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Angielski - kampania reklamowa...


(:AllegromańkA:) [ Let's rock! ]

Angielski - kampania reklamowa...

Oto mój plan kampanii reklamowej, czy mógłby ktoś sprawdzić, czy nie zrobiłam dużo błędów?
Z góry dziękuję:*

•What is the campaign’s key message?

The campaign has to enter a new mark of perfume to the market.

•What special features does the product or service have?

It is a unisex perfume with biodegradable packaging. It is a very versatile perfume that you can wear for all occasions as it s not too powerful.

•What are its USPs (Unique Selling Points)?

Owing to advanced technology the aroma of our perfume stays longer than in others brands. The second advantage is a low price (only 20zł per 100ml).

•What is your target audience?

It is a nice fresh fragrance that can be worn on all occasions and by males and females alike.

•What media will you use? Several, or just one or two?

We are going to arrange an advertising campaign in popular magazines. The text of the advertisement will be: An ethereal unisex perfume that will haunt, a whiff that will linger in your senses.

•What special promotions will you use at start of the campaign?

A half-price promotion – during first month the perfume will cost only 10zł per 100ml. What is more our customers will be given a discount card for shopping in our company.


VinEze [ Hasta la victoria siempre! ]

Nie wiem może:
new mark na new brand
too powerfull na too agressive
te popular magazines - to chyba za ogólne
tekst ogłoszenia za długi


martino_1 [ Pretorianin ]

•What is the campaign’s key message?( Jaka jest glowna mysl ktora campaign chce przedstawic? Wejscie na rynek nie jest odpowiedzia prawidlowa

The campaign has to enter a new mark of perfume to the market.

•What special features does the product or service have? To jest nawet okay, ale mozesz wiecej opisac product wedlug wygladu i zapachu

It is a unisex perfume with biodegradable packaging. It is a very versatile perfume that you can wear for all occasions as it s not too powerful.

•What are its USPs (Unique Selling Points)? (To jest okay)

Owing to advanced technology the aroma of our perfume stays longer than in others brands. The second advantage is a low price (only 20zł per 100ml).

•What is your target audience? (To ma byc opis/charakteryzacja populacji ktora bedzie glownie uzywac ten product, wiek, wyksztalcenie, zarobki, itp.)

It is a nice fresh fragrance that can be worn on all occasions and by males and females alike.

•What media will you use? Several, or just one or two? (Tylko jedno media bedzie uzywane? HAUNT to znaczy straszyc! czy naprawde bys uzyla perfume co uzywa takiego slowa by klientow przyciagnac? Przygladnij sie na reklamy perfum przewaznie jest uzywany seksapil itp.!

We are going to arrange an advertising campaign in popular magazines. The text of the advertisement will be: An ethereal unisex perfume that will haunt, a whiff that will linger in your senses. (zapach tego zostanie w twej pamieci czyli strachu)

•What special promotions will you use at start of the campaign?

A half-price promotion will be used during first month where the perfume will only cost 10zł per 100ml. Our customers will be given a discount card (jak dostarczysz ta karte zniszkowa?) for shopping in our company.


(:AllegromańkA:) [ Let's rock! ]

martino_1 ---> haunt znaczy również opętać i w tym sensie to użyłam, ale wielkie dzięki za pomoc:*

p.s. tylko ogloszenia w czasopismach, poniewaz musze do tego przygotowac to ogloszenie artystycznie (latwiej zrobic plakat, niz nakrecic reklame;))

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