Diplo [ Genera� ]
Sea Dogs
Mam problem z jednym z quesow u anglikow.Gubernator kazal splondrowac sedna z hiszpanskich koloni. nie bylo by problemu gdyby nie to ze plynac 5 statkami nie moge do tego sie nawet zblizyc.
Jesli ktos zna sposob na skonczenie tego zadania prosze o pomoc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Bialy [ Pretorianin ]
woooooooow to ktos gra w Sea Dogs?? jestem pod wrazeniem to wspaniala kontynuacja Pirates!! mam tutorial wiec zajrze i wysle ci co tam pisza. albo jesli chcesz to daj znac na maila i wtedy wysle ci caly tutorial Pozdrawiam Bialy
leo987 [ Senator ]
Diplo--> sposób jest prosty. P³yniesz jednym statkiem (góra dwoma w celu odwrócenia uwagi). Kiedy jesteœ w pobli¿u fortu (ale tak ¿e jestes po za zasiêgiem dzia³) rozwijasz ¿agle - b³yskawicznie podp³ywasz pod same mury i zwijasz ¿agle. Stoisz pod samym murem wiêc dzia³a fortowe nie zrobia ci krzywdy, podczas gdy ty kolejno eliminujesz je swymi salwami z burty (najlepiej p³yn¹æ fregat¹ bo jest szybka lub fast galeonem). Kiedy rozwalisz ju¿ wszystkie dzia³a wp³ywasz do portu i niestety czeka cie tam walka na szable/szpady z dowódc¹ obrony - wiêc musisz byæ wyszkolony równiez w walce bia³a broni¹ :)))))
Bialy [ Pretorianin ]
To i ja dorzuce kamyczek.. Gram od niedawna w Sea Dogs i nie mam pojecia jak po zdobyciu statku mozna bybylo przejac ten statek?? Moge dowodzic statkami 5 klasy i ostatnio zdobylem statek 6 poziomu i nie moglem go przejac mimo ze mialem odpowiednia ilosc ludzi :-(( Ma ktos jakis pomysl? Pozdrawiam BIaly
Kyahn [ Kibic ]
Ja te¿ siê dorzucê z pytaniem. Gra³em jako pirat,pokona³em ju¿ tego szefa piratów z jednej wysp, znalaz³em skarb ojca i dost³em flagê mego ojca,by zak³adaæ kolonie i tu pojawia siê problem co dalej??? Leo mo¿e ty wiesz ??? Bia³y-------->ale aborda¿ zrobi³eœ???
Kaktusak [ Pretorianin ]
Bialy > jak masz 5 klasy to przesiadanie sie na 6 klase jest bez sensu bo nizsza klasa to lepszy statek Jesi chciales dolaczyc statek do swojego to do tego trzeba miec chyba dodatkowego kapitana ( tego nie wiem bo mi walka na nozyki wyjatkowo nie idzie :)
tymczasowy3086 [ Junior ]
Odpowiem na pytanie Bia³ego, bo te¿ z tym mia³em wielki problem. A odpowiedŸ jest b³aha. Aby przej¹æ nowy statek (nie zamieniæ siê tylko do³¹czyæ go) trzeba mieæ po prostu pierwszego oficera. Spotka³em ich dwóch w grze. ¯yczê powodzenia w poszukiwaniach Araven
Bialy [ Pretorianin ]
Dzieki Arawen!!! A wiec to wina braku "Pierwszego"!!! Alez to banalne :-))) Czas wiec sobie przypomniec gdzie go widzialem i zaokretowac go na statek. Powodzenia wna morzu!! Bialy
Buliwyf [ Chor��y ]
Ja spotka³em dwóch pierwszych. Jeden to Raymond Ibelim na Shark Islands, a drugi to Artois de Moulette na Isle d'Orange Ch³opaki dodaj¹ do Sailing +2 Raymond, +3 Artois i "kosztuj¹" odpowiednio 900gold i 1000gold. Pozdrawiam wszystkich korsarzy :-) Sail Ho!
leo987 [ Senator ]
Pewnie ¿e wiem co dalej. je¿eli choæ troszkê radzicie sobie z angielskim to podam Wam przejœcie dla ka¿dej strony (anglik, hiszpan, pirat, francuz, no i kupiec). :)))) English Walkthrough Enter Highrock, turn to your right and offer to bring wine to the first gate guard. After that, the second gate guard will ask you to go get rum. Both will cost 1 gold and yield experience points. Talk to Zalpfer, and don’t ask what the invention was, offer to take him into your crew. Go and talk at length to everyone, and take the English letter of marque from the governor, Morton. There’s no need to grovel to Morton, and he’ll give you a letter to deliver to Brin, the governor at Tendales. Go to the tavern first, you’ll now find Pete Dalton, who’ll tell the first tale to cause you to wonder about Morton. Worth experience and reputation. You’ll also find Christopher Claystone, who is already drunk. Buy him a drink, and he’ll give you another reason to wonder about Morton. More experience. Talk to Roberto Gorrando. He’ll tell you to talk to Adriano Montefi on El Caimano for a better glass. In the next port, say, Tendales, Zalpfer leaves you, but gives you the plans for a paddle-boat. Hang on to them, you can sell them. It’s the Tendales shipyard that will buy them. There has been some conjecture that much later someone will have more of a use for them and maybe so, but that hasn’t been verified by anybody. [However, this may be part of the quest to find the pirate Ropeflake, so hold off selling these plans until after that quest is concluded.] In Tendales, Governor Brin takes the letter, and asks you to deliver wheat to Dead Island. William Shakesbeer tells you that the ports of Spain and France are closed due to war in Europe with England (which will shape the conduct of this walkthrough, visiting English and Pirate ports, but refusing to get involved with quests in Spanish and French ports. If you listened to the story of a good optician at El Camiano, ignore it), of good cruising in the waters north and east of Highrock, and of the Pirate ports at Skullshores which are open to you (you have to follow his directions to get there, it’s not on your map yet. Before you leave Tendales, visit the tavern, where Andrew Shoo offers himself as a Bosun (+1 Boarding, +3 Grappling). Adam Mullen is also there as a Purser (+3 Commerce). At Dead Island you meet a Eugene Huckster walking the streets in a yellow coat. If you let him examine your medallion, as you should, he’ll tell you your father was a pirate, and that a man who knew him is alive, with a scar on his cheek. Nigel Fester in the store will offer you a quest to take linen to the store on Tendales, to Mr. Offut, in return for chocolate back. In the tavern you meet Mr. Stergen, who takes the wheat, and praises Brin. You get the idea Morton is not at all popular. When you see Jacob Ashton, don’t talk to him until you’re back with Fester’s chocolate – Ashton wants to hire you to escort him to Highrock. David Murray’s in the tavern, and tells you a tale of those condemned frigates of Morton’s. You can hire him as a rank 2 Gunner, +1 Gunlaying, +1 reloading. Outside is the priest, from whom you can buy $100 +1 reputation indulgences. Carl, a gate guard, tells you where all the French islands are. Back at Tendales Governor Brin is extremely grateful, to the tune of $2000, and you can tell from your possible answers that you can get a ship quest (you miss sea battles). Wait until the Ashton quest is done… Back at Dead Island store to drop off the chocolate, and then to the tavern to see Ashton, who wants escort to Highrock, then Itkal, both legs gain you $800. In Highrock, Ashton is in the tavern. You have to find Ashton walking the streets of Itkal to get your money and reputation. You see in the streets a piratical looking fellow, Irvine Godson, who asks if you are privateer, then doesn’t talk to you… At Tendales, Governor Brin gives you the quest of the pirate between Tendales and Highrock. The only lead he can give you is to consult the local tavern, where… The barkeep, Thomas Hancock, tells you a local merchant, Marcus, had a run-in with the pirate Ropeflake (!?!), and is sick in his back room. You have an epiphany and go to Highrock… And talk to the merchant, who tells you (only if you did the Zalpfer quest as above) that there is a Doctor Alumnus in town wandering the streets. He bears a remarkable likeness to Zalpfer… While you’re at it, why not go and confront Morton on the sad state of the frigates? Don’t be concerned that he gets all spun up… And you can come back later and follow up on the conversation option you had to ask for a mission. You give the medicine to Thomas Hancock, barkeep in Tendales, who says he’ll give it to Marcus. You can come back in a few days to ask him about Ropeflake. This gives you time to go back to Samuel Mortons, and find out what mission he may have for you. Turns out he wants you to escort a ship to Tendales, and it MUST get there. Hmmm… You meet Lemuel Humm, Hmmm, the captain of the ship Mortons wanted you to escort to Tendales. Talking to him, he tells you he fears the passengers were bad news. He also gives you $2000. You talk to Marcus, who’s feeling well enough to drink in the tavern, and find out that Ropeflake has a corvette, "Chance", operating out of El Camiano. You go to Brin to tell him about the 50 rogues that you and Humm brought, and head on out to El Camiano. At El Camiano you find the corvette "Chance". Hopefully, it won’t be like once where I had to fight not only the "Chance", but 4 Spanish ships I couldn’t outrun (in my CORVETTE!?!) as well! Interestingly, as I was coming back to Tendales, I encountered as I was approaching port the Pirate brig "Cuttlefish". I had taken the "Chance" by boarding, and fortune enabled me to take "Cuttlefish" this way as well. Good thing, too, because it came with Beltrop’s Note!!! The letter is to a pirate named Hugo, and told him to get Sharp, who’s escorting the ship "Bristol". I think that this should have happened when you were escorting Humm. Hmmm, sometimes it pays to board, sometimes to sink the other ship. Maybe if you board, but don’t take, the ships.... In Tendales Brin rewards you with $5000 upon hearing of Ropeflake’s demise. Being a little dense, you decide to set sail for Highrock to try to get a mission from Mortons. You see Dr. Alumnus, but decide to pass him up for now on the way to the tavern to wet your whistle. You have a conversation with Jeremy Windem, the barkeep, who tells you the officer you spoke with earlier in the Highrock tavern was taken away by soldiers, who said he was in "big trouble". It doesn’t really occur to you, apparently, that Mortons is the "Big Trouble", with a capitol ‘T’. Going to "Mr. ‘T’", he gives you and IMMEDIATE mission to protect Itkal from the Spanish. There was just one ship, a Shnyava. You will defeat this ship, but no matter how hard you try, you will find when you talk to the shopkeep on Itkal that the Spaniards have despoiled the place. When you report to Mortons, you can lie or tell the truth. A lie will probably not advance the story line. The truth will get a diatribe from him. You can call him out to a duel, but you will lose your English letter of Marque. You would be better off just to suck it up, knowing that he’s just setting