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Angielski sprawdzenie ;]


Revanisko [ >>>Sith Lord<<< ]

Angielski sprawdzenie ;]

takie skrobnolem - ale jako ze jestem po wakacjach szczerze watpie w sens i gramatyke :D

Think of a group of people your own age that you spend a lot of time with and answer the questions
How do you usually spend your time together?
Is this anything intresting happening or changing in the moment?

I have few friends from seccondary school. Whe have very intresting hobby. When we met together we blowing up something. We try many thinks like rokets and normal fireworks. All of this is made by uss. Its cool way to spend time and allways there is mutch (śmiechu). Many thinks are changing now . We are going to difrent schools now. We dont have so muth time as beffore. But in weekends we try to meet and blow something.

to jest zalosne :(
strasznie mi poziom spadl ;d

nawet nie potrafie limitu slow osiagnac (120) help :( - tylko ten jeden raz ;]


Boginka [ Sybarytka ]

Rada numer 1: zapuść sobie sprawdzanie pisowni w Wordzie. W takim stanie trzeba by podkreślić sporo zwykłych literówek. Jak już przetrawisz to raz jeszcze, mogę nawet poświęcić kilka minut czasu na "help". W razie wątpliwości (kiedy dwa różne słowa pisze się podobnie), śmiało korzystaj ze słowników.


Mat3iz [ Konsul ]

Erm, no to polece zdaniami.
1. OK (secondary, jedno "c")
2. We nie Whe
3. "When we are meeting together, we always blow something up. (albo cos w tym stylu) :D.
4. Nie wiem co chciales tu napisac, wiec nie poprawie...
5. All of it is made by us?
6. It is cool way to spend time, and theres always much laugh.
7. Many things have changed now.
8. Everyone of us is in different school now?
9. We are not spending so much time now as before?
10. However in weekends we are trying to meet, and blow up something?

Sa zapytajniki bo zawsze mam problem z czasami... ale mysle, ze jest ok.

Btw. co masz na mysli przez "blow" w tym tekscie? :D Mysle, ze cos rozwalacie wiec dalem "blow up"


Revanisko [ >>>Sith Lord<<< ]

I have few friends from secondary school. We have very intresting hobby with is blowing stuff up. It starts when i find internet forum about chemistry and (pirotechnika). We try many thinks like rokets , stars , comets , wulkanos and normal fireworks . All of it is made by us. Every one in group have something to do. One do (mieszanke) another (lont). Then whan anyone do his work we are meeting and blowing something. It is cool way to spend free time, and theres always much laugh. Many things have changed now. Everyone of us is in different school , and we are not spending so much time now as before. However in weekends we are trying to meet, and blow up something.


jak macie pomysl co jescze dodac (20 slow XD)


Mat3iz [ Konsul ]

I have few friends from secondary school. We have very intresting hobby which is blowing stuff up. It have started when I found on internet forum about chemistry and pyrotechnics. We have tried many things like rockets, comets, volcanos and normal fireworks . We are making it by ourselves. Everyone in our "team" have something to do. One mixes stuff (nie mam pojecia jak to nazwac...) another makes fuses etc. When everyone have made their job, we are meeting up and blowing something up. It is cool way to spend free time, and theres always much laugh. Many things have changed now. Everyone of us is in different school , and we are not spending so much time now as before. However in weekends we are trying to meet, and blow up something.

Poprawiona wersja :D

Tak btw. mysle, ze jak nauczycielka to przeczyta to Cie uzna za swira albo cos takiego... Bo generalnie ten tekst jest o tym, ze robicie materialy wybuchowe i cos wysadzacie? Bo nie wiem czy dobrze zrozumialem, jak nie to trzeba zmienic to "blow up".

A teraz ide spac, ema. :P


Revanisko [ >>>Sith Lord<<< ]

powiem ze to fikcja literacka xD

czekam jescze na drugha opinie


@d@m [ ]

I have few friends from secondary school
Few znaczy malo; a few kilkoro - zakladam, ze chodzi Ci o to drugie.

Everyone jest traktowane jako liczba pojedyncza, wiec everyone has/is

Ja bym zamiast Present Continous dal Present Simple, np. w tym zdaniu: However in weekends we are trying to meet, and blow up something.

we are not spending so much time now as before - we don't spend so much time together as we used to.


Boginka [ Sybarytka ]


I have few (kilku czy niewielu?) friends from secondary school. We have very intresting hobby which is blowing stuff up. It have started when I found on internet forum about (powodwiedź: między innymi szyk zdania) chemistry and pyrotechnics. We have tried many things like rockets, comets, volcanos and normal fireworks . We are making it by ourselves. Everyone in our "team" have something to do. One mixes stuff (nie mam pojecia jak to nazwac...) another makes fuses etc. When everyone have made their job, we are meeting up and blowing something up. It is cool way to spend free time, and theres always much laugh. Many things have changed now. Everyone of us is in different school , and we are not spending so much time now as before. However in weekends we are trying to meet, and blow up something.

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