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Operation Flashpoint - OXYGEN beta juz jest


Czacha [ inquisitor incognito ]

Operation Flashpoint - OXYGEN beta juz jest

Post z Polish Sim Fan's Forum na dzial OF:

BIS poinforowalo na swoim oficjalnym forum o tym, ze Oxygen w wersji beta jest juz dostepny. Aczkowiek, BIS sam bedzie wybieral ktore grupy tworzace MODY oraz Addony dostana go do uzytkowania.
Narazie wsparcie otrzymaja grupy, ktore tworza niekomercyjne dodatki. Nie oznacza to jednak, ze nikt inny nie dostanie tego programu. Jesli robicie jakis MOD to mozecie skontakowac sie z nimi. Oto adres e-mail [email protected]. Nalezy zamiescic informacje dotyczace tworzonego projektu, adres URL oraz dobrze byloby dolaczyc jakas probke dotychczasowej pracy (screenshoty, filmiki, modele itp).

IMHO wprowadzenie takiej selekcji jest bardzo dobre. Uchroni to nas przed duza iloscia "smieci", ktore zapewne by nas zasypaly, gdyby tylko udostepnic Oxygena szerokiemu gronu uzytkownikow.

Ponizej orginalna wiadomosc:


Dear Operation Flashpoint Mod Makers,

we would like to support Operation Flashpoint community by releasing our proprietary tools to allow creation of new models, weapons and vehicles for the world of the game. Our proprietary tools consist mainly from Oxygen (3D modeling), Visitor (map editing) and FileBank (data packing and optimization suite).

However, we've decided to not distribute the tools freely on the Internet now and we want to focus on supporting selected projects that will be really beneficial for whole OpFlash community.

Currently, a Betaversion is ready to be released for non-commercial projects only and subject of written agreement between Bohemia Interactive Studio and anyone interested in using the tools. Currently, there's no option available for commercial projects but if you are interested in commercial development, please contact us and we can consider your offer for commercial use of the tools.

If you're interested in this initiative, please send an email to Bohemia Interactive Studio including your contact details, URL of your project and/or sample of your work (screenshots, movies, models, previous projects).

Please understand that we don't have any obligation to provide anyone with the tools and we're going to select projects that we want to support solely at our discretion.

Thank you. Best wishes.

Marek Spanel - Operation Flashpoint Project Leader


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