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---=Warcraft III & The Frozen Throne cz.26=---


draco666 [ Konsul ]

---=Warcraft III & The Frozen Throne cz.26=---

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draco666 [ Konsul ]

Witamy w oficjalnym watku o Warcrafcie III i jego dodatku The Frozen Throne

Jesli macie jakies problemy zwiazane z gra, chcecie sie o cos spytac albo chcielibyscie zagrac na BN piszcie tu.

angel--->mam nadzieje,ze nie masz mi za zle,bo sciagnalem tego wstepniaka od ciebie :)

blaster--->bedziesz jeszcze dzisiaj na bn???


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

jestem caly czas :D


FalconTm [ Generaďż˝ ]

To ja tez sie dokleje :)

Witam !

Jestem swiezynka w Chello no i oczywiscie nie moze obejsc
sie bez problemow...Po zalozeniu gry na BN (nie ladder)
np. War3 nikt nie moze sie do mnie dolaczyc, wogole nie widac
mojej gry na liscie dostepnych.Po przelaczeniu sie na modem analogowy
lub Neo+ takowy problem nie istnieje.
Jakies sugestie? Maja cos zablokowane? Moze jakiejs uslugi nie swiadcza?

Dodam tylko ze mam publiczne IP,zadnego firewalla, proxy lub innych gowienek
typu NAT lub INS.

Uzytkownicy Chello, jezeli takowi sa poradzcie :)

Dzieki i pozdrawiam


draco666 [ Konsul ]

FalconTm--->ciezko mi cos konkretnego poradzic,bo nie mam pojecia o Chello,ale sporo ludzi nie moze zakladac gier na bn,glownie korzystajacych z sieci osiedlowych-moze oni cos ci poradza


a.i.n... [ Kenya believe it? ]

FalconTm => może goście od Chello zablokowali jakiś port...?
Tak strzelam na ślepo :/

Jak nic nie wymyślisz - po prostu zadzwoń do supportu i zapytaj :)


Angel_from_kabaty [ Pretorianin ]

draco666---->jasne, że nie mam nic przeciwko....ja sam wziąłem ten tekst powitalny z jednej z wcześniejszych części:>


Angel_from_kabaty [ Pretorianin ]

P.S. jak ktoś wymyslił dobry tekst to najlepiej go powielać w kazdym wstępniaku:)


gregoriusek [ Pretorianin ]

za namowa blastera przychodze do was z pytaniem :P

no wlasnie ;-)
Przez cale zycie gralem w gry strategiczne, przez cale zycie w ogole gralem ;-) Dodam ze nie gralem zle. JEdnak Warcraft dal mi kopa w pupsko ;-) Na bnecie ciagle przegrywam , mam przerazajace statsy. Nie wiem w koncu ktora greac rasa i jaka stosowac taktyke. Wygralem jedynie 13 razy a przegralem 33 . Dodam ze wygrywalem glownie z noobami .. Pomocy, ludzie powiedzcie jakie macie taktyki jakimi rasami ktore przynosha wam wiecej zwyciest od porazek.

ps. sorx za moja pisownie , annihilator pewnie sie przyczepi ;P , ale ja jush mam tak we krwi i cieshko mi przejsc na ludzka pisownie
ps2. co te diablo z czlowiekiem zrobilo... '-)


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

OK a wiec:
1. Najlepiej ogladaj duzo repow dobrych graczy(najwyzej uplasowani w rankingach) ,ktore znajdziesz na www
2.Co do ras to PODOBNO sa one zbalansowane.
3.Co do taktyk to trudno powiedziec bo jest ich duzo i sa rozne.
4.Masz jakiegos repa swojego? Moglibysmy dac Ci jakies wskazowki co do gry


War [ dance of death ]

Mam dość nietypowe pytanie, ale moze ktos wie :
Mam podstawowe W3 pirata (no niestety :|). Czy jeśli bym kupił FT orginalne, mógłbym grać na BN ???


Beaverus [ Bounty Hunter ]

Mam takei pytanie czy jesli mam warcrafr 3 PL a frozen throne ANG to czy bedzie to dzialac ?
z gory dzieki za odpowiedz


niggaz [ Chor��y ]

BIG PROBLEM!!Mam windowsa xp gforca 4mx440 i powazny problem z frozen thronem.Mianowicie podczas uruchamiania gry dzieja sie dziwne rzeczy.Menu sie laduje poczzym gra sie z gruchy ni z pietruchy sie wiesi.Cholernie mnie to wkurza bo sobie pograc nie moge a z tego co slyszalem to warto.Wiec pomozcie!! co to moze byc?? detonatoty mam najnowsze..A warcraft 3 tez sie wiesza..;(;(


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

War --> Nie jestem pewien, ale wydaje mi się, że BN sprawdza cdkey zarówno z podstawki, jak i z dodatku...

Beaverus --> Zarówno podstawka, jak i dodatek muszą być w tym samym języku.


gregoriusek [ Pretorianin ]

War- ja tak gram i mi dziala aczkolwiek nie jestem z tego dumny ;-)
Blaster- repy to repleye ? Nie uzywaj takich trudnych wyrazow przy rozmowach ze mna :-)


Beaverus [ Bounty Hunter ]

Mam pytanie , bawil sie ktos edytorem do war 3, ?
Chodzi mi o to ze jak mam klif zrobiony i on ma ostre zbocza nie da sie na niego wyjsc, da sie zrobic jakis jakbby podjazd zeby z poziomu 0 , wejsc na ten klif,
zalaczam rysuneczek :D chodzi mi o to zeby dalo sie na ten klif co na screenshocie , wejsc


Beaverus [ Bounty Hunter ]

ups zapomnialem rysuneczka o to on



Beaverus [ Bounty Hunter ]

OK juz wiem , sorrki za statsowanie :D


ICEMAN_11 [ Pretorianin ]

opłaca sie ssac wersje pl?


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

ICEMAN_11 ---> pod jakim wzgledem oplacalnosci? :-)


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

btw. Z okazji mojej rocznicy (rok na GOLu) chcialem pozdrowic wszystkich forumowiczow GOLa ,a szczegolnie z watku WarCrafta i caly sqad BP :-)
PS. Nie chcialem tworzyc specjalnego tematu bo wiem jak go forumowicze nie lubia :)


draco666 [ Konsul ]

blaster--->dzieki za pozdrowienia,oto prezent dla ciebie :) ----->

niggaz--->jak dokladnie "wyglada" to zawieszanie sie war-a,napisz cos wiecej

mac--->kiedy cie znow zobaczymy na bn?

gregoriusek--->nie martw sie z czasem to przyjdzie,statsy nie sa najwazniejsze ;)


Beaverus [ Bounty Hunter ]

Witam, i juz chyba wiele osob pogralo w Frozen Throne, wiec :
co wam sie tam podoba , jakies nowosci, co fajnego dodali, a co wam sie nie podoba :D


draco666 [ Konsul ]

Bedzie ktos dzisiaj na bn???