you up, and he’ll eventually get his. Go see Doctor Alumnus. Now, you have to talk to the good doctor TWICE, the second time he has more to offer. He asks you to find and bring an herb from a Pablo Loco. Here you encounter point b) above, for it turns out that Pablo is at Shark Island. The first thing you do at Shark Island (extreme bottom left of the map) is talk to folks walking about. You note that Pablo is the peasant in the lighter brown vest. Raymond Ebilin is a thoroughly piratical looking man who presents himself as a first mate, with +2 sailing skill. Note that selling captures ships is lucrative, and a first mate allows you to take ships you board. Now, quest wise, it’s something of a clue that you’ve been brought here. For neatness, though, let’s do the Pablo Loco quest before you talk in the tavern to pick up more quests. He wants you to go to Dead Island to get an exotic wood for a new boat. Go to Fester’s Store on Dead Island, the wood costs you $1500. Mmmph. Back to Shark Island, where Pablo immediately gives you the herb. Back to Highrock. You deliver the herb to the doctor, who tells you your new doctor, Dick Oakenwood, is in the tavern. On to Shark Island… In the tavern you see Hugo Lumbermill, James Callow, as well as English and French agents, the barkeep Tommy Barkhead, and Olaf Ulsson (The Swede, and the agent for The Brotherhood). Hugo is the second fellow in, in a blue coat and tricorne hat. He will only deal with you if you’re a Spanish privateer, and since we’re not in the Spanish walkthrough, he’s irrelevant. James Callow is an entirely different matter, and wants you to take a cursed idol to the Pirate ‘governor’, Desmond Ray Beltrop, on Gray Sails. Go to Graysails… Ignoring any other people at Gray Sails until after everybody’s met at Shark Island, go straight to the grounded ship’s gangplank and up to Beltrop. When you give him the idol, you have to say it’s from you (not a friend), and you want the choice of ships they may have taken, otherwise, he’ll think you’re tricking him. When he offers you a Spanish Galleon, you can say it’s a ship for a fat merchant, not a privateer, and leave. He has the idol, you know the way back to Shark Island. At Shark Island, Callow does not agree to join you as he had said, but he does give you $2,500 for your trouble. Tommy Barkhead does not have anything to say, but Olaf has a lot to say about your father when he gets down to business. If you follow his story to it’s end, he tells you of three men who might know something about your fathers’ demise, and the only one available is Maurikio (!?! I’d love to get a job helping Akella with their adaptation to Western language) Camentata, who is a tavern keeper on Costa Sinistra, and is good with a blade. This pops Costa Sinistra up on your map, and is as good a hint as any that that’s where you need to go. Now, there is one, huge, problem with all this (perhaps, see spoiler, next paragraph). Costa Sinistra is protected by a fort, and I don’t know any way to get past the fort into the town to talk to the tavern keeper. If you blow up the fort, you get worthwhile money and experience, but you only get to talk to the governor to demand money. Satisfying, but not conducive to talking to Maurikio Camentata. So, regretfully, go to Gray Sails to the tavern, to see the Spanish agent, to buy forgiveness. SPOILER: You can save yourself all that heartache by just not doing this part, since in the end you will not find a key person, because this is part of the Pirate campaign. Do it only if you’re dying of curiosity. On Gray Sails, in the tavern, you meet Dreyfus the Fuse, a master gunner (+ 3 Gunlaying). $5,000 and 10 reputation points after the Spanish Agent, you’re on your way. You see Camentata, the barkeep in the tavern on Costa Sinistra, and he sends you with a note to see Lorenzo Avido on Granda Avilia to bring back some wine. There’s a man in there who wants escort to another Spanish town, but that must be part of the Spanish quest. On to Granda Avilia, the den of the hated Spanish. Lorenzo Avido is in the store, a few steps forward and to the right. The deal for the wine is quickly concluded by following the first conversation string. Back to Camentata. It costs you 1000 gold, but you get a long tale and half of the map to your father’s treasure. Back to Shark Island. Passing by Dead Island for 10 confessions to the priest to build back the reputation, you go on to Shark Island. Perhaps then you can lose the hated letter of marque of the Spanish with the English agent and get the proper letter! Olaf tells you that Beltrop may fit the description of the scarred man in your father’s tale, and that he has no idea where the other half of the map may be. He sends you to Beltrop, and says you should come back to him to tell him what you found out. In the tavern at Gray Sails is a Jaque Dullarse, a carpenter, +2 repair. There’s a middle road to take with Beltrop. Push to little, and you find out nothing. Too much, and you get a nice death movie. Back to Olaf. On the island is an Alex Bigot who wants to join his ship to your fleet, and a Pegleg Berquist who knew your father. You think Pegleg may know more than he’s saying, but he did say your father had raided quite a treasure, and that he buried is somewhere to the South, around reefs. Olaf thinks that Beltrop is hiding information from you, and you’ll have to intimidate it out of him. How… Well, in the meantime, he gives you a mission to kill Julio Nederedas on the "San Miguel" off Granda Avilia. You’ll then go to "Tricky Marcus", on Tel-Kerrat for $1000. This is the connection that won’t happen because it’s part of the Pirate campaign! If you want the treasure, you can’t be a privateer, you have to be a pirate. Remember Adriano Montefi on El Caimano? Now, this is tricky. Adriano wants crystals from Lorenzo Avido. Avido is on Granda Avilia, where you have a date with the "San Miguel". It is well that both you and the "Miguel" are flying Spanish colors. You can go on into Avilia, get the crystals, and then go back to your ship. You’ll be in the harbor, perhaps right next to the "Miguel", and under the fort, all of you flying Spanish colors. I’d load with bombs and position myself for a getaway before I pounded the "Miguel". Then to El Camiano for your glass, and then Tel-Kerrat. If you go to the store on Tel-Kerrat and gossip with the owner, you hear of Peter Ordo. You meet on the streets a Galien Braciaux, who will sell you a nice dagger. I couldn’t find "Tricky Marcus", but Ordo was worth talking to, and spoke more of a threat to Brin. The next step is to go to Gray Sails to confront Beltrop, and to rescue a girl Alicia for Ordo. Better stop by Dead Island for a little confession… Rescuing Alicia was no problem, but Beltrop had nothing to say. Perhaps now is time to see the English Agent? I stopped by Shark Island to see the British agent and fly the English Cross again. He"ll tell you to go see Mortons to get your letter. Guess what? Go on your way to Tel-Kerrat. At Tel-Kerrat Ordo joins you, and his girlfriend had a letter from Mortons to Beltrop spelling out a scheme to murder Brin and wipe out a fleet. You have to get to Brin, perhaps by way of Dead Island to see the Priest. Tendales would also be a good place to upgrade to a bigger warship. Brin responds well to the letter, and gives you a letter to deliver to the Admiral Gritstone who visits Highrock. With a little convincing, Gritstone arrests Mortons and sends you to Chaktcha to stop the enemy fleet. You should be hit with the fleet early upon arriving at Chaktcha. The word on the ‘Net is that you should utterly sink the ships, don’t capture any of them! Back to Highrock. Wow! Gritstone is most eager to have you back, and he flatters you with an opportunity to take Costa Sinistra for England! This will prevent the Spanish, who are building a shipyard on the island, from being ready for a war. This is a straight-up fort assault, with perhaps a ship or two as well. Just try to curb your mercenary appetites, and remember what you’re there for! In the vanquished city, you’ll find a citizen who represents the populace. When you get back to Highrock, the Admiral makes you a Baron (with new clothes to match), and sends you out to look for French guns mounted on some kind of deck (ship? Barge?). Interestingly, if you take the time to look around the city, you’ll find a stranger who looks like a pirate, who tells you to go see Olaf at Shark Island. If you go to the tavern and talk to Jeremy the barkeep, you’ll find that Doctor Alumnus is dead, of a mixture of herbs and refined gold, in the search for immortality. On Shark Island you may have to ask Olaf a few times before he finally comes through with something useful. It might be and invitation to join the Brotherhood (kind of a Pirates version of a Letter of Marque), but he does say that he’s been thinking of a plan to use your half of a treasure map to lure Beltrop to the tavern at Shark Island, but he’s not finished the plan yet. You go off first, logically, to tour all the French Islands and the newly British Costa Sinistra. Nada. I’ll not lie to ye, laddie, it’s time to consult N. Ter Nette, your friend (and not the first time in this history, either), who points you in the direction of Dead Island. Laurence Norton in the tavern at Dead Island (How did N. Nette know that?) tells you a tale that opens Omory Island. Go there, and no one on the island knows anything. So, sure of yourself, you… Blast the fort! Again, remember what you are there for, and say you want the guns, not the loot (If you just want loot, be a pirate and forget about the story line). You get to take the island for England. At Highrock, Admiral Gritstone tells you England is at war with Spain, and your assignment is to take Isla Ballena. He also tells you that a pirate, Pete Ordo, is raising cain about the Archipelago. He and his two ships must be taken out. After Isla Balena, if you intend to look for Pete, now is the time to do it (try Tel-Kerrat, Eustache Heaumont, Storekeep, knows a stranger), for when you next see Admiral Gritstone, you will not have the chance. You’ll see the end movie for the English.
