.:[upiordliwy]:. [ don't forget me ]
Michael Jackson and the Chocolate Factory;D
Zobaczcie sami - ja wymiękam!
.:[upiordliwy]:. [ don't forget me ]
Kaeddar [ Konsul ]
Mocne :D
"do you have a brother?" LOL
KaM1kAzE® [ BeeR GooD! ]
"sooo.... Do U have a brother?" :D :D
Ten texcior powala :P :P hahahaha
tsunami [ Made in USA ]
Masaka ;p "Oh i painted their faces blue, because i .. blew them" :P LOL
.:[upiordliwy]:. [ don't forget me ]
mały upik
Stranger [Gry-OnLine] [ CTU Operative ]
fajne :)
Ziom91 [ Konsul ]
Ja też wymiękam! Buahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
.:[upiordliwy]:. [ don't forget me ]
przedostatni up;p
Książę_25 [ Predator ]