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Prośba o sprawdzenie poprawnej pisowni w angielskim liście


kkoolliibbeerr [ Junior ]

Prośba o sprawdzenie poprawnej pisowni w angielskim liście

Czy mógł by mi ktoś sprawdzić czy jest to dobrze napisane, ponieważ ja jestem strasznie cienki z anglika. Ewentualnie proszę o poprawę błędów. Z góry dziękuje :)

Dear „Out and About”!

I am writing about football, which is my favourite sport and many people plays in it.

Football became very popular in XIX century, when England studends began played in it. But in football played people, who lived in America before 1492 year.

Football match depend on shooting as biggest gols by pleyer belong to team. Team consist with eleven players, whos play in the ground and reserve players and coach. All over the world is many football club. They create organizations and compete each other.

Anyone can play in football regardless of age and sex. This sport create ties between people, therefore is a great for family.

At the beginning it is best to take some lessons, becouse football is very demanding sport. In order to play very well in football need many skill and have talent. The best player in this sport are Kaka, Cristiano Ronaldo and Ronaldinho. They are earning a lot of money and are very popular all over the world.

Yours sincerely


Zielona Żabka [ Let's rock! ]

Po pierwsze - nie mówi się "play in football" tylko "play football"


Glob3r [ Tots units fem força ]

sport and many people plays in it.

Wydaje mi się, że "s" po play nie jest potrzebne. S na końcu dodaje się przy he/she/it, tutaj by było "oni".

when England studends

Nie powinno być students ?

biggest gols by pleyer belong to team.

play in football
Bez "in"

Przypuszczam, żę jeszcze coś z czaów by sie znalazło, ale zaraz muszę wychodzić...


wysia [ Senator ]

"But in football played people, who lived in America before 1492 year."
No they didn't. Football (czy tez cos najbardziej go przypominajacego) powstal w Azji, a to w co grali Indianie, nie bylo zupelnie podobne. Poczytaj historie chocby na angielskiej wiki.


D3O [ Konsul ]

when England studends began

Ja bym napisał "when english students"


siwy346 [ Gamepad ]

źle źle źle poważne błędy

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