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Potrzbuje wszystko o kodach : BINARNY I HEKSADECYMALNYM


gacek [ Litzmannstadt ]

Potrzbuje wszystko o kodach : BINARNY I HEKSADECYMALNYM

... o ich zamianie z systemu dziesiętnego jak i zamiana kodu heksa. na binarny i odwrotnie


Mackay [ Red Devil ]

gacek --->>> dobrze sie sklada bo akurat mam przed soba takie pierdoly...musisz tylko twardo wziac slownik do reki bo wszystko jest po angielsku :)) daj mi tylko chwile bo musze porobic troche ctrl+c / ctrl+v


Eliash [ Generaďż˝ ]

Gacek --> każdy kalkulator z funkcjami trygonometrycznymy ma konwersje z hexa na decimala i na zero-jedynkowca to proste 10 decymalnie = A hksadecymalnie, 11=b, 12 =C, 13=D, 14=E, 15=F, 16 decymalnie = 10 heksadecymalnie. 1 binarnie to 1 decymalnie, 10 = 2 , 11 = 3, 100 = 4 itd jasne ? pewnie że tak :)


Mackay [ Red Devil ]

Watel chyba nie bedzie za ciekawy akle co tam :D oto wszystko informacje, jakbys mial jakies problemy to pisz postaram sie pomoc DECIMAL TO 8-BIT BINARY There are two basic ways to convert decimal numbers to binary numbers. The flowchart in the main graphic describes one process with an example. Another approach is called the remainder method. This method uses repeated divisions using the base number of the system. In this case it is Base 2. Conversion exercise. Example: Convert the decimal number 192 to a binary number. 192/2 = 96 with a remainder of 0 96/2 = 48 with a remainder of 0 48/2 = 24 with a remainder of 0 24/2 = 12 with a remainder of 0 12/2 = 6 with a remainder of 0 6/2 = 3 with a remainder of 0 3/2 = 1 with a remainder of 1 1/2 = 0 with a remainder of 1 Write down all the remainders, backwards, and you have the binary number 11000000. 8-BIT BINARY TO DECIMAL There are two basic ways to convert binary numbers to decimal numbers. The flowchart in the main graphic shows one example. You can also convert binary numbers to decimal numbers by multiplying the binary digits by the base number of the system – Base 2 – raised to the exponent of its position. Example: Convert the binary number 01110000 to a decimal number. (Note: Work from right to left. Remember that anything raised to the 0 power is 1; therefore 20 = 1.) 0 x 20 = 0 0 x 21 = 0 0 x 22 = 0 0 x 23 = 0 1 x 24 = 16 1 x 25 = 32 1 x 26 = 64 0 x 27 = 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112 DECIMAL TO TWO DIGIT HEX As with binary numbers, converting from decimal to hex is done with a system called the remainder method. In this method we repeatedly divide the decimal number by the base number (in this case 16). We then convert the remainder each time into a hex number. Example: Convert the decimal number 24032 to hex. 24032/16 = 1502, with a remainder of 0 1502/16 = 93, with a remainder of 14 or E 93/16 = 5, with a remainder of 13 or D 5/16 = 0, with a remainder of 5 By collecting all the remainders backward, you have the hex number 5DE0. TWO DIGIT HEX TO DECIMAL Convert hexadecimal numbers to decimal numbers by multiplying the hex digits by the base number of the system (Base 16) raised to the exponent of the position. Example: Convert the hex number 3F4B to a decimal number. (Work from right to left.) 3 x 163 = 12288 F(15) x 162 = 3840 4 x 161 = 64 B(11) x 160 = 11 _________________ 16203 = decimal equivalent DECIMAL, BINARY & HEXADECIMAL Converting binary to hexadecimal and hexadecimal to binary is an easy conversion. The reason is that base16(hexadecimal) is a power of base 2(binary). Every four binary digits (bits) are equal to one hexadecimal digit. The conversion looks like this: Binary Hex Binary Hex 0000 = 0 1000 = 8 0001 = 1 1001 = 9 0010 = 2 1010 = A 0011 = 3 1011 = B 0100 = 4 1100 = C 0101 = 5 1101 = D 0110 = 6 1110 = E 0111 = 7 1111 = F So if we have a binary number that looks like 01011011, we break it into two groups of four bits. These look like this: 0101 and 1011. When you convert these two groups to hex, they look like 5 and B. So converting 01011011 to hex is 5B. To convert hex to binary do the opposite. Convert hex AC to binary. First convert hex A which is 1010 binary and then convert hex C which is 1100 binary. So the conversion is hex AC is 10101100 binary. No matter how large the binary number, you always apply the same conversion. Start from the right of the binary number and break the number into groups of four. If at the left end of the number it doesn't evenly fit into a group of four, add zeros to the left end until it is equal to four digits (bits). Then convert each group of four to its hex equivalent. Here is an example: 100100100010111110111110111001001 converts to: 0001 0010 0100 0101 1111 0111 1101 1100 1001 converts to: 1 2 4 5 F 7 D C 9 so: 100100100010111110111110111001001 Binary = 1245F7DC9 hex As stated before hex works in exactly the opposite way. For every one hex digit, you convert it to four binary digits (bits). For example: AD46BF converts to: A D 4 6 B F converts to: 1010 1101 0100 0110 1011 1111 so: AD46BF hex converts to 101011010100011010111111 binary That is the conversion for binary to hexadecimal and from hexadecimal to binary.


gacek [ Litzmannstadt ]

Eliash >>> moze tak ale ja musze z tego zrobic referat i wygłosic przed publika Mackay>>>> dzieki szkoda że nie po plsku ale moze coś załapie z tego


fistik [ I'm FLASH'ed ]

zamiana binarnego na heksadecymalny jest dziecinnie prosta np liczbe 0101010101001010 dzielimy na czworki poczawszy od konca. Jeśli na końcu zostanie nam mniej niż 4 cyfry to dopisujemy odpowiednia ilosc zer na poczatku... wracajac do mej liczby, dzielimy 0101 0101 0100 1010 każda taka czwórka może przyjąć jedną z 16 kombinacji, które w systemie heksadecymalnym otrzymują kolejne wartości: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F tak więc nasza liczba to: 554A w drugą stronę jest podobnie.... jak znajde czas to wrzuce jak zamieniać z dziesiętnego na binarny, z dziesiętnego na heksy i odwrotnie pozdrawiam


MOD [ Generaďż˝ ]

Prosze bardzo: Chcesz liczbe 21 z dziesiatkowego zamienic na binarny. 21 :2 =10 r 1 10:2=5 r 0 5:2 =2 r 1 2:2=1 r 0 1:2=0 r 1 Spisujesz reszty od dolu do gory 10101 i co to oznacza? twoja liczba 10101=1*2^4+0*2^3+1*2^2+0*2^1+1*2^0=16+0+4+0+1=21 a jak widzisz cos w binarnym to postepujesz jak wyzej. Hexadecymalny podobnie tylko zamiast 2 masz szesnascie:) Z dwojkowego na szestnastkowy mamy nasze 10101 grupujemy po cztery cyfry mamy 0001 0101 0001 oznacza 1 zamiast 0101 oznacza 5 mamy 15 w szestnastkowym .Sprawdzamy 15=1*16^1+5*16^0=16+5=21 chcesz zamienic z hexa na bin bierzesz zamieniasz kazda cyfre na 2 1 0001 5 0101 zapisujesz masz 00010101.Pierwsze zera mozesz sobie odpuscic i masz 10101 czyli 21

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