Beaverus--->dlugo by gadac,mnie wszystkie zmiany przypadly do gustu ;)


draco666 [ Konsul ]

blaster--->no niestety plan nie dokonca wykonany,jest 15:16,a mialo byc w druga strone :(
ale najdziwniejsze jest to,ze mialem dzisiaj 2zwiechy i tam gdzie byl pewny win(zostalo pare budynkow do zburzenia) mecz wogole nie zostal zaliczony do statsytyk,a tam gdzie porazka mecz jest w statystykach :/

wazne,ze juz tylko 10 win-ow do ikonki :]


draco666 [ Konsul ]

I jeszcze obrazek na poprawienie humoru :)


draco666 [ Konsul ]

Czemu mam wrazenie,ze gadam do siebie w tym watku ;P

Ja dzisiaj tradycyjnie rozpoczynam o 24 walke o ikonke,mam nadzieje,ze ktos mi dotrzyma towarzystwa :)


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

draco666 --> Ja pojawię się chyba dopiero w piątek. Mam pewne problemy z systemem i neostradą i wolę na razie nie grać w W3:/


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

draco666 ----> niech Cie glowa o to nie boli napewno jakis towarzysz bedzie do 4 rano :-)


Miniu [ Generaďż˝ ]

Po 23 ja bede. TFT dostalem juz w poniedzialek i na razie mam za soba dwa dni gry. Singiel jest strasznie prosty.


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

Patch 1.11 do TFT

- PATCH 1.11


- Classic Campaign unit damage has been adjusted to match 1.01 values.
- Some custom maps would crash because they had pre-1.10 data embedded in them.
- Czech-only: fixed a crash with the display news items.
- Fixed a number of text strings within our localized versions.
- Fixed a number of hotkeys within our localized versions.

- PATCH 1.10



- Further information regarding modifying hotkeys can be found in your
Warcraft III installation directory.


- Numerous maps have had minor improvements made to them.


- Lumber Mill cost reduced to 120 from 145.
- Lumber upgrade now gives +10 lumber capacity per level of the upgrade, up
from +5 lumber capacity per level of the upgrade.
- Human masonry upgrade cost reduced to 100/25, 125/50 and 150/75 from 100/100,
125/175, 175/250.
- Guard Towers and Arcane Towers now cost 70/50 to upgrade, down from 80/60.
- Mortar Teams now have a limitless supply of flares. However, a particular
Mortar Team can only use a flare once per 2 minutes.
- Flying Machine damage versus air increased to 12-13 from 7-8.
- Gryphon Aviary cost changed to 140/150 from 120/240.
- Gryphon Aviaries now require a Keep instead of a Castle. However, both the
Cloud upgrade and Gryphon Riders require a Castle to access.
- Dragonhawk Riders are now correctly a level 3 unit instead of a level 5 unit.
This only impacts the experience gained when they are killed.
- Dragonhawk Rider build time reduced to 30 from 45.
- Spell Breaker hit points reduced to 600 from 650.
- Spell Breaker armor type changed to Medium.
- Mana cost of Spell Steal increased to 75.
- Scroll of Regeneration now heals 225 hit points over its 45 second duration,
up from 150 hit points.
- Thunder Clap damage reduced to 60/100/140 from 70/110/150.
- Orb of Fire cost reduced to 375 from 400 and splash radius increased to 140
from 125.
- Priest heal effect increased to 25 hit points per cast, up from 20; Priest
heal mana cost increased to 5 from 4.
- Sorceress damage increased to 10-12 from 8-10.
- Powerbuild has been improved. Each additional Peasant contributes 60% of
the speed of the first, up from 50%.

- Crypt Fiend damage reduced from 28-33 to 26-31.
- Burrowed Crypt Fiends now heal 5 hp/sec down from 10 hp/sec.
- Ghoul hit points upgraded to 340 from 330.
- Orb of Corruption cost was reduced to 375 from 400, and its armor decrease
has gone to 5 from 4.
- Rod of Necromancy cooldown increased from 15 to 22.
- Carrion Swarm max damage reduced to 300/600/1000 from 375/700/1000 and
damage per target reduced to 75/125/200 from 100/150/200.
- Impale area of effect width reduced to 250 from 300.
- Gargoyles now require Halls of the Dead instead of Black Citadel.
- Obsidian Statue Spirit Touch now replenishes 4 mana per casting, down from 5.
- Obsidian Statue Aura of Blight effect reduced to 10 hp/sec from 12 hp/sec.
- Boneyard cost changed to 175/200 from 125/250.
- Halls of the Dead and Black Citadel deal one quarter as much damage as
previously, but now possess a frost attack similar to that of Nerubian Towers.
- Nerubian Tower damage reduced to 1d2 + 8 from 1d2 + 10.
- The Tomb of Relics now sells Dust of Appearance, but no longer sells
Lesser Clarity Potions.
- Devour Magic now heals 50 hit points per spell devoured, up from 25, and
restores 75 mana, up from 50.
- Destroyer damage reduced to 19-21 from 21-24.
- Frost Wyrm damage increased to 93-115 from 85-105.

- Demolisher damage reduced from 82-102 to 76-94.
- Kodo Beasts are now Unarmored.
- Raiders now have a base armor of 1, up from 0.
- Ensnare duration increased to 15 from 12, and range increased to 500 from 400.
- Shockwave area of effect width reduced to 250 from 300.
- Chain Lightning base damage reduced to 85/125/180 from 100/140/180.
- Feral Spirit mana cost reduced to 75 from 100 and cooldown increased to 25
from 15.
- Tauren Chieftain speed increased to 270 from 250.
- The Tauren Chieftain now has a smaller collision size: 32 down from 48.
This means that he takes up less space on the ground.
- Purge has been improved. It no longer slows friendly units when used on
them, and it causes enemies to stop for a brief moment when first cast (in
addition to slowing them later).
- Wind Riders no longer require a Fortress to be built.
- Wind Rider damage reduced to 36-44 from 39-47.
- Wind Rider poison now deals 4 damage a second, up from 3.3 damage a second.
- Wind Rider speed reduced to 320 from 350.
- Tauren Totem cost changed to 135/155 from 90/200.
- Orb of Lightning cost reduced to 375 from 400.
- The Voodoo Lounge now sells Lesser Clarity Potions, but no longer sells Dust
of Appearance.
- Spirit Link mana cost reduced to 75 from 100.
- Mirror Image cost reduced to 125 from 150.
- Blademaster's base Agility increased to 24 from 23.

Night Elf
- Entangle duration versus Heroes reduced to 3/4/5 from 3/5/7.
- Fan of Knives maximum damage reduced to 300/625/950 from 350/675/950, and
damage per target reduced to 75/120/180 from 90/135/180.
- Chimaera splash increments reduced by 50 for quarter, 25 for half. This
effectively means that Chimaeras will do less splash damage than previously.
- Mana Flare has had a bug fixed that was preventing multiple Mana Flares from
attacking multiple targets at the same time. As a result, Mana Flare has
been rebalanced, and deals up to 90 damage to targets in a 250 area when a
unit casts a spell, down from 125 damage.
- Archer hit points reduced to 240 from 310.
- Archers now have a new passive ability, Elune's Grace. This ability grants
them 35% damage reduction against Piercing attacks, and 20% damage reduction
against spells.
- Hippogryph Rider hit points decreased to 765 from 835 and armor increased to
1 from 0.
- Dryad damage increased from 15-17 to 16-18.
- Mountain Giant base armor increased to 4 from 0 and hit points increased to
1600 from 1400.
- Hardened Skin upgrade cost reduced to 100/175 from 100/250, and damage
reduction reduced to 12 from 15.
- Chimaera Roost cost changed to 140/190 from 100/230.
- Orb of Venom cost reduced to 375 from 400 and poison damage/sec increased
to 7 from 6.