leo987 [ Senator ]
Pirates Walkthrough Enter Highrock, turn to your right and offer to bring wine to the first gate guard. After that, the second gate guard will ask you to go get rum. Both will cost 1 gold and yield 250 EPs, with 1 reputation point for the first, 2 for the second. Talk to Zalpfer, and don’t ask what the invention was, offer to take him into your crew… Go and talk at length to everyone, but do not take the English letter of marque from the governor, Morton. Go to the tavern, you’ll now find Pete Dalton, who’ll tell the first tale to cause you to wonder about Morton. Worth experience and reputation. You’ll also find Christopher Claystone, who is already drunk. Buy him a drink, and he’ll give you another reason to wonder about Morton. More experience. Talk to Roberto Gorrando. He’ll tell you to talk to Adriano Montefi on El Caimano for a better glass. Go to Tendales. There Zalpfer leaves your crew, but gives you the steamship sketches. The Tendales shipyard that will buy them. There has been some conjecture that much later someone will have more of a use for them and maybe so, but that hasn’t been verified by anybody. Before you leave Tendales, visit the tavern, where Andrew Shoo offers himself as a Bosun (+1 Boarding, +3 Grappling). Adam Mullen is also there as a Purser (+3 Commerce). Go to Dead Island. At Dead Island you meet a Eugene Huckster walking the streets in a yellow coat. If you let him examine your medallion, as you should, he’ll tell you your father was a pirate, and that a man who knew him is alive, with a scar on his cheek. He gives you your father’s medallion, likely a quest trigger. Nigel Fester in the store will offer you a quest to take linen to the store on Tendales, to Mr. Offut, in return for chocolate back. In the tavern you meet Jacob Ashton, Ashton want’s to hire you to escort him to Highrock. David Murray’s in the tavern, and tells you a tale of those condemned frigates of Morton’s. You can hire him as a rank 2 Gunner, +1 Gunlaying, +1 reloading. Outside is the priest, from whom you can buy $100 +1 reputation indulgences. If you want to fly the Jolly Roger, you have to attack a British ship. Turns out that’s murderous to your reputation… You should at least prepare by talking to the priest to get your reputation up… Way, way up. Carl, a gate guard, tells you where all the French islands are. The first thing you do at Shark Island (extreme bottom left of the map) is talk to folks walking about. Raymond Ebilin is a thoroughly piratical looking man who presents himself as a first mate, with +2 sailing skill. Note that selling captures ships is lucrative, and a first mate allows you to take ships you board. For neatness in the quests, lets do nothing else but hire Ebilin, sell any cargo, do any shipyard business, and go into the Tavern. In the tavern you see Hugo Lumbermill, James Callow, as well as the barkeep Tommy Barkhead, and Olaf Ulsson (The Swede, and the agent for The Brotherhood). Absent perhaps are the English and French agents! Talk to Olaf about joining the Brotherhood, and join. You can follow the train about somebody sending you to him, whether you bumped into such a fellow or not. Hugo is the fellow in a blue coat and tricorne hat. He will only deal with you if you’re a Spanish privateer, and since we’re not in the Spanish walkthrough, he’s irrelevant. James Callow is an entirely different matter, and wants you to take a cursed idol to the Pirate ‘governor’, Desmond Ray Beltrop, on Gray Sails. Pablo, outside, the commoner in the lighter vest, gives a rambling story about natives and how his brothers were killed. Ooooooo Kay, we’ll just go to Graysails… Go straight to the grounded ship’s gangplank and up to Beltrop. When you give him the idol, you have to say it’s from you (not a friend), and you want the choice of ships they may have taken, otherwise, he’ll think you’re tricking him. When he offers you a Spanish Galleon, you can say it’s a ship for a fat merchant, not a privateer, and leave. He has the idol, you know the way back to Shark Island. Alex Bigot outside wants for you to sail with him, or vice versa. A Pirate wants to drink. You don’t approve of a slave-driver, nor a fence. Pegleg Berquist introduces himself, and not much more, and Bill Powdersack is Beltrop’s master gunner. In the tavern is (usually) a Spanish Agent, and Dreyfus the Fuse. The Fuse is a 2000 a month master gunner who’s worth it, with +3 to gunlaying, coordination, and reloading!!! Jaque Dullarse is a carpenter you need now, you’ll find he’s +2 repair. Francis Dullarse is the barkeep, nothing to say now, and beside him is William the Marlinspike, who wants to sail his caravel with you. Back to Shark Island. At Shark Island, Callow does not agree to join you as he had said, but he does give you $2,500 for your trouble. The French and English agents have shown up if they weren’t there originally. Tommy Barkhead does not have anything to say, but Olaf has a lot to say about your father when he gets down to business. If you follow his story to it’s end, he tells you of three men who might know something about your fathers’ demise, and the only one available is Maurikio (!?! I’d love to get a job helping Akella with their adaptation to Western language) Camentata, who is a tavern keeper on Costa Sinistra, and is good with a blade. This pops Costa Sinistra up on your map, and is as good a hint as any that that’s where you need to go. Now, there is one, huge, problem with all this. Costa Sinistra is protected by a fort, and I don’t know any way to get past the fort into the town to talk to the tavern keeper. If you blow up the fort, you get worthwhile money and experience, but you only get to talk to the governor to demand money. Satisfying, but not conducive to talking to Maurikio Camentata. So, regretfully, go to Gray Sails to the tavern, to see the Spanish agent, to buy forgiveness. On Gray Sails, in the tavern, $5,000 and 10 reputation points after the Spanish Agent, you’re on your way. Why not stop by Dead Island to get your reputation back up by confessing to the Priest? Passing by Dead Island for 10 confessions to the priest to build back the reputation, you go on to El Caimano. See Adriano Montefi on El Caimano for a better glass. He sends you to Granda Avilia for crystals from the storekeep. You can talk also to Ronald the Lawyer, who has a big beef with ‘The Mole’ on Gray Sails, a croney of Beltrop’s. Ronald wants you to deliver a Black Mark to The Mole. On to Costa Sinistra. Diego Salvatore is a level 2, +2 defense ship’s doctor. You see Camentata, the barkeep in the tavern on Costa Sinistra, and he sends you with a note to see Lorenzo Avido on Grand Avilia to bring back some wine. There’s a man in there who wants escort to another Spanish town, but that must be part of the Spanish quest. On to Grand Avilia, the den of the hated Spanish. Lorenzo Avido is in the store, a few steps forward and to the right. The deal for the wine is quickly concluded by following the first conversation string. The deal for the crystals for Montefi’s glass is similarly easy, same man. Back to Montefi and Camentata. It costs you 1000 gold, but you get a long tale and half of the map to your father’s treasure. On to Gray Sails to find Frederick the Mole. You deliver the message to the Mole, who’s in the tavern, then go back to El Caimano to tell Ronald. Now, this gets interesting. Ronald is perfectly happy to have you sail away and let him deal with the Mole. However, if you persevere in offering to help, you get +5, that’s FIVE, reputation points. Perhaps because the Mole broke The Brotherhood’s rules. Hope you don’t regret this… Now to Chaktcha Island to settle the Mole. Back to Shark Island, by way of Granda Avilia to repair and restock. In the tavern at Granda Avilia is a priest… Padre Ignacio, and he wants passage to Skull Shores (actually, Shark Island). Good thing to do. Now, on to Shark Island. Talk to the Priest there, you may have to look for him beyond the Shipyards building. Olaf tells you that Beltrop may fit the description of the scarred man in your father’s tale, and that he has no idea where the other half of the map may be. He send you to Beltrop, and says you should come back to him to tell him what you found out. There’s a middle road to take with Beltrop. Push to little, and you find out nothing. Too much, and you get a nice death movie. Pegleg Berquist has a lot to say about Malcolm Sharp’s history. Back to Shark Island and Olaf. On Shark Island, Olaf is curious, but doesn’t have a lot to add. He has an idea for a trick to play on Beltrop, but he hasn’t worked out all the details. He does offer you a mission to kill a troublesome merchant, Julio Nederedas on the "San Miguel" off Granda Avilia. The map should open Tel-Kerrat at that point. You’ll then go to "Tricky Marcus", on Tel-Kerrat for $1000. While this did not work in the English Quest, it has in the Pirate Quest. On to Granda Avilia. You may have to anchor until and encounter. If you tour through Granda Avilia’s harbor, you’ll see the "San Miguel", but she’ll be alone, and won’t move. Anchor well outside. As soon as the "San Miguel" is destroyed, a note will come up (not the map) on the message line that said "Tel-Kerat opened". You’ll have also taken a huge reputation hit if you’re still flying the Spanish flag, but at least you’re flying the Jolly Roger instead. On to T-K! On Tel-Kerrat, Tricky Marcus is walking about in the purple gear that makes him resemble Dr. Alumnus, or Mr. Zalpfer, or Adriano Montefi. He tells you his tale, and reveals that he is a forger. Though it will take a little time, he can forge your map for that trick Olaf is working on! You also run into Pete Ordo, but this is part of the English quest, and unless you want to run up against a bunch of cannons in British ports (they don’t like your flag) which will, WILL, get Ordo killed, you’ll let Ordo pass by without comment. When you come back to check with Marcus, he tells you he needs still more time. Just because you’re a gamer, you walk away, then walk right back, and suddenly he has your duplicate. He gives you both items, and you're happy. On to Shark Island if you need to refit your ship, otherwise on to Gray Sails for Beltrop! Beltrop offers to tell you about Malcolm if you give him the map, which you’ll do after he talks. Part of the tale is that the treasure is buried on Telltak island (not Tel-Kerrat, don’t get confused). Again, you have to watch it with Beltrop… Boy, matey, one needs a stiff one after that! You go to the tavern, and, Hey! There’s a woman in there! Her name is Anna Forge, and she’s very concerned for your safety. You strike up a deal, you kill her brother’s murderer, Juan Cocodrillo Sangre, off Isle D’Orange, and she’ll get the other half of the treasure map. On to the Isle! Up you go and sink Sangre, then back to talk to Anna. She has the rest of the map, and Telltak is opened. Now, be a gentleman towards her… And prepare for a fight with Beltrop, who knows now the map section you gave him is a forgery. What a mission. The first thing coming round the corner is the Gorgon, Beltrop’s ship, a Modernized Man of War! It’s HUGE, and it’s yours if you can board and take it. Of course, Beltrop is aboard… After that, if there is an after, you circle the island looking for the ‘land’ option to come up. This will put you in a cave. Search it thoroughly! Back at Gray Sails, you can ask Anna to marry you. She says she needs more time. How about visiting Olaf? At Shark Island, Olaf needs to be talked to twice, but while he agrees that Beltrop was purely evil, defending Skullshores will be harder without him. Pirates are fleeing, and the three nations are preparing attack forces to clean out and claim Skullshores. You have your father’s dream of an independent nation in the archipelago, though, and Olaf buys in. He gives you your father’s old flag, and not much more than encouragement to deal with the French first, since they are the most prepared. You go cruising French taverns, and at Isle D’Orange you find a drunk sailor moaning he’s going to die, since he knows he’s ordered to attack Skull Shores whenever his admiral returns from Omory. Hmmm… Ashore on Omory is a M. D’Oriliaque, who seems a man of influence regarding the French military plans… You win an agreement for him to ‘fix’ the invasion, so it’s time to go home. Well, Olaf is surprised you stopped the French, but he warns you that the English are now on the move. Stop by Anna on the way to see about it. Anna still needs time to think, so on you go. Finally, cruising the English isles looking for a handle on the coming assault, you stop by the tavern at Highrock. There is a Jeremy McMellon, a revolutionary who shares many of Malcolm Sharp’s ideas, and who promises to stop the English assault. In the future, he wants the Archipelago one nation ruled in benevolence. Ulsson thought that you should go see ‘Butcher Phil’, who has taken over Beltrop’s office on Gray Sails. He tells you that he likes the idea of an independent country, but Spain has sent two lineships to crush Skullshores. He wants to fight with you and take one for himself. No, Anna’s not ready yet… The two lineships are no big deal if you have Beltrop’s old ship. The thing is, you have to SINK both of them. Often in this game the next event in a quest is not triggered unless you sink all the enemy ships in a battle. Now, this did NOT apply to Beltrop’s ship, but it does to these. If you board one of the lineships, every time you come back to Gray Sails, the one you didn’t board will be waiting on you! After the battle, Anna’s not ready, so you go talk to Olaf. Olaf says he’s getting’ too old for this, and he’s going back to England to set up a tavern. He leaves you Shark Island. In the meantime, he refers you to McMellon, and tells you to someday come to his tavern and tell him how it all came out. Going to Gray Sails you see Roberto Gorrando walking about outside, though you don’t remember him from the High Rock tavern. He offers to sail with you. As Anna wasn’t ready (that priest is still at Shark Island), you sail to Highrock to talk to McMellon. He tells you there is an English force at Dead Island that must be wiped out. He also tells you about his plans for the nation of the archipelago, and that to set up a proper taking of power at Highrock (and not a mere raid) will need an investment of $3000. Chump change at this point. Dead Island opens. You will have to manually aim the cannons to fire at the English ships if you’re not already hostile. When you have knocked out enough of the ships, you’ll get messages of +3 reputation points. Back to Highrock, and when you get there… The place has a Pirate flag over it!!! No one is in the townhall, and Jeremy McMellons says everything will be completed soon. When you get stuck, wondering what to do next, where do you go? You wanna go where everybody knows your name! Needing cheers, you head for familiar taverns, looking for inspiration. In the tavern at Gray Sails, you talk to (not Anna…) Francis Dullarse, who has a letter from McMellons (You can look at in by hitting F1, then going to ‘chest’, and it’s labeled McMellons’ first letter. FIRST LETTER?). He says that the Spanish threaten your plans by massing at Isla Ballena for an attack on Highrock. You are to sink at least a couple of ships, maybe even capture the island! That Francis, this time he knew your name, and you’re glad you came! Now, some of you bloodthirsty types, when you succeed in taking the fort and you walk the streets of Isla Ballena, will ask for the money when you confront the Spanish governor. You’ll miss out on two things. First, the nice speech about taking the island for the independent nation of Libertalia (?!?) and the following movie of raising Jolly Roger over the fort; and, second, the rest of the Pirate campaign. At Gray Sails, Pegleg Berquist has a story of being abducted by the Spanish, and a second letter from McMellons. He wants to speak to you in person at Highrock. McMellons wants you to take Granda Avilia, and leave behind a garrison of 200 men. I was concerned, because a but caused a pirate flag to already be above Avilia on the map, and upon approaching the island it said it belonged to the Pirates. The fort flew a Spanish flag, though, and the assault went as the one did for Isla Ballena. Back to Highrock. McMellons is encouraged, says some of the other governors are fleeing, but the next target is Isle d’Orange. He says the governor is a good guy, so if you can talk to him before attacking, maybe he’ll surrender the place instead of your having to conquer it.
