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Sprawdzi ktoś błędy z angola ?


Krasper [ Pretorianin ]

Sprawdzi ktoś błędy z angola ?

Mam przygotować speecha z angielskiego na temat " Jak ma wyglądać osoba z którą chciałbym spędzić resztę życia". Oto moje wypociny jak by ktoś mi wskazał błedy to byłbym wdzięczny.

It's difficult to choose one person with which I want to spend the rest of my life. I can only mention a few , main features of such person. First of this all person must as similar to me as it's possible. It would be nice if we have sth in common like interests etc. This person must be honest. Honesty is one of the most important features in relationship beetwen two people. I don't like people who're trying to be nice to everyone and satisfy everyone. In fact it's impossible. I esteem people who are natural and of course if it;s possible who say what they think. This person also must be mentally strong. We're living in hard times full of stress and it's useful ability to be resistant and to overcome difficulties and problems. Such nperson should earn a lot of money. Maybe money are not necessary to be happy but in any case they don't prevent happiness. It would be comfortable situation for me if this person earns a lot of money. This person must be also humorous because with such person you'll never be bored and being with such person is pleasure.


Moshimo [ FullMetal ]

Jak dla mnie wiekszosc jest ok.
It's difficult to choose one person who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I can only mention a few , main features of such a (zawsze pisze sie such a costam) person. First of all this person must be as similar to me as it's possible. It would be nice if we have sth in common like interests etc. This person must be honest. Honesty is one of the most important features in relationship beetwen two people. I don't like people who're trying to be nice to everyone and satisfy everyone. In fact it's impossible. I esteem (co?? - ok juz wiem :)) people who are natural and of course if it;s possible who say what they think. This person also must be mentally strong. We're living in hard times full of stress and it's a useful ability to be resistant and to overcome difficulties and problems. Such nperson should earn a lot of money. Maybe money is (money zawsze IS) not necessary to be happy but in any case it doesn't prevent from happiness. It would be a comfortable situation for me if this person earned a lot of money. This person must be also humorous because with such a person I'll(w koncu piszesz o sobie :)) never be bored and being with such a person is a pleasure.
edit. Dobra juz znalazlem co to to esteem. Ciekawy wyraz, nie znalem go wczesniej :).
edit 2. Zaden klopot :)


Krasper [ Pretorianin ]

Dzięki Moshimo.


Moshimo [ FullMetal ]

A jeszcze znalazlem maly blad, literowka pewnie:
Honesty is one of the most important features in relationship between two people.

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