Neutral Buildings, Units, and Heroes
- Forked Lightning damage reduced to 85/160/250 from 100/175/250.
- Tornado now deals 7 damage a second to buildings in its general vicinity
(down from 10) and 50 damage to buildings it is over (down from 80), and
it now costs 250 mana to cast, up from 150.
- Silence area of effect increased from 150/250/350 to 200/275/350.
- Mercenaries cost 25% more gold than previously.
- Mud Golem availability delayed to second day.
- Summoned Doom Guard hit points increased to 1600 from 1350.
- Howl of Terror % damage reduction increased by 5% at all levels.
- Zeppelin hit points increased to 575 from 500.
- Forest Troll Shadow Priests have had their starting availability delayed
by 60 seconds to 120 seconds.
- The Beastmaster now has a smaller collision size: 32 down from 48.
This means that he takes up less space on the ground.

- Scroll of Restoration is now a level 5 item instead of a level 6 item.

- Town Portal now takes 5 seconds to activate, up from 3.
- Units killed in a transport will "spill out" over a wider area. This means
that surrounding a webbed transport and killing it will generally not kill
the passengers.
- Tavern instant revive costs three times more lumber than previously.
- Heroes revived at the Tavern now are brought back to life with 0 mana and
50% health.
- Tier 3 town halls all cost 20 lumber and 20 gold less.
- At tiers 2 and 3, a player who owns only one Hero (dead Heroes count) will
gain bonus experience. This bonus is 10% at tier 2, and 20% at tier 3.
This affects all experience gain--both from killing creeps and enemy units.



- All multiplayer maps that were shipped with the original product have
been patched to have improved item drop tables.
- Some maps have been additionally improved with other minor enhancements.
- Tranquil Paths now has random creeps.


- Devotion Aura now gives 1.5/3/4.5 armor per level.
- Powerbuild effectiveness has been reduced to 60% of its previous strength
in terms of how much speed additional Peasants add when supporting the
construction of a building. Note that the cost increase per additional
Peasant is unchanged.
- Thunder Clap damage reduced to 60/100/140 from 70/110/150.
- Gyrocopter damage increased to 27-32 from 25-30.

- Shade speed increased to 350 from 270, but hit points reduced to 125
from 250.
- Animate Dead's duration reduced to 40 from 120, cooldown reduced from
180 to 240. Additionally, animated units are invulnerable, but can
still be dispelled.
- Death Pact and Dark Ritual can now be used on invulnerable units.
- Carrion Swarm max damage reduced to 300/600/1000 from 375/700/1000 and
damage per target reduced to 75/125/200 from 100/150/200.
- Halls of the Dead and Black Citadel attack cooldown is now 2 seconds
up from 1 second, and their damage has been reduced by 33% as well
- Gargoyle attack versus air decreased to 1d11 + 43 from 1d13 + 50 to
reflect new air pathing changes.

- Wind Walk now has a cooldown of 5 seconds, costs 75 mana at all levels
(changed from 100/75/25), and deals "backstab" damage. When a Blademaster
attacks while using Wind Walk, he deals bonus damage to his victim.
- Lightning Shield range increased to 600 from 500.
- Ensnare duration increased to 15 from 12, and range increased to 500
from 400.
- Feral Spirit mana cost reduced to 75 from 100 and cooldown increased to
25 from 15.
- Shockwave area of effect width reduced to 250 from 300.
- Chain Lightning base damage reduced to 85/125/180 from 100/140/180.
- Tauren Chieftain speed increased to 270 from 250.
- The Tauren Chieftain now has a smaller collision size: 32 down from 48.
This means that he takes up less space on the ground.
- Wyvern hit points increased to 600 from 500.
- Wyvern poison now lasts 25 seconds and deals 4 damage a second.
- Headhunter cooldown reduced to 2.26 from 2.34.
- Berserker Strength now requires a Stronghold instead of a Fortress.
- Mirror Image cost reduced to 125 from 150.

Night Elves
- Dryad damage increased from 15-17 to 16-18.
- Entangle now prevents an affected unit from attacking, and interrupts
channeling spells such as Blizzard and Starfall. However, its duration
has been reduced to 12(3)/24(4)/36(5) (unit(Hero)).
- Treants created by Force of Nature now benefit from the Nature's Blessing
- Mana Burn cooldown is now 7/6/5 seconds by level, down from 7/7/7 seconds
by level.
- Tranquility cooldown reduced to 60 from 120.
- Tranquility mana cost reduced to 125 from 200.
- Cyclone no longer affects mechanical units.
- Rejuvenation can now be cast on units at full health.
- Ancients now attack while rooted.
- Hippogryph attack decreased from 1d9 + 37 to 1d7 + 31 to reflect new
air pathing changes.
- Chimaera splash increments reduced by 50 for quarter, 25 for half. This
effectively means that Chimaeras will do less splash damage than previously.

- Items have been revamped with new level tables. Items now have a level
from 1 to 8, along with one of several categories. Items of levels 1 to 6
can be charged items, permanent items, or powerups. Items of level 7 or
higher are artifacts.
Examples: Wand of Lightning Shield (charged), Stone Token (charged), Ring
of Protection +2 (permanent), Tome of Strength +2 (powerup), Mask of Death
- You can now sell items at the Goblin Merchant by right-clicking on an item,
and then "dropping" it onto a Goblin Merchant.
- Scroll of Town Portal now takes 5 seconds to use. During this time it is
being "channeled", and the Hero using it cannot be attacked or stunned.
Under no circumstances can the town portal be aborted once started.
- Wand of Illusion can no longer be cast on hostile units. This change was
made to prevent players from cheesing high level creep camps by using Wand
of Illusion on high level creeps, and then using this illusionary creep to
tank the damage.
- Boots of Speed no longer stack: two Boots of Speed will make a Hero just
as fast as one.

- When "attack-moving", air units now prefer to attack other air units more
often than previously.
- Creeps that are not in combat now ignore flying units. This means that if
you move flying units around using "move" instead of "attack move", creeps
will generally not attack them.
- Creeps can no longer be dragged via constant attacks--they eventually give
up and return to their start location.
- Goblin Sappers now deal 750 damage to buildings, 250 damage to all units,
and 185 damage to Heroes. These values are reduced by armor values such as
'5 armor', but do not interact with armor types (e.g. 'Medium armor').
- Units in a transport over ground will "spill out" over a wider area. This
means that surrounding a webbed transport and killing it will generally
not kill the passengers.

NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions. (1.07 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.10 version of Warcraft III.) Custom save games will
not load from version 1.07.

- PATCH 1.06


Improved Counterability
Unarmored Light Medium Heavy Fortified Hero
Normal 100% 150% 100% 100% 50% 100%
Piercing 150% 75% 100% 150% 35% 50%
Siege 150% 50% 100% 100% 150% 50%
Magic 75% 100% 200% 100% 50% 50%
Hero 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 100%

You can find further information related to armor and damage types on our
web site at

Spellcaster Rebalance
- Most spellcasters (Sorceress, Priest, Shaman, Witch Doctor, Necromancer,
Banshee, Druid of the Talon) have been re-balanced. In general, units
with piercing damage rip up spellcasters, while basic melee units, such
as Ghouls or Footmen, are weak against spellcasters. The specific
changes to the units in question are:
* They have a new armor type, unarmored, which takes bonus damage from
siege and piercing attacks.
* They also have a new damage type, magic, which does reduced damage to
fortified and hero armor, but does bonus damage against medium armor.
* They had their damage adjusted, typically downwards.
* They no longer gain damage as they go up in level, and gain less
hitpoints as they go up in level (but start with more hitpoints when
initially built)
* Many autocast buffs and debuff costs reduced.
* Casters, including Dryads, have had their mana regeneration rates
boosted by 30%.

Hero Damage
- Heroes now have an aptly named hero damage type. It deals 100% damage
to everything except fortified armor, to which it deals 50% damage. Hero
damage was added so that heroes no longer strongly counter ranged units
such as Archers and Crypt Fiends.

