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pomoc do blacka


siol [ Legionista ]

pomoc do blacka

pomoc w misji 6


|LoW|Snajper [ Generaďż˝ ]

spoiler start

haha lol
spoiler stop


NequliX [ Centurion ]



MartiniBianco [ dobry Bajer ]

spytaj panią w mięsnym ona wie


Dony_Brasco [ Konsul ]

Spytaj Jadzi! Jadzia ci doradzi!


armia [ Scyzoryk ]

Musisz isc do Kononowicza on ci powie jak zlikwidowac przeciwnikow.:P


J0T [ Konsul ]

pomoc została udzielona!

należy sie 10 PLN.


żbike [ Konsul ]

Moja pomoc rozp@#$@ wszystko co się rusza he he przecież o to chyba chodzi w tej grze


mirencjum [ operator kursora ]

"Black Mirror"? Tak?


Robert542 [ Crazy Turtle ]

Z gamefags:

Mission 6: Vratska Dockyard [SCf6]

Ten secondary objectives. Three needed for Normal. Six needed for Hard.

You'll start this level with the Mac 10 Elite and the Remington shotgun.
Neither are any good at long range, but with some practise you'll become an
expert with the Mac. I'm not a big fan of this level, but luckily the one after
this is brilliant.

You start on a platform. Two of your team are with you. Throughout this level
try and get them to do most of the work. On your left down below, and a bit in
the distance will be two guards. Change your firing mode to single shot, and
then hit them in the head. Single shot makes the gun a lot more accurate at
long range. Head down the stairs and onto the road below. Throughout this level
pick up every single shell of ammo and every health pack/first aid kit.

If you go down to the platform near the water on the right of the road there's
some grenades lying in the open. There's a nice soundtrack around this part,
and as you've probably noticed Black's soundtrack overall is wonderful. There's
a guy standing on top of the building ahead of you. Around the corner and
you'll come to a pathway with some tubes down the middle. On the left of these
tubes is another bloke waiting for you. There's two more on the bridge at the
end of this pathway as well. In an indent on the left of this pathway is some
shotgun ammo.

Now comes your first big fight. Since the Mac is horrible at long range, you're
going to have to work hard. Move forward and take out any enemies close to you.
Use boxes as cover from the enemies in the windows above. Most of them will
jump down onto the stairs once you begin shooting at them. Take out any close
to you, then when the coast is clear head up the stairs and blow open the door
with the Remington. There might be one or two enemies still up here, so blast
them down and then pick up and ammo around here. From here use the Mac to take
out any enemies down below. Once every enemy is dealt with, head back down and
continue down the path.

You'll notice the Sniper Rifle propped against the wall of a container on your
left. Pick it up. It's the armament objective for this level. There's some
shotgun ammo in this container as well. Back onto the pathway, aim with your
Sniper towards the large tower in the distance. You should see a sniper waiting
there. Take him out and then swap your Sniper back to the gun you had before.

Continue along the pathway and round to the opening on the left. There's a
bloke here so hit him in the head from behind. One guy will now be on the roof
of container and a few more on the ground. Follow the path and you'll soon find
yourself looking down a container with a bloke at the end. Deal with him, then
the guy on the top of the ship to your left. He's standing next to a flammable
tank, so you know what to do. Instead of going to the left at the end of the
container, as the path goes, head to the right and follow it this way to find
an Intel objective. Watch out for some more enemies on the roofs of the

Head back along past the container and straight. The path branches here. Go to
the left and take out the few enemies here. Search the containers for an AK 47
and some ammo. You can swap it for your Mac if you like, but keep the Remington
whatever you do. I prefer using the Mac since I like a change of weapon. Plus,
AK ammo is scarce throughout this level. Here you can either follow this path
or head back to where the path branched, and enter the second area similar to
where you had your first fight. Using your primary weapon (AK or Mac) take out
the enemies around here. Once they're all dealt with, you'll hear the sound of
an RPG. Head forward towards a large tower like object and use this as cover.
Once he fires again, quickly either grenade him or keep emptying ammo on him
until he explodes. Head up the stairs and again, open the door with the
Remington. Inside is some ammo for the AK and the Recon objective. Back
downstairs, take out any more enemies who come as you, and then follow the path
as it goes, again.

There's a bloke with a machine gun at the end of this path. Use the giant
cotton reels or whatever they are for cover. Near the end of this path some
normal enemies will come at you. Take them out, and then blow up the tanks
underneath the tower that the machine gun guy is on. He'll get roasted.

