Mazio [ Mr.Offtopic ]
C.Y.B.O.R.G - czyli sprawdz co oznacza Twoj nick
jestescie pewni, ze nie jestescie androidami, moze jestesmy w matrixie, kto wie... narazie mozecie tylko rozszyfrowac co zdradza Wasz nick w tej kwestii..
link na dole
a to rozszyfrowana moja ksywka..
M.A.Z.I.O.: Mechanical Artificial Zealous Infiltration Organism
Xelloss [ Senator ]
Byyyyyyło :)
X.E.L.L.O.S.S.: eXperimental Electronic Lifeform Limited to Observation and Scientific Sabotage
(od końca) S.S.O.L.L.E.X.: Synthetic Simulated Organism Limited to Logical Exploration and Xenocide
SnT [ MokumManiac ]
hehehe Dobre!! :D :
S.N.T.: Synthetic Networked Technician
A.S.Y.L.U.M.: Artificial Synthetic Youth Limited to Ultimate Mathematics
Mazio [ Mr.Offtopic ]
ja to mam pecha z tym bylo.. ale z racji, ze duzo osob jest nowych... wybaczcie i dajcie innym szanse :)
...Soul Surfer... [ Legend ]
Prawdziwe imie: A.L.L.A.N.: Artificial Lifeform Limited to Assassination and Nullification
Nick: S.O.U.L.S.U.R.F.E.R.: Synthetic Obedient Unit Limited to Sabotage/Upgraded Robotic Fighting and Exploration Replicant
2nd nick: S.C.A.N.D.A.L.: Synthetic Cybernetic Android Normally for Destruction and Accurate Learning
uuu czadowo brzmi ;D...
Sudzione [ The Legacy ]
fajne :)
S.U.D.Z.I.O.N.E.: Synthetic Upgraded Device Zoned for Intensive Observation and Nocturnal Exploration
tygrysek [ behemot ]
T.Y.G.R.Y.S.E.K.: Transforming Ytterbium Guardian Responsible for Your Sabotage and Efficient Killing
było było ... ale dawno temu
Cicha śmierć [ Master of Shadows ]
C.I.C.H.A.S.M.I.E.R.C.: Cybernetic Intelligent Construct Hardwired for Assassination/Synthetic Machine Intended for Efficient Repair and Calculation
Caleb [ The Evil That Men Do ]
to jest świetne!
Cybernetic Artificial Lifeform Engineered for Battle
DUBROLES [ Animator ]
I wiecie co w tym jest najlepsze? Że to prawda... :D
Responsible for
Learning and
Efficient Sabotage
ehhh [ Angel of Death ]
E.H.H.H.: Electronic Humanoid Hardwired for Harm
Buczo_cm [ Mikado ]
Biomechanical Unit Calibrated for Zealous Observation.
No, no, no ciekawe czego to ja jeszcze o sobie nie wiem :)
Jaelle [ Konsul ]
J.A.E.L.L.E.: Journeying Android Engineered for Learning and Logical Exploration
a teraz mi proszę przetłumaczyć ;)
Ficket [ BMX ]
F.I.C.K.E.T.: Functional Individual Calibrated for Killing and Efficient Troubleshooting (Funkcjonalna jednostka nakierowana na zabijanie i sprawne działania mediacyjne :D).