Advanced Structures
- Most advanced technology structures had their build times reduced. This
reduction ranged from 20 seconds for especially underused structures, to
10 seconds for less underused structures. For instance, the Slaughterhouse
builds 20 seconds faster now, while the Arcane Sanctum build time was only
reduced 10 seconds.

- Flares now cost 75/25 to research, down from 100/50.
- Inner Fire cost increased to 35, from 25.
- Slow cost reduced to 40 from 50.
- Slow duration vs heroes reduced to 10 seconds from 20 seconds.
- Thunderclap debuff is 50% at all levels, and lasts 5/3 at all levels.

- Curse now causes a 33% chance to miss, up from 25%.
- Curse now lasts 2 minutes, up from 1 minute.
- Curse cost reduced to 40 mana from 50.
- Web lasts 12 seconds, down from 20 seconds, and has a cooldown of 12
seconds, down from 20 seconds.
- Carrion Swarm max damage increased to 375/700/1000 from 300/550/800.
- Carrion Swarm no longer hits wards.
- Boneyard cost reduced to 250/100 from 350/125.
- Acolytes now have 220 health, up from 180.
- Necropolis cost reduced to 300 gold, down from 350 gold.
- Black Citadel now has 2000 hitpoints, down from 2300.
- Halls of the Dead now has 1750 hitpoints, down from 2000.

- Bloodlust cost reduced from 50 mana to 40 mana.
- Raiders now have light armor instead of heavy armor.
- Raider Ensnare lasts 12 seconds, down from 20 seconds, and has a cooldown
of 12 seconds, down from 20 seconds.
- Bladestorm cooldown reduced to 3 minutes, down from 4 minutes.

Night Elves
- Cyclone duration on units increased to 15 from 10.
- Faerie Fire cost reduced to 35 from 75.
- Chimaera Roost cost reduced to 230/70 from 280/100
- Ancients temporarily lose their fortified armor when they uproot,
becoming medium armor units.
- Dryads now have the unarmored armor type. This change was made to
further specialize Dryads as melee killers, but allow piercing damage
units, such as Crypt Fiends and Archers, to counter them more
- Dryad hitpoints increased to 435 from 380.

- All basic siege units (Mortar Teams, Catapults, etc.) have had their night
sight increased to 1100 from 1000.

- Creep-cast Polymorph duration reduced to 25.
- Creep autocast Heal heals 12 hp a cast not 15.
- Lightning Lizards, Thunder Lizards and Storm Wyrms no longer friendly
fire - their attacks only hit hostile targets.
- Lightning Lizard damage reduced from 1d8 + 16 to 1d8 + 14
- Thunder Lizard damage reduced from 1d11+30 to 1d8+26.
- Centaur Impaler hitpoints reduced to 350 from 450.

- Anhk of Reincarnation is now a level 7 item.
- Potion of Restoration now heals 500 health and 200 mana, rather than fully
replenishing a hero's health and mana.
- Scroll of Restoration now heals 300 health and 150 mana, rather than fully
replenishing all targets health and mana.
- Tome of Experience is now a level 5 item
- Scroll of Protection cost reduced to 150

NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.05 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.06 version of Warcraft III).

- PATCH 1.05


- Fixed a problem with viewing certain replays.

- PATCH 1.04c


- Dates now use the system date format.
- Fixed some issues related to IME text input.
- Fixed some minor text wrapping issues that were occurring with Asian languages.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to keep Castles and Keeps alive for
abnormal lengths of time while those buildings were under attack.

- PATCH 1.04


- Fixed an issue related to full shared unit control and allied play that could
cause one or more players to lose the ability to train or upgrade their own
- Fixed an issue that caused the experience point bars in profiles
to improperly reflect recently gained or lost points.
- Fixed a graphic issue related to the ladder profile and the scroll bar.


- Divine Shield duration increased to 15/30/45 from 10/20/30.
- Divine Shield cooldown changed to 35/50/65 from 60/60/60.
- Avatar cooldown increased to 180 from 120.
- Resurrection mana cost reduced to 200 from 250.
- Sorceress acquisition range increased to 700 from 600, improving the
frequency with which Slow is auto-cast.

- Banshee acquisition range increased to 700 from 500, improving the frequency
with which Curse is auto-cast.
- Anti-magic Shell is once again dispellable. A summoned unit under a shell
does not take damage from the dispel, but will lose the shell.
- Anti-magic Shell mana cost reduced to 50 from 75.
- Sleep duration decreased on Hero units to 5/10/15 from 10/20/30.
- Web duration decreased on Hero units to 7 from 20.
- Animate Dead mana cost reduced to 250 from 300.
- Player-controlled Ghouls no longer turn off pathing against units when they
are instructed to harvest lumber.
- Possession now takes 1 second to cast, up from 0.

- Wards are no longer hit by Huntress Moon Glaive bounce.
- Critical Strike no longer receives damage from Thorns Aura. However, the
Blademaster's base attack associated with a Critical Strike still interacts
with Thorns appropriately.

Night Elves
- Thorns no longer interacts with Critical Strike.
- Mana Burn mana cost reduced to 50 from 75.
- Mana Burn drain amount reduced to 50/100/150 from 100/200/300.
- Mana Burn cooldown reduced to 7 from 9.
- Huntress damage reduced to 1d3+14 from 1d3+15.
- Metamorphosis cooldown increased to 180 from 120.
- Cyclone duration reduced to 10/5.5 from 30/6 (normal unit/Hero units).
- Starfall cooldown increased to 180 from 120.
- Druid of the Talon (in Night Elf form) acquisition range increased to 700
from 600, improving the frequency with which Faerie Fire is auto-cast.
- Ballista Impaling Bolt no longer functions with "Attack Ground."
- Ancient Protector cost reduced to 160/80 from 240/100.
- Ancient Protector hit points increased to 600 from 550.
- Ancient Protector armor decreased to 1 from 2.
- Ancient Protector minimum range reduced to 0 from 200.
- Ancient Protector ranged attack damage reduced to 1d10+44 from 1d13+51.
- Ancient Protector damage type changed to pierce from siege.
- Ancient Protector splash damage reduced.

- Murloc Mutant damage increased to 1d5+24 from 1d2+12.


- Many minor changes were made to many maps due to the balance changes made in
patch 1.03 and patch 1.04. Some examples include:
(4) Lost Temple - Added more shallow water to the islands. Center creep camp
is a bit harder. Added Ogre Magi to the corner Ogre creep camps.
(6) Moonglade - Reduced all creep camps approximately 2 levels.
(8) The Crucible - All start locations should now be very similar, close to
trees with enough room to build. All Goblin Merchant creep camps are
now farther off the main path.
(10) Dustwallow Keys - Fixed the choke point in the bottom left. Moved
Razormane creeps off the main paths.
(12) Ice Crown - Fixed the creep levels so that all camps are equal.

NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions. (1.03 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.04 version of Warcraft III.) Custom save games will
not load from versions 1.03 and below.

- PATCH 1.03


- Each AI player can now be set to one of three different settings:
Easy, Normal, and Insane.
- Allied AI will teleport to human allies' towns when the towns are under
- Allied AI will ping the minimap to indicate where they are going to attack
- Messages can now be sent when the "Waiting for Players" dialog is up.
- Added PowerPC optimizations and MacOS X 10.2 specific acceleration to the
graphics engine.