leo987 [ Senator ]
Spanish Walkthrough What brings someone to take on the allegiance of a hated nation? A desire for vindication? The desire to hunt for the individuals responsible for a crime (and not blaming the entire nation)? Perhaps a little too much rum? Whatever the case, young Nicholas is going to walk about Highrock and tour the other English islands before finding a Spanish letter of Marque. Enter Highrock and turn to your right and offer to bring wine to the first gate guard. After that, the second gate guard will ask you to go get rum. Both will cost 1 gold and yield 250 EPs. Talk to Zalpfer, and don’t ask what the invention was, offer to take him into your crew… Go and talk at length to everyone, and you have to take the English letter of marque from the governor, Morton. If you don’t, the Spanish Agent won’t be available later. You can give Mortons a polite answer, and take a quest from him, or be more abrupt and get about your business of becoming a Spanish Privateer. In the Tavern, you can find people who will cause you to wonder about Mortons (only after taking the LOM). Talk to Roberto Gorrando. He’ll tell you to talk to Adriano Montefi on El Caimano for a better spyglass. In the next port, Tendales, Zalpfer leaves you, but gives you the plans for a paddle-boat. Hang on to them. It’s the Tendales shipyard that will buy them. There has been some conjecture that much later someone will have more of a use for them and maybe so, but that hasn’t been verified by anybody. In Tendales William Shakesbeer tells you that the ports of Spain and France are closed due to war in Europe with England (which won’t apply to you, you’ve your own plans), of good cruising in the waters north and east of Highrock, and of the Pirate ports at Skullshores which are open to you (you have to follow his directions to get there, it’s not on your map yet). Governor Brin will offer you a quest to Dead Island if you want him to (perhaps if you took Morton’s quest). Before you leave Tendales, visit the tavern, where Andrew Shoo offers himself as a Bosun (+1 Boarding, +3 Grappling). Adam Mullen is also there as a Purser (+3 Commerce). At Dead Island you meet a Eugene Huckster walking the streets in a yellow coat. If you let him examine your medallion, as you should, he’ll tell you your father was a pirate, and that a man who knew him is alive, with a scar on his cheek. Nigel Fester in the store will offer you a quest to take linen to the store on Tendales, to Mr. Offut, in return for chocolate back. In the tavern you meet Mr. Stergen. When you see Jacob Ashton, don’t talk to him until you’re back with Fester’s chocolate – Ashton wants to hire you to escort him to Highrock. Outside is the priest, from whom you can buy $100 +1 reputation indulgences. Stock up! When you buy a different letter of marque, it will cost you 10 reputation points (firing on someone with the same flag as your LOM costs you the letter, 25 RPs, and gets you the Jolly Roger). Carl, a gate guard, tells you where all the French islands are. There is nothing of consequence now at Itkal, on to SkullShores! At Shark Island (extreme bottom left of the map), talk to folks walking about. Pablo Loco tells a story about the natives and his family being abused, there’s a farmer, a member of the Brotherhood, and an invalid. Raymond Ebilin is a thoroughly piratical looking man who presents himself as a first mate, with +2 sailing skill. Note that selling captures ships is lucrative, and a first mate allows you to take ships you board. For neatness in the quests, lets do nothing else but hire Ebilin, sell any cargo, do any shipyard business, and go into the Tavern. In the tavern you see Hugo Lumbermill, James Callow, as well as the barkeep Tommy Barkhead, and Olaf Ulsson (The Swede, and the agent for The Brotherhood), and the English and French agents! Lumbermill will only talk to someone with a Spanish LOM. James Callow wants you to take a cursed idol to the Pirate ‘governor’, Desmond Ray Beltrop, on Gray Sails, and that’s okay to do at this point. We’ll just go to Graysails… Go straight to the grounded ship’s gangplank and up to Beltrop. When you give him the idol, you have to say it’s from you (not a friend), and you want the choice of ships they may have taken, otherwise, he’ll think you’re tricking him. When he offers you a Spanish Galleon, you can say it’s a ship for a fat merchant, not a privateer, and leave. He has the idol, you know the way back to Shark Island. Alex Bigot outside wants for you to sail with him, or vice versa. A Pirate wants to drink. You don’t approve of a slave-driver, nor a fence. Pegleg Berquist introduces himself, and not much more, and Bill Powdersack is Beltrop’s master gunner. In the tavern is the Spanish Agent, and Dreyfus the Fuse. Talk to the Agent to get you Spanish campaign under way with a Spanish LOM. He’ll tell you to see the governor on Granda Avilia. ‘The Fuse’ is a 2000 a month master gunner who’s worth it, with +3 to gunlaying, coordination, and reloading!!! Jaque Dullarse is a carpenter you need now, you’ll find he’s +2 repair. Francis Dullarse is the barkeep, nothing to say now, and beside him is William the Marlinspike, who wants to sail his caravel with you. Back to Shark Island. At Shark Island, Callow does not agree to join you as he had said, but he does give you $2,500 for your trouble. You can leave the rest till later, you’ll want to go see the Spanish governor at Granda Avilia. At Granda Avilia you get a Spanish letter of marque from the governor Ricardo Ferrer de Mercadal, and a mission to deliver a letter to the govern Don Alcalde Giulabertus de Muntral of Isla Ballena. In town there are also quests to deliver something for the barkeep, Salvadore Engano, and Padre Ignacio, both of them in Engano’s Taverna, but let’s let them wait for now. At Isla Ballena the delivery of the letter brings 1000 gold, 500 EPs, and 1 RP. He knows nothing else, so you go out to talk to the townsfolk. This brings two big quests! A young woman named Catalina says that her fiance, Carlos Esperanza, was sent away on a ship named El Lobo with another ship to look for pirates, and he hasn’t returned. She wants you to ask the Don Alcalde about it. You do, and you find out more… The El Lobo was with the Intrepido looking for the pirates (Inachetla opened). When you go to the taverna (for a reason I’ll tell you about next), the barkeep’s brother was in that expedition, and is of course missing. From the barkeep you begin to find out that there is a suspicion that those missing could have been sold as slaves, and the center for that is in Skullshores! Remember that slave trader you met at Gray Sails? Now, why did you head right away to the taverna, though those are always good places to go for quests? You met the Secretary to Don Alcalde Guilabertus de Muntral, Bartholomew Ulster who asked you to find ‘Carla’. You find her in the taverna. You go out to find the lucky guy and tell him Carla’s making time for him. Oops, you can’t find him. No matter, you go to Don Alcalde about the El Lobo and Entrepido, and he tells you his secretary, Bartholomew Ulster, has been killed in an odd way. He was a nobleman, and not likely to run with the likes of Carla (?!?!), so he sends you to find her. She’s gone! You ask about it town, and Jaime Zingermann complains that the witch Carla has bewitched everyone in town. He says to find her in the taverna. NOW the barkeep, confronted with this fact, talks. He says she sailed off with a Captain Miguel Quenda, headed to one of the smaller Spanish islands. You decide to try El Camiano, because it’s small, you know where it is, and you need to see Adriano Montefi there about a better spyglass. Adriano sends you back to Lorenzo Avido, storekeep at Granda Avilia, for the better crystals. You continue walking about town seeking info about Carla. You’ll want to avoid Ronald the Lawyer on the streets, and Lambrini in Ponderabilidad’s taverna, for now since they both offer quests. Come back and take those when you want a little diversion, just watch out for your Spanish LOM. Phillepe Villene in the taverna offers to join his ship with yours, and Ponderabilidad has nothing to say, but a young Victor Marcus does! He was a bos’n on Quenda’s ship, and says the witch Carla killed him! He offers to join you as a Bos’n, +1 boarding, +1 grappling. No one knows where Carla is. You go to Granda Avilia and see the storekeep Avido to get the crystals. Asking around town, no one knows anything, but you go to the tavern (note to self: whenever stumped, go to a tavern. You’ll either learn something, or you soon won’t care). In the taverna is… Carla!!! You confront her, and now you have some choices. You can say you were a witness, and you weren’t, and turn her over to the Enquisitor (that tough priest in front of the Townhall), you can listen to her story and then turn her over, or you can listen to her story and let her go. That option nets you 5000 EPs, so it must be right. If you hear her out, and then to the inquisitor, you see the movie, then can to to De Muntral at Isla Ballena and get 3000 gold. The quickest choice nets you the movie of a witch burnin’, period. Your call. Back to El Caimano, where Montefi gives you your nice glass. Now you want to search for the El Lobo and the Intrepido, to have something positive to tell Don Alcalde Guilabertus de Muntral. You go to Inachetla, and are attacked by the El Lobo, which is now flying a Spanish flag. Defeating it, your journal is updated. Remembering that there was talk of survivors sold as slaves at Skullshores, you want to go there. Granda Avilia is on the way. Stopping by Granda Avilia’s taverna, you see that Carla is no longer there. Padre Ignacio is, and wants to be taken to Skullshores. Well, that’s convenient. The Barkeep wants you to sink a ship, supposedly under a pirate flag, bringing rum to the storekeep Avido. If you take this, you’ll find that the ship, the Weasel, is under a SPANISH flag. Firing on it wins you the Jolly Roger, and probably screws up your Spanish career. Survey says: Bad Idea. On to Gray Sails. At Gray Sails, Padre Ignacio still wants to get underway. He must want to go to Shark Island. Roberto Gorrando is about, and wants to join ships with you. You talk to Francis Dullarse, the barkeep, and ask him who deals in slaves. He tells you the rather unsavory Raymundo the Meatman does. Outside you find that the Slave Driver is now Raymundo. Talking to him, you find that Carlos Esperanza escaped him near Omory, which is now ‘opened’. You drop Father Ignacio off at Shark Island for 500 EPs and 5 RPs, leave Hugo Lumbermill for now (it’s a long one), and go to Omory. At Omory, outside, Fromondin Dampierre asks you to tell Governor de Bijou of Isle d’Orange that he’s languishing without work. Whatever. Inside the tavern, you meet Carlos, who says he’s working off a debt to the barkeep, Bruyant Nemours. He gives you a letter to deliver to Catalina. The storekeep in town, Yves Samois, has coffe to deliver to Isle d’Orange, if you’re interested. Back to Isla Ballena. At Isla Ballena you deliver Carlos’ letter to Catalina, who’s happy…to the tune of 5 RPs. You go to the Don Alcalde to end this quest. Next, how about quickly snapping up the Lumbermill story, and perhaps inquiring with Otto about your father, on Shark Island. Don Alcalde has another pirate hunt, but that can wait. You go back to Shark Island to talk to Hugo Lumbermill, who asks if you are a