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Zadanie z ang


k2o [ !TlEnEk PoTaSu! ]

Zadanie z ang

mam napisac kilka zdan po ang o swoim wypadku, napissalem ze zlamalem reke i napisalem to tak.

i'am break a leg
i sprain a wirst lanodjans (nie wiem co to znaczy)
i falt off a bike

i tylko tyle napsialem moze ktos przekszaalcic jesli zne napisalem i dopisac jeszcze tak ze 4 zdania bede bardzo wdzieczny i bede calowal nozki


k2o [ !TlEnEk PoTaSu! ]

jak ktos moze to niech przetumaczy jeszcze to.

gy mialem 5 lat to zalalem reke. jechalem wtedy na rowerze i wypadlem z zasketu przy duzej szybkosci. znajomy obandarzowal mi reke i pojechalem z ojcem do lekarza a potem do szpitala. lezalem i lezalme po 2 tyg dostalem przepustke na 2 dni i juz do szpitala na dluzszy czas nie wrocilem, tylko zeby mi druty z reki wyjac. taka byla moja historia wypadku.

cos takiego


k2o [ !TlEnEk PoTaSu! ]



Drixx [ Pretorianin ]

To będzie mniej więcej cosik takiego: When I was 5 years old i broken my hand. I was riding a bike when i felt. Friend bandaged my hand and i went with mine father to doctor and then to hospital . I lied for 2 weeks then i got permit to leave hospital for 2 days but i didn't back there only to took out wires from mine hand. This is history of mine accident. Mogłem popełnić pare błedów ale co tam :P


k2o [ !TlEnEk PoTaSu! ]

Drixx----> bardzo Ci dziekuje jestem twoim dluznikiem.

Ja z ang to jestme jak Ty pewnie z japonsliego, a brat mial tekie cos wiec jak ja mu napisze to zabardzo to nie bedzie mialo ladu ani skladu. A sorki za wszystkie bledy ale tak na szybkiego to pisalem. Jeszcze raz bardzo dziekuje.


Drixx [ Pretorianin ]

Niezamaco jak to powiadają a z japońskiego to co nieco znam :P


axel1 [ The Nameless One ]

pelno bledow :) moja wersja :

When I was 5 (years old) , I broke my arm. I was riding on a bike (albo po prostu cycling) with high speed when I felt off. My friend bandaged my arm and I went to a doctor with my father. I had layed for 2 weeks, and finnally I got a permit to leave hospital, but I didn't go back there for some time, only for to have wires taken out of my arm. That's the story of my accident.


Toshi_ [ Pretorianin ]

Ehh... Japońskiego "Engrishu" niestety nie przebijecie xD

A POPRAWNIEJ to byłoby tak:
I was 5 years old when I broke my arm. I was riding a bike and I fell out of a sharp turn at high speed. My friend helped me bandage my arm and I went with my dad to see a doctor. It turned out I had to stay in a hospital for two weeks. During that period I got a two day pass, but I decided to stay home. I only had to show up for removing the plaster.
And that's the story of my accident.


Galeria_ciastek [ Pretorianin ]

OMG nienawidze anglika ;/

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