photosopie i juz jak narysowany ;] ale sa programiki, ale do rysowania karykatur ;]
KoRasS [ Centurion ]
<|*_*|> i juz :PP
Drizzt64 [ Centurion ]
\|/\/||/|/| _ _ | | ^ ^ | | \/ | \ / \ \__/ / \___/ hehe, nagrode nobla poprosze <^_^>
Viti [ Capo Di Tutti Capi ]
||||||||| / /--/ 0 0 \-- /--/ | \-- / \____/ \_________/ | | ... ale to fajne. Wyglądam jak robocik :-)
Viti [ Capo Di Tutti Capi ]
... Kurde coś nie wyszło. ... W oryginalnej wiadomości wyglądało znacznie lepiej :-)
Zenek [ Centurion ]
eeve ma racje - tradycyjne metody sa najlepsze :)
beeper [ Centurion ]
no fajnie sobie wygladasz :) hehehe
beeper [ Centurion ]
no fajnie sobie wygladasz :) hehehe
ElvenArcher [ Centurion ]
Wiem ! Keidyś był taki program dosowski, ale zapomniałem nazwę. Wstawiało się do pustego koła: uszy, oczy itp. Nie wiecie jak ten program może się nazywać ?
emorg [ Senator ]
Fajne gęby!!!
beeper [ Centurion ]
byl byl, nawet pod win$hita ale nazwa mi tez wypadla z pamieci..
Mag_Magik [ Chor��y ]
to moja tfasz <:-)~
_snake_ [ Pretorianin ]
Zenek [ Centurion ]
_snake_ - co ma piernik do...?
_snake_ [ Pretorianin ]
nic, a czemu pytasz?? hehehe
Isam [ Generaďż˝ ]
nie wiem w czym cala filozofia to ja : =P albo : /\/\/\/ | O o| | _ | \ / | | qrde ale ze mnei koslawiec
TeadyBeeR [ Legend ]
A tak wyglada fan mangi i anime : >< lub ^_^ A tak wyglada ... (_I_) Ale niektorzy wola ... (o) (o)
anonimowy [ Legend ]
no dobra (chusteczki)... nic nie narysuje bo umieram ze smiechu :))
Eldoth [ Konsul ]
Dobra nie bede was dluzej oszukiwal(a):D OTO JA:
Bdx [ Senator ]
||||||||||| ( O O ) | | | \__--_/ _____| |_____ / | | | | | | B|>x | | \ \ / / ```````````````````````| _____|_______|_______|__| __|______|_______|______| _____|_______|_______|__| Cześć to ja - Bdx :-))))))
Bdx [ Senator ]
JEZU ale sie pokaszaniło :-)))))