radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
..:: Association Game part 2 ::.. | Let's begin from: Profession
..:: Association Game part 2 ::.. | Let's begin from: Profession
*Based on "..:: Gra w skojarzenia ::.." by Snopek
*Playing rules:
1. Person who is giving the association to the current word should do it in the appropriate way, for example: flower --> beauty
2. If several people have given a association, the next word must be connected with the fastest one
3. It is not allowed to make chain of words, for example: flower --> beauty --> woman
4. It is not allowed to edit posts which contains associations or to answer your own word.
5. It is not allowed to publish vulgar, offensive words against other users or the inn.
6. It is not allowed to publish associations which pass with 'good taste'
7. In the play we ignore associations given by users from 'unwelcome list'
8. User who breaks the rules constantly will be placed on the 'unwelcome list'
9. New plot can be made after 180 posts
10. Only experienced citizens are allowed to create new plot
10. Person who create new thread is obliged to choose the 'beginning word' from which we start our play and place it in the introduction.
12. Before giving association is recommended to refresh plot and then publish your word
*Previous associations (English Editions):
part 1: Debut ---> Apollo
*Permanent citizens:
... Snopek
... Skrzat
... Katrin20
... DariFula
... Michlos
... Mr_Slip
... Hausi
... *...:::JaRo:::...*
... ExistoR
... Sergi
... _zielak_
... Blackdragon2
... Edziaa
... SamFisher
... General E'qunix
... Chmielek
... Blond_Alex
... Œwistak
... Kowalskam
... Be free
... Juanhijuan
... Qrko
... Norwick
... TelRad
... Van Gray
... Kam-El
... Golman
... DeVitoo
... ^_^czacha^_^
... Rammzes1 -
... Deepdelver
... Souldriver
... oooololo
... Hitmanio
... Pawelos
... Romanujan
... KoKoT2003
... Marbi
... Qaq
... Rooneyek
... Maximus1
... Radosh
... Herr Flick
... -=BROGI23=-
... Badyl 16
... Filipeusz
... Wich3r
... Zymek_1
*Unwelcome list:
*Rules of voting on volunteers who are eager to become permanent citizens and who have written themselves down on the list below.
1. User who is willing to be among volunteers have to write himself down on the list.
2. It is not allowed to withdraw from the list.
3. You can vote on as many people as you want.
4. It is not allowed to cancel or edit a vote.
5. Only permanent citizens are allowed to vote.
6. to become a permanent citizen a volunteer have to gather 3 votes.
7. If permanent citizen begin to break rules constantly, he can be placed on the 'unwelcome list' only even then when at least 4 other citizens will make up one's mind.
*Dictionary - s³ownik
among - poœród
appropriate - odpowiedni
association - skojarzenie
constantly - trwale \ uporczywie
eager \ willing - chêtny
inn - karczma
introduction - wstêp
make up one's mind - postanowiæ
obliged - zobligowany
offensive - obraŸliwy
permanent citizen - sta³y bywalec
rules - zasady
thread \ plot - w¹tek
volunteer - ochotnik
*Previous part:
-=BROGI23=- [ Genera� ]
Profession --> job
//It seems that everybody forgot about it... :P
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
job --> payment
/// BROGI --> i hope not, it would be pity :/
TelRad [ Senator ]
payment ---> bank
Michlos [ ! - C - O - O - L - ! ]
bank --> money
DeVitoo [ Konsul ]
money--> robbery
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
robbery --> thief
<---- Radish ... ;)
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
<---- Radosh ... sorry (nick) ... ;)
Michlos [ ! - C - O - O - L - ! ]
thief ---> Priest :D
darek_dragon [ 42 ]
priest --> faith
Sayyadina Av'Lee [ Konsul ]
faith --> illusion
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
illusion --> magic
Sayyadina Av'Lee [ Konsul ]
magic --> wand
Cainoor [ Mów mi wuju ]
wand - wizard
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
wizard --> charm
Michlos [ ! - C - O - O - L - ! ]
charm --> Nymph
-=BROGI23=- [ Genera� ]
nymph --> beauty ;)
//Good morning for everyone :)
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
beauty --> woman
... heyka All ... ;)
Michlos [ ! - C - O - O - L - ! ]
woman --> girl
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
girl --> baby
Michlos [ ! - C - O - O - L - ! ]
baby --> sweet
Rooneyek [ Konsul ]
sweet --> drink :)
Michlos [ ! - C - O - O - L - ! ]
drink --> vodka
Rooneyek [ Konsul ]
vodka --> alcohol
TelRad [ Senator ]
alcohol ---> alcoholism
Michlos [ ! - C - O - O - L - ! ]
alcoholism --> poland
crazy boy [ Khajiit ]
poland--> countryside
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
countryside --> view
TelRad [ Senator ]
view ---> tree
Van Gray [ Qu!kdeV ]
tree -> leaves
Hitmanio [ KG 21 ]
leaves ==> summer :)
BTW: Why English? :D
Sayyadina Av'Lee [ Konsul ]
summer --> swimming
hopkins [ Wieczny Optymista ]
TelRad [ Senator ]
diving ----> shark
