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pytanie o uruchomienie skryptu php


Shilka the Red [ Ponury Grzybiarz ]

pytanie o uruchomienie skryptu php

mam taka instrukcje:

Getting started
Installing POBS is as easy as I could think of. Just unzip the file and put it a directory that's accessible by your webserver. POBS is a collection of files in just 1 directory. The documentation is spread over 2 directories.

Before executing POBS you are advised to read the manual that is provided through this website. Also check the settings in and adjust them to suit your needs. When you run POBS for the first time, you should at least adjust the $SourceDir and the $TargetDir variables. Note: the source and targetdirectories are complete paths and not relative to the webserver rootdirectory!

If you have a large amount of PHP source to be POBSed, check your php.ini and see whether it runs in "Safe mode". If it does, POBS can not adjust the timeout setting as indicated in and the processing might be terminated before POBS has finished the replacement of all your PHP codefiles. You might need to restart your webserver after adjusting the php.ini file.

After having checked everything and having adjusted the settings in you point your browser to pobs.php and press <Enter>. You will see something like the screen below.

i teraz nie chodzi mi o przetlumacznei tego bo rozumiem co on pisze , tylko co mam zrobic:]
ma konto ftp ktore zezwala na obsluge skryptow PHP, ale to trzeba gdzies wlaczyc? bo gdy wpisuje adres
wyswietla mi kod skryptu

chyba ze ktos zna jakies obfuscatory online:] albo takie dzialajace bezposrednio z dysku, bo trzeba mi zaszyfrowac skrypty w VLISPIE :]

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