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divine divinity-dragon armor


Eolin [ Junior ]

divine divinity-dragon armor

Gdzie mam znależdz części dragon armor? Mam już serce, zbroje, pas,tarczę. Brakuje mi rękawic i hełmu.

Gdzie mam szukać trzeciego elementu z tych trzech rzeczy, które trzeba poświęcić, by otrzymać jeden solidny przedmiot. Mam sztylet i amulet i nie wiem czego jeszcze i gdzie mam szukać.


Hellmaker [ Nadputkownik Bimbrojadek ]

Jak znasz angielski jako tako to proszę :-)

Dragon Armor:

You have to collect each of the five pieces.

- Belt: in the west side of Verdistis, you will encounter two sisters
squabbling about their inheritance. After talking to them, you can go into the
house. Either go down the hatch or fall through the floor, and the belt will be
in the basement.
- Shield: in the armory of Stormfist Castle. You can get it while you're
Janus' flunky, but if you miss it then you can still get into the castle all
sneaky-like. If you've already been thrown out of the castle, collect both of
your teleporter pyramids, and walk into the gate until you're _just_ before the
point where you get thrown out. Open your inventory and drag a teleporter
pyramid into the courtyard, and then use the other one to teleport into the
castle. Don't talk to anybody inside the castle (they're set to still think you
should be there, which will confuse the game), but go straight to the armory
(room west of the entrance) and take the shield. If the door is locked, the key
is in the room directly north of the armory.
- Gloves: inside one of the elven burial pyres in the Dark Forest
- Armor: Once you've solved the Stone Axe quest, be sure you have the note
that proves the Dwarf King's brother's guilt, then talk to the Dwarf King to
get the dragon armor quest. You will need both the armor itself, and a dragon
heart gem to really make it nice. To get the armor, talk to Sir Patrick in
Verdistis - he just has it lying around, and will give it to you once you run
an errand for him. To get the heart, go to the Warrior's Guild (north of the
Warrior's Guild teleport in the Dark Forest) and ask for admission. The second
quest you get for it will be to retrieve the dragon heart by killing a dragon
rider in the imp castle. Once you've done that, show it to the Warrior's Guild
master first, then go to the smith in the Dwarven Halls to put it into the
armor. (If you forgot to show it to the Guildmaster, that's okay - just go back
to the smith and he should still have the old armor and heart in his inventory!
You can just buy it back)
- Helm: Once you have the armor with the heart in it, go back to the Dwarf
King, and he will give you the Dragon Helm.

If you killed the dragonrider before getting the quest from the Warrior's
Guild, he won't drop the dragon heart, and you're screwed. However, the silver
armor has comparable stats, so you're not missing much.
Even if you don't intend on using it, wear all the pieces together at least
once to get a bunch of exp. I'm told you also get one free rank in the skill
Elemental Strike (thanks go to WarDragon for this fact).


rothon [ Malleus Maleficarum ]

Rekawice sa w jednym z grobowcow w elfich grobach w lesie na poludniu.
Helm dostaje sie od krola krasnali :-)

Na drugie pytanie odpowiedzi nie znam jeszcze niestety.


wysiu [ ]

Trzeci swiety przedmiot to Strange Sword z Iona Dungeon.


Eolin [ Junior ]

Dzięki. Dragon Armor zapewne teraz znajdę, a co do Iona Dungeon to nie wiem gdzie to jest, sle podejrzewam, ze gdzieś w dalszej części gry i jeszcze tam nie doszłam.

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