Head up the stairs on the left and there's an enemy waiting for you here, and
two more in the small room ahead. Once they're dead, head into this room and
pick up the Intel on the wall. Then head into the building.

Your first checkpoint will come at the bottom of the stairs. Follow the
corridor until you see two men standing in a small room. Headshot them both,
then using the Remington open the door of the room. Swap your Remington for the
M249 in here. Yes, this is the BFG. Yes, this is the machine gun all the
machine gun guys use. Yes, this is the most powerful bullet driven gun in the
game. Yes, it's stupidly inaccurate. Yes, it has enormous recoil. Yes, it's
highly tempting to fire it. But don't. Save the ammo for a later fight. Before
exiting this small room grab the Intel on the shelf.

Back into the corridor, you might find your path blocked by some boxes. Grenade
them to clear your path. Out in the open again, there's a guy in the distance
next to a forklift facing away from you. Single shot him in the head and watch
him drop like a stone. It's actually hard not to laugh at the speed at which he
drops. Another firefight will start here. Use the container near the bloke you
killed to take cover from the machine gun. First deal with the normal enemies
on the ground, or let your team do it for you. Once they're done with, shoot
the tanks under the guy with the machine gun to take care of him.

Head to where the machine gun guy was to find some ammo for the M249. Grab the
Intel here as well. Follow the path again and there should be some tanks on the
floor ahead of you. Blow them up to take out a BM in the room next on your
right. Follow the path till you come across a bloke in a small booth guarding a
gate. Pop him in the head. There's loads of M249 ammo in an indent in the wall
here, so pick it up.

Now comes the time to use the M249. A fun fight if you know what you're doing.
Like the end of Tivliz Asylum, I can only simply tell you the order of the
enemies. The rest is up to you.

First take out the normal enemies on the ground. Whenever you need to reload,
ensure you crouch and find some small cover. The M249 reload is slow. Once the
normal enemies are done, some will try to flank you from the top right. Blow
the enormous tanks up there to deal with them.

Next, an RPG man will appear in the top left windows of the main building ahead
of you. Blow the fuel tank attached to the huge pipe along the building to take
him out. Then a machine gun guy will appear on the top right windows of the
same building. Again, blow the tank under him to kill him.

Some more normal enemies will come along, and some Shotgun Men. Finally, the
door will blast open and a few shielded enemies will emerge. Use your grenades
to deal with them.

Once the fight is over, destroy the BM objective in the small booth near the
gate of this car park. Then, head down to the right where the ships are. At the
end of each jetty is a little goody for you.

Once you've got every bullet and every first aid kit/health pack, head into the
building from where the shielded enemies came from. Inside follow the corridors
and rooms until you come across a checkpoint. Keep going straight and grab the
Intel at the base of the stairs before going up. At the top here there's a
guard in the room waiting for you. Headshot him and he'll fall out the window.
Swap either gun you have for the Sniper Rifle here. Use the sniper from the
window to shoot the tanks under the tower which has a machine gun guy at the
top. Then take out the sniper in the bridge ahead of you, and finally the
second machine gun guy on the ground (you'll have to head a little to the right
to see him). There's also some normal enemies on the ground as well, but your
team can deal with them.

Head down the stairs and shoot the guy at the bottom. Then head towards the
stairs which lead to the bridge where the sniper bloke was. From here you can
use your sniper to take out the RPG guy, and the two snipers standing on the
tall metal towers. Relax here. Once they're dealt with you can pick off the
enemies below easily.

Back down the stairs YOU CAME UP, there's a small room with a BM in it, and
some sniper ammo. Head down into the road below and fight your way through.
It's common sense here. Use cover given to you, destroy every flammable object
and don't try to be clever. Once you find yourself at the entrance to an area
which has some stairs at the left and a tall fence at the left, stop and take
out the sniper in the top metal tower here. Chances are you'd have seen him by
now anyway. Use the columns of the nearby tower for cover. Once he's done
there's another endless supply of enemies topped off with an RPG man in the
building at the end. He can't actually get you cause of the wire fence, but you
can snipe him, and his friends. For this long (but easy) fight, use as much
cover as you can and just keep firing. It'll be over soon. Once it is, head
into the building and follow the corridors until you reach a cutscene.

| |
| Average mission complete time: 50 - 75 minutes |
| |
| BMs: 3 |
| Intel: 5 |
| Recon: 1 |
| Armament: 1 |


siol [ Legionista ]

a nie przepraszam to byla 5 misja na poziomie easy


siol [ Legionista ]

nie mirencjum chodzi mi o blacka na ps2 ta strzelanine


ShinChanMun [ Pretorianin ]

