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Wiadomość Syriusza: Chcesz wziąć udział w wydaniu NwN w Polsce?(...)


Przewodnik Syriusza [ Magazyn Grafik ]

Wiadomość Syriusza: Chcesz wziąć udział w wydaniu NwN w Polsce?(...)

(...)Nic trudnego! Wystarczy że przetłumaczysz poniższy tekst zgodnie z instrukcją i wyślesz na ten mail wraz ze swoim CV: [email protected] !
I ty możesz się udzielić w tłumaczeniu Neverwinter Nights!


Neverwinter Nights – próbka tłumaczenia

Tłumaczenie gier komputerowych bywa często trudniejsze niż inne rodzaje tłumaczeń. Oprócz doskonałej znajomości języka angielskiego od tłumacza gier komputerowych wymaga się umiejętności przekładania wyrażeń skryptowych, znajomości świata gier komputerowych oraz powszechnie przyjętych w tłumaczeniach gier konwencji. Poniższa próbka ma za zadanie sprawdzić, w jaki sposób poradziliby sobie Państwo z tego typu tłumaczeniem.

Poniżej znajdą Państwo teksty z Neverwinter Nights podzielone na dwie kategorie: opisy i dialogi. Na co będziemy zwracać uwagę oceniając jakość tłumaczenia?

Opisy – mają za zadanie sprawdzić, w jakim stopniu znają Państwo charakterystykę gier Fantasy RPG, przyjęte w dotychczasowych tłumaczeniach konwencje, oraz – najogólniej mówiąc – swojego rodzaju wyczucie, jeśli chodzi o nazewnictwo D&D.

Dialogi – należy zwrócić szczególną uwagę na ton (register). Tłumaczenie dialogów w grach RPG często wymaga przede wszystkim... wyobraźni. W pojedynczych zdaniach i wyrwanych z kontekstu stwierdzeniach należy odnaleźć osobowość postaci i wiernie ją oddać w tłumaczeniu. Tu nie ma jasnych zasad. Najważniejsze jest to czy przetłumaczony tekst brzmi naturalnie, czy dobrze się czyta i czy wiernie oddaje treść oraz znaczenie oraz ton angielskiego oryginału.

Kwestie techniczne

1) Tłumaczenie powinno być umieszczone pod tekstem angielskim, bezpośrednio pod wyrażeniem ((POLISH)).
2) Nazwy zmiennych, takie jak <FirstName> <CUSTOM100>, itp! pozostawiamy tak jak w oryginale. Uwaga: zmienne są nieodmienialne! Należy zwrócić na to szczególną uwagę w czasie tłumaczenia. Proszę zawsze pamiętać, że w miejsce zmiennej zostanie podstawione jakieś słowo (z reguły w mianowniku) i trzeba tak przełożyć zdanie, aby brzmiało poprawnie gramatycznie już po wstawieniu zmiennej.
3) Jako, że można grać zarówno kobietą jak i mężczyzną, w tłumaczeniach dialogów należy zwrócić szczególną uwagę na kwestie płci rozmówcy – chodzi o to, aby przełożone zdanie pasowało zarówno dla bohatera płci męskiej jak i żeńskiej. Jeśli bohater mówi: „I have won”, to nie można tego przetłumaczyć na „Wygrałem” ani na „Wygrałam”, gdyż są to wypowiedzi jednoznacznie wskazujące na płeć. W takim wypadku jednym z możliwych tłumaczeń może być „Udało mi się wygrać.”
4) W tłumaczeniach gier komputerowych, z powodu specyficznego formatowania plików, nie ma miejsca na uwagi tłumacza. W kwestiach spornych należy wybrać najlepszą opcję ewentualnie uzasadniając swoje decyzje w osobnym pliku tekstowym.
5) Błędy interpunkcyjne i ortograficzne wpłyną negatywnie na ocenę tłumaczenia. Piszemy po polsku, wedle wszelkich prawideł!
6) Należy starać się, aby tłumaczenie nie było znacząco dłuższe od oryginału.


Filip & Rysiek
CD Projekt


Sorcerers are arcane spellcasters who manipulate magic energy with imagination and talent rather than studious discipline. They have no books, no mentors, no theories - just raw power that they direct at will. Sorcerers know fewer spells than wizards do and acquire them more slowly, but they can cast individual spells more often and have no need to prepare their incantations ahead of time. Also unlike wizards, sorcerers cannot specialize in a school of magic. Since sorcerers gain their powers without undergoing the years of rigorous study that wizards go through, they have more time to learn fighting skills and are proficient with simple weapons.

WARNING: To cast a spell, a sorcerer must have a Charisma score of 10 + the spell's level. For example, to cast a 9th-level spell, a sorcerer must have a Charisma of 19.

