DJ_Ant [ Centurion ]
Search and Rescue 4, klawiszologia?
Witam, mam pytanie, wie może ktoś, jak zapalić reflektory w helikopterze (na jaki klawisz, o ile wogle się da je zapalić :) bo jak lecę w nocy na jakąś misję to bardzo ciężko odszukać takiego małego ludzika ukrytego w jakieś ciemnej szczelinie.
tygrysek [ behemot ]
cała klawiszologia:
Keyboard Keys
You can press F1 during simulation to get a quick list of keyboard commands.
Global Key Functions
These keys can be used at any time to change the resolution.
CTRL + F11 Toggles between full screen and windowed modes.
CTRL + ] Increase resolution to the next step.
CTRL + [ Decrease resolution to the previous step.
CTRL + C (or CTRL + PRINTSCREEN) Screen shot.
Menu Key Functions
These keys functions are used while in the menus.
TAB and SHIFT + TAB highlights next or previous item.
ENTER or SPACE selects highlighted item.
CURSORS scroll/select/cycle list or spin item.
Simulation Key Functions
These key functions are used during simulation.
F1 Display `quick help'.
F2 Switch to cockpit view.
F3 Spot view.
F4 Fly by tower view.
F5 Rescue basket view.
LEFT Bank left.
RIGHT Bank right.
DOWN Pitch down.
UP Pitch up.
CTRL + LEFT Heading left.
CTRL + RIGHT Heading right.
SHIFT + CURSORS Change camera direction or position.
BACKSPACE Normalize view.
PGUP Increase throttle.
PGDN Decrease throttle.
HOME Elevator trim down or slew up in slew mode.
END Elevator trim up or slew down in slew mode.
CTRL + HOME Elevator trim center.
MINUS Zoom out.
PLUS Zoom in.
CTRL + MINUS Rescue basket hoist out.
CTRL + PLUS Rescue basket hoist in.
E Start up engines.
SHIFT + E Turn engines off.
Y Tilt rotors/pitch engines.
G Raise/lower landing gears (retractable gears only).
P Select hoist deployment type (basket/diver).
D Close/open door.
O Toggle strobes (flashing lights).
L Toggle lights (including search light).
SHIFT + L Toggle search light.
H HUD and outside text brighten.
SHIFT + H HUD and outside text darken.
A Autopilot/autohover on/off.
M Map view.
W Select next way point.
SHIFT + W Select previous way point.
I FLIR (night vision).
F Print fuel status and alift time left dependent of available fuel.
SHIFT + F Transfer fuel from external fuel tanks.
CTRL + F Jetteson external fuel tanks.
S Print scores, payload, occupancy, and mission status.
PERIOD Wheel brakes.
SHIFT + PERIOD Parking brakes.
Z Decelerate time (slow motion).
SHIFT + Z Accelerate time (compress time).
CTRL + Z Normalize time rate.
CTRL + W Change weather.
CTRL + A Slew/flight toggle.
/ Literal command (for editing/debug/cheat).
T Increase time of day (does not affect other timmings).
SHIFT + T Decrease time of day (does not affect other timmings).
CTRL + D Adjust flight physics difficulty.
CTRL + S Adjust sound level.
CTRL + M Toggle music.
V Reduce visible range.
SHIFT + V Increase visible range.
CTRL + U Change units.
F9 Toggle ground base texture (not objects or landmarks).
F10 Toggle atmosphere.
F11 Toggle object texturing.
F12 Toggle clouds and horizon.
SHIFT + F9 Toggle dual pass depth.
SHIFT + F10 Toggle celestial objects.
SHIFT + F11 Toggle smoke trails.
SHIFT + F12 Toggle rotor prop wash effects.
DJ_Ant [ Centurion ]
baardzo Ci dziekuje!!
tygrysek [ behemot ]
DJ_Ant [ Centurion ]
nie dziala SHIFT + L :( a moze w 4 sie nie da? hmm