Etap V: Tivliz Asylum (26 celów)

1. Idź naprzód i spadnij w dziurę. Przejdź przez podwórze na większy plac. Na wprost zobaczysz cztery ciężarówki. Rozwal po kolei pierwszą,
2. drugą,
3. trzecią
4. …i czwartą.
5. Na ścieżce po lewej za tymi czterema ciężarówkami jest kolejna. Zniszcz ją.
6. Podążaj lewą ścieżką aż do rozwidlenia, gdzie będzie kolejny pojazd do wysadzenia.
7. Wybierz lewą odnogę i zwróć uwagę na czołg po prawej stronie. Za nim stoi ukryta ciężarówka. Rozwal.
8. Kontynuuj przez rozwidlenie na prawo. Skręć za róg i ostrzelaj kontener naprzeciw.
9. Miń jego zgliszcza i wejdź do małego pokoju po lewej, a znajdziesz sejf.
10. Wyjdź i podąż ścieżką. Wybierz prawą odnogę, gdy będziesz miał taką możliwość. Wkrótce dojdziesz do obszaru, gdzie w pokoju po lewej jest kolejny cel (Intel).
11. Cofnij się do rozwidlenia i tym razem idź w lewo. Po raz kolejny droga się rozdzieli, a wtedy idź w prawo. Idź w prawo, tam gdzie na ziemi widzisz dźwig. Na wprost jego kupa gruzu z dwoma przysypanymi ciężarówkami, które należy wysadzić. Rozwal pierwszą…
12. …i drugą oczywiście też.
13. Na wprost wejścia do szpitala jest ciężarówka. Zniszcz.
14. Obok tej samej ciężarówki stoi czołg. Nieopodal poszukaj drugiej ciężarówki, którą trudno dostrzec, a musi zostać wysadzona.
15. Za tą drugą ciężarówką znajdziesz jeszcze jedną. Wejdź do szpitala, po drodze niszcząc bunkier blokujący Ci drogę przy użyciu granatów lub innej ciężkiej artylerii. Celuj w ściany. Następnie kontynuuj drogę do checkpointu.
16. Podążaj drogą aż dotrzesz do dużej sali pełnej najróżniejszych rzeczy. Obok schodów prowadzących wyżej rozwal wózek widłowy.
17. Wejdź na po schodach, a następnie do pokoju, gdzie możesz zniszczyć ścianę – zrób to. Idąc naprzód roznieś dwie kolejne, aby dostać się do ostatniego pokoju, w którym jest sejf.
18. Naprzeciw tego pomieszczenia jest kolejne, gdzie także można wysadzić ścianę. Zniszcz ją i zbierz ukrytego M16.
19. Idź naprzód na drugie piętro dużej sali, w której byłeś wcześniej. Jedyna dostępna droga prowadzi w lewo, do długiego pokoju z mnóstwem okien na prawej ścianie. Przy jego końcu zbierz cel (Intel) z biurka.
20. Wyjdź i znajdź nieopodal kolejne wyjście. Wejdź tam po schodach aby dotrzeć do pomieszczenia z prysznicami. Biegnij w kierunku drugiego końca, gdzie znajdziesz schody po lewej i prawej stronie. Te drugie prowadzą do jednego z celów (Intel)
21. …zaś schody po lewej zaprowadzą Cię do aktówki.
22. Ruszaj przez drzwi pomiędzy tymi schodami. W tym długim korytarzu zajrzyj do drugiego pokoju po prawej, by odszukać laptopa.
23. Ostatni pokój po prawej kryje w sobie kolejny cel (Intel). Po jego znalezieniu idź dalej aż do checkpointu.

24. Zejdź na dół krętymi schodami i wejdź do małego pokoju by zebrać cel (Recon).
25. Teraz wejdź do większego pomieszczenia. Obok schodów w drugim jego końcu są dwa pokoiki po lewej i po prawej. W tym po prawej znajdziesz laptopa.
26. W lewym zaś kryje się ostatni cel na tym etapie.


siol [ Legionista ]

a jak rozwalic tych z tarczami co


ShinChanMun [ Pretorianin ]

Ja nawet gry nie mam . Skopiowałem z innego serwisu ,ktorego nie bede reklamował


tiger25 [ Legionista ]

Mój kuzyn przeszedł całe.


siol [ Legionista ]

a powiec jaki ma adres ta strona ShinChanMun

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