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Proszę o sprawdzenie zadania z anglika...


dudka [ ! szypon ! ]

Proszę o sprawdzenie zadania z anglika...

Mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić zadanie z anglika (głównie chodzi mi o styl)? Tu jest treść zadania: Write a decription of meals At your school canteen or the place where you have lunch.
Bardzo proszę o pomoc
Oto moje wypociny:

My school canteen

My high school is quite big, but there isn’t canteen. There is boarding school near high school, and just there is canteen. I live in boarding school, and I must eat there. In canteen eat others boarding school’s occupants besides me. All eat breakfasts, dinners and suppers. Some students and teachers of school eat only dinners. The canteen is on even 200 people.
Unfortunately meals isn’t quite good in canteen. I usually eat cold food. I sometimes get a hot soup. I’ve sandwiches, pork-meat, tea or cocoa on breakfasts. On dinners I eat soups such as soup of tomato, broth, borsch or soup of cucumber. I get potatoes with sauce and roast meat. I’ve spaghetti once a month. I eat sandwiches with pork-meat and I sometimes eat egg or scrambled eggs on suppers. I always drink glass of cold or warm tea. The meals are small too for growing up youth and students are often hungry. In happiens there are some bars in Brodnica where get good and warm food. Harm, that usually get fast foods.
I eat in canteen on weekdays. At weekends I eat in home. I enjoy it because my mother prepare home-cooked meals the best of world.

PS. Zwracam się z prośbą do was, gdyż w gimnazjum nie pisałem tego typu wypowiedzi (nawet opowiadań). Teraz jestem w liceum, ale anglik mam od dwóch tygodni, bo szkoła ma problem z anglistami...


hen1o [ Pretorianin ]

Ojejku, wspolczuje temu, kto bedzie mial sily to poprawiac :)


dudka [ ! szypon ! ]

aż tak źle?


dudka [ ! szypon ! ]


baaardzooo proooszęeee o pomoc


Maxblack [ MT ]

too complicated for me :)


Bri [ Konsul ]

Spoko tylko za dużo aj "I" aj to aj tamto aj siamto - pisze sie raczej w stronie biernej - ze jest ze maja ze serwuja - there's, there're, it's being served

I always drink glass of cold or warm tea. - to mnie rozbiło tak jakbys napisal "zawsze pije kole chyba ze pije sprite'a" :D

The meals are small too for growing up youth and students are often hungry - raczej napisz "unfortunately the meals are small, and students are often hungry" - co to za stwierdzenie "small too"? moze chciales napisac "too small"

In happiens there are some bars in Brodnica where get good and warm food. - co to jest "happiens"??? jak chciales napisac ze "na szczescie (sa jakies bary w brodnicy)" to pisz fortunately there're a few bars (na pewno nie "some" - temat rzeczowników policzalnych i niepoliczalnych), no a po "where get" a przed "good and warm" wstaw jakąś osobę na przyklad "my"

my mother prepare home-cooked meals the best of world. - lepiej zabrzmi "my mothers prepared home-cooked meals ARE the best in the world"



dudka [ ! szypon ! ]

Bri===> dzięki za rady

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