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PrzemQ 09 [ Konsul ]


Mam napisać wypracowanie z angielskiego...
Mam do wyboru dwa tematy: "Fame results in a loss of freedom - true or false" i "Wealth does not bring happiness - true or false"
Wymyślcie mi jakieś argumenty... Sorr ze wątek zakładam, ale po dwóch kolejnych niedospanych nocach (matma) w ogóle nie mogę nic wymyśleć... Jeśli uznacie, że zakładanie wątka w TAKIEJ sprawie to juz lekka przesada to olejcie go i wybaczcie mi... Liczę na zrozumienie :)


Garbizaur [ Legend ]

Takie wypracowanko to max. pół godziny pisania... A co do argumentów: są tak oczywiste, że szkoda je wypisywać. Pozdro i życzę miłego pisania! :)


PrzemQ 09 [ Konsul ]

Znalazłem gotowca :) Tylko niech ktoś mi powie: czy to wypracowanie jest na poziom przeciętnego ucznia I kl LO ?

"Fame results in a lost of freedom"-true or false?

Many people dream about being famous. They imagne a luxurious lifestyle with no worries or problems. What is the price of fame?

Firstly, famous people are usually very rich. They do not have to worry about paying bills. They can afford designed clothes, they might have everything what they want to. Secondly, when someone is famous, everyone knows him. Popular, well-known people are invited to the best parties and meet other famous people. In addition, it is good to have fans, who send letters to tell their movie or pop stars how much they admire them. There are a lot of positive things of being well-known.

On the other hand fans sometimes love their idols to much therefore famous figures nowdays are spending millions on security alone.
At the beginning being popular it might be fun but after a while it starts to be annoying. We often read in the magasines that one of the sport or movie star were attacked by their fans. Sometimes they are even moving abroad just to have some quiet and piece, to feel save and so on.
Moreover fame is not easy thing to achieve and it is not an easy thing to live with. When somebody is popular he or she can never be sure if people like him (or she) who is he or for what you can do for then.
Moreover well-known people loose their freedom. They cannot do what they want in the moment. It seems strange but it is true. Their behaviours, statement are usually established by managers. For example pop star Christina Aguliera could not dye her hair into black at first years of her careery becouse her manager said it might depend on her further popularity.

In conclusion, people do all to be rich, to become popular. When they accomplish (achieve) success, they do not want to be recoginzed (identyfied), they want to hide away form this crazy world. Popular people loose their souls, their minds, healthy in every minute.


Hitman14 [ Bad N Fluenz ]

No nie wiem sam... Jakby w mojej szkole jakiś 'przeciętny uczeń' oddał taką pracę to nauczycielka by jakiś podstęp zwęszyła. Ale rób jak chcesz. Praca bardzo dobra, nawet błędów nie zauważyłem. Poza drobnymi literówkami oczywiście. ;)


Trilok [ Centurion ]

PrzemQ 09 - kurwa ! mialem to samo :d ksiazka matrix nie ? :D sam pisalem w 15 minut i 5 dostalem bueheh nie bierz gotowcow bo koelzanak wziela i 2 dostala bow chuj bledow bylo , az tak tepy nie jestes zeby nie moc sklecic paru zdan , zwlaszcza ze na bank masz rozszerzony angielski


PrzemQ 09 [ Konsul ]

No właśnie nie wiem sam co zrobić... bo nie mam za bardzo czasu, muszę się nauczyć na matmę i na sprawdzian (notabene z angielskiego właśnie)...


PrzemQ 09 [ Konsul ]

Nom.. To poślij mi swoje wypracowanie Trilok: [email protected] - może zdobędzie drugą piątkę ? Nie mówię, że jej oddam to samo, ale przynajmniej się zasugeruję jakoś :)


Trilok [ Centurion ]

PrzemQ 09 - to jest 15 min orobty , dasz rade tylko trzeba chciec :) juz tutja godzine czekasz na gootowca, sam bys to juz zrobil ,


PrzemQ 09 [ Konsul ]

Nie czekam bezczynnie - uczę się matmy, zrobiłem już tyle zadań, że hej :) Poślij mi to zadanko co?