- Hit Die: d4.
- Proficiencies: All simple weapons. Sorcerers are not proficient with armor or shields.
- Skill Points (*4 at 1st level): 2 + Intelligence Modifier.
- Spellcasting: Arcane (Charisma-based, no spell preparation, spell failure from armor is a factor); sorcerers begin the game knowing all cantrips.

Caster Level(s): Cleric 8
Innate Level: 8
School: Abjuration
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Personal
Area of Effect / Target: Caster
Duration: 1 Round / Level
Additional Counter Spells:
Save: Will, Special
Spell Resistance: Yes

When this spell is cast, the caster chooses to be protected from either good or evil. He receives a +4 deflection bonus to Armor Class, immunity to mind-affecting spells and spell-like abilities used by creatures of the chosen alignment, and spell resistance 25 against spells cast by creatures of the chosen alignment. Creatures of the chosen alignment also take 6 + 1d8 damage each time they successfully strike the Cleric.

Katana +1
Damage: 1d8
Critical: 19-20/x3
Weight: 8lb
Type: Slashing

Besieged by a powerful wu-jen, Lord Sunang of Kara-Tur was forced into some very expensive alliances. Weapons like these were plentiful, but not cheap, and the strain of equipping his army against an ever-strengthening foe eroded his influence. In the end, Sunang's lands fell to their own weakness, not the swords of his enemy. Merchants may have supplied both sides with these same arms to extend their profits, but three centuries have hidden the answers.


"My dear Lady Aribeth,

"Master Maugrim has told me that I must inform you on how to move about the Host Tower for when you come.

"I do not know if you are aware, but much of the Host Tower is not connected in the normal fashion. We use a teleporter to move about from area to area... when you are in the ambassador's area, you can find the first teleporter in the far chamber.

"You only need touch the portal and express your desired location, and it shall open the way for you. The second level anyone may reach, but beyond that you must have a runestone which allows your access (for security, of course).

"The portals, once open, remain so for a mere half-minute, my Lady. Hurry on through once has been opened. Enclosed with this letter is a runestone that will allow you to reach master Maugrim's private sanctum. He awaits your arrival eagerly.

"Your servant,
Apprentice Pim."

Aribeth de Tylmarande (paladyn, kobieta)

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_050*
Welcome, <FullName>. I regret I did not get a chance to introduce myself properly to you while you were training at the Academy.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_051*
I am Lady Aribeth de Tylmarande, paladin in the service of Tyr and the right hand of Nasher Alagondar, Lord of Neverwinter. I have been waiting for you.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_140*
You truly are remarkable, <FirstName>. If nothing else you prove that wit is no match for courage and skill!

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_152*
Truly the heart of a hero beats within your chest, <FirstName>! Of all who have sought the creatures you have proven yourself above everyone else!

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_126*
I heard of the trouble in the Beggar's Nest. This malevolent thing was behind it? As if the plague wasn't enough.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_127*
That was the reason we lost contact with those in the prison? As if the plague was not enough.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_128*
It is shameful the way such a gentle creature is mishandled. The plague does enough harm without us adding to it.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_129*
That old scoundrel? I suppose I cannot expect such men to give up their ways, even in times like this.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_135*
You have earned a place of honor among those who sought to aid Neverwinter in these dark times. You will stand with us as the ritual to create the cure is performed.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_130*
<FirstName>, where others have found only failure you have discovered shining success. Neverwinter is in your debt.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_151*
We are all eagerly awaiting its recovery. As soon as we have the fourth component we can begin the ritual to create the cure.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_122*
Ah, dear Fenthick, the love of my life. He has been my rock during these troubled times. But even he cannot help me with this, <FirstName>.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_052*
I have been following your progress since your early training at the Academy. Neverwinter has need of a <man/woman> like you if we are to survive the Wailing Death.

Neverwinter has need of a <man/woman> like you in these dark times. Plague ridden corpses clog our gutters, panic has seized the citizens and there is open rebellion in the streets.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_054*
The attack on the Academy doused the one faint spark of hope this city had. I need you to help recover that which we have lost, <FirstName>.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_120*
You will answer only to me, <FirstName>, and I will give you free reign in your tasks.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_121*
I promise your reward for this task will be well worth your efforts. There are many rumors about the plague, but if you are to aid me in this, it is important you know the truth about the Wailing Death.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_055*
I knew I could count on you, <FirstName>. There are many rumors about the plague, but if you are to aid me in this, it is important you know the truth about the Wailing Death.