privateer, then whether you’re Spanish. If you want to go further, you say you are, and he allows as to how he’s worn out from being a pirate, and wants a letter of marque from the Spanish so he can retire. Problem is, whenever he tries to go into port, he gets blasted. This is where you come in. Your quest, should you choose to accept it, is to go into a Spanish port, get him a LOM, bring it back. You go to see De Mercadal at Granda Avilia, and he won’t hear of such a thing. Lumbermill was a really bad criminal. You go to see De Muntral at Isla Ballena, and now you have options. You can give up, betray Lumbermill (-15 RPs), or get him the LOM (1000 gold and +5 RPs when you go back to Shark Island). Olaf Ulsson has a lot to say about your father when he gets down to business. If you follow his story to it’s end, he tells you of three men who might know something about your fathers’ demise, and the only one available is Maurikio Camentata, who is a tavern keeper on Costa Sinistra, and is good with a blade. This pops Costa Sinistra up on your map, and is as good a hint as any that that’s where you need to go. Diego Salvatore is a level 2, +2 defense ship’s doctor. You see Camentata, the barkeep in the tavern on Costa Sinistra, and he sends you with a note to see Lorenzo Avido on Grand Avilia to bring back some wine. There’s a man in there who wants escort to another Spanish town. On to Grand Avilia. Lorenzo Avido is in the store, a few steps forward and to the right. The deal for the wine is quickly concluded by following the first conversation string. Back to Camentata. It costs you 1000 gold, but you get a long tale and half of the map to your father’s treasure. Now, on to Shark Island. Olaf tells you that Beltrop may fit the description of the scarred man in your father’s tale, and that he has no idea where the other half of the map may be. He sends you to Beltrop, and says you should come back to him to tell him what you found out. There’s a middle road to take with Beltrop. Push to little, and you find out nothing. Too much, and you get a nice death movie. Pegleg Berquist has a lot to say about Malcolm Sharp’s history. Back to Shark Island and Olaf. On Shark Island, Olaf is curious, but doesn’t have a lot to add. He has an idea for a trick to play on Beltrop, but he hasn’t worked out all the details. He does offer you a mission to kill a troublesome merchant, Julio Nederedas on the "San Miguel" off Granda Avilia. When you get there, you find that the ‘San Miguel’ flies a Spanish Flag! Not only will you lose your Spanish LOM, and lose 25 big reputation points, but the map which should open Tel-Kerrat at that point does not. This will work only for the Pirate campaign. Well, let’s go see what Don Alcalde De Muntral has to say… On Isla Ballena, Don Alcalde Guilabertus de Muntral says that this Hugo Lumbermill is a hit! The new Pirate quest is that Don Ricardo Ferrer de Mercadal of Granda Avilia is offering 5000 gold reward for the pirate that is plundering shipping within a triangle described by Granda Avilia, Isla Ballena, and Costa Sinistra. Don Alcalde thinks that someone at Skullshores may know of him, since he refused to join the Brotherhood at some point. Since Shark Island is opened, you think so, too. The logical person to ask at Shark Island is Olaf Ulsson, and when you ask him about your map, he says he’s going to talk to someone about it. Don’t hold your breath. Asked about Francois, Olaf is quite angry at him. He recommends a search of Aliando, and says he’d be real happy to hear about your quarry swingin’ from the yardarm. Aliando is opened. At the island you’re attacked by a pirate schnyava, the ‘Mercury’, and it’s worth 1000 EPs and 1 RP. Now, Don Alcalde De Muntral said that Ricardo Ferrer de Mercedal would have your reward, so off you go, and to your amazement, (by the way, Olaf seemed not to notice) asks why haven’t you caught the pirate! He’s sending you immediately to El Caimano, which is ‘opened’, to defend them from this very pirate! When you get there, there are no pirate ships. You walk about the town trying to figure out what’s going on. Where do you go? Ponderabilidad’s Taverna is a good place to start, and, whoa! Who is that guy, looks like a pirate in a blue coat? Talk to Ponderabilidad first, then this new guy. The ‘Stranger with a French accent’ sells you some info saying that Olaf Ulsson is hiding Jeauvinione! That rascal! On to Shark Island, where you confront Olaf. Olaf gets angry, and then starts to laugh. Yep, joke’s on you. He loans you John Quinham to go back to Aliando to get Jeauvinione, but you can also simply dismiss him outside the tavern. At Aliando there are two pirate ships, the Shnyava Thunder and the Brig Fantastique. Wonder which one he’s on? I had to capture the Fantastique, then allow it to sink, when I did this, for +3 RPs and440 EPs. Olaf has nothing to say (unless maybe you kept John), so on to Granda Avilia. You bump into a new person, Theodoro Alameda, who offers 2000 gold for escort to Costa Sinistra (which is opened if you take the mission). Governor Ricardo Ferrer de Mercadal gives you 5000 gold and wants you to go to Skullshores to get an important message from a Jose Maria Lopez and take it to Don Alcalde on Isla Ballena. At Costa Sinistra, you find Alameda and get your 2000 gold and +2 RPs. On to Gray Sails. At Gray Sails you find Jose Maria Lopez outside looking like a farmer, and he gives you an urgent message that Isla Ballena is threatened with attack from the English, in fact, they want to attack with three ships while the Spanish fleet is elsewhere engaged. You rush to Isla Ballena. You give the message to Don Alcalde, and his response is to give you a deal you can’t refuse… He hires you to help fight the English. You don’t have to wait long, as soon as you go out to your ship they’re there! After the fight, and the rewards that go with it, he tells you that de Mercadal at Granda Avilia has a job for you. Before you go, you find that Hugo Lumbermill is in Manilue’s Taverna, and has a tale of a damaged French man-of-war held up at the island of Chaktcha for repairs. Should be easy pickins’! Can’t hurt to check it out… You get there, and lo and behold, the Le Dragon is indeed a French Man of War, but with a crew only of 376… Your call… You have time, why not go to El Caimano to check out those two quests. In the taverna, you find that Lambrini’s quest involves firing on a Spanish ship. Not a good idea. If you choose to follow Ronald the Lawyer’s quest, it plays out like this: Ronald wants you to deliver a Black Mark to The Mole. On to Gray Sails. You deliver the message to the Mole, who’s in the tavern, then go back to El Caimano to tell Ronald. Now, this gets interesting. Ronald is perfectly happy to have you sail away and let him deal with the Mole. However, if you persevere in offering to help, you get +5, that’s FIVE, reputation points. Perhaps because the Mole broke The Brotherhood’s rules. Hope you don’t regret this… Now to Chaktcha Island to settle the Mole, and be prepared for a surprise! On to Grand Avilia, and back to the main Spanish story! At Grade Avilia, De Mercadal wants you to capture Dead Island from the English! Dead Island is now opened. This is a straight-up fort assault, with perhaps a ship or two as well. When there, after destroying the fort and assaulting the place, you’ll find a citizen who represents the populace. Just try to curb your mercenary appetites, and remember what you’re there for! That means, you’re not there for them to empty the treasury for you, you’re there to claim the place for Spain! Back to report to De Mercadal in Granda Avilia. De Mercadal says there is now open war with England, and you’ve been conscripted into Spanish service. Two new English ships have arrived from Glasgow into the Archipelago, but are in Itkal damaged from a storm during the Atlantic crossing. Itkal is opened. Returning to Granda Avilia, you find from Ricardo Ferrer de Mercacal that France and England have united against Spain. France is assembling a fleet to attack, but where? That’s your assignment. You have been promoted to Spanish Grandee, an admiral. Somebody had some new clothes for you, because when you step out onto the street, you’re wearing a spiffy new coat. This ‘Black Coat’ means you’re now committed to Spain, no more agents! When you find out where the French fleet is gathering, you are to return to de Mercadal and tell him. Where do you start? You start interviewing people in either Spanish or Pirate ports, the only ones (likely) you can get into. Off you go… And find the lead in, yep, Engano’s Taverna, right there in Granda Avilia itself! Go right up to Salvadore Engano himself, and he tells you his brother, Roberto in El Caimano now, has the info. To El Caimano! You know by now how valuable tavernas are to you, so you go to El Caimano’s, and there’s a chap dressed as a conquistador. This is Roberto, and he has the necessary papers for de Mercadal. You give them to Ricardo Ferrer de Mercacal, and he is in despair. You, though, salty sea dog that you are, counsel a bold plan, to take Don Ferrer’s own battleship with whatever you are sailing and make a pre-emptive attack, a Pearl Harbor, if you will. Ricardo is game! Tel-Kerrat is opened. What a sight. Coming at you are 1 French Man of War, the ‘Foch’; 1 French Warship, the ‘Provence’; 1 French Corvette, the ‘Gomer’; and 1 French Shnyava, the ‘Le Triomphant’. An illustration of how this game can work is that when I did this, I got the message of rewards in points at the sinking of the ‘Foch’, but I captured and kept the ‘Provence’. I then visited the port of Tel-Kerrat, looking for any unusual characters, and upon going back to my ship, here comes another hostile warship! I didn’t check the name to see if it was also named ‘Provence’ before sinking it. De Mercadal next orders an assault on Isle d’Orange, and it was opened. Nicholas Montferrat was there to turn the island over to you. Next, Highrock (opened), and Mortons tries to buy you off! That slime… Take it for Spain. Don Alcalde de Mercadal sends you to Belflor, and it’s opened. Governor de Bijou wishes that you had served France! Well, maybe another…campaign? Don Ferrer (Alcalde of Granda Avilia) gives you word that His Majesty Himself has decided to end the pirate presence in the Archipelago. De Mercadal gives you an ultimatum to take to the Pirate leader. To Skullshores. So, who IS the Pirate leader? Well, it’s not old Beltrop (to bad…), it’s not Francis Dullarse, so you leave Gray Sails and go to Shark Island, where you check with your old friend Captain Olaf Ulsson, and it’s him! He’s not happy at first, but the idea of retirement balanced against the idea of swingin’ at the yardarm looks better all the time! Tendales opens as Don Alcalde de Mercadal tells you that the last battle of this war is there, and there’s to be a fleet waiting for you as well. Pedro De Humata has joined you with a warship, and doesn’t seem to be about the town if you wish to dismiss him. There’s not much of a fleet there, but you’re funneled through a narrow channel, the fort firing at you as your guns slowly come unmasked by the terrain. If you can make it through, Governor Brin will not be happy… And, finally, back to Granda Avilia. Don Alcalde Ricardo Ferrer de Mercadal has a pronouncement to read you: you’re now Viceroy of Granda Avilia and all adjoining colonies! De Mercadal seems not at all jealous! You’ve done it!
