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DIABLOMANIA: ods這na 102


ehhh [ Angel of Death ]

DIABLOMANIA: ods這na 102

Ekipa GOLa na CBN

Gandalf-Szary ---> Pawel..
Lady ----> Cammy
Spider2000 ----> Spider200000
Bodziu ---> Bodziu1, Lord_M
Danley ---> Danley
Cainoor---> Cainoor
Antrax ---> nilfaard, piwosz
Lowi --> Jowe, Jowe2
War --> Wojna
pasterka, kane --> pasterka
Dabster ---> Dabster,Dabster2
Sizalus ----> Greiz
Zarowka--->Dxe ,Dxe-mf
Tygrysie ---> Tygrysie

Piotrasq ---> Parys
Lutus -----> Lutus
_ARTi_ ---> _ARTi_ , Maseguf

Ekipa GOLa na OBN

Edwin -----> Torthan
Piotrasq---> Parys


PvM - Player versus Monster - Posta zwalczaj鉍a potwory(wi璚ej o PvM ni瞠j)
PvP - Player versus Player - Pojedynki mi璠zy graczami(wi璚ej o PvP ni瞠j)
MF - Magic Find - znajdywanie magicznych przedmiot闚(wi璚ej o MF ni瞠j)
OBN - Open czyli otwarty BN
CBN - Closed czyli zamkni皻y BN potocznie zwany Cheated Biglag Net
Duel - Patrz PvP
exprun - Zabijanie potwork闚, w celu zdobycia wi瘯szej iloci dowiadczenia(wi璚ej o exprunach ni瞠j)
cowrun- najczciej stosowany exprun
resy - odpornoci
statsy - statystyki
itemy/itemki - przedmioty
Newbie - pocz靖kuj鉍y gracz
Noob(n00b) - pocz靖kuj鉍y gracz zgrywaj鉍y mastaha, kozak niemaj鉍y poj璚ia, o czym m闚i.

Player versus Monster
Aby wi瘯szoci graczom nie nudzi這 si t瘼e nabijanie dowiadczenia i kreowanie postaci na duele, stworzone zosta造 postacie tylko na t瘼ienie potwork闚

Player vs Player
TvT - Team vs Team, dru篡na przeciwko drugiej dru篡nie. Najczciej taka forma jest spotykana w wojnach klanowych.
Mirror Match - Pojedynki dw鏂h postaci tej samej klasy(amazonki vs amazonki, barbarzy鎍y vs barbarzy鎍y itp.)

Rodzaje zasad dueli
1. Zasady powszechne(um闚ione mi璠zy graczami)
2. Zasady PR(Post Reality, maj鉍e na celu wyr闚nanie szans wszystkich klas postaci na zwyci瘰two)

Magic Find, powszechna sztuka szukania magicznych przedmiot闚 praktykowana przez wielu graczy.Im wy窺zy mamy MF(szans na zdobycie magicznego przedmiotu), tym wy窺za szansa 瞠 trafi nam si unikatowy/setowy przedmiot. MF nie ma wp造wu na jako przedmiotu! A poza tym, mo瞠 nam si trafi Arcaine's Valor po 200 mf runach z mf 1xxx, a mo瞠 si trafi po 5 runach z mf 0, wi璚 to te zale篡 od szczcia.

Potwory mog鉍e rzuci najlepsze przedmioty:
Colenzo, Achmael, Bloody Bartuc, Ventar, Lister - sala tronowa
Pindleskin (pryszczosk鏎) - snuj鉍y si trup w wi靖yni Nihlathaka, zaraz za czerwonym portalem Anyi
Thresh Socket (Niszczyska豉) - Na Lodowej wy篡nie przy uwi瞛ionych Barbarzy鎍ach
Snapchip Shatter (Szczerbiciel) - Lodowe Jaskinie, subpoziom przy Drodze Staro篡tnych
Frozenstein (j/o) - Zamarzni皻a Rzeka, obok uwi瞛ionej Anyi

Gorsze potworki(w nawiasie podaj ilvl, kt鏎ego nie mog wyrzuci:
Andariel(72< oraz lepszej runy ni LO)
Mephisto(81< oraz runy ZOD)
Hell Bovines(90)
Cow King(69< oraz runy wy窺zej ni VEX)
Bonesaw Breaker(87<)

Skr鏒y nazw popularnych przedmiot闚:
VG, Gaza - Spojrzenie Wampira (Vampire Gaze), he軛
GF - Dziadek (GrandFather), miecz
SoJ - Kamie Jordana (Stone of Jordan), piercien
Raven - Kruczy L鏚 (Raven's Frost), piercien
CBB - Okrutne Kolosalne Ostrze (Cruel colossus blade), miecz
CMB - Okrutny Matrarchialny ㄆk (Cruel matriarchal bow), j/o
Storm - Tarcza Burzy (Stormshield)
Czako - Przyodziewek Arlekina (Harlequin's Crest), kaptur
Eagle - Orli r鏬 (Eaglehorn), 逝k
WF - Si豉 Wiatru (Windforce), 逝k
AF - Twarz Arreatu (Arreat's Face) zab鎩cza garda
Doom - Siewca Zag豉dy (Doombringer), miecz
Skuller - Gniew Czaszkowca (Skullder's Ire), zbroja
wietlik - Miecz wietlny (Lightsabre), miecz
Baranek - Gwiazda Baranara (Baranar's Star), diabelska gwiazda
Shaft - Laskoszczyt (Shaftstop) kolcza zbroja
AV - Odwaga Arkaine'a (Arkaine's valor) balrogowa sk鏎a
Stringi, sznurek - Sznur Uszu (String of ears) pas z demoniej sk鏎y


Players x (mo積a tak瞠 wpisa playersx - nie robi to r騜nicy w w efekcie dzia豉nia) - dodane przez Blizzarda w 豉tce 1.09 i jest ca趾owicie legalna (je瞠li zamiast x damy liczb wi瘯sz ni 8, to potworki b璠 silniejsze, ale expa b璠 dawa tyle samo co na ppl 8)

Patch 1.09d - przy wchodzeniu na gra sama sprawdza, czy na komputerze jest aktualna wersja i w razie koniecznoci dokonuje sama aktualizacji

Krowi Poziom - nale篡 zabi Baala, po czym uda si do Tristram i zdoby nog Wirta. Nog umieci w kostce razem z Ksi璕 Portalu. Uwaga - najlepiej wk豉da ksi璕 z 20 zwojami -> wi璚ej kr闚, na Cow Levelu. Dokona transmutacji. Na krowi poziom mo積a wchodzi niesko鎍zon liczb razy, ale gdy zabijemy krowiego kr鏊a, nie b璠ziemy mogli wi璚ej otwiera krowiego portalu. Je瞠li kr鏊a zabije kto, kto nigdy go jeszcze nie zabi, to niezale積ie czy jest w naszej dru篡nie czy nie, nie b璠ziemy mogli otwiera portalu.

A teraz jeszcze kilka porad jak uchroni si przed z這dziejami:

1) Najstarsza sztuczka wiata - to komunikat (najczciej po angielsku) w stylu: " W zwi頊ku z rych造m wejciem patcha 1.10 konta b璠 usuwane. Kto chce zachowa konto i postacie niech whispnie nazw konta i has這" - na ten numer zazwyczaj nabieraj si osoby, kt鏎e s nowe na CBN i dopiero co zdoby造 niekt鏎e cenniejsze itemy;

2) Te do popularne - "Wyje盥瘸m do sanatorium/Nie chce wi璚ej gra w Diablo 2 i oddam swoje konto za darmo". Wszystko sprowadza si do wpisania linijki /join konto has這 - ta komenda s逝篡 do do章czania si do kana逝 i t komend tworzysz kana, kt鏎ego nazw jest twoje konto/has這. Z這dziej czeka a si wylogujesz i wtedy wchodzi na twoje konto i zmienia has這;

3) Trzeci wariant bazuj鉍y na tym samym tricku jest zwi頊any z komend /dnd , uruchamiaj鉍 tryb do not disturb . W tym stanie nie otrzymuje si szept闚. Z這dziej znowu przy uruchamianiu /dnd ka瞠 wpisa konto/has這 i czeka a wyjdziesz z BNu;

4) Podczas handlu uwa瘸jcie na trade hack - niekt鏎e osoby jeszcze go maj;

5) Ponownie w trakcie handlu - czasem kto si pyta czy wasze przedmioty s znalezione czy skopiowane. Z這dzieje puszczaj bajeczk, 瞠 wyrzucenie przedmiotu i szybkie podniesienie jest oznak, 瞠 przedmiot jest legit(a duplikatu podnie si nie da). NIE dajcie sobie wcisn寞 takiego kitu . Kiedy czarodziejki telekinez mog造 od razu w miecie zabiera przedmiot, dzi na szczcie musz podbiec i tu dzi瘯uj Blizzardowi za to. Oko這 2 miesi璚y temu pewien przyjemniaczek chcia mnie w ten spos鏏 okra, ale 12 lat sta簑 grania wy獞iczy這 u mnie refleks. Tak wi璚 瘸這sny z這dziej obszed si tylko smakiem, a potem jak mu jawnie zarzuci豉m zamiar kradzie篡 to powiedzia co takiego: "Przecie jestem Polak komu jak komu ale przecie swojemu mo積a ufa. Nie ufasz rodakowi?" Wiecie, co? Dawno nie spotka豉m si z TAK OBΣD. I ostrzegam was - to WxNIE POLAKOM NIE UFAJCIE! Niestety najwi璚ej z這dziei jest w豉nie wr鏚 Polak闚, za to na 80% mo積a spokojnie zaufa Holendrom;

6) Nast瘼na rzecz - og這szenia w stylu "Zapuszcz Mef/Pindle bota za jaki fajny Item" - kr鏒ko podpucha na naiwnych . Ignorowa i pi皻nowa takich na kanale.

