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Opowiadanie z angielskiego


MR.MANIAK [ Senator ]

Opowiadanie z angielskiego

Dopisałem sie już do kącika j.angielskiego, ale nikt mi nie odpowiada a zależy mi na czasie.
Może jestem natrętem ale trudno.

Byłbym bardzo wdzięczny, gdybyście mogli sprawdzić moje wypociny ( poprawić błędy i podpowiedzieć to co jest w nawiasach)

It was a beutiful spring day. Sun was shining and was hot. Clouds lazyly ( leniwie ) and slowly was swimming on the blue sky. The night before, I and my best friend - Joe had decided to go on trip to the darkness forest.
Was took the torch and went there. In forest was scary and fearfully. Suddenly, Joey shouted: "Look over there!". In bush was corpse death man. It was knight. We was thinking, what happened there, when we heard scream women. We run 50 meters and in glade ( polana? ) we saw young women in claws big black dragon. Immediately, I turned back to the corpse, and took heavy shield and two-handed sword. Joey ( odwracał uwage smoke pochodnią ) , when I cut head of dragon, killed them. The young lady it was princess Elizabeth.
The king Artur, father princess Elizabeth ( dał mi ręke swej córki i połowę królestwa. Wzieliśmy ślub i żyliśmy długo i szczęśliwie )


VYKR_ [ Vykromod ]

It was a beautiful spring day [bardziej normalnie: day of spring]. Sun was shining and it was hot [w oryg. "slonce swiecilo i bylo gorace"]. Clouds lazily [po co dwa razy mowic to samo? po co dwa ra...] were floating [bez polonizmow plz] through [j.w.] the blue sky. [hm, a tutaj nagly zwrot akcji] The night before, me and my best friend - Joe had decided to go on trip to a dark forest ["darkness forest" QUE? co to ma byc?].
We took a torch and went there. In the [konkretny las, ten ciemny czy sth] forest, it was scary [fearfully to przyslowek, "strasznie", poza tym po co 2 przymiotniki oznaczajace to samo?]. Suddenly, Joey [to jak ten friend sie w koncu nazywa? i jakiej jest plci? :>] shouted, "Look over there!". A corpse of a dead man was lying in a bush. [ni z gruchy ni z pitruchy. nie lepiej "I saw a corpse of a dead man lying..."?] It was a knight [QUE?].

fak, dalej nawet nie rozumiem o co biega.


Moshimo [ FullMetal ]

It was a beautiful spring day. The sun was shining and it was hot. Clouds were lazily ( leniwie ) and slowly swimming on the blue sky. The night before, me and my best friend - Joey had decided to go on trip to the dark forest. (czyli "do ciemnego lasu" - jesli chodzi CI o zwrot "do lasu ciemnosci", to bedzie "to the forest of darkness")
We took a torch and went there. It was really scary and fearfully in the forest (generalnie najpierw mowisz jak jest, a pozniej gdzie). Suddenly, Joey shouted: "Look over there!". There was a dead (death to smierc) man's corpse in a bush. It was a/some knight. We were thinking, what happened there, when we heard woman's scream. We ran 50 meters and on a glade ( polana? ) we saw a young womAn caught in a big black dragon's claws (caught - zlapana). Immediately, I turned back to the corpse, and took a heavy shield and a two-handed sword. Joey was diverting dragon's attention and when I cut the dragon's head off (to cut sth off - odciac cos), I killed it. The young lady turned out to be (okazala sie byc) the princess Elizabeth.
The king Artur, father of the princess Elizabeth, blessed our love (poblogoslawil nasza milosc - nie kojarze zwrotu - dac czyjas reke - w ang) and we lived happily ever after.

Heh.. naturalnie nie wiem czy sam nie zrobilem bykow poprawiajac, ale wydaje mi sie ze bedzie ok - dobrze by bylo jakby jeszcze ktos to potwierdzil :)


MR.MANIAK [ Senator ]

VYKR_, Moshimo ---> dzieki wielkie.

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