There are many rumors and lies about the plague, our search for a cure and the attacks on the Academy. If you are to aid me in this it is important you know the truth.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_057*
Our divine healers can do nothing to help those afflicted by the Wailing Death, and even our most powerful magic cannot raise those who succumb to the illness.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_058*
But a short time ago we had word that Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun, the famous archmage of Waterdeep, had discovered a potential cure, one that might be concocted from the essence of four rare and magical creatures.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_059*
Under great secrecy the four creatures were gathered in Waterdeep then sent here to Neverwinter, as strange a menagerie as any has ever set eyes on: a cockatrice, an intellect devourer, a yuan-ti and a dryad.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_060*
I ordered them sent to the Academy, Neverwinter's renowned training institution for adventurers of every ilk. I once studied there myself and I thought the instructors and students were loyal to Lord Nasher.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_061*
The Academy may have been betrayed from within. Or perhaps I simply put too much faith in the instructors, students and staff to keep this news secret, as Desther claims.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_062*
You were there, <FirstName>. You saw the slaughter. The attack caught us unprepared. You are one of only a handful of survivors from the carnage of the Academy.

((ENGLISH)) *vs_naribetf_063*
Fenthick and Desther arrived with reinforcements, but during the confusion of battle the Waterdhavian creatures disappeared into the streets of Neverwinter - and our hopes of a cure vanished with them.

There was no evidence of harm befalling the creatures during the battle at the Academy, and I have already received many reports of strange beasts roaming the streets in every district of the city.

The Waterdhavian creatures must be recovered if we hope to stop the Wailing Death. Without them Neverwinter is doomed.

Jax (archeolog, mężczyzna)

My name is Jax. Professor Jax, a famous archeologist don't you know. I am looking for knowledge about some ancient creatures. That's why I came here. Who are you?

Er... trolls of course. Like the ones that attacked my expedition.

Actually you kind of talk like them though.

Trolls attacked a group of us in a cave to the north. We were there searching for an entrance to... ah but maybe I should start with an introduction.

I am talking about a creator race. Very fascinating actually. I believe they lived thousands of years ago and I think one of their ruins lies somewhere around here.

Oh, a fellow scholar are you? Let me tell you about my research.

Oh, I'm not actually hunting them, dear <boy/girl>. They are already dead.

Oh... oh my, that hardly seems to be a polite way to start a conversation. Are you sure you're not a troll? I suppose not.

No, no, no, I am looking for proof of the existence of this race.

You see, some fellow archeologists and I were hunting through the cave systems in the area to find an entrance to some ruins that lie beneath them. It was a marvelous expedition, or so it seemed.

I was studying a rock formation in one of the caves when they attacked us. We had some guards with us and they were holding the ogres off, but the trolls killed them as easily as children.

Not too much is known about them. They were very powerful and it is speculated that they fought for control of Toril against the dragons.

If they were as advanced as I think they were then they should have left behind some writings.

If I could get my hands on a book that proves these ruins were built by the creator race, then I could get the rest of my grant money. I need to find a Complete History of the Ruins.

You know what I'm looking for! We already talked about this. All right, I'll go over the important parts again.

Oh my. I was really hoping you could help. If you change your mind come talk to me again.

Oh my <lord/lady>, that would be wonderful. And since I need this for my own financial gain, I would pay you 500 gold pieces and you can keep any treasure you find. Here is a key for the barracks. You can talk to my colleagues inside for more information.


Hmm. Well I guess I do need the help. I could pay you 500 gold pieces if you bring it to me. Here is a key for the barracks. You can talk to my colleagues inside for more information.

I suppose I don't have much choice, since no one else will go do it. I can pay you 500 gold pieces if you find it for me. Here is a key for the barracks. You can talk to my colleagues inside for more information.

Just find me a tome that proves the creator race existed and that they built these ruins. Bring it back to me as quickly as you can.
Oh. That's too bad. If you change your mind, just speak to me again.

Er... well, if they were powerful enough to contend with dragons, as I think they were, then they must have had some powerful magic items. Not to mention wealth. The trolls might have some treasure too.

Oh dear, your memory is shorter than mine! As I said before, I am looking for an ancient tome I need. So far I have had little luck.

Er... yes, well, goodbye again.

Kwestie wypowiadane przez bohatera (mężczyzna lub kobieta)

Your attackers, who were they?

Are there not enough guards to keep you safe?

Who says I rescued you? Hand over your gold...

What do you know about the prison?

You'd better go. Keep to the shadows.

Dose brutes - who dey be?

Da guards - dey no protect you?

What you know 'bout dat prison?

Ha! Me no rescue you - Me jus' better mugger!

You go now. Stay quiet, yuh?

The Head Gaoler, is it?

Da Head Gaoler, huh?

Tunnels? What tunnels?

Huh? Tunnels?

Where's this estate?

Where dis 'state?

Who are you? What are you doing on the streets?

Who you be? What you doing out?

Do you need an escort to the District gates?

Me escort you to Dis'trick gates, yuh?

Ssh, follow me.

Just stay here for a moment.

Uh, you come wit' me.

You stay here, yuh?


Wasz zaufany informator,


Przewodnik Syriusza [ Magazyn Grafik ]

K**** to ja specjalnie dla was sie tego dowiadywalem a wy tak??????? H*** j***** jesteście! A ja tak się starałem...


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