7) grupa profesjonalnych z這dziei - niestety ci korzystaj z program闚 do 豉mania hase, a ostatnio chodz s逝chy, 瞠 jest bot wykradaj鉍y has豉. Program robi to na tzw. "chama", czyli pr鏏uje kombinacje a, b, c a do z i potem aa, ab itd. Na takich jest tylko jedno rozwi頊anie. R鏏cie has豉 MAKSYMALNIE d逝gie, czyli 12 znak闚 i niech w hale b璠 litery, cyfry i znaki stawiane z shiftem. Poni瞠j przyk豉d:

a2%&1e*)30%e . Tak skomplikowane has這 zajmie nawet pot篹nemu komputerowi tydzie albo i wi璚ej czasu na rozgryzienie, dlatego co miesi鉍 warto zmienia has這.

8) Najczciej podczas duelu po twojej mierci obok cia豉 kto mo瞠 wyrzuci jaki przedmiot, nale篡 uwa瘸 瞠by go przypadkiem nie podnie, gdy po zabraniu pniej zw這k tak naprawd podnosimy tylko itemy a cia這 zostaje na ziemi wtedy tylko wystarczy ze kto was zabije i si wysypiecie. Nale篡 uwa瘸 szczeg鏊nie na postacie z lvl mniejszym ni 9, czasami potrafi napisa spam zas豉niaj鉍y wasze zw這ki.

9) R騜ne wispy na kanale "chcesz zdupowa przedmiot" a pniej w grze rzeczy typu alt+f4, pe軟e inv+kostka.

10) Podczas handlu mo瞠cie us造sze zaczekaj, bo nie mam miejsca, po czym go podmienia przedmiot na taki sam z wygl鉅u, przed nacini璚iem "OK" nale篡 zawsze sprawdza przedmiot, oraz uwa瘸 by kole od odwr鏂i waszej uwagi np. spamujac.

11) Jest jeszcze numer z teleportem kt鏎y na tym, ze kto nam pr鏏uje kit wcisn寞 瞠by wywali sw鎩 przedmiot na ziemie, sam wyrzuca sw鎩 za miastem. Sztuczka polega na tym ze on mo瞠 si przeteleportowa do miasta, i nie koniecznie musi to by czarodziejka.

Link do czesci poprzedniej:


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]


ehhh [ Angel of Death ]

Witam w nowym odcinku tasiemca "Antonio Diabolino" ;P

teraz (bo zawsze jaq ktoso dpala nowa czesc czyta co na poczatku napisane;P) bardzo prosze o opis druida elementaliste (plus jakis niedzwiadek) poniewaz mam 31lvl i pelno skilli i statystyk do uzycia:)


Shirue [ Pretorianin ]

przykro mi ale nie moge ci pomuc bo nie znam sie na druidach ale jak chcesz to zajzyj na tam cos znajdzesz


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

To powinno pom鏂:


neXus [ Fallen Angel ]

Witam :)
mam naszeje ze i mnie dopiszecie do wstepnaiaka

neXus -> haziasty

A przy okazji pytanie. Gralem ostatnio z kumplem , w pewnym momencie znikl z gry (zadnego komunikatu o opuszczeniu gry itp, gram sam). Od tego momentu jest lekko poroniona sytuacja - nie mozemy wejsc do stworzonych przez siebie gier - wypisuje ze gra o takiej nazwie nie istnieje (ale gdy chce np utworzyc gre o takiej nazwie to wypisuje ze nie moge bo gra o takiej nazwie juz istnieje...). Przy okazji widzimy sie na kanalach battlenet'u...


Bodziu [ Lord Ironfist ]

Piotrasq --> Ale Ci sie oberwie za te laske od Lady ;DDD A tak w ogole to jeszcze sie smieje z tego tekstu ;DDDD


da KID [ 于O ]

dostanie mu sie lask od laski, przez laske, po glowie ;p


Bodziu [ Lord Ironfist ]

KID --> Heeeee !!! Dobre :))) Przywizcie ze soba patche 1.1 do Diabelka ;DD


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

Znowu sie off topic szerze :). A co do Piotrasqa, to ja ju s堯w nie mam...

Ma kto z was na trade Eagle Clean? Offer Storm Clean.


da KID [ 于O ]

Bodziu zartowalem ~~


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

Mam nadziej, 瞠 Lady nie podr騜uje z biurem "El Greco"...


da KID [ 于O ]

why ?


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

Nie ogl鉅asz wiadomoci ? Ja nawet nie b璠 o tym pisa.


da KID [ 于O ]

jak chcesz


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

le mnie zrozumia貫. Nie chc kusi losu...


da KID [ 于O ]

nie badzmy przesadni

ps. Natalia sobie poradzi nawet z El Greco ;P


da KID [ 于O ]

o karwa Piotrasq a ja myslalem ze chodzi o jakies przekrety tej firmy
teraz na onecie przeczytalem o co biega
faken nie jest dobrze ...


da KID [ 于O ]

ech nigdzie zadnych szczegolow :(
ide spac


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

Mam nadzieje, ze Lady sie odezwie wczesniej niz za dwa tygodnie...


Rjin [ Chor嚙踝蕭y ]

Spoko Dobra Myl Najwazniejsza:) Nic jej nie jest na 100%:]

Aporpos BN down moze 1.10?


Ryouko [ Junior ]

Rjin---> Na forum napisali ze zamykaja wszystkie krainy na 2 godz. byc moze to z powodu 1.10 ale zadnych szczegolow nie podali...


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

Gdyby to by豉 prawda, to dajcie od razu info, bo musz od nowa instalowa Diablo.


karolS [ Centurion ]

Czy aby zagrac na closed BN trzeba miec tylko LODa oryginalnego a D2 moze byc "od w鎩ka" ??


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

karolS ---> Wystraczy mie oryginalne CD Keye do LODa i Classica... p造ty mog by "od w鎩ka".


KileRoo [ Legionista ]

MAM DO was pytanie . Ktos wie gdzie w MH (Maphacku) ustawia sie ze opecje z tym zeby kurde pokazywalo dup itemki ze maja 99 level lub tam 96 ?? ?? ?? ?? ??


KileRoo [ Legionista ]

PS: neXus nie mozesz wejsc do gry muwisz .... wiec to jest problem tego ze : musisz zawsze tworzyc gre tylko i wyloncznie z haslem inaczej sobie nie pograc razem ... napewno zadziala :D


Yo5H [ spammajster ]

starzy mam nadzieje ze to wreszcei upragniony 1.10

jako dowod mam to, ze na oficjalnym 4um blizza ludzie z ekipy odpowiadaja wymijajaco na pytania czy to 1.10, a niby po co by mieli tak swirowac gdyby to nie byl NOWY PATCH!? ;D


da KID [ 于O ]

rozlancza mnie przy ladowaniu patcha


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

Mnie te... mo瞠 serwy przeci嘀one?


Yo5H [ spammajster ]

mnie tez rolaczalo ale teraz nie rozlacza, tylko "stoi" na 0% ... ~~


Yo5H [ spammajster ]

SLUCHAJCIE TO JEST 1.10 !!!!!!!!!!



da KID [ 于O ]

teraz nie wywala ale stoi na 0%


-Wolver [ Pretorianin ]

Dobra, chcialem was spytac czy mam halucynacje, ale widze ze musialaby byc zbiorowa :)))))))))))


da KID [ 于O ]

ciagne z Easta juz 1% :P


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

A mnie wywala przy samym 章czeniu teraz :(.