leo987 [ Senator ]
French Walkthrough Maybe it’s the idea of the wine, or the food, or the idea that like them, you think you’re better that anybody else (J ), but you’ve decided to head on out to Belflor to get yourself a French Letter of Marque! You stop to do some of the usual things… Enter Highrock and turn to your right and offer to bring wine to the first gate guard. After that, the second gate guard will ask you to go get rum. Both will cost 1 gold and yield 250 EPs. Talk to Zalpfer, and don’t ask what the invention was, offer to take him into your crew… Go and talk at length to everyone, but you do not have to take the English letter of marque from the governor, Morton. In the Tavern, talk to Roberto Gorrando. He’ll tell you to talk to Adriano Montefi on El Caimano for a better spyglass, and you might find yourself with a Spanish letter sometime in this campaign. In the next port, Tendales, Zalpfer leaves you, but gives you the plans for a paddle-boat. Hang on to them, you can sell them. It’s the Tendales shipyard that will buy them. There has been some conjecture that much later someone will have more of a use for them and maybe so, but that hasn’t been verified by anybody. On to Belflor! In Belflor there are a lot of people to see! First on the list is Francois De Bijou, the governor. He gives you your LOM, and a mission to Gray Sails to see his agent, August Bromont. De Bijou wants a letter from Bromont, and will pay 1500 gold. Beuve Hainault is in Senaingen’s Taverne, a rank 1, +1 defense, 200 gold surgeon. A Tavern Girl asks about George Marlot, a lieutenant on the lineship ‘Mercurio’. You meet Andreas Feckler, who’s afraid he’s in big trouble with his captain, Victor Britier. You say you’ll fix things, and you find Britier in Senaingen’s taverne. For 500 gold and a threat or two, you get Britier to back off. You can hire Feckler, he’s a rank 2, +2 commerce purser for 300 gold a month. Gavrila Dubinin is a rank 1 Bosun, -1 coordination, +2 boarding, +1 grappling, for a salary of 400 gold. Maugis Saubruic needs a ship escort to Omory, and will pay1000 gold. Taking it, Omory is opened. On to Omory. At Omory, you see Maugis Saubruic out in town, and from him you get your1000 gold (plus 500 experience points, and 3 reputation points. You walk about the town meeting the people (it’s always THE THING to do in an adventure or role-playing game, to meet EVERYONE lest you miss someone who may have helped the story), and do meet Fromondin Dampierre (who wants you to tell De Bijou that Fromondin is languishing in Omory), just in case De Bijou may someday care. On to Gray Sails. Again, tour the town. You find your agent outside, fitting right in with his piratical ensemble. He gives you the letter and encourages you to rush. You ought to go to the tavern and pick up Jaques Dullarse, brother to the barkeep and a 300g/month, rank 2 +2 to repair carpenter. Certainly pick up Dreyfus the Fuse, worth every bit of that 2000 a month, for he’s a rank 1 master gunner that brings +3 to your gunlaying, reloading, and coordination (takes the edge off that –1 hit to coordination your loudmouthed Bosun Gavrila Dubinin causes. On to Belflor! Having returned to Belflor, bring the note to Governor Bijou’s office and… Who’s that Lady!?! De Bijou takes the note, and reads that the pirates have captured his friend, the merchant Thierry la Moulle. You are asked to go to the Isle d’Orange and meet the Master of the Merchant Guild, Monsiur Aurelien Dupre, with a note from de Bijou. The note says de Bijou needs a loan, and you are to bring a promissory note for cash back to de Bijou. You press for an introduction to the lady, the Isle d’Orange is opened, and de Bijou is embarrassed into introducing you to his daughter, the Mademoiselle Jacqueline de Bijou. Hurry to Isle d’Orange! There you meet Dupre walking about Isle d’Orange. The exchange is easily concluded. In Brienne’s Taverne you meet Artois de Moulette, who introduces himself as the Archipelago’s most unlucky captain. His story involves failing at a quest for the local governor, Nicolas de Montferrat, who relieved him of command. He is now destitute, and you offer to take his case up with the governor. You do, to no avail. When you go back, you offer to take him aboard your ship as first officer, so that in this way he can regain his reputation commanding any prize ships you take. It will be noted that in the progress, this 1000 gold per month, +3 sailing first officer will gain you substantial money as you sell ships he (or any FO) enables you to capture. By the way, you got 1RP, 250 EPs for taking up his case with de Montferrat. Outside the taverne you bump into an Old Lady who rambles on about losing her ring. Back in the taverne, Brienne tells you he knows her sad story, her son went of on an expedition of France against Isla Ballena from which he never returned. She gave him a beautiful sapphire ring worth 500 – 1000 gold perhaps, and you know she’s derailed a bit over grief from the loss of her son. Back to de Bijou on Belflor, who gives you 2,500 gold for your effort, and asks you to sail to Gray Sails to give the terms to the Pirate commander, Beltrop. You get +2 RPs and the favor of the Governor of Belflor. Beltrop is in what serves as a Town Hall for the Pirates, the grounded ship in the back of their town. Go to the gangplank, enter, and there he is. He doesn’t like de Bijou’s deal, though, and throws you out! You take this report to the governor, though, and he digs in his heels, and refuses to do more. He does allow you to come up with your own solution. Figure it out now, as a French privateer, you are expected to live by the code of chivalry! So, where do you go when you’re stuck? A tavern? Taverne? Taverna? The one at Belflor turns up nothing, so you go to Gray Sails. The tavern at Gray Sails turns up nothing… But, when you walk about the town, you bump into a Damien Rotnie (who looks strikingly like Alex Bigot), who tells you a long tale about how he ran afoul of Beltrop, some rot about the Code of the Brotherhood, and he wants you to board his old brig, the Odyssius, which was taken by an agent of Beltrop’s. His plan is, board the brig, bring it’s new captain’s head to him in Gray Sail’s tavern, and in the meantime he’ll be rescuing all the prisoners of Beltrop’s, including his old crew and your merchant la Moulle. The brig is right outside Gray Sails, and is down to 113 crew. Now, Damien had said board her quiet like, but she fires on you, and there’s no reason not to soften the rascals up with a load of grape! You board her, and find 1000 gold in the captain’s cabin, and the ‘Lubber’s Head’. This brings up something of a sore point on the Forum. If, at this point, your ship is a brig or less, well, good, because you keep this ship by hitting the "change ship" button after you win the boarding duel. If you have a bigger ship by now, say, a corvette or frigate… Well, you lose. It seems this part of the story is intended for those who have a smaller ship. Many times in the four stories of Sea Dogs, you face the choice of: "Do I sink this ship outright, board it and keep it, or board it and sink it?" Usually, you sink it, or board it, loot it, and THEN let it sink. Not here. Even if you have a first officer, you change ships. If you’re not happy with that, neither are many on the Forum. Belly up to the bar, boy! Now, Damien is in the taverne, ask if it’s done, and says here’s some gold (?!?). Let’s go! Also in the bar, and NOT TO BE MISSED, is your merchant Thierry la Moulle! Back and Belflor, the governor has nothing to say. In Belflor’s tavern, though, Thierry la Moulle is grateful. 5000 gold grateful! At Isle d’Orange, THAT governor has nothing to say. But in the taverne at d’Orange, you see two new people. You must talk to them in the correct order. Start, not with the one in the French uniform (looks like a gate guard), but the other: a Fouqueret Araines who wants your help to kidnap de Bijou’s daughter Jacqueline! You, being chivalrous, refuse! Next is the guard lookin’ guy, a captain named Milon Ancerville you choose not to hire (what?), but who talks to you about Araines, and the kidnap plot. Seems he failed in an escort mission, and now he’s bitter and out to make a buck however he can. Back at Belflor, you tell Governor de Bijou, but while he knows Fougueret Araines, he’s not worried about the threat to his daughter, feeling she is safe. You walk out concerned, and also 1000 EPs and 3 RPs richer. But, now what? No leads at this point. The thing to do, of course, is head for the taverns, and logically you’ve got five to check, those in the French colonies and the two at Skullshores. I’m convinced there is no timer anywhere in the events of this saga, but it can be that leaving a town, then going back, may ‘set of the trigger’, and on at least one occasion so has asking a character a second time. This may be one such. Going back into Senaingen’s Taverne (if you’re wondering, they call ‘em taverns among the English and Pirate isles, Tavernas among the Spanish, and Tavernes with the French) what the latest news is. "Did ya hear? The Governor’s daughter is missing!" You immediately rush off to see de Bijou, who now rues the day he blew you off. You’re not there to gloat, though, but to offer your assistance. You know your first point of investigation… Brienne’s Taverne, Isle d’Orange, and thar’s that varmint!!! Milon Ancerville has a lot to answer for! He tells you that Fougueret Araines hired Michel Guttenshruge, possibly now at Skullshores. You have the option to take Milon with you, why should he get off easy! You find Guttenshruge in the tavern at Gray Sails. This guy’s a riot! Don’t let him intimidate you. He tells you that Araines is at Inachetla, which opens, and as a ruse you switch ships with Michel. His ship is the Valkyrie, a brig. You get the last laugh, and a clue that you need to board Arianes’ ship. You see Ancerville at the gates to Gray Sails, but there’s nothing to say. You check Valkyrie’s guns, and they are the measly 12 pounders, so you go to Shark Island to bulk ‘em up. After up-gunning at the shipyard of Shark Island, you go on to Inachetla. There you find, ohhhh, that the bark Nemesis of Arianes’ is French Flagged! You lose your French Letter of Marque and 25 RPs when you fire on her and raise the Jolly Roger, but after you board her and…and I’ve done this both ways. Be advised this part of the quest is buggy. You can let her sink, or you can change ships into her, you may even take her as a prize (I haven’t tested that one), either way you get +25 RPs! The French LOM comes automatically back, you got 1000 gold from the captain’s cabin, the Arianes’ ring, logbook of the Nemesis, and the journal is updated. Which should you do. Probably keep the brig, since travelling to Isle d’Orange will be less thrilling that way. Either way you end up with a note in your logbook saying you let the bark Nemesis sink and you’ll have to admit your failure to de Bijou (doesn’t happen, ignore this). Also your journal continues to show the French as hostile. I saw no sign of this, either. You read your logbook (should anytime it’s updated) and you know you should read the Nemesis’ logbook. When you do, you see that Arianes was going to rendezvous at the taverne of Isle d’Orange. Showing the ring was to be the secret signal to the contact, so you’re in clover! At the Isle d’Orange’s taverne you find Brantome Tabarie. He takes the secret signal, your journal is updated, 3000 EPs, Milon leaves you, and you still have the ring. Tabarie says the girl is going to be released to Belflor. At Belflor, Governor de Bijou is ecstatic. You get +5 RPs and 10,000 gold! The governor continues to talk, saying he’s found that the Spaniards plan to attack Belflor, and you are the only ship that can assist the fort in the town’s defense. Good to go, but stop by the shipyard to get a real ship. The attack is a Frigate, Corvette, and War Galleon. Sink them all, or you’ll have to later. Afterwards, de Bijou has no more tasks, but there is a stranger in town. You have to go talk to him, and he carries a note! Perfumed! From J de B! It says to