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Pytanie do zorientowanych - routing


Kargath [ Centurion ]

Pytanie do zorientowanych - routing

Jaka jest różnica między static a dynamic routing.
Prosze o w miare proste odpowiedzi ;).


maciek_ssi [ Senator ]

tu chyba jest odpowiedz na twoje pytanie


maciek_ssi [ Senator ]


Q—Describe the difference between static and dynamic routing.

A—Static routing is configured by the network administrator and is not capable of adjusting to changes in the network without network administrator intervention. Dynamic routing adjusts to changing network circumstances by analyzing incoming routing update messages without administrator intervention.


maciek_ssi [ Senator ]


Static Versus Dynamic

Static routing algorithms are hardly algorithms at all, but are table mappings established by the network administrator before the beginning of routing. These mappings do not change unless the network administrator alters them. Algorithms that use static routes are simple to design and work well in environments where network traffic is relatively predictable and where network design is relatively simple.

Because static routing systems cannot react to network changes, they generally are considered unsuitable for today's large, constantly changing networks. Most of the dominant routing algorithms today are dynamic routing algorithms, which adjust to changing network circumstances by analyzing incoming routing update messages. If the message indicates that a network change has occurred, the routing software recalculates routes and sends out new routing update messages. These messages permeate the network, stimulating routers to rerun their algorithms and change their routing tables accordingly.

Dynamic routing algorithms can be supplemented with static routes where appropriate. A router of last resort (a router to which all unroutable packets are sent), for example, can be designated to act as a repository for all unroutable packets, ensuring that all messages are at least handled in some way.


TzymischePL [ Legend ]

static => Pakiety sa przesylane po zgory okreslonych portach. Urzadzenie konfigurujesz i one nie musz sa niczego "uczyc". Trasowanie do wszystkich punktow odbywa sie po tej samej sciezce. Dobre do malych sieci. W przypadku jakiejkolwiek zmiany w sieci wan konieczne jest reczne konfigurowanie routerow. dynamiczne polega na tym ze routery "same" wybieraja sobie najlepsza "droge". Tak w skrocie.

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