peter.i [ spooki - pVd ]
P.E.T.E.R.I.: Positronic Electronic Troubleshooting and Efficient Repair Individual
ktos chetny do przetlumaczenia? :)
Bajt [ ]
B.A.J.T.: Being Assembled for Judo and Troubleshooting :)
Jam Jest Pawian [ Pretorianin ]
R.Y.C.E.K.: Robotic Ytterbium Construct Engineered for Killing
Musialem podac moja ksywke poniewaz internetowy nick sie nie miescil, szkoda
The LasT Child [ GoorkA ]
L.A.S.T.C.H.I.L.D.: Lifelike Artificial Sabotage and Troubleshooting Construct/Humanoid Intended for Logical Destruction
T.H.E.: Technician Hardwired for Exploration
L.A.S.T.: Lifeform Assembled for Sabotage and Troubleshooting
C.H.I.L.D.: Construct Hardwired for Infiltration and Logical Destruction
C.H.U.J.: Construct Hardwired for Ultimate Judo
^quqoch^ [ Paweł Romanowicz ]
Robotic Obedient Machine Assembled for Nullification/Obedient Worker Intended for Calculation and Zoology
matys [ Konsul ]
Mechanical Android Trained for Yardwork and Sabotage
na ogromna wiekszosc Z w innym miejscu niz poczatek pisze zoology:(
Bajt [ ]
Sorry nie moglem sie powstrzymac :)
I.D.I.O.T.A.: Intelligent Digital Individual Optimized for Troubleshooting and Assassination
bone_man [ Powered by ATI ]
B.O.N.E.M.A.N.: Biomechanical Obedient Neohuman Engineered for Mathematics and Accurate Nullification
Heh, ja tego nie znalem, fajne :D
^Piotrek^ [ Toilet Tantalizer ]
Programmed for
rozumie sie samo przez sie :)))
a normalnie:
P.I.O.T.R.E.K.: Positronic Intelligent Organism Trained for Repair and Efficient Killing
Xazaxus [ ka Neophyte ! Love God ]
NEOPHYTE - Networked Electronic Organism Programmed for Hazardous Yardwork and Terran Exploration
XAZAXUS - eXperimental Artificial Zombie Assembled for Xenocide and Ultimate Sabotage
PAW666THESATAN [ DP Jasio aka T-666 ]
P.A.W.T.H.E.S.A.T.A.N.- Positronic Artificial Warfare and Troubleshooting Humanoid/Electronic Synthetic Android Trained for Assassination and Nullification
szostki zostaly odrzucone :]
Syxa [ Connecting people ]
SYXA --- po prostu Syxa :-P
Raynor [ Big Man ]
R.A.Y.N.O.R.: Robotic Android Yearning for Nocturnal Observation and Repair
Soldamn [ krówka!! z wymionami ]
Designed for
Assassination and
SONGOKU SSJ [ Konsul ]
a wlasnie ze nie SYXA. bo syxa to skrot od ": S.Y.X.A.: Synthetic Ytterbium Xenocide Android
a moj nick to :
S.O.N.G.O.K.U.S.S.J.: Synthetic Organism Normally for Galactic Observation/Kinetic Unit Skilled in Sabotage and Judo
nice :) milo:)fajnie:) kool :) lol:)
T.O.D.D.R.U.S.E.L.L.: Technician Optimized for Destruction and Dangerous Repair/Upgraded Synthetic Exploration and Learning Lifeform
W.O.L.V.E.R.I.N.E.: Worker Optimized for Logical Violence and Exploration/Replicant Intended for Nocturnal Exploration
MaLLy(R) [ Ghoul's Shadow ]
M.A.L.L.Y.: Mechanical Artificial Lifeform Limited to Yardwork
Khelben [ PointGuard ]
K.H.E.L.B.E.N.: Kinetic Hydraulic Entity Limited to Battle and Efficient Nullification
BLADE22 [ Krew Śmierci ]
Było, było ale dawno warte przypomnienia :D
B.L.A.D.E.: Biomechanical Lifelike Android Designed for Exploration
ooooooooo :)
DARKI [ Konsul ]
Normalnie gleba :D
Digital Android Responsible for Killing and Infiltration
Sandro [ Wymiatacz ]
S.A.N.D.R.O.: Synthetic Artificial Neohuman Designed for Repair and Observation
Mocne :) Niech mi teraz jeszcze ktoś to przetłumaczy!
-imperator- [ spamer ]
I.M.P.E.R.A.T.O.R.: Intelligent Machine Programmed for Exploration and Repair/Artificial Troubleshooting and Observation Replicant
KUCHARES [ Konsul ]
Hehe niezłe, oto moje :
K.U.C.H.A.R.E.S.: Kinetic Upgraded Construct Hardwired for Accurate Repair and Efficient Sabotage
ewentualnie:K.U.C.H.A.R.: Kinetic Unit Calibrated for Hazardous Assassination and Repair
Rendar [ Senator ]
R.E.N.D.A.R.: Robotic Electronic Neohuman Designed for Assassination and Repair
BriskShoter [ Senator ]
Yeah :D
B.R.I.S.K.S.H.O.T.E.R.: Biomechanical Robotic Individual Skilled in Killing/Synthetic Humanoid Optimized for Troubleshooting and Efficient Repair
Xanthus [ Pretorianin ]
X.A.N.T.H.U.S.: eXperimental Artificial Neohuman Trained for Harm and Ultimate Sabotage
rtur [ Konsul ]
R.T.U.R.: Replicant Trained for Ultimate Repair
B.O.S.P.R.I.: Biomechanical Organism Skilled in Potential Repair and Infiltration
H3ZEKI4H [ Homo Homini Lupus ]
Engineered for
Infiltration and
Tinej [ Legionista ]
T.I.N.E.J.: Technician Intended for Nocturnal Exploration and Judo :)
Kapitan KloSs [ Ramzes VII MiĆki ]
K.A.P.I.T.A.N.K.L.O.S.: Kinetic Android Programmed for Infiltration and Troubleshooting/Artificial Networked Killing and Logical Observation Soldier -=- przetłumaczy ktoś ??
