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Prosba o sprawdzenie - j.angielski


TiAmo [ Pretorianin ]

Prosba o sprawdzenie - j.angielski

Czy moglby ktos sprawdzic to co napisalem? Dawno nie mialem stycznosci z angolem, wiec bedzie masa bledow zwiazana za czasami pewnie ;/

Kate Jansen, the daily echo reporter meets in the pub with her friend max.
Max used to be a reporter but now he owns a club in rotterdam. after the
meeting mat goes back to the netherlands. Two days later he was found lying dead in Amsterdam street. His death appeared to be some kind of mugger, but kate can't believe it and goes to amsterdam to find the truth. kates boss allows her to leave.
In Amsterdam kate meets with her friend elly, who is a police officer. she tells her about her meeting with max just before his death. elly offers her help to kate.
next day kate visit retired rotterdam football club player in his apartment. John van essens carrier enden too early - he was only 28. he comes from poor family, max discovered his talent on the street to make him world famous football star. john tolds kate that max had serious heart problems and he was taking medicines. next day elly told her that police found that max was killed by the well-know local drug addict and mugger, who had his wallet. he declines that He is guilty and kate believes him. kate arranges a meeting with tom - max's brother and one of the rotterdam football club co-owners. he seems very nervous about recent days. in library kate founds out that another co-owner is a man known as chiristians. to kets hotel room comes anonymous letter about the illegal bets against the rotterdam football club. kate calls elly, who arranges
a meeting with the sports betting company boss. he told her that all
rotterdam games are very high valued bets. Next day kate watches a
game against barcelona with van essen. rotterdam lost the game after 2
goalkeeper mistakes. van essen dies at the following day. kate decides to meet the
goalkeeper. she finds out that christians ordered sanchez to leak those two
goals and he was threating him. kate and elly want to trap christians.
sanchez was supposed to help them. christians didnt let them catch him and uses gun
to force all three to abandoned flat. he tied kate and elly and told sanchez
that if he start playing normal in next game he will kill them both.
christians and sanchez go to the game. kate somehow find a way to escape and she
reports everything to the police. christains got caught and proven that he
killed max and van essen. kate goes back to london and writes the article about
the club


Daniosek777 [ Centurion ]

a do ktorej chodzisz klasy???
ja to w czesci rozumiem a w drugiej nie a z anglika nie jestem mistrzem to moze ci sprawdzic ten kto lubi sie uczyc angielskiego a nie ten co woli inne przedmioty .
A forum nie jest po to aby sprawdzac lekcje .
Kto inny moze ci sprawdzic


TiAmo [ Pretorianin ]

a czy ja chce zeby ktos za mnie to napisal? chce zeby ktos to sprawdzil jak nie szkoda mu czasu i tyle. Co ma do tego klasa? Studiuje. Zreszta, jest ktos taki jak moderator i to on chyba powinien mi przypomniec do czego sluzy forum, nie Ty. Wiec jak nie wnosisz nic do tematu to po prostu sie nie udzielaj.


TiAmo [ Pretorianin ]



TiAmo [ Pretorianin ]


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