meet in the tavern. When you go, way back toward the barkeep is Jacquiline de Bijou. The following conversation gushes with syrupy dialogue as romantic feelings are communicated. Resist the urge to be crass. Follow the desire to raise your status in life. How? See her daddy! He doesn’t share the gooey sentiment, indeed at first he’s incensed! But he agrees to give you the opportunity to show yourself. Perhaps he’s hoping you won’t come back from the mission no one else would take, but the assignment is to to to Aliando and interrupt a meeting of a Spanish and an English ship meeting to forge an alliance that will be disastrous to France’s interests in the Archipelago. If you can sink both ships, their authorities will suspect the other betrayed them. Aliando opened, and +2 RPS. Arriving there reveals two things. First is two ships, one from Spain and England each. The other thing revealed is that you have no real competition for Jacquiline’s hand, as the other captains are wimps! You report back at Belflor to Governor de Bijou that the two ships have been destroyed, and he’s overjoyed. He proudly reads a pronouncement from His Majesty conferring on you the title of Baron and the rank of Admiral in the French Royal Fleet! You’re a nobleman now. He gives you new orders to take Costa Sinistra for France. Costa Sinistra is opened. You look at the governor, and think, "hey, I’m nobility now!" The governor’s one objection has been solved. So, instead of turning around and heading immediately off to Costa Sinistra, you initiate a second conversation with de Bijou, which has the option of your asking for Jacqueline’s hand in marriage. He accepts! Now begins a rather nice wedding movie. Reportedly it is possible to do this earlier, by searching for a priest to marry the two of you without her father’s permission, but you’re on your own to try that… Now you go to Costa Sinistra, and after the fort is neutralized, you walk it’s streets. You encounter an honored citizen, and as has been mentioned in the other walkthroughs, you HAVE to curb your mercenary instincts and remember exactly why you were sent to the island. You’re claiming it for France, not emptying it’s treasuries, and if you want to advance your career and the story line, you’ll take the option to claim the island for France. Back to Belflor, and your father-in-law tells you that war has come to the Archipelago. The English are working on a battleship at Highrock, which will be tough for the French naval forces to deal with. Take Highrock, and France will finish the battleship for herself. ‘Daddy’ offers you a ship apparently based on your rank, and your only options are to command it yourself or to have it sail under your command. If you have it sail under you, Hernault Clari joins you. My preference has been to minimize the numbers of ships sailing under me. Approaching a port, large numbers of ‘AI’ ships tend to bunch up and hit the shore, doing hull damage. It’s quite possible to lose a ship that way. Highrock falls, and Mortons wants to buy you off for 15,000 gold. No deal! You claim his island for France, and send him packing as your sailors raise the French flag over Highrock. In Belflor, de Bijou pays you 10,000, and wants you to attack Olaf Ulsson of Shark Island, "King of Pirates", but you point out that France is already fighting two nations, it doesn’t need a third. You’d rather negotiate a settlement, and your father-in-law authorizes it. Upon arriving at Shark Island, you have a scripted battle of the Fast Galleon ‘Blade’, Brig ‘Thor’, Shnyava ‘Delfin’, and sloop ‘Lightening’. Once in, Ulsson in the back of Shark Island’s tavern accepts the inevitable and goes to retirement with his own tavern in Bristol, England. You’ve put the pirates that threatened France’s communications under the sea, and de Bijou offers you the battleship that was finished at Highrock. He then says Spain and England have allied after all against France. They will attack Isle d’Orange, but the defenses are sufficient. You are to hit Isla Ballena! Isla Ballena is opened. De Muntral is not happy after your successful fort assault, especially as you put the French flag over what once was his island. As you sail from Isla Ballena, you reflect on the previous, unsuccessful assault there, and of a young man unknown to you, bearing his mother’s love and her ring, who did not come back. Remembering her grief, now you feel you can do something about it. But, you have to let some time go by, so that the white flag over the town where the citizens are recovering is replaced by the sky blue of France. Your next mission from Governor de Bijou is to defend Belflor from the enemy fleet bearing down on it. Another cat-fight of ships with the opposition represented by the Spanish fast galleon ‘Vigia’, lineship Serviola, an English warship and the corvette ‘Avenger’. God, that was fun! You wait some time to get into Isla Ballena, but when you do, you start your investigation… in the taverne! The tavern owner tells you about a ring given to a girl named Fransesca. You go to her, and you may have to talk to her more than once (and, now would be the time to lose a little of that French chivalry), but you come away with the ring. Back to Isle d’Orange… Where you find the Old Woman, now known to you as Josephine Lodet. The poignancy of the moment is worth +5 Reputation Points for you. When next you talk to Francois De Bijou, he tells you that it’s almost won. Next to fall are Tendales AND Granda Avilia. A double-header! Tendales is opened. Governor Brin is a nice guy, but after your assault he has to go, just like the rest. Now the French flag flies over Tendales, and with scarcely a breath… Granda Avilia is next! Once again, remember what you’re there for, not money, but to see that flag raising ceremony! Your father-in-law, the Governor Francois De Bijou greets you upon your return with a proclamation from the King of France, declaring you, Baron Nicholas Sharp, Viceroy of Belflor and all the adjoining colonies! Married to a marvelous woman, captain of a large ship, admiral of a fleet, Baron, Viceroy, who could want for more? But then, you earned it, shipmate!
leo987 [ Senator ]
The Fifth Campaign of Sea Dogs The Fifth Campaign is… that of a free trader at sea! It is possible to buy low and sell high, one just has to have a thorough knowledge of the prices at different ports. This section is designed to help. The adventure here is to not chase after one of the plot lines endings, but to enjoy yourself, and to see if you can turn a profit while avoiding pirates and storms. If you wish to enter Spanish ports, you will have to get the English letter of marque, then go see the Spanish agent at Gray Sails. You don’t have to look on it so much as a LOM, but as trading rights with those ports. And if you, well, have an indiscretion with another ship at sea (you just HAD to have that ship), then this is a way to settle things with that hostile nation. The high cost of doing business! In this campaign, using the money cheat defeats the whole purpose of the game. The idea for this campaign came from the Forums, when Captain McHrozni passed on the following tip: coffee is a commodity you can buy cheap at Tendales and High Rock and sell for a huge profit at Dead Island. You can rack up 100K or more in no time. Lualzo, another skipper, says he makes BIG money trading rum at El Caimano, and that rum is cheap and doesn’t weigh a lot. Captain Willith notes that he made large profits doing the Belflor, D’Orange, and El Caimano route trading in bombs, mahogany, ebony, sugar, rum, and wheat, and El Caimano doesn’t require a Spanish LOM to enter. There are other deals to be had, and to that end, the following charts were written, so that traders would have some idea what commodities were going for in different ports. This would be fine in a static economy, where the prices remain the same, but apparently it is a dynamic economy, where the prices shift over time. This is fair enough, in that while you would have a general idea what products sold well where, you wouldn’t in that technology know from day to day. Another tip would be to observe the notes on the charts: ‘Im‘, for importing, and ’Ex’, for exporting. If they’re importing, they want the product. Don’t buy a commodity that an island is currently importing. Captain Willith continues: "The biggest profit is from selling bombs at El Caimano by far. You can typically buy bombs for around 40 gold or so and sell them at El Caimano for around 125g or more… that's 85 gold profit per crate of 20 bombs. El Caimano exports mahogany for around 10 gold and Belfore or Isle d'Orange buy it at around 25g or so. El Caimano doesn't export ebony, but it does sell it VERY cheap at around 16 or so, while both Belfore and d'Orange buy it for 35 gold or more. That has been the best trading route so far for me. The ‘easy starter’ trading route is the Tendales to Highrock to Dead Island run for coffee. You can buy cheap coffee in Tendales and Highrock and sell it for huge profits on Dead Island. While at Tendales you can also buy linen and sell it at Highrock. This is a good route to take as a starter because it's pretty well defended by the English and you don't have to go very far to make the runs." The skipper Lualzo adds: "I also made a chart (in pencil I might add, with the constant change in prices) of all the islands. Paying close attention to what islands import and export, that is a good gauge as to the prices you can get. I have found coffee and sugar are good trade items, both for the cheap prices on some islands and the obvious weight differences compared to something such as mahogany. I must add that I don't just trade, matey, I like to plunder as well. Bombs, yes bombs are a great trade item if you can get them cheap on such islands as Isla Ballena (Spanish), and Tel Kerrat (French trading colony). You can then turn around and sell them at a huge mark up in El Caimano, they almost always are trading at a 200% mark up or more there." Finally a first mate named Pinhead says: "…and so far have been trading more than anything and I found a really good source of income selling bombs to El Caimano. This is the only store I've seen that imports these things .... you can buy a box of 20 bombs for under $50 easy enough, they weigh next to nothing (so you can get thousands of them on even a small boat) and sell them for about 150 gold each .... I've made 50,000 gold on a trip before! One last thing, this is a Spanish colony, so you may have to fight the occasional Caravel but at least there’s no fort!"
leo987 [ Senator ]