rtur [ Konsul ]
Ja to nic tylko do naprawiania się nadaję ;)
G.R.Z.E.N.O.W.: General Robotic Zombie Engineered for Nocturnal Observation and Warfare <-- magister astronomii (nocturnal - nocne)
S.O.N.G.O.: Synthetic Organism Normally for Galactic Observation <-- robi magisterkę z obserwacji optycznych gwiazd
bartushan [ Cham z Wyboru ]
B.A.R.T.U.S.H.A.N.: Biomechanical Artificial Repair and Troubleshooting Unit/Synthetic Humanoid Assembled for Nullification
trustno1 [ Born Again ]
Transforming Robotic Unit Skilled in Troubleshooting and Nocturnal Observation
U-boot [ Karl Dönitz ]
Upgraded Being Optimized for Observation and Troubleshooting
BlackDog [ Centurion ]
B.L.A.C.K.D.O.G.: Biomechanical Lifelike Android Calibrated for Kamikaze Destruction and Online Gratification
ashia [ Pretorianin ]
A.S.H.I.A.: Artificial Synthetic Hazardous Infiltration Android
Eliash [ Generaďż˝ ]
Electronic Lifeform Intended for Assassination and Scientific Harm
zarith [ ]
B.Y.L.O.: Being Yearning for Logical Observation
BlackDog [ Centurion ]
D.U.P.A.: Digital Unit Programmed for Assassination
Kajetan-TM [ Pretorianin ]
Knight Assembled for Judo and Efficient Troubleshooting Artificial Networked - Troubleshooting Machine
hehe, zaraz sprawdzę czym jest ma rodzina :]
Pirix [ ! KB ! Góry górą ]
P.I.R.I.X.: Positronic Individual Responsible for Infiltration and Xenocide
Yans [ Więzień Wieczności ]
BlackDog [ Centurion ]
Fajna zabawa
L.E.P.P.E.R.: Lifelike Electronic Person Programmed for Exploration and Repair
M.I.L.L.E.R.: Mechanical Intelligent Lifeform Limited to Exploration and Repair
Glavi [ Pretorianin ]
He he he - rzeczywiście niezłe
B.E.G.E.R.: Being Engineered for Galactic Exploration and Repair
being engineered - ciekawe kto ją zmajstrował...
nutkaaa [ Żywiołak Ognia ]
N.U.T.K.A.A.A.: Networked Upgraded Technician Keen on Assassination and Accurate Analysis
Moze mi to ktos tak na polski przetlumaczyc?
Zysio [ Konsul ]
Z.Y.S.I.O. => Zombie Yearning for Scientic Inflirtration and Observation
Wypas :P
Glavi [ Pretorianin ]
nutkaaa --> tak +/-
Networked Upgraded Technician Keen on Assassination and Accurate Analysis
Zsieciowany Z-upgrade'owany Technik mający zdolności w modrowaniu (zabójstwach) i dokładnej analizie
neon_one [ Pretorianin ]
HEHE fajne to
N.E.O.N.O.N.E.: Networked Electronic Organism Normally for Observation and Nocturnal Exploration
_Szakal_ [ Żółta Żyrafa ]
Szakal ------ S.Z.A.K.A.L.: Synthetic Zeta Accurate Killing and Assassination Lifeform
blood_x [ Skinhead oi! ]
B.L.O.O.D.X.: Biomechanical Lifeform Optimized for Observation and Dangerous Xenocide
Fajne :D
Elerm [ Legionista ]
E.L.E.R.M.: Electronic Lifeform Engineered for Repair and Mathematics
D.U.P.A.: Digital Unit Programmed for Assassination to jest VEEEEEEEERY lol:)
Lechiander [ Wardancer ]
Lifeform Engineered for Calculation and Hazardous Infiltration/Artificial Networked Destruction and Exploration Replicant
Hitman14 [ Konsul ]
M.A.K.A.V.E.L.I.: Mechanical Artificial Knight Assembled for Vigilant Exploration and Logical Infiltration
H.I.T.M.A.N.: Hydraulic Individual Trained for Mathematics and Accurate Nullification
gen. płk H. Guderian [ Generaďż˝ ]
G.U.D.E.R.I.A.N.: General Upgraded Device Engineered for Rational Infiltration and Accurate Nullification
Maniac [ Pretorianin ]
M.A.N.I.A.C.: Mechanical Artificial Nocturnal Infiltration and Assassination Construct
T.M.Z.K.: Technician Manufactured for Zealous Killing
Mazio [ Mr.Offtopic ]
Guderian ---> pozwol, ze posluze sie Twoim przykladem: zobaczcie jak sprytnie rozszyfrowalo, ze on jest "General"..