Madril [ I Want To Believe ]

Juz sie sciaga... 9% :DDDDDDDDDDD


da KID [ 于O ]

ech 4% i tez zerwalo


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Ale sie wiara rzucila :P Oto lista zmian:

Mysterious World-event

- Players of Hell difficulty Realm games are hereby warned that a new,
challenging world-event has been added to Diablo II version 1.10.
Players of Hardcore characters should be even more wary when
encountering Superunique monsters during an active world event. Be
prepared to execute a hasty Save and Exit, if your situation seems too

Fundamental architecture changes/improvements

- The skill and monster systems are now completely data-driven. Skill
balancing is simpler and quicker. Monster control/populating/creation
is simpler. Although done for our needs, mod-makers should like these
changes, too. A major result is that nearly any skill can be used by any
character class.
- A skill now may have synergy Bonuses (similar to masteries) applied by
putting points into other skills.
- The player stats and inventory system has been completely redone to
run more efficiently, improving server performance and stability.
- The collision detection system has been sped up significantly. Again,
improving server performance.

Specific changes/improvements

- Increased difficulty for high-level players to reduce future
exploitation of the game system.
- Made monsters tougher
- Beefed up monster difficulty in Act V, Nightmare, and Hell
difficulties. This was accomplished by improving monster stats (hp, ac,
etc.) and by boosting their AI/behavior in NM and Hell difficulties
(that is, by making decisions more often and by simply moving faster).
In Nightmare and Hell difficulties monster damages have generally been
increased -- dramatically in some cases.
- Reduced the effectiveness of Experience runs, power-leveling, and
- Added randomized (especially ranged-attack) monsters to Nightmare and
Hell Act V - e.g., Burning Dead, Imps, etc.
- Increased the Experience attached to most Act V monsters in Normal,
Nightmare, & Hell difficulties.
- Reduced the HP of (Act V) Barbarian soldiers in Nightmare and Hell
- Increased the rate of occurrence of Unique monsters in Hell
- Reduced the party member Experience sharing to 0 beyond a maximum
distance of about 2 screens from the monster death. This prevents
low-level characters from joining a party and then staying completely
out of harm's way while still getting Experience.
- Increased the Experience penalty for Clvl 70+ as follows: Clvl 1 - 69:
100% Experience Clvl 70 - 99: 85% - 0.8% Experience (approximately
exponential decaying)
- Encouraged players to play in more of the Diablo II
- Reduced drops from the most-run SuperUnique monsters, ThreshSocket and
- Cut Experience and reduced drops in the Cow level.
- Randomized the monster populations more thoroughly throughout Act V in
Nightmare and Hell difficulties, including the addition of 'guest
monsters' from other Acts.
- Increased the number of Unique monsters in each area and difficulty.

Improved various Items

- Improved the attributes for newly-dropped Rare Armor, Helms, and most
- Added over 100 new Unique Items, of which 29 can be found only in
Ladder games.

Revised Skill balance for all Player Character classes

Amazon Javelin and Spear Skills

- Jab - Increased Attack Rating.
- Power Strike - Increased Attack Rating and Damage done to targets.
Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Poison Javelin - Increased the total amount of Poison Damage and
Duration. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Impale - Increased Attack Rating. Increased Damage.
- Lightning Bolt - Increased Lightning Damage. Added skill synergy
- Charged Strike - Increased the number of Charged Bolts released.
Reduced average Lightning Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Plague Javelin - Added an Attack Rating bonus. Increased Poison
Damage. Increased Poison Duration. Lowered Mana cost per level of
skill. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Lightning Strike - Reduced the average Lightning Damage. Added skill
synergy bonuses.
- Lightning Fury - Rebalanced by increasing the average Lightning
Damage. Although it starts lower, it rises rapidly to much higher
damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Amazon - Passive and Magic Skills

- Inner Sight - Increased the reduction in Enemy Defense. Improved
- Valkyrie - Increased Attack Rating and decreased Mana cost. Added
resistances and skills like Evade, Dodge, etc. Added skill synergy
- Decoy - Extensively revised with added resistances and skills like
Evade, Dodge, etc.

Amazon - Bow and Crossbow Skills

- Magic Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus.
- Fire Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus. Decreased Mana cost. Added skill
synergy bonuses.
- Cold Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus. Increased Cold Damage.
Increased Mana cost. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Exploding Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus. Increased Fire Damage.
Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Ice Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Immolation Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus. Decreased Mana cost.
Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Freezing Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus. Decreased Mana cost. Added
skill synergy bonuses.

Assassin - Martial Arts Skills

- Dragon Talon - Increased Attack Rating.
- Fists of Fire - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Claws of Thunder - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Blades of Ice - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- All kick skills - Increased Attack Rating bonus.

Assassin - Shadow Disciplines

- Venom - Fixed duration at 0.4 seconds regardless of poison items
- Shadow Warrior - Increased the Life and resistances.

Assassin - Traps Skills

- Fire Blast - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Shock Web - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Charged Bolt Sentry - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Wake of Fire - Slight increase to Damage at higher levels. Added skill
synergy bonuses.
- Lightning Sentry - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Wake of Inferno - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Death Sentry - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Barbarian - Warcries

- War Cry - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Shout - Increased duration.
- Battle Orders - Increased duration.
- Battle Command - Increased duration.

Barbarian - Combat Masteries

- Throwing Mastery - Increased the Attack Rating bonus to throwing skills.

Barbarian - Combat Skills

- Bash - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Double Swing - Decreased Mana cost. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Stun - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Double Throw - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Concentrate - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Frenzy - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Druid - Elemental Skills

- Firestorm - Increased Fire damage at higher levels. Increased damage
at higher levels. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Molten Boulder - Added physical damage. Increased damage at higher
levels. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Arctic Blast - Increased Cold damage at higher levels. Increased
damage at higher levels. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Fissure - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Cyclone Armor - Added skill synergy bonuses.

- Twister - Increased damage at higher levels. Added skill synergy
- Volcano - Added physical damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Tornado - Increased damage at higher levels. Added skill synergy
- Hurricane - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Armageddon - Increased Fire damage at higher levels. Added skill
synergy bonuses.

Druid - Shape Shifting Skills

- Werewolf - Added skill synergy bonuses. Allowed casting of Armageddon.
- Werebear - Added skill synergy bonuses. Allowed casting of Armageddon.
- Maul - Increased Stun duration.
- Rabies - Increased Poison Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Fire Claws - Slight increase to Fire Damage. Added skill synergy

Druid - Summoning Skills

- Summon Spirit Wolf - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Heart of Wolverine - Increased radius of effect and Life.
- Summon Dire Wolf - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Oak Sage - Increased radius of effect.
- Spirit of Barbs - Increased Life.
- Summon Grizzly - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Necromancer - Summoning Skills

- Skeleton Mastery - Increased Damage of non-Skeletal 'pets'. Increased
Life of Skeletal 'pets'.
- Raise Skeleton - Increased Skeleton Life, Attack Rating, and Defense.
Decreased the maximum number of Skeletons that can be summoned as
follows: the first 3 skill points in Raise Skeleton still yield 1
Skeleton per point (as in 1.09), however, subsequent Skeletons now
require 3 skill points each. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Clay Golem - Added the ability to slow players and monsters on hit.
Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Raise Skeletal Mage - Increased Damage. Decreased the maximum number
of Skeletal Mages that can be summoned as follows: the first 3 skill
points in Raise Skeletal Mage still yield 1 Mage per point (as in 1.09),
however, subsequent Mages now require 3 skill points each. Added skill
synergy bonuses.
- Blood Golem - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Iron Golem - Added Defense bonus. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Fire Golem - Increased Fire Damage. Added Holy Fire Damage. Added skill
synergy bonuses.

Necromancer - Poison and Bone Skills

- Teeth - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Bone Armor - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Poison Dagger - Increased Attack Rating. Increased Duration. Added skill
synergy bonuses.
- Bone Wall - Cut duration in half. Life decreased. Added skill synergy
- Poison Explosion - Increased Duration. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Bone Spear - Increased Magic Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Bone Prison - Cut duration in half. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Poison Nova - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Bone Spirit - Increased Magic Damage at highest levels. Added skill
synergy bonuses.

Paladin - Combat Skills

- Holy Bolt - Increased Magic damage. Ignores resistances of Undead.
Increased Healing to non-monster characters.
- Blessed Hammer - Increased high-level damage. Ignores resistances of
Undead and Demons. Added skill synergy bonuses
- Vengeance - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Sacrifice - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Holy Shield - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Fist of the Heavens - Ignores resistances of Undead and Demons. Added
skill synergy bonuses.
- Zeal - Increased damage above level 4. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Charge - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Paladin - Offensive Auras

- Might - Increased area of effect.
- Holy Fire - Added Fire Damage to attack. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Thorns - Increased area of effect.
- Blessed Aim - Increased area of effect.
- Holy Freeze - Added Cold Damage to attack. Added aura damage.
Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Holy Shock - Rebalanced the area of effect. Increased Lightning Damage
on attack. Improved damage ramp. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Sanctuary - Increased Magic Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Paladin - Defensive Auras

- Prayer - Increased Healing and area of effect.
- Resist Fire - Increased area of effect.
- Defiance - Increased area of effect.
- Resist Cold - Increased area of effect.
- Resist Lightning - Increased area of effect.
- Cleansing - Increased area of effect. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Meditation - Increased area of effect. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Redemption - Increased area of effect.
- Salvation - Increased area of effect.

