tymczasowy12902 [ Junior ]
Do Soulcatchera
KaPuhY [ Bury Osioł ]
To ma byc smieszne?
tymczasowy12902 [ Junior ]
Nie masz poczucia humoru... ;)
PrEd4ToR [ ››SuperNatural‹‹ ]
Hmmm.... gdzies to juz widzialem..... hmmmm...czy to przypadkiem....
Moniash [ Generaďż˝ ]
nie wiem czy Suolowi sie to spodoba......
Morbus [ - TRAKER - ]
Soulcatcher [ Prefekt ]
nie wiem musk, ale skoro tak się ubierasz to chyba ty jesteś homo :)
tymczasowy12902 [ Junior ]
O co ci chodzi Soulcatcher?
Annihilator [ ]
~Łupieżca~Umysłów~ [ sp. z o.o. ]
~Łupieżca~Umysłów~ [ sp. z o.o. ]
Jak sam widzisz musk nie trzeba być zbyt mądrym aby zrobić coś takiego :-) Pozdrawiam :-)
Piotrasq [ Seledynowy Słonik ]
Grinch [ Konsul ]
Ej! Soulcatcher czemu nigdy nie przyznales sie ze dilujesz? :) Moze jakas znizke bym mial :) Wspolczuje tamtej wpadki ;)) "Soulcatcher, who authorities say is a sick and demented criminal, surprised police by mailing them a videotape of himself and a long-written confession, with his photo at the bottom of each page. In the videotape, taunted police by saying, "Humuhumu-nukunuku-a-pua`a", (a fish that makes strange grunting noises when taken out of the water.) "
Annihilator [ ]
oj oj oj ... Hacker Soulcatcher arrested. Tuesday, March 26, 2002 <https://soulcatcher.wasarrested.com/images/story.hacker.new.jpg> USA, (WASARRESTED) -- A man who allegedly hacked into "hundreds, maybe thousands" of pornograpic related websites under the nick name "l33t hax0r" has been arrested on federal criminal charges of unauthorized access to private networks. Soulcatcher is also accused of stealing more than 500 credit card numbers through his hacking activities, which he used to buy $6,000 in condoms, dildos, liquid latex, and one rubber sheep. He faces a maximum of 26 years in prison and $750,000 in fines if convicted on the federal charges, although sentencing guidelines typically result in much lighter penalties. Soulcatcher Was quoted as saying, "I am a l33t hax0r! Phear me!" over and over again.
Grinch [ Konsul ]
O tobie musk tez cos znalazlem :) "Earlier today, police were absolutely disgusted to find that a nine year old boy named John had been sexually assaulted by older sibling and to afraid to tell. Musk had always been careful to make sure no one was around when when the sexual abused happened" Napastowac 9letniego chlopca??? Bys sie wstydzil!!! Mam nadzieje ze zgnijesz w wiezieniu :)
Moniash [ Generaďż˝ ]
to tylko żart,, nie bierz tego do serca.....
Grinch [ Konsul ]
Soulcatcher is also accused of stealing more than 500 credit card numbers through his hacking activities, which he used to buy $6,000 in condoms, dildos, liquid latex, and one !_rubber sheep_!. No ladnie :) Gumowa owieczka... Widze ze kolega koneser :)))
bartek [ ]
Znow prowokacja? Nie wiem jak mozna sie az tak nudzic...
eeve [ Patrycjószka ]
a moze tu chodzilo o homo sapiens? :P