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Jak zalozyc statystyki www do gry BF1942????


soldador [ Centurion ]

Jak zalozyc statystyki www do gry BF1942????

Chce zalozyc sobie statystyki na stronie WWW do gry battlefield wiem ze mozna bo juz widzialem tylko nie potrafie sobie poradzic z terminologia moze ktos z was juz to zrobil i wytlumaczy mi w prosty sposob jak to zrobic sciagnolem co najmniej 3 wersje ststystyk i wszedzie tylko jakies dziwne dla mnie okreslenia ktorych nie znam znaczenia prosze o pomoc :P


Kamel [ Konsul ]

A czego konkretnie nie rozumiesz?
Wklejasz kod statystyk do kodu strony w miejscu ktorym uznajesz za stosowny i juz.


soldador [ Centurion ]

brawo ale musze powiedziec ze spodziewalem sie tego typu odpowiedzi gdybys przeczytal moje pytanie to wiedzial bys ze nie mam pojecia o czym piszesz dzieki i pozdrawiam ... wiem tyle co wiedzialem


soldador [ Centurion ]

wiec udalo mi sie wrzucic na stronke statystyki ale musze je recznie wklejac po rozgrywce stronke www mam na ftp mojej kablowki wiec jaka mam podac sciezke i co oznacza ten tekst ponizej

Hint: Enable Word-Wrap in your editor/text-viewer while reading this document for best reading experience!


BFStats generates an HTML page with statistics of your Battlefield Server.

BFstats was written by Mario Köhler [[email protected]].

This is Beta Version 0.7


BFStats has two prerequisites:

- BFStats uses the "Statistics.csv" file generated by the "Battlefield Server Manager" (or BFSM) to create an HTML statistic. So if you don't have BFSM, stop reading and get it at

- BFStats is written in Java, so make sure you have installed a Java JDK or JRE and have either the JAVA_HOME environment variable set to point to the root directory of your JDK/JRE installation, or have the "bin" directory of your JDK/JRE installation included in your PATH environment variable. Usually when you install a JDK/JRE this has already been done for you. But you may want to check this if you get errors like "command not found" or something simmiliar. Then this is probably because the "java.exe" could not be found.


Unzip the package to a directory of your choice and edit the "run.cmd" file in the "bin" subdirectory. Change the following variables according to your local environment:

INPUT: this will hold the full qualified path and filename of the "Statistics.csv" file generated by the BFSM tool. It's mandatory that you change this to your local Statistics.csv file or no output can be generated!!!

OUTDIR: this will hold the full qualified path (without trailing slash or backslash!) of the directory where you want the html file to be generated. By default this points to the local "www" directory where you find the support files like style sheets and images for the generated page as well. You may want to change this to the docroot of your webserver so you don't have to copy the generated file manually to your docroot each time it is generated. if you do this, don't forgett to copy the necessary support files from the "www" directory to your docroot, too. Otherwise the generated page will look rather clumsy, because it's missing it's style sheets and images.

TEMPLATE: this will hold the name of the template to be used to generate the html file. The tool will look for this file in the "template" directory. Unless you want to change the design of the generated page you don't have to touch this.

moze ktos kompetentny sie znajdzie i mi pomoze

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