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[prosba] wypracowanie z anglika.


[MiKu[ [ Chor��y ]

[prosba] wypracowanie z anglika.

Mam taka duza prosbe. Czy moglby ktos z Was sprawdzic moje zadanie domowe z angielskiego? Pracowalem nad nim troche, ale ze nie jestem najlepszy z angielskiego, dlatego prosze Was o pomoc. Jezeli nudzi Ci sie teraz, to pomoz blizniemu w potrzebie! ;P. A jak nie masz - to nie pisz jaki ten topic durny etc. Z gory dzieki. A oto moje wypracowanie (nie wiem czy to nie za duzo powiedziane ;p) na temat: "Learning at home. Discuss.":

- In my opinion it`s a stupid idea to learn at home. There aren`t all helpful things to teaching. In addition I can`t imagine that my parents would be my teachers. There are very clever and friendly – that`s right. But I think, that they haven`t go so big experience to teach somebody. Don`t you agree wuth me that staying at all time is really boring? –

- I see what you mean, but look at it this way. Firstly, the person decides what he want to learn. I really think this is a very good reason, because a lot of subjects are simply a waste of time, IMO. Moreover, atmosphere in the class could be bad for a pupil. And for him there are only two ways: learn at home or go to another school. The second way is uncomfortable and very expensive. Isn`t that true?

- On the one hand, you` re right, that some subjects are waste of time. On the other hand, look deeper to see, that some subjects can be helpful for you, when you don`t expect. On the top of all, nobody can be sure they`ll get a good education at home.

- I agree with you, but look to see, that family knows what their child learn at home. They can be sure, that teachers don`t give their child stupid hints or teach unimportant topics. And last, but not least: Are there any problems with traffic?

- I think, they aren`t . On top of that there is a rivalry in the class, so, pupils have a better motivation to learn.

- I agree with you – up to a point. So all in all. Learning at home and in school has own negatives and positives. In general school IMO is a better way. You convince me!

- So, we fought a consensus?

- That`s right. :]


los Bartos [ 512 ]

a to jest RTS czy turowa?


[MiKu[ [ Chor��y ]

lol, sorry za zly dzial, ale bylem przekonany, ze wybralem "szkola". Za duzo widac przy komputerze i za slabe okulary. :/ :P


Bajt [ ]

Hmm, tak patrzac na temat pracy domowej, to wydawaloby mi sie, ze to powinna byc rozprawka. Ponadto, wg mnie chodzi tu o uczenie sie w domu PO przyjsciu ze szkoly, a nie ZAMIAST uczenia sie w szkole.
No, ale Ty wiesz na pewno lepiej jak ma byc, wiec jesli nie jest tak jak napisalem, to zignoruj to.

Radzilbym wrzucic ten tekst do Worda, wtedy znalazloby Ci wszystkie literowki (a troche ich jest).

Pare dziwnych sformulowan:
There aren`t all helpful things to teaching
Po pierwsze powinno byc "to teach", ale ogolnie to nie rozumiem za bardzo o co Ci chodzilo w tym zdaniu :/ Nie ma rzeczy pomagajacych w nauce, czy rzeczy do nauczenia?

wuth me that staying at all time is really boring? - wuth => with oraz staying at home

You convince me! - "convinced"

Na pewno cos przeoczylem, ale chyba i tak troche pomoglem :)


.Jacek 99. [ Senator ]

ojojoj masz kupe bledow, literowek, pomylen wyrazow:( Np:

There are very clever and friendly
they haven`t go so big
Don`t you agree wuth me that staying at all time is really boring?
of time, IMO(takich skrotow nie pisze sie w wypracowaniach chyba:P?)
You convince me!

Nie mowie jak co poprawiac itp, bo od poltorej roku nie ucze sie angielskiego, dopiero wrocilem do nauki i troche bym zamieszal, wielu bledow tez nie wymienilem:P

Ps. Duzo zwrotow umiesciles, a to zawsze jest na plus:P


[MiKu[ [ Chor��y ]

Dzieki wielkie za pomoc! Jak juz mowilem, orlem z angielskiego to ja nie jestem ;p. A teraz kilka wyjasnien:

There aren`t all helpful things to teaching
>>> Chodzilo mi tutaj o to, ze w domu nie ma mikroskopow, tylu ksiazek, urzadzen potrzebnych do eksperymentow itp. itd.

>>> Moja Pani od angielskiego pozwala na takie skroty. Takze dla mnie to zaden problem.

Moze ktos jeszcze znajdzie jakies byki? ;p

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