- Fixed an issue with building reimbursement that could credit a player twice
for canceling a building.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when the system date was set to > 2038.
- Fixed map loading crash that could result from custom units that sell too
many items.
- Fixed crash with Avance Sound cards. The fix requires a minor change to your
registry. If you are experiencing this problem, please contact our technical
support staff.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when loading a corrupted save file.
- Fixed a crash that could occur on custom maps during some unit creation
- Fixed an issue causing localized versions of maps to be passed unnecessar-
- Fixed Mass Teleport crash that could result from a target unit's dying
before spell completes.
- Fixed save/load map interaction that could result in an unresponsive game.
- Fixed an issue related to unit selection and upgrading Human towers.
- Fixed an issue with Dreadlord that could cause him to not take damage
from Unholy Frenzy if he had the Sleep skill.
- Fixed some AI mining issues that could occur when their original town
hall was destroyed.
- Fixed an AMM chat message bug that could disconnect you if an AMM team
game message was sent just before game launch.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to save after choosing "Continue" in a
single-player mission.
- Fixed a supply issue related to the Demon Hunter and his Metamorphosis
- Fixed Zeppelin drop exploit as a method of building locating through fog
of war.
- Fixed an issue with saving while "Waiting for Players" dialog was up that
could result in a soft lock.
- Fixed an issue that could create an invincible Mountain King.
- Fixed an issue related to graphical display of auras from aura-generating
- Fixed an issue with Anti-magic Shell so it now properly interacts with
magic-immune and non-magic-immune summoned units.
- Fixed disappearance of Sentinel owl in conjunction w/ AOE-targeting
- Fixed an issue with Huntress' bouncing missile that would allow it to hit
a secondary target even if it missed the primary target.
- Fixed an issue with rooted Ancients that would cause them to trigger
Goblin Land Mines.
- Fixed an issue related to Hero illusions' carrying a Ring of Protection.
- Fixed an issue with Town Portal spell art.
- Fixed an issue with hit point/mana upgrades and Polymorph.
- Fixed an issue with the Abolish Magic ability and allies.
- Fixed an issue with poison that could kill a unit. Poison, by itself,
should only take a unit to the brink of death.
- Fixed an issue related to the interaction of Shift-adding units to a group
and unit deaths.
- Fixed an issue related to replays, selection circles, and changing player
- Fixed an issue with Cyclone and moving units creating aerial footprints.
- Fixed keyboard screen scroll and "Waiting for Players" interaction.
- Fixed several minor text and tooltip issues.
- Fixed a few improper combat sound assignments on creeps and NPCs.
- Frost Wyrm attack now also slows air units.
- AI Keepers of the Grove no longer cast Force of Nature on different cliff
- Night Elf AI now uses the Wisp's Renew ability effectively.
- Disease (Plague) and poison no longer wake sleeping units.
- Moon Glaive bounce no longer hits invisible units.
- Demon Hunter's attack while in Demon Form no longer damages self or allies.
- Upgraded building shadows no longer update through the fog of war.
- Necklace of Spell Immunity no longer drops a Blademaster's Wind Walk.
- Observers no longer gain full player UI when entering a loaded game.
- Observers no longer get gold/lumber/supply UI when selecting neutral
- Fog of war updates properly now if you are alt-tabbed out of game.
- War3 now warns you when you save game or screenshot or profile if there's
not enough available disk space.
- Improved "We're Under Attack" messages so they trigger at more appropriate


- Fixed Macintosh World Editor crash.
- Added Unit Editor field for building upgrades.
- Increased number of possible dialog buttons from 5 to 12.
- Added blank entries for all units that don't normally have abilities or
attacks, allowing a user to potentially add these through the Unit Editor.
- Added Unit Editor field to set unit sounds to that of another unit type.
- Reorganized limits on pre-placed neutral units. Neutral hostile
buildings now count towards the "unit" limit of 512, and only passive
buildings count towards the "building" limit of 96.
- Fixed bug where map auto-save could bypass object limit checks.
- Fixed Sound Editor bug that would sometimes delete an imported sound file
from the map if it was imported from outside the War3 directory and the
Test Map feature was used before the map was saved.
- Fixed force issue that would cause Force 11 when you selected Force 10
for a trigger in the editor.


- Brilliance Aura has been reworked, and is no longer % based. It now adds
a fixed amount of mana per second to units under its power -- .75, 1.5,
and 2.25 respectively by level. While it's just as effective with mass spell-
casters, players will find it is less powerful (though still exceedingly
useful) with Heroes.
- Divine Shield now costs 25 mana, down from 75.
- Blizzard no longer goes up in radius as the level of the ability increases.
- Water elementals now last 60 seconds, down from 75.

- Gargoyles' ground attack was substantially upgraded. They now do 21-24
damage, up from 16-18 damage. They also have less armor (3, down from 5),
but also hit harder against air units, doing 51-63 damage, up from 46-57
damage. Note that they are still just as effective against air units as
they were before, but their ground attack has been much improved.
- Death Pact now costs 50 mana (down from 75), and can be cast twice as
frequently as before (15 seconds cooldown from 30).
- Lich Heroes now have far more hit points, as they now have 15 str + 2/level,
up from 13 + 1.6/level.
- Frost Armor is now an auto-cast spell which will target units under attack
if auto-casting is enabled. Frost Armor also costs less mana -- 40 down
from 50.
- The Spirit Tower Upgrade now costs 160/40, up from 120/40.
- Crypt Fiends' attack was slightly improved.

- Headhunters have more hit points (350, up from 280), but also strike more
- Stasis Trap no longer stuns friendly units, but has a shorter duration
(6 seconds, down from 12 seconds). Stasis Traps, when they are set off,
also destroy other Stasis Traps within their area of effect.
- Kodo Beasts now have 1000 hit points, up from 790 hit points. They also
attack more slowly than before.
- Orc Barracks cost less lumber: 50, down from 70.
- Watch Towers now do 16-18 damage, down from 19-22 damage.
- Grunts now have 700 hit points, up 20 from 680.
- Shaman's attack is far less powerful. They attack somewhat more slowly,
and also do 11-12 damage, down from 14-16 damage.
- Stasis Ward and Sentry Ward no longer inhibit movement or building

Night Elves
- Sentinel can now be removed from a tree with various dispels (Wand of
Negation, Dryads, etc.), as well by attacking the tree with a peon or siege
unit (previously, the tree had to be destroyed -- now it merely has to be
- Mana Burn no longer affects units with Mana Burn (Demon Hunters, Satyr
Soulstealers, Felhounds, etc.).
- Thorns is now a %-based ability that reflects 10%, 20% or 30% of melee
damage dealt by level.
- Wisp's sight radius increased by 25%.
- Detonate now does 225 damage against summoned creatures, up from 150.
- Non-tree buildings now have 5 armor, up from 2.
- Ballistae now have an "Attack Ground" command.
- Force of Nature cooldown reduced to 20 seconds, down from 30 seconds.
- Treants now last 60 seconds, down from 75 seconds.
- Eating trees now gives a constant, non-stacking healing effect for 10
- Moon Wells now spend mana on health and mana replenishment separately. For
instance, if you sent a 0-mana, nearly dead Demon Hunter to a Moon Well,
and the Moon Well had 100 mana, your DH would gain 25 mana, and 100 health.
Before, the Hero would gain 200 health and 50 mana. This change does not
affect the benefits of healing a unit without mana.

- All melee creeps in between levels 1 and 5 are slightly more powerful.
- All creeps of level 6 or higher now have Hero magic resistance.
- Creeps of level 7 or higher will behave more intelligently in general.
- All creeps of level 7 or higher now deal Chaos damage.
- Level 10 Dragons no longer have spell immunity.
- Many minor creep balance tweaks to damage and abilities.
- Mercenaries are now more accurately priced in general, which in most
cases amounts to price decreases.