Sorceress - Cold Spells

- Ice Bolt - Increased Cold Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Frozen Armor - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Frost Nova - Increased Cold Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Ice Blast - Increased Cold Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Shiver Armor - Increased Cold Damage. Increased Cold Duration.
Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Glacial Spike - Increased Cold Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Blizzard - Increased Cold Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Chilling Armor - Increased Cold Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Frozen Orb - Added skill synergy bonus.

Sorceress - Lightning Spells

- Charged Bolt - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Energy Shield - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Nova - Rebalanced Lightning Damage.
- Lightning - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Chain Lightning - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Sorceress - Fire Spells

- Fire Bolt - Increased Fire Damage at higher levels. Added skill
synergy bonuses.
- Inferno - Increased Fire Damage at higher levels. Added skill synergy
- Fire Ball - Increased Fire Damage at higher levels. Slightly increased
Mana cost. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Enchant - Rebalanced Fire Damage. Added Attack Rating bonus. Reduced
Mana cost. Added Skill Synergy Bonus.
- Meteor - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Hydra - Rebalanced Fire Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

Ok, leci z Easta... 3%. :DDDDD


neXus [ Fallen Angel ]

KileRoo -> sprobuje - zobzczymy czy zadziala...
ale to jakas rzecz niezalezna od nas, bo ani reinstall ani tworzenie na nowo konta nic nie daje...


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Added new Rune Words and Horadric Cube Recipes

- Added 20 new Rune Words.
- Added a Horadric Cube recipe as follows: 3 flawless gems + 1 magic
weapon = socketed, magic weapon.
- Added 46 more Horadric Cube Recipes -- upgrades for the remaining
Runes and item 'rerolls'.
- The highest 19 Rune upgrades are usable only by Ladder characters.

Closed some PvP loopholes/exploits

- Terminated the casting of 'absentee' skills such as the Sorceress'
Meteor, Firewall, Blaze, Hydra; the Assassin's Sentries; the Druid's
Volcano; etc. when the player enters town. This prevents declaring
Hostility and doing immediate damage to the unsuspecting.
- Prevented 3rd-party hacks from treating background objects as a
- Enforced a 10-second delay between declaring Hostility and using a
Waypoint or Town Portal to leave town.
- Ears and other items dropped on the ground by players (even in town)
are deleted more frequently, and even when on the same screen as
players. Magic, Rare, Set, and Unique items persist longer.
- The attribute "Hit Slows Target" has been limited to no more than 50%
slowing when used in PvP.
- Fixed the bug that prevented a hostile player from targeting a
Whirlwinding Barbarian equipped with a 2-handed sword.
- Throwing an Oil Potion no longer crashes an opponent.

New features. Please see for more

- Introduced a new Lobby. Players now start in the lobby where they may
decide to enter chat as before or to simply create/join a
game without entering chat.
- Added the ability to recover a forgotten/stolen account password via
email registration.
- Added a new command '/mail account_name' which sends a message
directly to the account's registered email address.
- An 'expiration date' is now shown with Realm Characters on the
selection screen.
- Introduced a new Ladder System for those who prefer to play free from
any characters who may have participated in past item duping or hacking.
To use this new feature, a player places a check in the Ladder box upon
character creation -- in the same way that Expansion and Hardcore
selection is done. Periodically, the Ladder may be reset, adding the old
Ladder characters to the regular population -- who, of course, cannot
play games with the new season's Ladder characters. Thus, every season
each new Ladder character truly starts from scratch, as no 'twinking' is
possible from older characters.
- Once a player defeats Diablo, all Diablo II accounts
accessed from that computer may create Hardcore characters. bugs

- Prevented a crash when waiting in the Blizzard Tech Support channel on
- Realm games created without a Password no longer allow players who
specify a Password to join.
- When a character dies during an 'Alt-F4' disconnection from in
Hardcore, the character icon now properly appears in both chat and the
Character Selection Screen.
- Corrected typos in the Options help.
- Prevented players from changing their chat text color and indentation
to masquerade as official Blizzard accounts.
- Warcraft III players no longer appear as cloaked figures in Diablo II
chat rooms.
- stability has been improved when a Diablo II character that
had been designated as the operator of a private channel resigns.
- Players may no longer immediately re-join a chat Channel from which
they have been banned.
- Barbarians dual-wielding with a Javelin now show the Javelin in chat, too.
- Removed Age from the Player Profile.

Major Bugs

- Fixed the 'Druid Drop' bug related to equipping items which would
cause players to be dropped from a game when activating Werewolf or
Werebear skills above level 33.
- Super Unique, Unique, and Champion monsters can no longer be created
as nearly invincible, that is, with < 0 hit points.
- Barbarians and Assassins who are dual-wielding potions are no longer
prevented from entering a game.
- A Zod Rune applied to an Ethereal item no longer reduces its
durability to 0.
- Characters with extremely fast attack speeds no longer erroneously
miss their targets.
- Summoned creatures (aka 'pets') now properly inherit the player's
level to determine their monster level.
- A summoned Grizzly now properly pursues and attacks its enemies more
- Fury and Phoenix Strike can no longer target the casting player's
hireling or pet.
- Valkyries are no longer treated as monsters and erroneously assigned
additional Life in Nightmare and Hell difficulties.
- A Valkyrie affected by a party member's Oak Sage can no longer be
killed with 1 hit.
- Assassins and Barbarians with Mastery points no longer have excessive
Critical Strikes applied to their melee attacks.
- Oak Sage and Heart of Wolverine now function properly above skill
level 20.
- Poison Creeper now properly receives the PvP damage penalty.
- Holy Freeze no longer slows the Lightning skill.
- The curse Attract can no longer be overridden by any other curse.
- Using Battle Command can no longer erroneously retain the skill bonus
granted by an item after un-equipping the item.
- Active level 18+ Thorns no longer makes the player character
invulnerable to monster melee attacks.
- Lightning and Chain Lightning are now properly affected by items with
casting rate magic properties.
- Using Enchant on ranged weapons now boosts the damage a variable
- Fireballs used against a Lightning Enchanted monster no longer make
its Charged Bolts invisible.
- The 3rd charge of the Assassin's Skill - Blades of Ice, now freezes
the target.
- Lower Resist now correctly updates the resistances displayed on the
target's character screen.
- Crushing Blow now works at the percentage chance stated.
- Items can no longer be created with level requirements higher than 99.
- A throwing item with the magic property Replenishes Quantity now
replenishes if depleted to 0 quantity.
- Newly-discovered Ethereal items with the magic property Increased
Maximum Durability now may have the maximum durability.
- The Rune Word "Melody" now works properly for bows.
- Leaving the vicinity of a Super unique monster and returning after 20
seconds, now properly respawns the Super unique for treasure drops.
- The erroneous action of the Reduce AC modifier. which had shown in the
item pop-up as x% Target AC has been corrected. It now no longer sets
the target's AC equal to the percentage, but properly reduces the
target's AC by the percentage. The display has been corrected to say
"-x% Target AC." The modifier's effect is reduced by one half when
player characters, SuperUniques, hirelings, and Act-end bosses are
- Fixed a bug in damage calculation for weapons which computed +min/+max
damage prior to +damage%.
- If Holy Bolt is assigned to the right mouse-button and Charge or Smite
to the left, left-clicking on a party member no longer sticks one in
- A player character standing on a player corpse is no longer immune to
- Auto-targeting skills when assigned to the left mouse-button no longer
repeatedly cast, if one is holding the button down to move.
Auto-targeting skills are those that nearby target if one is not
selected, e.g., Fist of the Heavens.
- The Paladin's non-aura skills now attack appropriately, when one
clicks on a foe without enough Mana to use the skill.
- A class of bugs that had reduced the effectiveness of alternating
weapon attacks when equipped with two weapons has been fixed, including
the various dual-claw Assassin attacks.
- Poison length calculations are now correct.
- Poison now works properly when applied to ranged attacks.
- Mindblast and Conversion now remove any auras from their targets upon
casting and also when they wear off.
- Confuse now works properly, that is, without the occasional misfire.
- Holy Shield now boosts the defense of the player, not the shield.
- Blade Fury now uses the proper amount of Mana.
- Skeletons, Skeletal Mages, and Golems are now raised with appropriate
(non-0) Attack Rating and Defense stats.
- Iron Golems are no longer summoned with excessive additional Life in
Nightmare and Hell difficulties.
- Hirelings can no longer equip items without meeting the item
- Rogue hirelings can no longer shoot Lightning Bolts by equipping items
that boost Bow and Crossbow skills.
- Isenhart's Case and Horns now work together correctly on Hirelings.
- Monster warping (aka teleporting) in some TCP/IP games has been
- Slowed or chilled monsters no longer 'desynch' (or 'lag') as easily.
- Corrupted Rogues no longer pause for long periods of time when
pursuing a foe.
- When a Barbarian throws a weapon with his left hand (right inventory
slot) while equipped with a melee weapon in his right hand (left
inventory slot), the thrown weapon now does proper damage.NPCs no longer
bestow quest rewards (e.g., socketing) upon unidentified items.
- An NPC no longer fails to give a quest reward item to a character with
a full Inventory or Stash.
- The Heaven's Brethren set bonus of "+5 to Light Radius" now works.
- As shown on the Character screen, Assassins receive a damage bonus
from boots.
- The Assassin's Claw Mastery bonuses to Damage and Attack Rating are no
longer erroneously swapped.
- A behavior-changing curse (like Dim Vision) can no longer affect a
monster permanently, when the player portals away.
- The Life of monsters affected by Regeneration or Poison now updates
- Enchant cast upon other player characters is now enhanced by the
caster's Fire Mastery.
- Skills and magic effects that change one's maximum Life now change
one's current Life by a corresponding percentage.
- The Attack Rating displayed for the Assassin kick skills is no longer
higher than the actual Attack Rating.
- Macintosh-specific fixes
- Improved compatibility with dual-monitor Macintosh systems.
- Prevented a crash when using the scroll bars and highlighting games in's Join menu.

