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Beyond Good and Evil - 13 M-Disk


DziwnY13 [ Legionista ]

Beyond Good and Evil - 13 M-Disk

Skończyłem gierkę, mam wszystkie perły, nie mam 13 M-Disk'a. Umieszczony jest w barze w skrzyni obok grającego w "cyber geja". Wymagany jesst kod, którego nigdzie nie zdobyłem. Czy ktoś ma jakiś pomysł?


Ines [ Ines ]

Nie gralam, ale moze to bedzie pomocne?


Q. How do I get the 13th M-Disk?

A: At the time of writing this walkthrough, I have no clue. I suspect you may
need to beat the record on all four races. The M-Disk itself is in plain
sight, at the cabinet in the Akuda Bar, however at this time I have no
information on how to get the code on openning that cabinet. Once I find
out, I shall be sure to update the FAQ with that information.

Q. Where did you get all this info?

A: I played through the game. Beat it 5 times, went through by hand
documenting every single twist and turn I made. Some parts were so hard I
cursed a lot, some were easy. I didn't use any other FAQ's, guides, books,
or any other info to make this. But, I will admit, the animal/pearl
detectors were an AMAZING help.

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