- Scepter of Mastery no longer will drop randomly in multiplayer maps.
- Tome of Power, Mask of Death both increased in level (8 to 9 and 8 to 10
- Wand of Lightning Shield is now a level-3 item, down from level 6.
- Sentry Ward item now comes with 3 charges, down from 5.
- Periapt of Vitality now gives 150 hps, up from 100.
- Pendant of Mana now gives 250 mana, down from 300.
- Tome of Experience now gives Heroes 150 experience points, down from 200.

NOTE: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions. (1.02 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.03 version of Warcraft III.)

- PATCH 1.02a

- Added localized messages.

- PATCH 1.02


- Fixed an issue that allowed players to abuse dragons with Devour.
- Fixed an issue with dragons that could cause them to divert attacks.


- Necklace of Immunity, Tome of Greater Experience, and Goblin Land Mines
no longer randomly drop in multiplayer games.
- Scroll of Resurrection & Scroll of Animate Dead item level increased.
- Bridges are no longer destroyable on the (6)Stromguarde.w3m map.

NOTE: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions. (1.01 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.02 version of Warcraft III.)

- PATCH 1.01c

- Fixed an issue with copy protection for certain DVD drives.

- PATCH 1.01b
- Fixed a problem where players were disconnected from a game as it was
starting and thus getting a loss.

- PATCH 1.01

** Welcome to Warcraft III and improved! **

This patch contains various data and code updates necessary for play on as well as some minor balance changes.


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

upss maly erro nie potrzebnie kopiowalem zmiany z poprzednich patchy :(
macie jeszcze raz te zmiany.
- PATCH 1.11


- Classic Campaign unit damage has been adjusted to match 1.01 values.
- Some custom maps would crash because they had pre-1.10 data embedded in them.
- Czech-only: fixed a crash with the display news items.
- Fixed a number of text strings within our localized versions.
- Fixed a number of hotkeys within our localized versions.


Miniu [ Generaďż˝ ]

Nowy patch. Zmiany czystko kosmetyczne

- PATCH 1.11


- Classic Campaign unit damage has been adjusted to match 1.01 values.
- Some custom maps would crash because they had pre-1.10 data embedded in them.
- Czech-only: fixed a crash with the display news items.
- Fixed a number of text strings within our localized versions.
- Fixed a number of hotkeys within our localized versions.


Miniu [ Generaďż˝ ]

Huh a ja klikalm na nowy post przez piec minut zeby pojawilo sie to okienko


draco666 [ Konsul ]

blaster--->jak przykazales tak sie stalo,czyli jest 20win-ow i bilans w rt 20:18,brakuje chyba tylko 1win-a do 8lvl :)
dzisiaj dobry dzien(choc nie tak jak twoj)-bilans 5:2

Mac--->mam nadzieje,ze uda ci sie wszystko naprawic-czekamy w piatek :D

chyba jutro nie robie przerwy,przekimam sie troche w czasie meczu,a od 24 do roboty ;)


Miniu [ Generaďż˝ ]

A ja mialem takie lagi ze nawet jednejgry nie rozegralem.:(


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

draco666 -----> wczorajszy bilans to 7 -1 :P


draco666 [ Konsul ]

blaster--->ale dzisiaj w nocy to nam za dobrze nie poszlo-a mnie to na pewno 1:4 :/ ,takiego pecha w losowaniu ludzi do teamu to chyba nigdy nie mialem;widzialem,ze tobie tez troche loss-ow przybylo

dzisiaj od 24 siedze do oporu,czyli do zdobycia ikonki :)))


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

No losow mi przybylo bo jak gralem z takimi gosu:


War [ dance of death ]

Kolejany raz licze na Waszą pomoc....Sprawa wygląda tak :
mam w3 pirata, key jakiś pewnie uzywany przez bardzo wiele osob no i cracka. Na Bn oczywiście grać nie mogłem. Dziś kupiłem FT orginalne. Zainstalowałem, wpisałem orginalny key. Daje Battle Net to wysjajyhe ramka "Inicjalizowanie połączenia z Battle Net" (czy jakos tak), a potem że "Nie udało się połączyć z BattleNet" i coś tam że jeśli się łącze przez modem bla bla.....
Hmm jak myslicie, to wina keya czy cracka ? Może coś poradzicie ? heeeelp


War [ dance of death ]

Aha zapomniałem dodać - kampanie moge normalnie grać.....


War [ dance of death ]

Zrobiłem screena, tak to wygląda ->

A może trzeba ściągnąć jakiegoś patcha ?

PS. sorki za 3 posty ale nie wiem co mam robic.....


Miniu [ Generaďż˝ ]

Jak sie nazywa ta piosenka koncowa?

War sprubuj bez cracka instalowac


War [ dance of death ]

Miniu -> oki oki dzieki :) Każda porada będzie cenna :) To lece instalować od nowa.


War [ dance of death ]

ehh kurde, dalej to samo :(


Miniu [ Generaďż˝ ]

Podbije topic.
Heh nikogo juz nie bylo. Prubowalem raz zagrac na laderze ale mnie wylagowalo


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

Postaram się byc o północy, ale mogę się trochę spóźnić...


hugo [ v4 ]

Ja się tylko przypomne ze gram teraz pod ksywka Mormont, (dawniej jako NightmareHunter)...


War [ dance of death ]

Ehh ja dalej coś kombinuje z tym BN......ale dalej nic :(

No to zacząłem kampanie ft :) Fabuła w kampani elfów nawet interesująca :) Ukończyłem ją bez wiekszych problemów. Ale tu się troche zawiodłem.....Czemu po tej kampani nie ma żadnego filmiku ? I potem kampania Przymierza zaczyna się tak jakoś nieciekawie....Na razie jestem w 1 misji :D Mam nadzieje że się rozkręci. Ale szkoda że nie ma filmiku żadnego :( Blizzard jest mistrzem w ich robieniu i chcialbym oglądnąć jakis następny...


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

Nastepny filmik to bedzie jak skonczysz kampanie Undead


War [ dance of death ]

Bleee tyle czekania :P

A czy w tej kampani Przymierza bedzie jakaś "poważniejsza" fabuła (jak u NE schwytanie Illidana) ? Tylko nie mówcie jaka :P


Angel_from_kabaty [ Pretorianin ]

War---> Będzie, będzie zobaczysz:) nie będziesz chciał od kompa odejść zanim nie skończysz:>


Cisek [ Pretorianin ]

A ja mam takie pytanie do expertów :-) . Czy wystarczy zainstalować najnowsze patche 1.11 do WIII i WIII:TFT, żeby mieć też poprawki z poprzednich wersji? Patch 1.11 do WIII zajmuje 18MB, więc mam nadzieje, że nie trzeba ściągać tamtych pozostałych.


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

Wystarczy ze zainstalujesz patch 1.11 i bedzie git


draco666 [ Konsul ]

blaster--->ladnie to tak,zebym sam musial grac po nocach??? ;)

Przed chwila mac "ja nie umiem grac 1v1" pokonal mnie gladko dwa razy wlasnie w meczu 1v1 :)))


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

draco666 --> wybacz ale mam ping ponad 1000 wiec bede repy ogladal ,podszkole troche teorie. Jestem z toba duchem :-) napewno czujesz juz moja obecnosc na BN :)


Edwin [ Final Fantasy XI Player ]

Witam gram sobie w The Frozen Throne i mam duzy problem z tymi 10 kulami co trzeb odzyskac :( mam narazie 6/10 prosze powiedzcie jak je odzyskac


xanat0s [ Wind of Change ]

Wlasnie wrocilem z empiku ze swiezo zafoliowanym War 3 :) Gdyby nie to, ze nie dziala mi CD-rom byloby git... I mam male pytanko (gry jeszcze nie odpalilem z wyzej wymienionego powodu i sprawdzic nie moge). Czy nie w trybie kampanii mozna od razu grac wszytskimi rasami?


