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Doom III - jak pokonac bossa ;)


deTorquemada [ Alone Wolf ]

Doom III - jak pokonac bossa ;)

Jakis koles jezdzi z BFG na wozku inwalidzkim, obok preciki sie jakies laduja elektrycznoscia. Jak toto ubic ?


cotton_eye_joe [ maniaq ]

juz nie pamietam, ale ..

"Sabaoth is actually Sergeant Kelly after his transformation. His lower body is a tank and he has a BFG. The key to this battle is disrupting the BFG blasts with gunfire. Again, keep your distance or you'll get run down. During the fight the room will change around you. Be cautious of floor panels changing so you don't fall into the lava and die. Also, watch for the electrified floor panels. "

po prostu trzeba w niego walic ile wlezie :). a jego strzaly z bfg mozna zestrzeliwywac. kazdy pocisk bfg ma jakis chip w srodku.. cos takiego mowili w kazdym razie w grze. wiec wal do jego strzalow a pozniej do niego. kolejny boss jeszcze gorszy :)

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