tzn. nie to, zebym sie przypinal do tego, ze "general" znaczy rowniez "ogolny", ale w koncu co Ci Angole moga wiedziec o sprawach waznych... general to general i juz!! ;)
zmudix [ palnik ]
Z.M.U.D.I.X.: Zeta Mechanical Unit Designed for Infiltration and Xenocide
hehe, fajne to :D
Kompoholik [ Designed by AI ]
K.O.M.P.O.H.O.L.I.K.: Kinetic Obedient Machine Programmed for Observation/Humanoid Optimized for Logical Infiltration and Killing
K.M.P.: Killing and Mathematics Person
yuppie [ Generaďż˝ ]
Spoko :)
Y.U.P.P.I.E.: Ytterbium Unit Programmed for Potential Infiltration and Exploration
Glavi [ Pretorianin ]
Ha - już teraz wiem czemu gość siedzi w Spec_komisji...
R.O.K.I.T.A.: Robotic Obedient Killing and Intensive Troubleshooting Android
Yo5H [ spammajster ]
Y.O.S.H.U.: Youth Optimized for Sabotage and Hazardous Utility
Y.S.H.: Ytterbium Synthetic Humanoid
wypas ;]
hugo [ v4 ]
S.T.O.R.M.R.I.D.E.R.: Synthetic Troubleshooting and Online Repair Machine/Robotic Individual Designed for Exploration and Repair
rh2k [ Pretorianin ]
Replicant Hardwired for Killing
qrna klon jestem i to stworzony do killowania:) hm.. . .......tak stad to zamiłowania do załączonej w linku gierki:)
Hellcat [ Legend ]
Limited to
Calculation and
Kapitan KloSs [ Ramzes VII MiĆki ]
K.A.P.I.T.A.N.K.L.O.S.: Kinetic Android Programmed for Infiltration and Troubleshooting/Artificial Networked Killing and Logical Observation
Może ktoś przetłumaczyna polski ?!
Hamski [ Pretorianin ]
H.A.M.S.K.I.: Hydraulic Artificial Machine Skilled in Killing and Infiltration :]
yagienka [ pułapka na Misia ]
Intended for
Nullification and
Vistorante [ teh_pwnerer ]
V.I.S.: Violence and Infiltration Soldier
PS sprawdziłem też to :D
D.U.P.A.: Digital Unit Programmed for Assassination
K.U.R.W.A.: Kinetic Unit Responsible for Warfare and Assassination
Elum [ Generaďż˝ ]
Świetne :)
faloxxx [ Generaďż˝ ]
F.A.L.O.X.X. -- Functional Artificial Lifeform Optimized for Xenocide and eXecution
holyfire [ Konsul ]
H.O.L.Y.F.I.R.E.: Hydraulic Obedient Lifeform Yearning for Forbidden Infiltration and Rational Exploration
eJay [ Gladiator ]
E.J.A.Y.: Electronic Journeying Assassination Youth
SirGoldi [ Gladiator ]
Synthetic Intelligent Replicant Generated for Online Learning and Dangerous Infiltration
SPOKO :D ale ze mnie inteligentny replikant :D
vorsten [ Konsul ]
V.O.R.S.T.E.N.: Vigilant Obedient Replicant Skilled in Troubleshooting and Efficient Nullification
A.N.I.T.A.B.E.G.E.R.: Artificial Networked Infiltration and Troubleshooting Android/Being Engineered for Galactic Exploration and Repair
G.I.E.R.E.K.: General Individual Engineered for Repair and Efficient Killing
N.E.O.: Networked Electronic Organism
A.L.U.K.A.R.D.: Artificial Lifelike Unit Keen on Accurate Repair and Destruction
Regis [ ]
R.E.G.I.S.: Replicant Engineered for Galactic Infiltration and Sabotage
HoWaRaNg [ Konsul ]
H.O.W.A.R.A.N.G.: Hydraulic Obedient Worker Assembled for Rational Assassination and Nocturnal Gratification
Mazio [ Mr.Offtopic ]
Obedient Device Digital Zeta Individual Skilled in Infiltration and Accurate Judo Person Optimized for Sabotage and Terran Assassination/Networked Obedient Worker Intended for Logical Exploration Machine Positronic Intelligent Sabotage and Assassination Construct Technician Assembled for Killing Synthetic Worker Optimized for Judo and Exploration Person Optimized for Sabotage and Terran Yardwork , Cybernetic Organism Wireless Youth Networked Android Troubleshooting Organism?