Minor Bugs

- Summon Spirit Wolf no longer overstates the Damage.
- Spirit of Barbs, Heart of Wolverine, and Oak Sage no longer understate
their radii of effect.
- When the Automap option "Center" is off, the Automap no longer centers
upon opening the Skill Tree or Inventory.
- The extraneous text in the Change Realm dialog box has been removed.
- The health bar of a Flayer knocked from his Flayer Shaman now works.
- Fixed a general monster health bar overflow bug.
- A temporary loss of the Stamina Shrine effect no longer occurs.
- The Skill Tree levels are now displayed properly when a player equips
both a non-melee item that boosts all character class skills along with
a weapon that boosts an individual skill.
- Skills granted by items are now always displayed as such in the Skill
- The damage displayed on the character screen is now correct when a
character with high strength has no weapon equipped.
- The damage displayed on the character screen is now correct for
Freezing Arrow and Holy Shock.
- The hover text of the Amazon skill Multiple Shot now correctly
displays that it does 3/4 weapon damage.
- When the Assassin has two Claws equipped and is using the Weapon Block
skill, the Chance to Block percentage properly appears in the hover text
of the Defense stat in the character screen.
- The Golden Bird quest status is shown correctly in the quest log, if
one exits the game before getting the reward.
- The Redemption skill description now correctly states that it affects
only the caster, not the party.
- The Redemption skill graphic effect can no longer appear erroneously
when a player returns from town through a Town Portal.
- The Thunderstorm skill graphic effect now displays properly.
- The damage listed on the character screen for Holy Shock no longer
appears blue.
- Hardcore Assassins and Druids no longer appear as cloaked figures in
the multiplayer character selection screen of DII Classic.
- Message log scrolling is now more responsive.
- Players now see other players kicking barrels.
- Berserker Axe" is now spelled correctly.
- Io, Shael, and Jah Runes now have Korean, Japanese, and Chinese
- Corrected localization (translation, text box sizes, etc.) for a
number of issues in French, German, Chinese, Korean, and Spanish.

Enhancements and other changes

- Implemented a new system to detect and delete 'duped', 'hacked' and
other erroneous items from the inventories of Realm Characters as they
are loaded.
- Increased the damage of nearly all skills above skill level 20.
- Added synergy bonuses to many skills. The bonuses boost the
effectiveness of the higher-level skills based upon the number of points
allocated to the lower-level (synergizing) skills. Players are rewarded
for using skill points earlier rather than hoarding them all for later
'cookie-cutter' distribution to high-level skills.
- Rebalanced the rate of Unique/Set/Rare/Magic items drop.
- Lower Resist and Conviction skills now work properly against immune
- Cold Mastery has been changed to a constant amount.
- Elemental Piercing versus immunities has been changed to a constant
- Improved the existing 7 class-specific Sets by adding and/or boosting
partial and complete Set bonuses. Also added a visual effect to wearers
of these complete Sets.
- Limited the maximum experience gain from The Ancients quest in Act V
to 1 character level.
- One can no longer enter Town Portals cast by other players in areas
beyond the "blocking quests" without having completed those quests:
e.g., Canyon of the Magi/Seven Tombs/Duriel's Lair (The Summoner), The
Harem/Palace Basement/Arcane Sanctuary (The Tainted Sun), Durance of
Hate (The Blackened Temple), The Worldstone Keep (The Ancients), The
Secret Cow Level (Terror's End in DII classic or Eve of Destruction in
DII: LoD). NOTE: A player who kills the High Council (but doesn't use
Khalim's Will to smash the Compelling Orb), may take a Town Portal into
the Durance of Hate.
- NPCs no longer accept lower difficulty quest items to complete quests
in a higher difficulty.
- Atma now heals automatically.
- Quest items are automatically identified when they drop.
- Increased the challenge of Mephisto and the Ancients.
- Increased the damage and defense of Andariel, Mephisto, Diablo, and
- Gave Mephisto a more powerful Frost Nova, based on his own (not
player's) stats.
- Added blocking and resistances to Duriel.
- Reduced the levels of all auras used by Unique monsters.
- Added more Unique monsters to the open areas of Acts IV and V.
- Life leeching is now determined by each monster type and reduced below
100% in Nightmare and Hell Difficulties.
- Added resistances and blocking to the Unravelers in Act II in Hell
- Increased monster hit-points in one player games and reduced the
increase to monster hit-points for each additional player in multiplayer
- Boosted the effects of Health and Mana potions.
- Mana potions are now sold by some shopkeepers.
- The Antidote potion now gives +50 poison resistance and +10 max poison
resist for 30 seconds.
- The Thawing potion now gives +50 cold resistance and +10 max cold
resist for 30 seconds.
- The Stamina potion now gives super stamina recovery for 30 seconds.
- Newly-found (post-1.10) magic bows with the properties "Fires Magic
Arrows" or "Fires Explosive Arrows" have these properties at appropriate
skill levels rather than being fixed at level 1.
- Improved gambling by increasing the chances for Rare, Set, and Unique
- Improved monster drops by boosting the base item types and by
increasing the chance for Rares.
- Increased the chances that dropped items have the magic properties of
Enhanced damage, Life-stealing, Mana-stealing, and + to all Resistances.
Increased hireling Life/attack rating/defense/level. Also removed the
skill cap from Act III hirelings. (Hireling level at hiring is now
different between DII classic and LoD.)
- Increased life regeneration for hirelings.
- Boosted the effect of Health potions upon hirelings.
- Lowered the cost of resurrection of hirelings.
- Increased the leash range of hirelings.
- Summonables except for Revived monsters and pets that don't attack or
defend - e.g., Vines now get Defense and Attack Rating based on their
- Bone Walls are now friendly to the caster's party - that is, not
- Improved Blood Raven's behavior.
- Guest monsters (those from earlier Acts and lower difficulty levels)
compute their Treasure Class (for item dropping) appropriately for their
new, higher levels.
- Chilling Armor no longer responds to other Chilling Armor bolts.
- A player may have up to 16 corpses now. Only the first (oldest) corpse
holding items is saved between games.
- In Nightmare and Hell difficulties recovering one's corpse now
restores 75% of the Experience that had been lost at death. This applies
to all of a player's corpses.
- Block lock' has been eliminated. When a player character has just
blocked an attack, the player cannot block again for a short period of
time, the length of which increases as Blocking speed increases.
- Reduced the 'lag' when Lister the Tormentor and his minions are
summoned by Baal.
- The levels of The Forgotten Tower are now larger in Nightmare and Hell
- Increased the likelihood of dropping Elite items.
- Only a very few Unique items and new 'uber' items are now over level
85. That is, the best items now drop more often.
- Jewels and other modifiers can now boost the elemental damage of a
melee weapon if that trait is listed as part of the Jewel description.
- The Buriza's level (not its level requirement) was increased to 59.
- Items that grant skills bestow a lower skill level to those character
classes who natively have the skill in their skill tree. Note that
Charged items receive synergy and mastery bonuses, but don't receive
bonuses by assigning extra points to the skill.
- Boosted the Cham Rune freeze effect on weapons from +1 to +3.
- The Eth Rune's effect is now "-25% to Target AC". Thus, 4 Eth Runes
reduce the target AC to zero.
- The modifier "Ignores Target AC" no longer acts upon SuperUniques,
hirelings, and Act-end bosses. Its lack of effect upon player characters
and unique monsters remains unchanged.
- Changed the Horadric Cube recipe that had used 3 chipped gems to
require 3 standard gems as follows: 3 standard gems + 1 socketed weapon
= socketed, magic weapon.
- Changed the two Horadric Cube recipes for Rejuvenation Potions to
require a chipped gem and a standard gem.
- One may sell items to an NPC without the confirmation dialog by
ctrl-left-clicking on them.
- Increased the size of the message log from 32 to 128 lines.
- Reduced the density of the graphic special effect displaying curses.
- Added optimizations to light map computation and added various levels
of light map fidelity which automatically adjust to keep the frame rate
- Selecting "Show Party - No" in the Automap Options now shows one's
- In the inventory an unidentified Unique item is now shown as its
generic item type.
- Improved the accuracy of the Mana cost display.
- Added a graphic effect to the Whirlwind skill.
- Improved the second level charge-up graphic effect of the Assassin's
Phoenix Strike.
- Added new color schemes for certain Rare, Set, and Unique items.
- Maces and Staves now display "+50% Damage to Undead", consistent with
other weapon classes.
- The TCP/IP Join Game button remembers the last IP address entered.
- Chat commands (e.g. 'fps') are now preceded by a slash (e.g. '/fps').
- A new chat command '/nopickup' toggles on/off the ability to
automatically pick up items lying on the ground. When off, one must hold
down the Alt key to pick up items.
- Monsters (except for SuperUniques) in non-ladder Realm games are now
at 75% HP (Hell), 85% AC (NM & Hell), and don't increase their AI speed
for higher difficulties.

