Heretyk [ Pretorianin ]
Pomoc z angielskim - Błędy w tekście
A room is large and its wall colored in white. The light enter to the room across a windows in the roof.. In the center it’s a big and strongly unlit table. In this table are a lot of things, sometimes in disorder, but generally it’s a tidiness. The room it’s not quite in light. There is no possibility to see a corner clearly, when one stay near the table. If somebody approach a door, they will see a old, made by black oat, wardrobe. Next to the wardrobe there are a some lumber. Somebody can see here a simple mechanisms, for example Von Graff’s generator. On the wall it’s a long shelf with the books. There are the books with physics, match, chemistry and with more topics. Under the opposite wall it’s a large and comfortable bed. It’s one corner when there is no light and no possibility to see anything.
Mógłby ktoś przeczytać ten krótki tekst i wyłapać w nim błędy gramatyczne bądź stylistyczne? Byłbym bardzo zobowiązany.
Heretyk [ Pretorianin ]
NoLog [ Pretorianin ]
In the center it’s a big and strongly unlit table.
Nie it's a there is. :)
Boginka [ Sybarytka ]
Zaznaczone pogrubieniem - co, to już sam się domyśl.
A room is large and its wall colored in white. The light enter to the room across a windows in the roof.. In the center it’s a big and strongly unlit table. In this table are a lot of things, sometimes in disorder, but generally it’s a tidiness. The room it’s not quite in light. There is no possibility to see a corner clearly, when one stay near the table. If somebody approach a door, they will see a old, made by black oat, wardrobe. Next to the wardrobe there are a some lumber. Somebody can see here a simple mechanisms, for example Von Graff’s generator. On the wall it’s a long shelf with the books. There are the books with physics, match, chemistry and with more topics. Under the opposite wall it’s a large and comfortable bed. It’s one corner when there is no light and no possibility to see anything.
Jak poprawisz mogę drugi raz zrobić coś takiego - do skutku. Bardziej nie podpowiadam.
...Cannibal... [ Pretorianin ]
Boginka---> ubieglas mnie, tez tak chcialem zrobic...:(
Heretyk [ Pretorianin ]
A room is large with white walls. The light go in the room a through the windows in the roof.. There is a big and strongly unlit table in the center . There are on this table a lot of things, sometimes in disorder, but generally there is a tidiness. The room is not in light quite. There is no possibility to see a corner clearly, when one stand near the table. If somebody approach to door, they will see a old, made by black oat, wardrobe. Next to the wardrobe there are a little lumber. Somebody can see here a simple mechanisms, for example Von Graff’s generator. There is a long shelf with a books in the wall . There are books about physics, match, chemistry and about else topics. There is a large and comfortable bed in the opposite wall . There is no light and no possibility to see anything in the one corner.