Trilok [ Centurion ]

PrzemQ 09 - juz go nie ma an kompei a przepisywac m isie nie chce, rob sam ;]


PrzemQ 09 [ Konsul ]

eh... nie masz skanera ? :D To trudno... napisze coś sam...


PrzemQ 09 [ Konsul ]

Sprawdzi mi ktoś to ?

"Fame results in a lost of freedom"-true or false?

Many people dream about being famous. They imagine a luxurious lifestyle with no worries or problems. But reality is different.
Fame has lot of positive aspects. Firstly, famous people are usually very rich. They do not have to worry about paying bills. They can buy clothes which are designed specially for them, they can travel to faraway countries, buy luxurious cars. They have everything what they want to. Secondly, when someone is famous, everyone knows him. Fame people are invited to the best parties and meet other famous people. In addition, it is nice to have fans, who send letters to tell you, that you are their idol, and you are the best. There are a lot of positive things of being well-known.
On the other hand fans sometimes love their idols to much and famous people need security, which protect them for their fans. We often read in the magazines that one of the sport or movie star were attacked by their fans.
At the beginning being popular it might be fun but I think that being popular is sometimes annoying. Sometimes, everybody need peace and silence – fame people haven’t that. They have to run away from civilisation to their walled mansions in the end of the world, but they are surrounded for their bodyguards. Fame people haven’t privacy. Furthermore they can’t go shopping or to the concert as common people, because they are recognising everywhere. They can’t do what they want in the moment. Their behaviours, statement are usually established by managers, who control everything that the fame person do.
Moreover fame is not easy thing to achieve and it is not an easy thing to live with. When somebody is popular he or she can never be sure if people like him (or her) because he (she) is friendly, funny etc. or because he (she) is rich and can do something for career somebody.
In conclusion, people do all to be rich, to become popular. But they don’t be aware of all effects of being famous. When they achieve success, they do not want to be recognized, they want back for their earlier, common life…

P.S. Tylko nie myślcie, że ja to przez 1,5 godziny pisałem :D:D:D


Hitman14 [ Bad N Fluenz ]

Nie gwarantuję, że moje poprawki to dobre poprawki - w końcu nie jestem nauczycielem. :P

"Fame results in a lost of freedom"-true or false?

Many people dream about being famous. They imagine a luxurious lifestyle with no worries or problems. But reality is different.
Fame has a lot of positive aspects. Firstly, famous people are usually very rich. They do not have to worry about paying bills. They can buy clothes which are designed specially for them, they can travel to faraway countries, buy luxurious cars. They have everything what they want to. Secondly, when someone is famous, everyone knows him. Famed people are invited to the best parties and meet other famous people. In addition, it is nice to have fans, who send letters to tell you, writing that you are their idol and you are the best. There are a lot of positive things of being well-known.
On the other hand, fans sometimes love their idols too much and famous people need security, which protect them from their fans. We often read in the magazines that one of the sport or a movie star was attacked by his or her fans.
At the beginning being popular might be fun but I think that being popular is sometimes annoying. On occasion, everybody needs peace and silence – famed people haven’t that. They have to run away from civilisation to their walled mansions in the end of the world, but they are surrounded by their bodyguards. Famed people haven’t privacy. Furthermore they can’t go shopping or to the concert as common people, because they are recognised everywhere. They can’t do what they want in the moment. Their behaviours, statements are usually established by managers, who control everything that the famed person do.
Moreover fame is not easy thing to achieve and it is not an easy thing to live with. When somebody is popular he or she can never be sure if people like him (or her) because he (she) is friendly, funny etc. or because he (she) is rich and can do something for career somebody.
In conclusion, people do all to be rich, to become popular. But they don’t know all effects of being famous. When they achieve success, they do not want to be recognized, they want back their earlier, common life…


PrzemQ 09 [ Konsul ]

Dzięki wielkie :)

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