Macintosh-specific changes

- Support for both "widescreen" and "4:3" mode in Mac OS X 10.2+.
- Improved OpenGL performance for systems with minimum requirements:
MacOSX 10.2, 256MB RAM, and Radeon or GeForce AGP video card.


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

Lady opabnuj si kto chcia wiedzie, to chyba dawno to ju wie? :)

PS. 20%


da KID [ 于O ]

no szkoda ze to nie Lady


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

O szit :P Sorka :). Tylko tak lookn像em i z przyzwyczajenia ju :/
PS. 35%


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

To ja przepraszam, ze Wam zaspamowalem watek ale goraczka oczekiwania udzielila sie rowniez i mi :)


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

Fuck. Instaluj. Diablo.


KileRoo [ Legionista ]

NOO 100 % mam 1.10 tylko nie mozna sie wbic na sowj konto za duz pszeciaznie widocznie


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

Hmmm szkoda :(((.

U mnie jak narazie 63%.


zarowka [ ]

urwa... czy przy przycisku battlenet macie pod spodem do wyboru krainy europe asia itd czy jakies shity typu interne 000 i jakies inne ;/ ja mam to drugie i nie wiem co to jest i dlaczego tak jest


easy1965 [ Pretorianin ]

z west ci鉚nie najstabilniej


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

U mnie normlanie... przynajmniej jak zacz像em sci鉚a patcha.
PS. 85%


-Wolver [ Pretorianin ]

Pewnie sobie zainstalowales jakis programik do zmiany bramek itp. co?


-Wolver [ Pretorianin ]

Moj post wyzej to do zarowy oczywiscie


zarowka [ ]

nie wiem od czego tak jest ide zrobic reinstala


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

100% i od 2 minut "Prosz czeka" podczas logowania.


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

Faktycznie: z Europe nie ci鉚nie, ale West idzie jak burza !


KileRoo [ Legionista ]

bo bez takich zniknely mi 2 consy i 2 ocuringi pozatmy wszystko mam nawet dupped wfa tego sie balem najbardziej ale ***** moje consy i ocuringi


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

Doszed貫m do okienka, gdzie podawa這 si adres e-mail w razie "zapomnienia has豉" wysy豉ja tam has這... i mnie wywali這 jak wcisn像em "zarejestr鎩".


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

Haaaa :). Jako resy zajebiscie spad造 na hellu :).


KileRoo [ Legionista ]

O stary bez kitu resy po maxie zjechaly : ---->Spider2000 sluchaj zniklo ci 160///60 ??


o^scar^^ [ GRWD ]

Wow 1.10 tylko ze ja se musze kupic diablo2:D bo cos mi nie dziala jak juz chyba wiecei.... kurde i co jak tam sie sprawuje?


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

Nie, nie mam 160/60 :). Gdybym mia 160/60 to bym mia dmg seryjbnym ponad 3000 bez merca, a nie 2000 :). Za to consty znikn窸o... Og鏊nie m闚i鉍, nacieszy貫m si 10 minut, wystrzeli貫m 20 strza i mnie wywali這.


o^scar^^ [ GRWD ]

podajcei linka bo niezabardzo mi sie chce szukac i wogule nie moge znalzsc


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

Nie wiem czy da si ci鉚n寞 ze strony ju... ja ci鉚a貫m z Battle Netu. PS Europe zajebiscie szwankuje :(.


KileRoo [ Legionista ]

MAm do ciebie malo pytanko : co daje wiecj dmg Merc dobry czy tem merc co sie go tworzy ?a co to za zbroke masz ?


o^scar^^ [ GRWD ]

eh dobra bo ja wogule dzidja nie zagram bo d2x nie mam :( oj zaluje zaluje...ah a bym poszukal se nowych itemkow:D


da KID [ 于O ]


o^scar^^ [ GRWD ]

al.e watek sie ozywil dawniej to raz na jakis czas ktos napisal a teraz juz mamy ponad 60 wpisikow:D hhehehe co trzeba zrobic aby byc tam przy wstepie wpisany?


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

Zbrojka to druciane runo 60ias :(((. Merc to pomocnik.. ten pomocnik z 2 aktu na koszmarze z atakiem ma aure "Moc" co zwi瘯sza dmg.. i to bardzo dobrze :).


o^scar^^ [ GRWD ]

no i ciagne ladnie leci :) patch jest na dorym serverze gratuluje blizzard :]


o^scar^^ [ GRWD ]

ale dzisiaj nam blizzard zrobil niespodzianke loooo :D bardzo sie ciesze i nie czekam na diablo3:D i ile kosztuje dodatek do diab豉 ?? w najtanszym sklepie internetowym?


Yo5H [ spammajster ]

hej ziomki - przy wyborze postaci mam taki tekcik: "wygasa za 10dni"

co to znaczy ? ~~


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

W豉nie nie wiem... ja磧ei sezon ladderowy trwa 10 dni, to ja to pier...


da KID [ 于O ]

ale kolorek :p


da KID [ 于O ]

to mi sie akurat podoba


easy1965 [ Pretorianin ]

uda這 si komus wbi na Europ?na West pogra貫m troch ,a na euro ani wla踵


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

Te to zauwa篡貫m... ale trezba pami皻a o tym, 瞠 te 2000life, to mo瞠 oznacza 1 machni璚ie kr闚ki na hellu.


KileRoo [ Legionista ]

noNOOO!!!! wszedlem na krwoy krowa jest teraz na krowy tak twarda mniwiecej jak DIABLO na koszu :/ na serio sa zajsbise moce potworki ....


Bodziu [ Lord Ironfist ]

Ale sobie pogralem :(( Nawet zalogowac sie nie moge na Europie :( Do dupy takie cos !!!


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

Europe niele szwankuje... w sumie uda這 mi si ju wejc 2 razy na jakie 30 pr鏏.


KileRoo [ Legionista ]

----> KID moge sie dowiedziec co takiego w lapsku tszyma twoj frend ? fajne masz obrazenia w nim .... ?


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]



Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]



da KID [ 于O ]

4.5 tys max dmg ze swoja moca

uuu Piotrasq to drugie zajebiste


KileRoo [ Legionista ]

o kuzwa stary co ty masz jakas RUSK wersje diablo :P


da KID [ 于O ]

polskie diablo+lod "spaczowane" do wersji angielskiej + patch 1.1


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

KileRoo --------> to jest w豉nie popierdzielony plik PolAnglo. Musz go wywali.


KileRoo [ Legionista ]

AHA.,,, dalbys mi cos takiego jeslisz masz ?


Bodziu [ Lord Ironfist ]

KID --> Kolorek to juz w Becie tak wygladal jeli miales tala na grzbiecie ;)) A te slowo BoD jest najlepszym ze wszystkich slow :)))


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

KileRoo ------> niestety zajmuje prawie 4 mega. Skrzynka nie przepuci.


