fireworm [ Rising Star ]
Prośba o przetłumaczenie tekstu z polskiego na angielski :/
Witam... Mam pytanie... Otóż jest to moja pierwsza tego typu transakcja i nie bardzo wiem w jaki sposób mam sie porozumieć z bankiem w sprawie pieniędzy... Może Pani napisać adres do tego banku i co mam napisać aby pieniądze wpłynęły na moje konto?Bardzo dziękuję i pozdrawiam...
Cieżko jakoś mi idzie :/ Ktoś pomoże ?
J4r3K [ Chor��y ]
Wellcome... I have a question... It is my first transaction of that type, and i dont know how to contact with bank for the money. Could You Miss give me a adress of that bank and, what i must write to complete cash transfer operation for my account. Kind regards.
Cos takiego :D
yasiu [ Generaďż˝ ]
gimme your breast size and favorite colour too (not blue if you know what i mean)
tak bym dodal :)
Vistorante [ teh_pwnerer ]
Hello, i've got a question - this is my first time of doing that kind of transactions and i don't really know how should i contact the bank about the money. Could you please tell me the adress of that bank and what should i write to them in order to get the money transferred to me? I'd really appreciate it.
regards / yours (nigdy nie wiem co wstawić na zakończenie)
Maxblack [ MT ]
fireworm - wygrałeś w spamie 10 mln dolarów i obiecali, że przeleją pieniądze? :)
Zenedon_oi! [ Generaďż˝ ]
Hi, I've got a question for you. This is the first time that I'm doing a bank transaction of this type and therefore am not sure how I should contact the bank about the money. Could you please send me the address of the bank and give me instructions as to what I should do to get the money transferred to my account. Thank you in advance.
Powinno być ok.