Father Michael [ Padre ]
Diablo - Hellfire
Czy pamieta ktos co trzeba bylo zrobic z Hellfire aby mozna bylo grac w multiplayer?
Lechiander [ Wardancer ]
Jeśłi dobrze kojarzę, to robisz plik command.txt i tam wpisujesz między innymi: multi.
Father Michael [ Padre ]
OK, dzieki sprawdze wieczorkiem. Jesli ktos jeszcze ma inne dane, albo moze potwierdzic te to bardzo prosze :)
U.V. Impaler [ Hurt me plenty ]
Google Twoim przyjacielem jest:
Cheat :
I have found that Hellfire is keeping a character as a secret.You can also play with network or LAN now even you can play a new quest. Just create a file named command.txt . Then you add in this:
multitest cowquest theoquest bardtest
You can get a new character,The Bard.
As an addition to the cheats for Diablo-Hellfire, I have found that in Hellfire v1.01 you can get an extra character, besides the bard, the barbarian.
The procedure is simple. Make a txt file called command.txt, and insert this line:
multitest bardtest cowquest theoquest barbariantest
Father Michael [ Padre ]
U.V. Impaler -> dziekuje! :)
A na Google szukalem i nie znalazlem :(
Lechiander [ Wardancer ]
Wiedziałem. :-(