Rjin [ Chor嚙踝蕭y ]

Zdziwil mnie mocno ten path... ale nie wejsciem a o poziomem. Na Cow W super paczce robilismy 1 20 min!!!! I Expa NIC mi nie podskoczylo:OO Tak samo bugi i dupedy h** nie po znikaly ;/


karolS [ Centurion ]

W ktorym netowym sklepie da sie qpic ENG D2 + LODa bo nie chce PL


da KID [ 于O ]

ten motyw z "wchodzeniem na czata" to jakas pomylka


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

Na Ladderze niekt鏎zy ju maj 19 poziom. piesz si ch這paki :))))


da KID [ 于O ]

faken pare jewelkow mi zniknelo :p


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

...rwa ma ! Zacz像em kombinowa z plikiem Patch_D2.mpq, 瞠by si pozby PolAnglo i Diablo mi si wysypa :(((
Ca貫 szczcie, 瞠 zawsze robi kopie save, bo bym si wiesza, gdybym straci wszystkie runy...


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

Piotrasq z tego co widze, to mieczyk zwalony, bo to si wsadza do colossus sworda, ale eteryka :).


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

Ups Do Colossus Blade'a, ale eteryka.


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

To trzeba by這 mi go sprezentow. Nie b璠 czeka p馧 roku, 瞠by pobawi si RuneWordami :)


Bodziu [ Lord Ironfist ]

KID --> Z wchodzeniem na Chata to jest zajeb... !!! Teraz wchodze od razu do gry a nie wysluchuje pleaserow :))) A do trade'a zawsze mozna sie przylaczyc ;DD

Spider --> Popieram Piotrasqa z tym mieczykiem, a swoja droga eteryka CB wcale nie tak latwo znalezc :P


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

I jeszcze zeby mial 6 dziur :)


JihaaD [ Lo瘸 Szyderc闚 ]

Piotrasq- Dziurkowac zawsze mozna samemu ojcze.


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

Ja nie marnuje dziurkowania na biale miecze.


da KID [ 于O ]

Bodziu nie przekonales mnie :) wkurwia mnie to i tyle ( przynajmniej narazie - moze sie przyzwyczaje )

Larzuk i tak dorobi max socketow


JihaaD [ Lo瘸 Szyderc闚 ]



da KID [ 于O ]

na eth ba to bym sobie chetnie "zmarnowal" dziurkowanie ~~


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

Miecz w koncu znajdziesz. Za dzien, miesiac, czy rok. Czako, czy WF z dziura nie znajdziesz nigdy. A mozesz dziurkowac tylko 3 razy.


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

W 24h mozna spokojnie barbem (w 1.09 :P) przejc gre na normie do 5 aktu i dziureczka gotowa :).


da KID [ 于O ]

no wlasnie jesli mam czekac rok na eth ba z 6 dziurami kiedy w skrzyni lezy czysty eteryk no to yba wybor jest prosty


Lowi [ Genera嚙 ]

Takich ethow to ja mam kilka ale nimam zoda ;(


Bodziu [ Lord Ironfist ]

KID --> OK, podam ci kolejny plus tego wejscia na chatke, jest szybciej, bo nie trzeba odczytywac ludzi na chacie jesli chcesz tylko pograc :)) No i nie badz stereotypem ! Mlody chlopak a taki niereformowalny, co za czasy ;DDDDD


ehhh [ Angel of Death ]

oooo zeszzzz kurrrrrnaaa sciagam i gram w singla:DD

YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! wiedzialem ze w koncu cos z tego bedzie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

Hmmm, a jak si wyjmuje jewele z item闚? I czy da si to zrobi nie trac鉍 tego jewela?


cierwopluj [ Konsul ]

da Kid - - > co do zdj璚ia twego najemnika - jak mo瞠 on miec tak wyskie resy, jeli sie nie myle to w ekwipunku shaft, gaza to za malo na wszystko po 75.

Jakie najlepsze jest aktualnie s這wo do broni?


buba [ Cuckoo For Caca ]

Czemu patch do wersji podstawowej Diablo II zajmuje 9,2 MB a do LODa tylko 4,8 MB? Wystarczy zainstalowa ten do LODa?


ehhh [ Angel of Death ]

kurna jaq to? ten pacz 9.2 mega to do diabola jest? nie do loda tylko do podstawki? bo nie chce mi sie instalowac - jaq mialem 1.07 to powiedzialo mi ze to pacz nie do tej wrsji - to zainstalowalem ten 1.09D i do niego ten 1.1 9.2 megai mi wyskoczylo ze mam wersje wyzsza niz instaluje:(((((((


da KID [ 于O ]

Bodziu --- jak dla mnie to nie jest szybciej ^^
w tym niby przedsionku nie mozna pisac
wylaze z gry - wlaze na czata - wylaze z gry - wlaze i tak w kolko - srednio mi sie to podoba
plizerzy moga sobie pisac co im sie zewnie podoba

nie lepiej zrobic ten przedpokoj tylko przy logowaniu ? a potem juz normalka ? imo tak byloby lepiej
a nie uszczesliwianie wszystkich na sile :P

cierwopluj --- w gazie i shafcie ma UM'y

breath of the dying w eterycznym weaponie jest wypasione :)


pasterka [ Paranoid Android ]

kurcze, a ja ostatnio odinstalowalam Diablo, zeby zrobic miejsce na dysku, a teraz plytke ma Siostra:(( no, ale moze w weekend juz bedzie:)


ehhh [ Angel of Death ]

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:DDDD dziala;)) moj druid bedzie teraz wymiatal:>>> i wlasnie czy teraz oplaca sie inwestowac w zbroje cyklonu? bo odpornosci wzrosly u niej - a ja bede inwestowal w armageddon, huragan +tornado ;) do tego jakis mis ale nie wiem czy inwestowac w zbrojke bo taq bym musial 'ciut' punktow zabrac dla misia
i ofkoz medrzec z zyciem


JihaaD [ Lo瘸 Szyderc闚 ]

Piotrasq - wyszedl ci najslabszy ehd jaki moze byc w mieczu.
Ja taki miecz wczoraj zlozylem i wyszlo 379 % ehd. Moglo byc godzej...Eteryka cb kupilem musze sie pochwalic tanio.
Jakby ktos mial eteryka 6 dziur lub bez berseker axe to chetnie kupie i godziwie zaplace:)


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

Nie orientujecie sie, czy w 1.10 zmienily sie zasady mf ? W opisie nic nie znalazlem, oprocz zmniejszenia dropow przez Pindla i Thresh Socket, oraz zwiekszeniu szans na unikaty u innych potworow.


JihaaD [ Lo瘸 Szyderc闚 ]



busy [ Pretorianin ]


jako ze jest to watek diablomaniakow to moze ktos chce kupic d2 + LoD oczywiscie PL. gra byla niewiele uzywana i cd-keye sa sprawdzone. w tej chwili pozyczylem gierke dla kumpla ktory pogrywa na BN. chce je sprzedac poniewaz oddalem kompa dla siostry i chce kupic ps2. moze znajdzie sie ktos chetny bo nie mam czasu sie zajmowac tym na allegro. pozdrawiam mam tez inne oryginaly oczywiscie w klimatach rpg.


JihaaD [ Lo瘸 Szyderc闚 ]

BUSY-HAHAHA a kumpel po oddaniu gry odinstaluje gre i zapomni cd key tak? :) Bo tylko pogrywa na BN a nie gra :)


legrooch [ Legend ]

JiHaaD ==>To samo chcia貫m napisa, ale stwierdzi貫m 瞠 najpierw odwie輳 w靖ek.

Mnie kumpel da do przegrania LoD. Mia貫m pirata, a dosta貫m orgina z serialem... B璠 was odwiedza!


Rjin [ Chor嚙踝蕭y ]

Kuzwa no to sie wkuzylem!

" Twoj CD Key Do gry Diablo 2 Lord Of destruction Jest aktualnie uzywany przez BLIZZARD!"

No Kuzwa co jest kto jak kto ale blizzard:[


Antrax [ Pretorianin ]

witam :P
dawno mnie tu nie bylo ale juz jestem i mam problem z tym patchem 1,10 a dokladnie rzecz biarac po jego instalaci pisze mi ze nie ma plyty w napadzie mimo tego ze on sie tam znajduje probowalme z obrazem plyty to samo :(

wie ktos moze o co z tym chodzi ??
jak tak to prosze o jakas pomoc


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

Masz pirata.


busy [ Pretorianin ]

JihaaD --> wiem ze pogrywa ale zlikwiduje konto i cd-key bedzie ok.


Cubituss [ Komputer WIAT GRY ]

uwaga, widz strasznie silne poszukiwanie 這si.