MAN5ON [ Konsul ]
MAN5ON/manson = Mechanical Artificial Nocturnal Sabotage and Observation Neohuman :]
HoWaRaNg [ Konsul ]
C. f H . s U f. J.: Construct Hardwired for Ultimate Judo
Niezłe :)
Tomas87 [ Pretorianin ]
wreszcie poznalismy prawde:
S.O.U.L.C.A.T.C.H.E.R.: Synthetic Obedient Unit Limited to Calculation/Artificial Transforming Construct Hardwired for Exploration and Repair
J0lo [ Legendarny Culé ]
J.O.L.O.: Judge Optimized for Logical Observation
Mazio: "od dzisiaj postanowilem tak pisac posty, co wy na to?"
ja na to: NIE! :D
dragonseb [ Centurion ]
D.R.A.G.O.N.S.E.B.: Digital Robotic Android Generated for Observation/Networked Synthetic Exploration Being
zandarus [ Generaďż˝ ]
Designed for
Repair and
Ciekawe :)
nope [ Huggy Bear ]
N.O.P.E - Networked Organism Programmed for Exploration
Grzybiarz [ Badacz Ściółek ]
Gaussian Router Zipped Ymodem Bus ++: G.R.Z.Y.B
Sandro [ Wymiatacz ]
H.U.J.: Humanoid Used for Judo
Przepraszam za brzydkie słowo, ale to jest takie śmieszne :)
pao13(grecja) [ Generaďż˝ ]
pao----->Positronic Artificial Organism
Garbizaur [ CLS ]
G.A.R.B.I.Z.A.U.R.: General Android Responsible for Battle and Infiltration/Zombie Assembled for Ultimate Repair
Ciekawe ciekawe.
DanIan [ Pretorianin ]
D.a.n.i.a.n cyfrowa sztuczna nocna infiltracja i neohuman morderstwa
X-Cody [ Zabójca z Liberty City ]
X.C.O.D.Y.: eXperimental Construct Optimized for Destruction and Yardwork
Isam [ Generaďż˝ ]
I.S.A.M.: Intelligent Synthetic Assassination Machine ;]
Marcinwks [ Andrzej Kmicic ]
M.A.R.C.I.N.W.K.S.: Mechanical Android Responsible for Calculation and Infiltration/Networked Worker Keen on Sabotage
Darek21 [ gupek ]
D.A.R.E.K.: Digital Android Responsible for Exploration and Killing
Qba19 [ Junior WRC ]
Q.B.A.: Quantum Biomechanical Android
Nie mam pojęcia co to znaczy ale mi się podoba :D
Darek21 [ gupek ]
K.E.R.A.D.: Knight Engineered for Repair and Accurate Destruction
od tył :-) jeszcze 1 nick sprawdze
Darek21 [ gupek ]
T.R.E.V.O.R.E.K.: Transforming Robotic Entity Viable for Online Repair and Efficient Killing
(mój nick z kurnika :-D )
K.E.R.O.V.E.R.T.: Kinetic Electronic Replicant Optimized for Vigilant Exploration and Rational Troubleshooting
Turgon [ Centurion ]
T.U.R.G.O.N.: Transforming Unit Responsible for Galactic Observation and Nullification
°Conqueror° [ Junior ]
C.O.N.Q.U.E.R.O.R.: Cybernetic Obedient Nocturnal Questioning Unit/Electronic Replicant Optimized for Repair
wikser [ Pretorianin ]
Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.: Ytterbium Youthful Youth Yearning for Your Yardwork and Your Yield
Q.Y.Q.Y.Q.Y.Q.: Quantum Ytterbium Quadruplet Yearning for Quick Yardwork and Questioning
Q.Q.Q.Q.Q.Q.Q.: Quantum Quinessential Quadruplet Qualified for Questioning and Quick Quantification
Beaverus [ Bounty Hunter ]
