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Dodawanie botów w Quake 1


Ativ [ Chor��y ]

Dodawanie botów w Quake 1

Czy ktoś wie jak dodać boty w quake 1 ?? O ile wogóle się da.


wolkov [ |Drummer| ]

A jakie masz boty? jeżeli Omicron (gorąco polecam) to poniżej masz opis instalacji oraz komendy dla botów.

Installing the Modification
create a subdirectory in your CQuake directory. (if E:\QUAKE is your CQuake directory you could create E:\QUAKE\OMICRON)
copy the contents of the zip file (including the subdirectories) into the created directory.
start CQuake with the command-line parameter "-game" followed by the name of the directory where the omicron bot is located (for example: e:\quake\quake -game omicron) (IMPORTANT NOTE: all letters in the parameters MUST be lowercase, or Quake will ignore them) Remember that you need to start a server to enable the bots. This can be accomplished while the game is running, or by adding the '-listen 16' for 16 clients (for example, you can use other values, up to 16); the line would become 'e:\quake\quake -game omicron -listen 16'

New console commands

addbot add one random bot *
admin nominate yourself for administrator
botpathing toggle bot to learn the map by itself (default=on) *
bottalk toggle bot chatting (default=on)*
botskills print the skills of the bots
camname toggle name of client observer is viewing from
campmode set the camping mode (default=detect and punish) *
chasecam toggle between eyecam and chasecam
cmdlist show a list of the console commands
cyclecam cycle the camera to the next bot or player
dumpbspwaypoints dump the waypoints to the console *
humanpathing toggle bot to learn the map from player (default=on) *
kascam toggle KasCam mode (KasCam impulse commands will work when activated)
menu show administrator menu *
nogrenade toggle the grenade launcher on/off *
nolightning toggle the thunderbolt on/off *
nopowerups toggle the 666, the quad and invisibility powerup on/off *
norocket toggle the rocket launcher on/off *
noshellcases toggle the shotgun shell cases on/off *
nosupernail toggle the super nailgun on/off *
noweapons toggle all weapons on/off *
observer toggle observer mode on/off
observerfly toggle between flying or walking in observer mode (troubleshooting)
removeallbots remove all the bots *
removebot remove one bot *
rocketarena switch to rocket arena mode *
serverflags show several server settings
skindown cycle through the skins downward
skinup cycle through the skins upward
stopadmin exit the administrator function *
team1 - team8 join the specified team
yes vote yes for administrator candidate

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