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
shark --> fish
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
fish --> dish
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
dish --> restaurant
Herr Flick [ Wyj¹tek Krytyczny ]
restaurant---> waitress
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
waitress --> to tip
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
to tip --> tip-top :)
Michlos [ ! - C - O - O - L - ! ]
tip-top --> perfect
-=BROGI23=- [ Genera� ]
perfect --> perfect topaz :P
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
perfect topaz --> mineral
... hello All ... ;)
GROM Giwera [ So³dat ]
mineral -> water ;-)
Hi all
Michlos [ ! - C - O - O - L - ! ]
water --> sea
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
sea --> AC-DC
GROM Giwera [ So³dat ]
sea -> lake
TelRad [ Senator ]
AC-DC ----> guitar
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
guitar --> bard
GROM Giwera [ So³dat ]
bard - guard
btw wtf is bard?:o
Przewodnik Syriusza [ Magazyn Grafik ]
guard - police
//Sorry guys, but what's wrong with you? :-) Why you talk in english on polish board?
-=BROGI23=- [ Genera� ]
pilice --> dogs :D
//Becouse it's english edition of association game... IMHO It's fun and your english skils are growing up... :>
Rooneyek [ Konsul ]
dogs --> animals
Blond_Alex [ No¿owniczka ]
animals --> nature
Hi everybody :)
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
nature --> flowers
Blond_Alex ... ;) ^^^
crazy boy [ Khajiit ]
flowers--> garden
TelRad [ Senator ]
garden ---> bird
crazy boy [ Khajiit ]
bird--> pigeon
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
pigeon --> post office
Andrewlee [ BFXXJ ]
post office - postman
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
postman --> letter
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
letter --> envelope
Przewodnik Syriusza [ Magazyn Grafik ]
envelope - brayb
GROM Giwera [ So³dat ]
ohmg what is brayb??
...difficult word :(
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
What the hell is "brayb" ?? I bet there is a mistake in spelling :/ I haven't found this word in dictionaries...
Anoneem [ Melodramatic Fool ]
"brayb" = bribe = ³apówa
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
So let it be a bribe...
bribe --> civil servant
GROM Giwera [ So³dat ]
civil servant -> donkey
Sandro [ METALLICA ]
donkey - eMule :D
viesiek [ big foot ]
eMule > p2p
TelRad [ Senator ]
p2p ---> mp3
Herr Flick [ Wyj¹tek Krytyczny ]
mp3---> music
//There's no zoorn here? :)
GROM Giwera [ So³dat ]
music --> record
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
record --> song
-=BROGI23=- [ Genera� ]
song --> LL Cool J - Doin It :P
Michlos [ ! - C - O - O - L - ! ]
LL Cool J - Doin It ---> Let's Do This Now
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
Let's Do This Now --> willingness
Kush [ miejsce na twoja reklame ]
willingnes --> sex
//don't ask me why, it's that what i see in willingnes :)
Michlos [ ! - C - O - O - L - ! ]
sex --> adult
loczek82 [ Powered by ASUS ]
adult --> young
Andrewlee [ BFXXJ ]
young --> adolescent
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
adolescent --> stupidity
TelRad [ Senator ]
stupidity ---> rashness
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
rashness --> headlong
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
headlong --> finish line
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
finish line - start
darek_dragon [ 42 ]
start --> broken windows
MAROLL [ Hypnotize ]
broken windows >>>>>> Billy Gates ;d
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
Bill Gates --> ch(i)ef
DMR [ Centurion ]
chef---->dinner plate
-=BROGI23=- [ Genera� ]
dinner plate --> Flinstones
MAROLL [ Hypnotize ]
Flinstones >>>>> dinosaurs
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
dinosaurs --> bone
DeVitoo [ Konsul ]
bone---> skull
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
skull --> burial ground
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
burial ground --> gravestone
TelRad [ Senator ]
gravestone ---> ghost
Amadeoosh [ po prostu Ama ]
ghost ---> castle :p
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
castle --> moat
TelRad [ Senator ]
moat ---> crocodile
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
crocodile --> tooth
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
tooth --> tongue
Rooneyek [ Konsul ]
tongue --> mouth
TelRad [ Senator ]
mouth ----> teeth
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
teeth --> dentition
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
dentition --> pain
rethar [ Pretorianin ]
pain --> ass
Herr Flick [ Wyj¹tek Krytyczny ]
pain---> brain
TelRad [ Senator ]
pain ----> head
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
Nice sh*t in the last 3 posts :) 3 different association in the same time...
rethar [ Pretorianin ]
radosh -> and how funny similiar they are...