Anyways, dzisiaj a chyba zainstaluj Diabo豉 (i zap豉cz nad skasowanymi sejwami ;)) i obadam sobie tego patcha 1.10. Jak to jest na BNie? Nadal nie da si spokojnie polevelupowa, bo banda wariat闚 wpada do gry i pr鏏uje robi taxi? :) Albo wchodzi kto i rozsypuje pi瘯ne zdupowane itemy? :) Bo chyba mam ochot samotnie sobie po豉zi. Damn, gra single, czy multi, co za rozdarcie :).


Antrax [ Pretorianin ]

Piotrasq jak bym mila pirata to bym wiedzial dalczego mi sie tak robi :D a no dlatego ze mam pirata
a rzecz jest takiej tresci ze ja mam orginal D2 i D2LOD


Bodziu [ Lord Ironfist ]

busy ---> Nie chce byc uszczypliwy ale tylko glupek sie na cos takiego nabierze :((( Inaczej ja bym takiej gry na pewno nie kupil jeli zamierzalbym pogrywac w D2 na BN :)

Cubituss --> Duzo ludkow nie ma z wysokim lvl tak tz taxi ci nikt nie zrobi a nawet jesli, to mimo wysokiego lvl jest bardzo ciezko !!! Wczoraj jakis gosc mial 77lvl szybko do 99lvl na pewno nie podskoczy :)) Moze za miesiac lub dwa. ponadto gra jest troszeczke zabezpieczona przed taxi, a mianowicie trzeba pewne zadania miec zaliczone aby moc pojsc dalej. To tyle w kwestii gry, jak narazie pomykam na normie i wcale nie jest dobrze, jednak przypomina mi sie beta, norm i kosz to jeszcze w grupie ujdzie, ale Hell to powodzenia :))


busy [ Pretorianin ]

Bodziu ---> no to chyba po rybach ale z reka na sercu intencje mam szczere i zadne kanty mi nie w glowie. pozdrawiam


Shirue [ Pretorianin ]

Co te fajfusy z Blizzarda zrobili z Kr闚kami teraz jest tak trudno ze Herukels by nie dal rady sam je powalic


Cubituss [ Komputer WIAT GRY ]

Bodziu --> no i bardzo dobrze, nie chc gra 瘸dnego taxi :) Zreszt jestem rozdarty, tyle dobrych gier naoko這 :)


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

O a w豉nie chcia貫m robi pala nowego, a tu 1.10... ehhh ci篹ko b璠zie :/. Wiecie kt鏎e konkretnie questy trzeba za豉twi? No i mam jeszcze 2 pytanka :):
1. Jak si wyjmuje jewele runy itp. z item闚? I czy wyj皻e jewele zostaj czy znikaj?
2. Do czego najlepiej wsadzi Crescent Moon? (dla pala).


ehhh [ Angel of Death ]

hmm kurcze niech ktos odpowie:)
spider - thx za adres do stategii; w 1.1 da sie wyjmowac jawele??!?!?! ale zonk, to fajnie bedzie:)


Bodziu [ Lord Ironfist ]

spider -->
ad1. 1 Hel Rune + Scroll of Town Portal + Any Socketed Item = Unsocket that item
ad2. Imho --> Scourge


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

Da si wyjmowa te runy ?
Co to jest Crescent Moon i Scourge ?


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

Jak wam si podoba, moja nowa czapka dla Barba ? :)


karolS [ Centurion ]

Wczoraj zainstalowalem sobie 1.10 i na BN postac rankingowa sobie zrobilem i gralem ze 3 godziny a dzis ------------>
co to jest ?


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

Bodziu ---> Mam rozumie, 瞠 np. jewel kt鏎y by w tym itemie znika? Czy zostaje obok w kostce? No i co to ten Scourge? :)
Piotrasq ---> [link] Co do he軛iku... chyba bym wola mimo wszystko Arreat 1.09.


Shirue [ Pretorianin ]

Mam pytanko kiedy wychodzi nowy MH bo bez niego taxi zaniknie.
Mam nadzieje ze nie dlugo to sie stanie.


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]


Obra瞠nia Jednor鉍z: 3-80 (r. 41.5)
Wymagany Poziom: 57
Wymagana Si豉: 125
Wymagana Zr璚zno: 77
Zasi璕: 3
Wytrzyma這: 65
Miejsca na Klejnot: 5
Bazowa Szybko Ataku: [-10]
150% - Obra瞠nia zadane Nieumar造m

No rzeczywiscie niez貫... a jak wyglada palek z tak "maczug" ? I ile IASu potrezba do 4fps przy tej broni? Z uwzgl璠nieniem fanatyzmu (ale nie uwzgl璠niaj鉍 %iasu z niego).


-Wolver [ Pretorianin ]

I niech k**** taxi zniknie. Jedna z czynnikow ktory zabil gre IMHO. Poza tym w 1.10 nie bedzie lekko z taxi, poczytja sobie :P

Ale nie o to chodzi. Historia o ktorej chce napisac pisze jest krotka i tresciwa. Mialem dopiero teraz czas wgrac sobie patcha i wio MF barb na V akt. Zaczalem od Eldritcha i ....



-Wolver [ Pretorianin ]

Wiem ze wyglada dziwnie, ale sie spieszylem z edycja zeby jpg wszedl no i widac co trzeba ;)


FalconTm [ Genera嚙 ]

Shirue----> W zyciu codziennym tez oszukujesz? Takie programy niszcza te gre !
Gralem od samego poczatku do stycznia 2003 i o zadne taxi nigdy nie prosilem.
Po to jest gra, zeby sie troszke pomeczyc, nie sztuka jest pojsc na latwizne.


anonim3214 [ Legionista ]

przepraszam ze sie wtracam ale pewnie bedziecie znali odp na moje pytanka :))) a wiec:

jak "wyciagnac" filmy z diablo 2 (podstaw wersja) i dodatku do niego - lod'a?
wiem ze jest jakis sposob ale nie wiem jaki :(( przeszukalem plyki ale nie znalazlem zadnego katalogu video czy czegos podobnego. w warcafcie 3 jest np taki katalog i mozna skopiowac filmy na hadeka po czym zmienic rozszerzenie z .mpq na .mpg i mozna ogladac filmiki, jak to jest z diablo 2 (i lod'em)?


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

Dwa pytania:
1. Co z mojego ubzrojenia powoduje czar, po kt鏎ym wszystkie potwory naparzaj si mi璠zy sob. Jak on si nazywa ?
2. Moj Barb, co chwila zamienia si w tego pokurcza - nieumar貫go stygijczyka. To te efekt czaru z mojego uzbrojenia ? Je瞠li tak, to jak on si nazywa ?


Shirue [ Pretorianin ]

Tego nie wiedza nawet najstarsi Indianie.


-Wolver [ Pretorianin ]

Piotrasq --> nie cieszysz sie ze swojego wspanialego 'delirium'? :D To wlasnie to :)))


Shirue [ Pretorianin ]

FalconTm ----> Spoko wyluzuj i nie filozofosysuj ( LOL ) ja gram troche inaczej i ty grasz inaczej. Ja gram na cow bo je kocham i dlatego korzystam z Taxi a wzamian innym je robie jak se postac dobije Kapiszi (LOL)


spider2000 [ Master Of Windforce ]

Piotrasq --->
ad 1. Uderzenie umys逝... sprawia, ze "uderzone" potwory walcz przez jaki czas po twojej stronie (masz to z he軛u).
ad2. Te Delirium chyba.. nic innego nie przychodzi mi do h這wy

anonim3214 ---> Jest taki program MPQunpacker czy co takiego. Treezba wypakowa zawartos odpwiiedniego pliku .mpq


-Wolver [ Pretorianin ]

A naparzaja sie od 'zametu'. Po cos Ty sobie ten helm zrobil jak nie wiesz co daje ;)

Shirue --> jestem teraz najstarszym z najstarszych indian? :D


-Wolver [ Pretorianin ]

Mind Blast jeszcze dodaj do cofusion jak napisali wyzej ;)


Shirue [ Pretorianin ]

skoro tak mowisz to cos w tym jest


-Wolver [ Pretorianin ]

Confuse mialo byc :) Ale ladnie mi sie statsuje :)


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]



karolS [ Centurion ]

no i co to jest to z posta mojego z godziny 20:31 ??


pasterka [ Paranoid Android ]

Piotrasq --> i jakie wrazenia z bycia stygijczykiem? jakos sie wtedy umiejetnosci/statystyki zmieniaja?


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

pasterka --------> cholera, nie wpad貫m na to, 瞠by podejrze :))) A wygl鉅a tak ========>

Przechodzi kto Krwawe Wzg鏎za na Hellu ? Masakra. Nie s鉅z, 瞠by przy robieniu tego patcha, mysleli o samotnych graczach...


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]

Pozwolicie na odrobin prywaty i za這輳 sobie nowy w靖ek na jutro.
W pracy nie otwieraj mi si wi瘯sze, ni 150 post闚 :)


Piotrasq [ Seledynowy S這nik ]


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