Edwin [ Final Fantasy XI Player ]

Dobra ludzie więcej szegółów znalazłem 9/10 juz ale z 10 to juz raczej sobie nie poradze :) te 2 to wyczaiłem ze trzeba te sowy uzyc :) załączam mape wiem ze ktos zrobił cale to zadanie poniewaz czytałem :) prosze pomożcie mi
:) bo jakby nie to to był juz kampanie elfów skończył :) PS: zrobił z was ktos kampanie na poziomie trudnym w War 3 ROC :)?? mi sie własnie udało :)


Edwin [ Final Fantasy XI Player ]

mapa :)


Angel_from_kabaty [ Pretorianin ]

Edwin-----> ja znalazłem wszystkie części, ale nie pamiętam gdzie:) chodziłem po całej mapie i jakoś się udało:).....zajęło mi to trochę czasu ale ostatecznie znalazłem wszystkie....zwiedź każdy zakamarek mapy to napewno znajdziesz.....


Miniu [ Generaďż˝ ]

Z forum CDP jest ta mapka. Ten czerwony krzyzyk to nie jest kula


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

Ja tylko chciałem wam powiedzieć, że nie radzę nikomu grać w Arranged Team po północy, bo można trafić na zabójczy Mac, Blaster & Draco squad i dostac psztyczka w nos:)


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

Aaa zapomniałem dodać, że w dzisiaj popisałem się nową, niezawodną i zabójczą taktyką elfów, polegającą na wybudowaniu 3 altarów na starcie (3 udało mi się powstrzymać w ostatniej chwili). Sam nie wiem jak to zrobiłem:PP


draco666 [ Konsul ]

Mac--->nawet nie mam sily sie smiac :D


xanat0s [ Wind of Change ]

Ponawiam pytanko: "Czy nie w trybie kampanii mozna od razu grac wszytskimi rasami?


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

Xanat0s --> Na początku można grać tylko Orkami i Eflami. Po przejściu kampanii elfów dochodzi kolejno kampania ludzi i nieumarłych...


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

Mac nie martw sie o te 3 altary, ja kiedys grajac z Markosem w AT zamiast Koszar budowalem 2-go Town Halla


Pawell88 [ Chor��y ]

Blaster ale to byl swietny pomysl :), bys poslal peony z dwoch stron i bys mial prawie jak expa ;P


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

eh szkoda draco ze Cie nie bylo ,zagralem sobie tylko 1 mecza ale jakiego! (gosciu posadzil mnie o MH keke) bo budowal przy mojej bazie protektory i mial pretensje ze mu je zauwazylem <lol>


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

Yyy to ja - moze mnie jeszcze pamietacie ;>
Chcialbym wam oznajmic ze po formacie kompa wszystko mi dziala !!! Ludzie cieszcie sie razem z mna bo niewiecie co to jest po 3 tygodniach bez BN przesiasc sie od razu na FT! Ta Gra Rzadzi!
Jakby kogos to interesowalo to gram na nicku MaLf. Radzie BP dalem juz shamanow i mam tylko problem jak moge miec z powrotem funcke CL na BN jesli zmienilem konto ?? No chyba ze shamani maja taka funcje.
Wpadnie dzisiaj ktos w nocy na BN ? Ja bede napewno ^^

Czy ktos uzywa jednostki u elfow Zakletego Smoka ? Niemoge sie polapac do czego ona sluzy...

Uradowany Malf :P


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

Ja wczoraj nie mogłem, ale dzisiaj na pewno będę:)) Z tego co wiem Draco też.. wreszczie będzie można zagrac coś konkretnego:))


Miniu [ Generaďż˝ ]

Ten Smok to ma byc kontra na mass casterow.


Miniu [ Generaďż˝ ]

Widzieliscie te komiksy?


Raziel [ Action Boy ]

ma moze ktos linka skad moglbym gre ściągnąć? (dopiero co wrocilem z 3 tygodniowego wyjazdu), prosilbym jakiegos linka na email: [email protected] (programy p2p odpadają)


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

te smoki Noob Elite to takei male g$#%# jak to COS obrywa to znika ,moze tez przyjac forme takie kuli(ma wtedy 12 punktow armoru) co rani casrerow rzucajacych czar.


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

"Which race do you consider the strongest as of now? (TFT 1.11)

Human (13%)
Undead (41%)
Orc (28%)
Night Elf (5%)
I think all the races are balanced perfectly. (12%)

Total votes: 2644"
Z strony

Widac prawie nic sie niezmianilo. UD znowu najlepsi.


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

"Which race do you consider the strongest as of now? (TFT 1.11)

Human (13%)
Undead (41%)
Orc (28%)
Night Elf (5%)
I think all the races are balanced perfectly. (12%)

Total votes: 2644"
Z strony

Widac prawie nic sie niezmianilo. UD znowu najlepsi.


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

nic sie niezmienilo?!!! Przeciez UD w classicu dostawli od Huma i Elfa


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

...i od mass casters orka...


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

Statystyki nie kłamią... tak jak poprzednio elfy dostają od wszystkich po tyłku;-))


Miniu [ Generaďż˝ ]

Musi byc rownowaga w naturze.
jesli blizzard wyslucha jeczenie z forum battlenetu to Ud dostana po tylku (dokladnie statuy) a lowczynie beda latac i zrzucac nuki. Dostanie sie tez orczym farma.
Mogli by chociaz zrobic cos z ratuszem UD. Obecnie to jest zart. Czarna Cytadele morduja 2 puszki. Nie jest ona nawet w stanie zabic jajka feniska zanim to paskudzctwo sie wykluje.


draco666 [ Konsul ]

Ehh,zaczynam wiezyc,ze sie nie nadaje do tego sportu :(


Kalten [ Centurion ]

Rzeczywiscie ciezko jest ubic UD jak ma te leczacy statuy. :/

Luke witaj spowrotem wsrod nas :D


draco666 [ Konsul ]

W sumie to juz prawie jestem tego pewny :D


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

Mac --> chyba sie polubimy :-)
IMO mogli by poprawic gigantom atak bo jest troche maly jak na wyglad tej jednostki ;)


draco666 [ Konsul ]

pasciak--->pamietaj o recenzji dzisiejszego,porywajacego ffa :D


Paul Atryda [ Chor��y ]

Czesc mam pytanie:
Czy oprocz dodatkowej misji w kam. krwawych elfow jest jeszcze jakas inna - dodatkowa ?


Angel_from_kabaty [ Pretorianin ]

osobiście nie odkryłem innej dodatkowej misji, ale może jakaś jeszcze jest...


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

Moze niech lepiej Luke opisze te FFA bo w koncu to on byl tam glowna atrakacja i srodkiem naszego zainteresowania ;D


Miniu [ Generaďż˝ ]

Ludzie o ktorej wy bywacie na battlenecie? Nigdy nikogo z was nie ma przed 24
Niech ktos w koncu opisze tego FFA.
Calkiem fajnie gra sie At 4/4


Mac [ Sentinel of VARN ]

Nooo.. nie ktokolwiek o tym napisze, bo tu się ludzie niecierpliwią:))

Miniu --> To dlatego że zawsze umawiamy się na 24.00, bo Draco ma pakiet nocny w tepsie...


draco666 [ Konsul ]

no,niech ktos w koncu opisze to ffa ;)

Co tam ciekawego dzialo sie w nocy na bn?


