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Max_Jajcarz [ Centurion ]


Mam Total Comander ale nie wiem jak za jego pomocą ustawić wartość CHMOD dla niektórych plików


General E'qunix [ Nobody likes me ]

chyba Plik -> zmień atrybut


Narmo [ nikt ]

Dialog box: Change UNIX attributes (Permissions)

With this dialog box you can change the file attributes on UNIX(TM) FTP-Servers. Although this dialog box is shown for all FTP servers, the command (SITE chmod xyz file.ext) doesn't work with all servers (only with some UNIX servers).

Owner Here you can change the attributes concerning the owner of the file.
Group These attributes concern all users who are in the same group as the owner of the file.
World (other) These attributes concern all other users. If a file should be world-readable on the WEB, you need to set the Read attribute here. CGI scripts need the Execute attribute.

Read Gives read permission to the respective user class.
Write Allows the modification of the specific file. Usually only the owner class has this attribute.

Execute Allows to start programs (e.g. CGI scripts), and the opening of subdirectories.

Hint: The attribute is set if a black checkmark is shown, left unchanged with a gray checkmark, and removed if no checkmark is there.

Ok Sets / removes the chosen attributes, and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Returns to Total Commander without changing the attributes.
Help Starts Windows Help with this page.

Hint: The UNIX attributes are shown as a 3 digit number in the file lists:

- The first number represents the owner rights.
- The second number shows the group rights.
- The third number stands for all other user's rights (world rights).
- The numbers are calculated by adding the individual rights: 4=Read, 2=Write, 1=Execute
- Example: 754 means: Owner has all rights, Group may read and execute, World may only read the file

Logujesz się na serwer FTP i na dole masz linię poleceń (pod spisem plików i katalogów) wpisujesz chmod [atrybuty] [pliki]


hugo [ v5 ]

Linia poleceń jest niewygodna.

Logujesz się na FTP zaznaczasz wybrane pliki/katalogi (podświetlasz na czerwono). Potem klikasz menu Plik >> Zmień atrybuty

Wyskakuje Ci okienko z ustawieniami uprawnień, możesz 'ręcznie' zaznaczyć/odznaczyć co Cię interesuje, bądź na dole wprowadzić wartość chmod'a ręcznie.

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