Places and People Highrock Billy,gate guard. Likes wine. Can give 1 reputation point, 250 experience points. Frederick, gate guard. Likes rum. Can give 2 RPs, 250 EPs. Jeremy Windem. Barkeep. Molly. Ms Crow-in-the-hole. Sailor Penwood. Tells about the 4 Spanish ports: Granda Avilia, Isla Ballena, El Camiano, Costa Sinistra. Julia Mcmillan (sp). Sheriff’s wife. Scott O’Brien. Tells you an English privateer Barrett took a Spanish Letter of Marque, hinting that the Pirate islands are the source. Howard Gordon. Doesn’t think LOMs are appropriate. Jason Turnstone. Wishes for the Inspector to come, doesn’t like Mortons. Theodore. Offers advice to beginners. Johnny, governor’s guard. Says all’s well. Gregory, governor’s guard. Tells you that the English ports are Highrock, Tendales, Dead Island, and tiny Itkal. Mortons, governor. A right sorry bastard. Old Sailor. In Windem’s Tavern, sailing advice and 250 EPs. Old Fencer. In Windem’s Tavern, fencing advice and 250 EPs. Roberto Gorrando. In Windem’s Tavern, source of word on a better eyeglass. Julius Ironcast. In Windem’s Tavern, a blind gunner, rank 1, -1 gunlaying, +2 reloading, +3 Coordination. Pete Dalton. In Windem’s Tavern if you take Mortons’ mission, doesn’t like Mortons. Christopher Claystone. In Windem’s Tavern if you take Mortons’ mission, doesn’t like Mortons. Alexander Bishop. Shipwright. George Havensile. Storekeep. Albrecht Zalpfer. Inventor, source of steamboat plans. Tendales Patrick, gate guard. Tells you about Tendales. Pete, gate guard. Not talkative. Maximillian Ferguson. Selectively anti-slavery. Docker. William Shakesbeer. Talks of sea trade, source of general location of Pirate Islands. Merchant. Anti-Pirate. Catherine Kenneth. Prude. Henry Malcolm. Anti-Pirate. Thomas Hancock. Barkeep. Andrew Shoo. In Hancock’s Tavern, a 500 gold, rank 1, +1 boarding, +3 grappling Boatswain. Adam Mullen. In Hancock’s Tavern, a 1000 gold, rank 1, +3 commerce Purser. Bertram Michaelson. Shipwright. Christopher Offut. Storekeep. Timothy, governor’s guard. No loitering. Tommy, governor’s guard. Wants secrets. John Clifford Brin. Benevolent Governor. Dead Island. Carl, gate guard. Tells of French Ports Belflor, Isla d’Orange, Omory, Tel-Kerrat. Robert, gate guard. Source of town info. Eugene Huckster. Important, tells you your medallion was your father’s. 1000 EPs. Poor Man. Wishes pirates were running things. Worker. Offers to build you a house. Nigel Fester. Storekeep, small trade mission. Alfred Stergen. Barkeep. Jacob Ashon. In Stergen’s Tavern, offers an escort mission. David Murray. In Stergen’s Tavern if you have a British LOM, gunner, rank 2, +1 Gunlaying, +1 reloading. Priest. Most valuable, you can buy as many +1 reputation indulgences from him as you want! Itkal Carl, gate guard. Jumpy. Richard, gate guard. Non-talkative. Peasant. Talks about the weather. Irvine Godson. Asks what you do, depends on your answer. Jane. Welcomes you to the SMALL island. John Burtons. Storekeep. Shark Island Raymond Ebelin. 1st Officer, 900 gold, +2 sailing. Pablo Loco. Depends on your campaign. Farmer. Member of the Brotherhood. Invalid. Johnny Biggs. Shipwright. Valentine Girardeau. Storekeep. Tommy Barkhead. Barkeep. James Callow. Barkhead’s Tavern, holder of cursed idol. Hugo Lumbermill. Barkhead’s tavern, something with the Spanish. Olaf Ulsson. Barkhead’s tavern, Brotherhood Point of Contact. English Agent. Barkhead’s tavern IF you’ve a letter of marque from anybody. French Agent. Barkhead’s tavern IF you’ve a letter of marque from anybody. Gray Sails Alex Bigot. Offers to sail his ship with you. Pegleg Berquist. Pirate enforcer of Gray Sails. Slave Driver. Pirate. Fence. Asks about jewels. Bill Powdersack. Beltrop’s master gunner. Munito Hernando. Storekeep. Francis Dullarse. Barkeep. Jaque Dullarse. Dullarse’s Tavern, Francis’ brother, 300 gold, +2 repair, carpenter. William the Marlinspike. Dullarse’s Tavern, offers to sail with you. Dreyfus the Fuse. Dullarse’s Tavern, 2000 gold master gunner, +3 to gunlaying, reloading, AND coordination. Spanish Agent. Dullarse’s tavern IF you’ve a letter of marque from anybody. Granda Avilia Enrique Taponaro. "Everyone’s crooked". Carlos, gate guard. Speaks English, tells you about the town. Jose, gate guard. No abla Ingles. Emilia Gozaro. Asks about her husband, a surgeon on the pinnace Felicia bound for Belflor and overdue. Ernesto Hoccilius. Asks if you’ve seen Maria the tavern girl. Alejandro Hondureno. Anti-Pirate. Cladio Tonto. A happy new grandpa. Cecilia Kahero. An easy "plump one". Inquisitor. A severe priest. Juan, governor’s guard. Tells you about all the Spanish Isles: Granda Avilia, Isla Ballena, El Camiano, and Costa Sinistra. Rinaldo, governor’s guard. Suspicious. Ricardo Ferrer de Mercacal. Governor. Pere Miry de Muntanyola. Shipwright. Salvadore Engano. Barkeep, offers a mission early. Padre Ignacia. Engano’s Taverna. Will want to go to Shark Island. Lorenzo Marquez Avido. Storekeep. Isla Ballena Guilabertus de Muntral. Governor Miguel, governor’s guard. Tells about the French ports of Belflor, Isle d’Orange, Omory, and Tel-Kerrat. Gonzalo, governor’s guard. Over confident of the town’s defenses. Isabel Cercpalido. Kind of a manly voice, asks about Nicholas’ fluency in English. Rodolfo Pensativo. Anti Pirates and LOMs. Geraldo Estimosa. Wants to drink. Catalina. Fiance Carlos Esperanza was sent away in what will be a quest for Nicholas. Bartholomew Ulster. Secretary to Don Alcalde Guilabertus de Muntral, and fatally interested in ‘Carla’. Jaime Zingermann. Rude. Mathias Kandido. Knows nothing. Simon Benencosa. Storekeep. Arnau Manileu. Barkeep, brother missing in the same quest as Catalina’s brother. Carla. Initially in Manilue’s Taverna, she vanishes, and so does Ulster. A quest. Benito Stanozsi. Wants to give me a shave. Juan Gulliardes. Shipwright. Carlotta Fellidad. Old Lady. El Caimano Gabriel, gate guard. Fears travel at sea. Rodrigo, gate guard. Offers town info. Adriano Montefi. Optician, offers special spyglass. Pablo Loco. Loco. Beggar. Takes a gold piece. Fiscal Official. Asks about taxes. Ronald the Lawyer. Offers a quest. Peralta de Riviera. Proud of his town. Alonso Mentato. Storekeep. Nicolas Ponderabilidad. Barkeep. Victor Martos, In Ponderabilidad’s Taverna after the Carla quest begins, has info, is a +1 boarding, +1 grappling, 150 gold Boatswain. Octavio Lambrini. Offers a quest. Philippe Vilene. Offers to join his ship with yours. Costa Sinistra Baltasar, gate guard. Says Manuel hit the rum hard the night before. Manuel, gate guard. Says Baltasar… Actually, he gives town information. Leon. A dockmaster. Adonicia Villabojo. Has a jealous husband. Valdrio Garcia. Storekeep, has a transport mission. Diego Salvatore. Rank 2 surgeon for 600 gold, +2 defense. Fisherman. Fish. Lencho Capina. A schemer. Maurikio Camentata. Barkeep, knows your father. Edmundo Marques. In Camentata’s Taverna, needs an escort. Belflor Girars, gate guard. Gives town info. Hervisse, gate guard. Tells about the Spanish islands of Isla Ballena, Granda Avilia, El Caimano, and Costa Sinistra. Francois De Bijou. The governor. Jean Neuville. Storekeep. Charles Wallincourt Versin. Shipwright. Nuare Senaingen. Barkeep. Victor Bretier. In Senaingen’s Taverne, a ship captain. Beuve Hainault. In Senaingen’s Taverne, a rank 1, +1 defense, 200 gold surgeon. Diana Merle. Don’t quite know what she’s about. Tavern Girl. Asks about George Marlot, a lieutenant on the lineship ‘Mercurio’. Antuan Nanet. Painter. Andreas Feckler. A 300 gold, rank 2, +2 commerce purser off of Victor Britier’s ship. Gaumardas Troyes. He’s busy. Gavrila Dubinin. A 400 gold, rank 1 Bosun, -1 coordination, +2 boarding, +1 grappling. Josef Touriet. A tailor. Maugis Saubruic. Needs a ship escort. Bruyant, governor’s guard. Tells of the English colonies of Dead Island, Highrock, Tendales, and Itkal. Aurel, governor’s guard. Wants to arrest someone. Isle d’Orange Pepin, gate guard. Can’t talk now. Raoul, gate guard. Town information. Nicholas de Montferrat. Governor, and a progressive one at that! Jean Mello. A flatterer. Raymond Gotier. Local jeweler. Joseph Gaudonville. Storekeep, takes a coffee consignment. Pierre Samois. Hates pirates. Old Woman. Lost her ring (quest). Hughs Romnay. Complains of the cost of shipping. Beauve Pomponne. Art lover? Tancrede, governor’s guard. Lists the French ports and locations of Belflor, Isle d’Orange, Omory, and Tel-Kerrat (ignored Tchia Hoa). Vincent, governor’s guard. Mistakes you for someone else. Christian Auberive. Shipwright. Margarita Chappes. Seems shy, voice oddly deep for a woman… Jean-Paul Brienne. Barkeep (knows the old woman). Artois de Moulette. Unlucky captain in Brienne’s Taverne (quest). Omory Phillipe, gate guard. Tells where the tavern is. Beaudonnier, gate guard. Never touched your sister! Housewife. Looking for a boy in blue. Fromondin Dampierre. Languishing, and wants Isle d’Orange’s gov. to know it. Bruyant Nemours. Barkeep with food for those with delecate tastes. Yves Samois. Storekeep, has a load of coffee for Isle d’Orange. Tel-Kerrat Guiri, gate guard. Refers you to ‘the governor’ (there’s not one on THIS island…). Renouart, gate guard. A jokester. Huidemar Florez. Hearing things. Galien Braciaux. Will sell you a nice dagger. Eustache Heaumont. Storekeep, knows a stranger (quest figure) Tchia Hoa Abelard Chalon. Tells you the story of Tchia Hoa.
leo987 [ Senator ]
The Missing Pieces Some quests fit in multiple campaigns, or are not in the ‘cricical path’. Note that these are not tested. The map and the dagger. At Shark Island you will be asked (was it by Tommy Barkhead?) for help in finding a map of ‘our part’ of Skull Shores. This quest is easily forgotten as you busily go about the critical path. The word (I haven’t tested) is that if you go to Tel-Kerrat, Galien Braciaux will sell you a dagger that you can then take to a governor of a French island (Isle d’Orange?) who likes artifacts. He will then give you the map. The marrying Priest. One of the reported options involving the romance with Jacqueline de Bijou is to elope and find a priest to do the wedding. Try the French island or Oromy. The Old Woman’s Ring. On Isle d’Orange is an Old Woman who has lost her ring. If you go after meeting her to the taverne in town, the barkeep tells you the woman’s story, involving her son being lost in a failed French military mission attacking Spanish Isla Ballena. Go there, talk to the tavern owner, and then you’ll find a woman named Fransesca outside, who has the ring. Now, as they would say in the Archipelago, she’s not the brightest candle in the chandelier, so save before you negotiate with her, but she’s not a good bargainer. Take it back to the Old Woman, and follow through.
leo987 [ Senator ]
The Cheats! Any real guide to a computer game will have a section on cheats. The following are the only ones I found useful, and how to use them. Step 1. You have to be at sea. Step 2. It helps if you pause the game. Else, if you are in combat, you may fire off loaded cannons when you hit the space key. Step 3. Make sure the ‘caps lock’ is engaged, I read on the Forums that due to the way Akella programmed the game, it doesn’t recognize lower case letters. For a fact, the cheats won’t work. Step 4. Type: HAVE LIVE you have to have full sailcloth, they say, but it will repair your hull and restore your crew. I haven’t seen it help my sails, though… And, it’s not "have life". EXPU MNE gives you a big boost in experience, at least at the lower levels. If you’re trying to make rank 1 all at once, though, you’ll be doing this a long time. Serves ye right! DENEG DAY I understand that in Russian this means "Gimme Money", and it does give you 100,000 gold! GET ME MAGIC Never used this one, it radically increases your cannon damage. MAKE SCREEN SHOTS I’ve never used this one, but no one gets hurt with cannon shots, for those Hollywood screen shots. Any other cheat codes, I couldn’t get any use out of. And… The Double Tap. Author Tom Clancy is fond of this term in reference to an ‘operative’ (like an anti-terrorist soldier) skillfully putting two rounds (bullets) into the head of a ‘tango’ (terrorist or some such). So, have you ever been sailing somewhere, minding your own business, when suddenly you’re attacked? Sure, if you’re in Beltrop’s old Gorgon, you love it. But if you’re sailing the Fifth Campaign (next section) in a galleon, you mind! What do you do? If yer a cheatin’ scoundrel, you just double-tap that enter key as soon as ye plop into that 3D screen showin’ yer beautiful ship. This brings up the sea map and activates it before you’re too close for that to be no longer available. Works nearly every time! Now, were you in a Corvette, you could just say out outsailed the bugger. You can’t tell me that, though, if your ship is a Trade Caravel!
leo987 [ Senator ]
sklepy dla angoli
leo987 [ Senator ]
sklepy dal francuzów
leo987 [ Senator ]
sklepy dla hiszpanów
leo987 [ Senator ]
i sklepy dla piratów. teraz wiecie gdzie szukaæ i gdzie kupowac i gdzie sprzedawaæ. Powodzenia marynarze !!!!
leo987 [ Senator ]
Jak czytaæ tabele: przyk³ad szybkiego zarobienia forsy gdy gramy po stronie angielskiej: W Highrock kupujemy kawê za 7$ i p³yniemy do Dead Island gdzie sprzedajemy ja za 22$ (czyli mamy 15$). Na Dead Island kupujemy sugar za 4$ i wracamy do Highrock gdzie sprzedajemy go za 14$ (10$na sztuce). itd.
leo987 [ Senator ]
o kurcze b³¹d. Cukier w Highrock sprzedajemy za 8$ (a nie za 14$ jak poda³em wy¿ej - sorki za b³¹d). W miêdzyczasie mo¿e udaæ nam siê zatopiæ jakiœ piracki statek i z wody mo¿emy wy³owiæ p³ywaj¹ce po powierzchni towary lub amunicjê które wióz³. Wtedy mo¿na oczywiœcie je sprzedaæ wszystkie w danym mieœcie