Angel_from_kabaty [ Pretorianin ]

Mam do was pytania odnośnie repów(replay's):

1) Ostatnio chciałem sobie obejżeć powtórkę którą kiedyś zapisałem i gdy cała minęła i miała się pojawić ta tabelka z wynikami to wtedy, gra wyskoczyła do windowsa i pojawiła się tabelka z napisem że wystąpił FATAL ERROR i że "pamięc nie może być read".... mogłem tylko wyłączyć tą aplikację(war3:tft). Nie ze wszystkimi reapami tak się dzieje, ale z kilkoma tak jest...

2) Mam już około 180 repów na dysku w folderze "replay" i chcę większość usunąć, nie widziałem jednak żadnego przycisku w grze aby można było za pomocą jego usunąć powtórkę...czy jak ręcznie usunę z tego folderu to nic się nie stanie?? bo wydaje mi się że to jest jak np. z save'ami, jak je usunę to grze się nic nie stanie ale nie będę miał już tego save'a...a jak usunę repa to z gra też będzie ok ale nie będę mógł już obejżeć tej powtórki...dobrze rozumuje??


Angel_from_kabaty [ Pretorianin ]

jesli chodzi o pierwsze pytanie...czy wam też się coś takiego przytrafiło?? i czym to jest spowodowane??

reapami = repami


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Angel --> 1. dawno, dawno temu, w czasach, ktorych najstarsi gosu nie pamietaja tez mialem MASE fatal errorow :] Okazalo sie to wina uszkodzonej kosci RAMu. Po jej usunieciu juz ich nie miewam. Pamiec testowalem programem memtest86 ( Ale jesli robi Ci sie tak tylko z repami to moze jest to ich wina? Ja w kazdym razie sie z tym nie spotkalem (fatale mialem rowniez podczas gry).
2. mozesz dowolnie kasowac repy (nie z poziomu gry) i tworzyc katalogi w katalogu REPLAY

draco --> w sumie to nie bylo ffa tylko 2/1 :> hehe...


Angel_from_kabaty [ Pretorianin ]

_Luke_-------> jak sprawdzałem 8 repów to w dwóch coś takiego mi się zdażyło...już był koniec nagrania, pojawił się napis kto zwyciężył a kto przegrał i wtedy zamiast do tabeli z wynikami to do windowsa...ale reszta repów działa normalnie...może jakiś błąd się wkradł podczas zapisywania tych powtórek...

P.S. a z poziomu gry da się skasować repy czy nie ma takiej możliwości??


Angel_from_kabaty [ Pretorianin ]

Ale ten napis "pamięc nie może być "read" jest zabójczy :D Po angielsku brzmi ok: memory can not be "read" a po Polsku......:)


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Angel --> przetestuj ten ram... u mnie kiedys tez w tym miejscu sie wywalalo. Jestem prawie pewien, ze z poziomu gry nie skasujesz repow


Angel_from_kabaty [ Pretorianin ]

_Luke_ ---> sprawdziłem pamięć tym progsem i nie jest uszkodzona. Wszystkie gierki chodzą. Inne repy też działają normalnie od początku do końca tylko kilka ma jakiś błąd , ale wydaje mi się, że one są wadliwe...mógł wystąpić błąd podczas zapisywania....


Luty Tur [ Generaďż˝ ]

czy do grania we Frozen Throne potrzebny jest Warcraft 3? czy to samodzielna gra?


Dwalin [ Reggae ]

Potrzebny jest WIII


Luty Tur [ Generaďż˝ ]

a czy możńa grać z pirackim W3 i oryginalnym FT ?


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Grac mozesz ale nie na BN


Luty Tur [ Generaďż˝ ]

Dzięki! Jak bede chciał pograć na BN to kupie sobie oryginał na allegro


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

Luty Tur - mozesz grac na BN jesli mialbys orginalny cd key i piracka plyte.
A wiec jak sie super gra ? :-)
Niedawno mialem swoja rocznice gry na BN - to juz rok :O


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

co do rocznic to Malf co z BP) ,newsy nikt nie pisze w KG cicho, Telics wogole nie posiada TFT i chyba juz go nie kupi. Klan jest od maja a jeszcze my zadnego spara nie zagrali.


Miniu [ Generaďż˝ ]

A moze by tak w koncu zalozyc go pod TFT?
Zrobi tez ktos aktualizacje kont? Na razie czesc ludzi ma juz nowe na stronie a czesc ciagle stare.


Cortes [ Legionista ]

Mniu - a wyobraz sobie, ze calkiem niedawno wyszlem z taka incjatywa w ksiedze gosci i pozmienialem konta tych klanowiczow ktorzy mi je podali (Blaster, Markos & Draco - no i Kaltena i twoje bo je akurat znalem). Jak przypuszczam nawet nie sprawdziles czy konta zostaly aktualizowanr :d


Miniu [ Generaďż˝ ]

Sorry moja wina :D
Patrzylem tylko na nazwe konta a nie na link do ladera. Wybacz :D


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

Blaster i inni z BP --> Narazie za bardzo niema co napisac w newsie, ze w KG cicho to przeciez niemoja wina. Co do Telicsa to dzisiaj postaram sie z nim pogadac, wczesniej niemoglem bo mialem troche problemow z swoja lista osob na gg. Rozgladam sie za klanowka ale CL do ktorego pisalem jeszcze nieodpisal...
Jak juz postanowilismy, turniej przerywamy, niewiem jeszcze czy go kiedys dokonczymy.
Klan zarejestrujemy ponownie gdy bedzie nas 9 na BN wiec moglibysmy sie zastanowic nad data tego spotkania. To bedzie chwila, wszyscy wejda na nowych, klanowych kontach, spotkamy sie na jednym kanale, ja zadam pytanie a wy odpowiecie pozytywnie i gotowe :-)
Jesli macie jakies pomysly, zastrzezenia - mowcie !


Meshif [ Legionista ]

Chcialbym sobie pograc na bn ale niestety mam pirata ale mam takze oryginalnego cd keya. Co zrobic bym mogl zagrac ??


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

Kupic orginala ? :/


_Luke_ [ Death Incarnate ]

Mashif ---> jesli masz oryginalny Cd-Key to mozesz grac tez na "kopii bezpieczenstwa". Potrzebujesz tylko aktualnego patcha i nocd do niego (patch jest na stronie nocd znajdz Sobie sam).


Blaster85 [ Konsul ]

hmm moze czas rozruszac klan (dac ultimatum tym co jeszcze nie zakupili TFT ,wznowic OFICJALNE spotkania klanowe ,turniej odnowic).
Cortes przydaloby sie odswierzenie strony moglbym Ci pomoc jak chcesz.
Co do turnieju to bym go zrobil systemem pucharowym chyba to sie nazywa "KO".


paściak [ z domu Do'Urden ]

Blaster --> good idea.
Jakby kogos to interesowalem pytania o CW wyslalem do klanow: Clan of Darkness (CoD) i The Bloody Hawks (TBH).
Jeszcze zaden nieodpisal :/
Telics nieodpisuje mi na gg :/
Zna ktos numery gg od Wopiego lub Eda ?


draco666 [ Konsul ]

O wy lenie-nowego watku sie nie chce zalozyc!!!

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