B.E.A.V.E.R.U.S.: Biomechanical Electronic Android Viable for Efficient Repair and Ultimate Sabotage
bartushan [ Cham z Wyboru ]
A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.J.K.L.M.N.O.P.R.S.T.U.W.Z.: Artificial Biomechanical Construct Designed for Exploration/Functional General Humanoid Intended for Judo and Killing Lifeform Manufactured for Nocturnal Observation and Peacekeeping/Robotic Synthetic Troubleshooting and Ultimate Warfare Zombie
tygrysek [ behemot ]
M.O.D.E.R.A.T.O.R.: Machine Optimized for Destruction and Efficient Repair/Artificial Troubleshooting and Observation Replicant
P.R.E.F.E.K.T.: Positronic Robotic Entity Fabricated for Efficient Killing and Troubleshooting
Ophidia [ Konsul ]
O.P.H.I.D.I.A.: Obedient Positronic Humanoid Intended for Dangerous Infiltration and Assassination
Z ciekawości sprawdziłam też moje imię:
R.E.N.A.T.A.: Robotic Electronic Nocturnal Assassination and Troubleshooting Android
Niezła zabawa.
WellMax [ Centurion ]
R.E.Q.U.I.E.M.: Robotic Electronic Quadruplet Used for Infiltration and Efficient Mathematics
R.E.Q.: Replicant Engineered for Questioning
J.E.Z.U.S.: Journeying Electronic Zombie Used for Sabotage - hmm :)
mikhell [ Master of Puppets ]
M.I.K.H.E.L.L.: Mechanical Intelligent Knight Hardwired for Exploration and Logical Learning - podoba mi się :)))))
Mazio [ Mr.Offtopic ]
sorka - podnosze cyborga bo moze jeszcze ktos chce sprawdzic co w nim drzemie....
...NathaN... [ The Godfather ]
N.A.T.H.A.N.: Networked Android Trained for Hazardous Assassination and Nullification
Z.A.K.O.N.N.I.C.A.: Zombie Assembled for Killing and Online Nullification/Networked Intelligent Calculation Android
S.Z.K.O.L.A.: Synthetic Zombie Keen on Observation and Logical Assassination
Bdx [ Senator ]
Od ponad roku(??) nic sie nie zmienilo :p
B.D.X.: Being Designed for Xenocide
CrazyMan [ Ur-Shak ]
hehe bylo ale jest niezle :)) a oto co kryje sie pod moim tajemniczym nickiem :)
C.R.A.Z.Y.M.A.N.: Cybernetic Robotic Android Zoned for Your Mathematics and Accurate Nullification
OSZKI [ VL ] [ Sniper ]
O.S.Z.K.I.: Obedient Synthetic Zealous Killing Individual
Rezor [ Defibrylator ]
R.E.Z.O.R.: Robotic Electronic Zombie Optimized for Repair :-))
pecet007 [ INSERT COIN ]
P.E.C.E.T.: Positronic Electronic Construct Engineered for Troubleshooting
Bregan D'aerthe [ Konsul ]
B.R.E.G.A.N - Biomechanical Robotic Exploration and Galactic Assassination Neohuman
D.A.E.R.T.H.E - Digital Artificial Entity Responsible for Troubleshooting and Hazardous Exploration
B.U.E.H.E.H.E.H.E.: Biomechanical Unit Engineered for Hazardous Exploration/Humanoid Engineered for Harm and Exploration :D
Mr.KNIGHT [ Pretorianin ]
M.R.K.N.I.G.H.T.: Mechanical Robotic Knight Normally for Intensive Gratification and Hazardous Troubleshooting