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problem z grą "Podróż do wnęrza ziemi" pls help


Agropyron [ Junior ]

problem z grą "Podróż do wnęrza ziemi" pls help

W ostatniej części gry, w wiosce Giantów, postać Jahine twierdzi, że daje mi miksturę (ready sponge), w zamian za napój, który przygotwałem, ale nie pojawia się nic nowego na liście u dołu. Czy to jest błąd gry, czy czegoś nie zrobiłem? Proszę o pomoc.


ultiva2 [ Konsul ]


Go left to the next screen to get another computer mail [New Bulletin, June
15], then pick up the dry mastadon dung and the coconuts in the distance before
entering the village. Talk to Payan Ouva about the following:

Matriarch, Firefly, Tackles

This gets you some crawfish bait, so go left to the next screen for a short

Examine the three traps in the distance and use your crawfish bait on one of
the three rocks. It will either be a red or a green crawfish.


Click the red trap first, the green trap second, the grey trap third and any
trap fourth.


Click the green trap first, the grey trap second, the red trap third and any
trap fourth.

Go back and talk to Payan Ouva about Results to get a very bright firefly, then
go talk Jahiné Duubra about the following:

Matriarch, Conspiracy, Bandeau, Teleportation, Potion

Head towards the floating garden and examine the farthest of the poles [the
one just past the bitter berries] on the left side of the path, then put on
your warm gloves and click on the blue berries to get berries of the five

Return to Jahiné Duubra and use the dry mastadon dung with the large rock
beside her, then use your [lit] lighter on it. Use the coconut on the flames
next and add the berries and little crushed bones, then talk to Jahiné Duubra
about the Preparation topic.

Put on your warm gloves and click the coconut to get a ready sponge, then go
to the front of the village and enter the hut where Aîra Mnudé once was. Talk
to Tâal Nadi instead about these topics:

Conspiracy, Matriarch, Sponges

Now go right a screen and use the ready sponge on any of the holes, then talk
to Tâal Nadi about the Warn topic.

Walk towards the floating garden and talk to Aîra Mnudé about the following:

Conspiracy, Periscope, Epidemic, Evidences

Head back to Gustav and talk to him to get back to Askiam.

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