TelRad [ Senator ]
ass ---> cow
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
cow --> milk
darek_dragon [ 42 ]
milk --> butter
hopkins [ Wieczny Optymista ]
milk--> kid
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
butter --> supper
/// rethar --> in deed they are...
wich3r [ Sprzedam nerkê ]
TelRad [ Senator ]
candle ---> fire
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
fire --> ladder
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
labber --> rung
Michlos [ ! - C - O - O - L - ! ]
not labber only ladder LF :)
rung --> grade
-=BROGI23=- [ Genera� ]
grade --> hand granate
// Hello to all ;)
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
hand granate --> explosion
GROM Giwera [ So³dat ]
explosion - fire
ExistoR [ Fuck The System ]
fire --> disaster
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
disaster --> rotten luck
Michlos ... sorry, i miss the boat ;)
TelRad [ Senator ]
rotten luck ---> bike
darek_dragon [ 42 ]
bike --> bicycle race
// "W¹tek na forum" is usualy called "thread" not "plot" as written in the rules.
TelRad [ Senator ]
bicycle race ----> finish
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
finish --> winner
crazy boy [ Khajiit ]
winnet--> prize
TelRad [ Senator ]
prize ---> medal
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
medal --> honor
TelRad [ Senator ]
honor ----> courage
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
courage --> bravery
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
bravery --> characteristic
darek_dragon [ 42 ]
characteristic --> ordinary
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
ordinary --> human
DeVitoo [ Konsul ]
darek_dragon [ 42 ]
murderer --> slayer
Michlos [ ! - C - O - O - L - ! ]
slayer ---> metal
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
metal --> iron
Michlos [ ! - C - O - O - L - ! ]
iron ---> maiden
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
maiden --> feme covert
Michlos [ ! - C - O - O - L - ! ]
what's mean "fame covert"??
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
Michlos ... feme, no fame
TelRad [ Senator ]
feme covert -----> lover
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
lover --> hater
darek_dragon [ 42 ]
hater --> tricky word formation ;)
TelRad [ Senator ]
tricky word formation ------> wrangle
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
wrangle --> faceoff
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
faceoff --> death
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
TelRad [ Senator ]
death ---> angel
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
angel --> hell
crazy boy [ Khajiit ]
hell--> devil
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
devil --> sin
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
sin --> evil
garfield_junior [ Genera� ]
evil --> hitler
anksma1 [ BloodRayne ]
hitler---> germany
DARKDOG16 [ Pretorianin ]
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
opel --> factory
DARKDOG16 [ Pretorianin ]
BuŸkaMaster [ Pretorianin ]
energy--->power :D:D
DARKDOG16 [ Pretorianin ]
power----->low power
BuŸkaMaster [ Pretorianin ]
low power--->easy
DARKDOG16 [ Pretorianin ]
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
hard --> strong
DARKDOG16 [ Pretorianin ]
BuŸkaMaster [ Pretorianin ]
strong---->skill!! :D:D
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
skill --> dexterity
DARKDOG16 [ Pretorianin ]
TelRad [ Senator ]
hand ---> finger
Herr Flick [ Wyj¹tek Krytyczny ]
finger --> ring
Michlos [ ! - C - O - O - L - ! ]
ring --> film
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
film --> cinema
TelRad [ Senator ]
cinema ----> ticket
_Lance_ [ Legionista ]
ticket ---> train station
Kam-El [ Generation X ]
train station --> travel
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
travel --> bus
Kam-El [ Generation X ]
bus --> yellow school bus and black driver (don't ask ;))
TelRad [ Senator ]
yellow school bus and black driver ----> bus stop
BuŸkaMaster [ Pretorianin ]
bus stop---->ticket
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
ticket --> validator
radosh [ Major Enterprise Edition ]
validator --> control
BuŸkaMaster [ Pretorianin ]
*...:::JaRo:::...* [ Legend ]
keyboard ---> music
BuŸkaMaster [ Pretorianin ]
music----> regge
Soll [ Protagonista ]
regge--> Bob Marley
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
... stop ... ;)
la fessée [ je ne taime plus ]
... new part ... ;)